Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Radar Beacon 1422 is NOT the plane circling and NOT the plane photographed.

Matt Nelson has concluded Radar Beacon 1422 is NOT the plane circling and NOT the plane photographed.

N93169 (a Cessna) becomes 1422 on RADAR:

Timers start set each time the plane in the background circles the World Trade Center on 9/11 as seen on video here

0:6:47 minutes is the longest or first circle.
0:6:11 minutes is second circle.
0:0:31 seconds is the third circle?

is the time before impact and when the plane in the background starts to circle and the second impact.. Summary an unknown plane circles the towers three times before impact 9:03:00 - 00:6:47 = 8:57:00.. 8:57:00 is the extract time photographs of the unknown plane was taken.. Conclusion the unknown circling plane and photos are the same object.



Matt Nelson <> has concluded the Radar Beacon 1422 is small aircraft

Friday, September 8, 2017

Smoking Guns 9 11 By Air Chapter 1 2017

park foreman 9/11 Don't add up

2nd-hit Clark Robert hires crop what is that.jpg

2nd-hit 2nd-hit Clark Robert_2 what the hell 2
Smoking Guns 9 11 By Air Chapter 1 2017
Mark Olander
Beverly Ekert was her name and I have no reason to believe she was controlled opposition. But, I will watch Flight 3407. Many have been murdered for asking  "Columbo"-like questions. Check out Minnesota's US Senator Paul Wellstone and NYCHA guy Barry Jennings....heck Demolition expert Danny Jowenko for that matter. Just because we don't have definitive answers to all of our important questions, it doesn't mean that the proven evidence we do have is automatically negated. Thanks marlbearl1, you may be more important to America than you think.

Jared B

911TruthNOW I get that you want to find fault with the system and you probably distrust the government deeply with good cause. But you have to admit, the absence of 7500 codes is certainly plausible. Both from the pilots POV and from ATC. It all happened so fast and controllers weren't prepared for an attack of such magnitude from multiple aircraft across multiple sectors. No smoking gun there I'm afraid
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It all happened so fast? Flight 11 started its right turn at NEADS HQ 8:14 A.M and flew until 8:46 passing targets 1. NEADS HQ and 2. Indian Point and other Air National Guard bases while on three radar scopes RIV, REM and GIB.. Most likely had an beacon assignment 14XX and 7500 hijack highlights across both FAA and NORAD radar scopes.. No smoking gun? I think not.. Smoking Guns 9 11 By Air Chapter 1 2017
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7500 code from the ATC at the ground level did happen on 9/11 but never became official dogma and became cover up 1 of 200 + and counting.... ATC did report the brighter then normal radar blip but no one knows ATC can light up a target on radar in 2017 or knows what that means..Flight 11 also flew directly at NEADS headquarters at Rome NY. The area was packed with air force and air national guard fighter bases with a beacon something like 1422 but and was lost and flying in the wrong direction until U-turn took it down the Hudson River and over Indian Point. Flight 11 could have taken out NEADS HQ, Indian Point but picked a 208 ft wide North Tower with 14,000 people inside at 8:46 A.M  or around 127 per floor . Also the phone numbers used on 9/11 904-555-0004 were never officially registered by the 555 administration therefore technically the 904-555-0004 phone calls were impossible both if used on the ground or at 40,000 feet in the air.. 7500 codes was forced on KAL 085 for a shoot down and Canadian gave the go ahead but someone didn't want to kill 200 people which a normal passenger load and not low numbers of 11, 175, 93 or 77.. No serials were found for any four plane on 9/11 and NTSB was never given the debris for an investigation.. Videos of Flight 175 has fake building inputs below the plane and fake inputs were put on radar for war game reasons naturally.. Hijack procedures changes were made in June 2001.. and whenever the FAA asked for help they turned down or delayed with no more question or radars RIV, REM and GIB didn't seem to help..
1. 7500 added to flight on 9/11 by force ATC audio video confession YT 2. 904-555-0004 phone calls were impossible by 555 administration 3. NEADS September 11th: Real Decoy Planes added to battle field on 9/11 4. Resolution of flight 175 was kept low by design. 5. NEADS September 11th Real Decoy Planes 9 11 We Have a DECOY Audio but no transcript September 11th NEADS Cover up We Got a Decoy does not show up on transcripts 911-tapes We got a decoy Edward Felt's 9-11 Ferris Wheel "As she listened to the tape later, Sandra Felt likened the noises to street-level sounds one heard when riding a Ferris wheel - many voices were audible, but none that could be picked out clearly" 1. Betty Ong 904-555-0004 2. Amy Sweeney 904-555-0004 3. Barbara Olson 904-555-0004 4. Was Edward Felt phone calls 905-555-0004 as well?

