I asked retired nuclear physicist Charles Bigelow who installed the Tesla nuclear power generation device in the WTC and he said:
"Dr. Melvin Laney PhD MD DO, Esq. was in charge of the installation and demonstration
"He offered me the job to be the Program Manager for the project. My boss Dr. Anupam N. Shah PhD urged me to get with the program. He then showed me the two page centerfold advertisement for the Tesla Project demonstration. The advertisement called for a million witnesses to see this amazing technology.
The Tesla Project system could even convert radioactive waste into non radioactive chemically inert substances.
"The advertisement was also shown to me by Nelson Mensch who had a clipping of it..
"Dr Barry L Butler PhD also briefed me on the project. Barry told me about attending the secret meetings on energy that Dick Cheney was holding.
"Dr Barry L Butler PhD also briefed me on the project. Barry told me about attending the secret meetings on energy that Dick Cheney was holding.
"I need to track down old magazines with the two page centerfold advertisement. I believe Anupam showed me the advertisement in Time Magazine. East coast printing.
Trying to reach a million witnesses to see the demo at the WTC. Powering a skyscraper with a power plants the size of refrigerators.
"Newsweek may have also carried the advertisement 2000-2001
"Squire and Saunders Law firm Washington DC is representing SAIC behind the scenes.
"Melvin Laney explained the fail safes in place in case anything went wrong. 3 levels of fail safes. Last one - demolition.
"My boss Dr. Anupam N Shah was personal friend with Dr. Bob Beyster PhD CEO SAIC. University of Michigan alumni.
Dr. Shah developed TCP/IP for DARPA… true father of the internet
"$1000 dollar reward for magazine with the centerfold two page advertisement. I have not taken the time to look on eBay. I bet it can be found and purchased
"Please share far and wide. I want a hardcopy of 20 year old magazine with the Tesla Project demonstration advertisement.
"Researching Dr. Melvin Laney yields lots. He calls himself the Son of Joseph, leader of the lost tribes of Israel. I have preserved a power point recovery file he accidentally left at university of Baltimore website over years ago. The ppt has been shared with USSS in 2012…
"The power point is about his family history. Megalomaniac. Lots of esoteric stuff.
"I also have a hard copy reprint of 1997 Forbes Magazine article about SAIC my boss Anupam gave me. The difference between online archive and hardcopy is immense. Errors of omission in the online archives. 50% missing
"The hardcopy mentioned their first contract for nuclear reactors and bombs…
"No mention online …
“Mr, Clyde DeWitt, retired Army LTC. Inspector General confessed to me that he was involved in dialing in codes to drop the demonstration tower. Blew up his own buddy…
“I saw his 406 phone equipment on a basement shelf and called him out on it. Got him drunk and he told me his buddy called and said “i am going to try and turn off the equipment, if you do not hear from me in 15 minutes, do it”