Highlighted reply
Thanks. 1. That first link of yours and one of the photos are found on my page 134 (3rd edition) listed as the source. Good work. 2. The phone calls are investigated here: -- to the conclusion that the planes were outfitted with new technology to specifically enable the high-altitude cell phone calls the hijack op required. See also 3. Not sure about the 7500 code yet. 4. Flight 11 Did Not Bark - Thanks! 5. "Why is debris a different state everytime its video taped or photographed" -- See my video "How FEMA Photoshopped 9/11" at 6. "Why can't employees tell the difference between flight debris?" Thanks! 7. "Why do photos of second plane on video look black and photo look normal?" The plane seems to go through a shadow then come out just before impact, when that photo was taken. If the videos/photos are fake then prove it with the 44 photos here: -- and 61 videos that show the plane. I've seen some interesting arguments with those unable to match the exact size/shape, but do they account for lens distortion, wing deflection and perspective exactly? You must admit, IF THEY didn't use Flight 175 as the attack plane, then THEY did it so well you have no hope of proving it... "impossible speed" notwithstanding. IF so, then it was meant to be a mindfuck; and you have accepted that impossible challenge. Sorry! Where many see a paucity of evidence, I almost see an orgy of evidence -- the N6 from the tail number for fuck's sake. It's hilarious FEMA Photoshopped that obviously staged (not planted in my opinion) fuselage evidence -- ruining it for any official use! And they got away with it until now. I can't wait to see the next FEMA FOIA when it comes out. Hope it has Baker's missing photos of the fuselage.

"IF THEY didn't use Flight 175 as the attack plane, then THEY did it so well you have no hope of proving it" First, I would make crazy videos, example freeze frame screenshot Second, I would tell the NTSB they wil never get any evidence. Well I would say the black boxes would have proved it and the serial numbers but the FBI has never going give up their plane debris to the NTSB investigation team never!! .. Even the black box data that was read by the NTSB was taken and all investigations were shut down.. The FBI said they "don't know were they are"?? .. Its a "Pull it" statement for 9/11 planes . Did you miss this? More I can't see your photobucket links.. I don't think anyone can.. try Google photos..relink and redo the PDF.. can you see this photo? does NOT address that fact that all 555 numbers are all administered at one location and they told me over the phone that number was never activated.. Go figure.. You didn't respond to the different levels of speeds but also the "black out happens at DIFFERENT points of time.. I believe.. That's a large blow to your archive of video witnesses.. right? Take a look and run at .25 speed and take some freeze frames. I could be wrong.. But if I am right. Then what? 9 11 Contracting Plane Videos, does this mean they are all edited and witnesses should be used?

Friday, August 18, 2017

Seismologist André Rousseau Says Explosives were used on September 11th

Dr. Rousseau is an expert on measurement of acoustic waves.

Rousseau says that the seismic waves measured on September 11th proves that the 3 buildings were brought down by controlled demolition. Specifically, in a new scientific article published by the Journal of 9/11 Studies, Rosseau writes:

The seismic signals propagating from New York on September 11, 2001, recorded at Palisades (34 km) and published by the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University (LDEO), have here been subjected to a new critical study concerning their sources. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that the nature of the waves, their velocities, frequencies, and magnitudes invalidate the official explanations which imply as sources the percussion of the twin towers by planes and the collapses of the three buildings, WTC1, WTC2 and WTC7. WTC SEED Data Zip

Seismic Evidence Implies Controlled Demolition on 9/11

Joe Cereola all those "9/11 Further collapses" are bombs right in your face "Further collapses" of what ? More buildings? No

they say they don't know or it was bombs 
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, in Palisades, N.Y;
" it is not possible to infer (with detail sufficient to meet the demands of civil engineers in an emergency situation) just what the near-in ground motions must have been. "
André Rousseau is a Doctor of Geophysics and Geology, a former researcher in the French National Center of Scientific Research (CNRS), who has published 50 papers on the relationships between the characteristics of progressive mechanical waves and geology.

André Rousseau videos

5 hrs
Daniel M. Plesse someone wrote "local explosion" and the conflicting graphs are public and so are the "further collapses" starting at 11:01:01 further collapse of what exactly at 11 O'clock Andy Campbell

Second collapse ML=2.3
11:01:07 Explosion reported 
11:15:04 EDT, Explosion reported 
11:29:46 EDT, Explosion reported
  • Seismic Station AMNH 5.15 miles away No 9/11 data Not listed
  • Seismic Station CPNY 6.15 miles away No 9/11 data No Graph
  • Seismic Station CNY 8.37 miles away No 9/11 data Not Listed
  • Seismic Station CUNY 10.19 miles away No data
  • Seismic Station FOR 12.51 .19 miles away No 9/11 data No Graph
  • Seismic Station MONJ 13.25 miles away No 9/11 data Not Listed
  • Seismic Station N61a 13.25 miles away No 9/11 data

Seismic Station PAL is 20.86 miles away YES 9/11 data

My question is how did Prof Kim manage to avoid all these other closer stations and pick the one station 20 miles away and what happened to thousands of other seismologist at these other locations seeing the explosions and opted to say silent for cash? Cash is king.. 24-hour Daily Display of LCSN Data The daily display for station FOR on 2001254 is not available right now, please check in later The daily display for station CPNY on 2001254 is not available right now, please check in later shows

911TruthNOW20 minutes ago (edited)
As I said before 904-555-0004 is a NON FUNCTIONAL number. If you bothered to look at details of all the calls NOT ALL CALLS Were 555 numbers, some were cell callsi.e 9-1-1 call for example. The father of one of the girls on flight 11 got the bill for Amy's collect calls.. NON functional means it was NOT used on 9/11 or any date.. You can make guesses but those are the facts.. No I don't believe your guesses are valid with regard to 555 numbers. They are just random nonsense.. Not worth any follow up research. But you ask GTE people if all calls were 904-555-0004 but you will not bother.

Zacarias Moussaoui never made the news during his arrest or after . Why is that? Zacarias Moussaoui also represented himself and could not read english well.. Charged with six conspiracy theories.. al Qaeda is known to be a fake organization .. " asking too much or moving the goal posts to expect him to provide an explanation for what he thinks did happen. " You are still moving the goal post and he will provide an explosive explanation because that is only other explanation remaining.. I notice you are not coming up with alternatives are you? Why is that? You have to now, right? You are wrong on all facts and that is a fact..

Dr. James Millette ruled out flakes of red primer paint .. and iATL found "sub-micron aluminum iron" i.e thermite so a third party found the chip which James Millette even more fraudulent. He  or anyone did not address the video I provided.. You seem to avoiding that evidence.. Dr. James Millette. also did not do the same test as the video showed.. He did not repeat the tests as shown in the video.. So he can't say its not thermite.. Right? You have to do the SAME TESTS and then look at the results..  He failed to the basic test required..He avoid the only test that matters is heat until explosion and write down the temp..

"With regards to the sounds of explosions, you know as well as I that people can be mistaken about the cause of loud sharp noises"

I am addressing ONLY RECORDINGS and not people. If you can review the RECORDINGS we can't address your issue.. If you continue to avoid the explosive RECORDINGS and other videos I can't reply to your incorrect statements like a broken record.. Explosions were also record by Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory as further collapses 11:01:07 Further collapse 11:15:04 EDT, Further collapse 11:29:46 EDT, Further collapse We know that "further Collapse" means explosives. These explosion are giants.. Some say BEYOND the numbers which are public.. Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LEDO) Seismic researchers hint at even larger numbers for 9-11

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Aaron Swirski "the massive explosion that caused the building to collapse. So it was something completely unforeseen, so far as the design criteria was (concerned)." cnn

911TruthNow YouTube 
555-0100 through 555-0199 are reserved for fictional use. This number is 0004 so its not "reserved for fictional use" " the other numbers have been reserved for actual assignment" So I contacted the 555 Administration She has more bad news for you = Inside job So you tried to attack the data but I would go back name calling.. 2. "WHY DON’T THEY MATCH?? " They do match and the maps you provided are all cut off. You don't see the whole Island of manhatten are and you can't read the key.. So the google maps version is clearer.. Inside Job. 3. Silverstein talks about building design April 2000 however wiki and Silverstein both say "Construction began in 2002" No month given.. First design meeting in April 2000 and he is reading these statements from notes. His timeline was clear. = inside job.

3. "Research being done by an engineering school ranked less than 130 in the country is not impressive" Says who? Attacking the messenger.. The data model should be exactly the same program regardless of school.. "They haven’t released their results and has gone thru the peer review process" Its an open process, anyone can review the results. Peers are anyone now.. The results so far rules out FIRE so. I don't think FIRE THEORY is coming back? right? FIRE IS OUT! = Inside Job 4. "because 2 rouge airlines" DID NOT HAPPEN YET.. This was BEFORE the second plane.. Look at the photographs.. Photograph #1 Photograph #2 No plane has a flight path that goes around the towers as seen on radar"Says who?? Says the public radar information.. One object is circling the south tower.. Again You have data problem.. 5. "On what planet does explosion always  = explosives.." When the explosion is large enough it means explosive.. again Inside Job.. they also wrote 11:01:07 Further collapse 11:15:04 EDT, Further collapse 11:29:46 EDT, Further collapse We know that "further Collapse" means explosives. These explosion are giants.. Some say BEYOND the numbers which are public.. Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LEDO) Seismic researchers hint at even larger numbers for 9-11 Inside job
911TwoofNow+ 1. ” 555-0100 through 555-0199 are functional. This number is 0004 .. 0004 is below your range.. 904 is Florida” are FICTIONAL not functional, you retard, learn to read. “Reply (its not a yes or a no)” Funny how Nancy doesn’t answer this, she says to call her 2. ”They do match and the maps you provided are all cut off.” No moron, these are the maps YOU provided as proof on YOUR video. Where did they get the info to make the Google map??? Who is the source of the Google map and why does it not match the FDNY maps???? Why would the FDNY submit incomplete maps???? Are they involved with the deaths of over 300 of their own men???? According to you fucking idiots, Silverstein said the FDNY made the decision to “PULL”. 3. ”Silverstein talks about building design April 2000” He meant April 2002, he also stated that construction started soon after. Construction started May 7, 2002 if you had actually read the Wiki page you would have seen this. I would say 2 years later is not soon after, but 1 month certainly is. 4. ” The data model should be exactly the same program regardless of school” Unless they input improper data, which many are saying has already happened. Until they release their final paper and it is peer reviewed, you have nothing but speculation…. 5. ”This was BEFORE the second plane” So what??? So they diverted flights after the first one hit. ALL you have is speculation and conjecture. 6. ”When the explosion is large enough it means explosive” Bhahahaaaaaa….The stored potential energy within a single tower was 480,600 megajoules, that’s equivalent to 115 tons of TNT. How does that work for you???? You have nothing but speculation, conjecture and hearsay. If these are your strongest points for an inside job, you failed miserably…
1. I did call her and she said the number was NOT FUNCTIONAL. Period.. Inside Job. You can also call her or email her and she will tell YOU the same thing.. Period.. Inside Job... What is your problem? Why didn't you call her? Chicken? Truth is truth.. Did the Phoenix Unit write any reports about the body parts? Nope. = Inside Job very clear The Medical Examiner reported to Newspapers that he was blown up, but over time that story went away.. Medical Examiner 9 11 Explosives Cover Up Body Part Map No report from the medical Examiner for any of the victims of 9/11.. 9/11 Evidence Walking A Design meeting in April of 2002 sounds too late and fence around the site in May 2002 does not sound like a start to anything.. When was the other design meetings? 2. 1. My video only contains 911 Maps data who uses FOIA data down load the KML file or contact the creator yourself 2. Your maps are cut off and generalize too much and you can't use distance mapping tools so WHO SAID 500 feet? Nobody.. Who? Better Link to crap maps.. Why didn't they make KML file or a report? "Why would the FDNY submit incomplete maps?" inside job deal with it.. no report and bad maps. total cover up and criminal activity.. 3. "The construction phase of the new 7 World Trade Center began on May 7, 2002, with the installation of a fence around the construction site" A fence is NOT construction.. First design meeting could still be in from notes "soon after the site was cleared of debris" debris? Should have been called evidence and the evidence clearing started on 9/11. too soon for zero victims.. Cover Up from start to finish. 4. " Unless they input improper data" Keyword is unless which is NOT True.. "many are saying has already happened." Says Who? People who don't like the fire fraud debunked? " peer reviewed final report" broken record.. Fire theory was stupid then and now proven stupid again in a peer review process.. Computer review has so far won our case and will never change and will never flip to your side period.. Inside Job NIST did simulate a BLAST.. What happen to that data? 5. ”This was BEFORE the second plane” So what???" So you did not see those details, what other details are you missing.. It was also basis of your stupid argument. The giant circle in the front of plane..Did you see that? I also provided radar and witness What happened to to that?.. What plane has theose details? None.. All planes have to log their flight path BEFORE takeoff.. Flight 11 went off course starting at 8:14.. " ALL you have is speculation and conjecture." I have photos, radar and witnesses.. Wrong again.. Deal with it.. 5. "the stored potential energy within a single tower was 480,600 megajoules" Clearly you can't see the timeline of reported explosions.. I keep posting them. You keep missing it.. Inside Job 11:01:07 Explosion 11:15:04 EDT, Explosion 11:29:46 EDT, Explosion The tower were long gone by this point.. So why are you even talking about the towers? Can you explain that? Silverstein said April 2000 and that was a written statement. Silverstein also confessed to Controlled Demo, but that film is missing.. History Channel Business has him confessing away..

Bill Rositi ? bill Rosati he was here when it all happened he saw it for himself bill if you can just tell us what you saw what you heard I was standing like two blocks away and all of sudden I just seen a big flash and then I seen the building coming down and I just seen people just running everywhere chaotic like first year ...

Distance Body Part Map Nov 6th 2001 
