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Jules Naudet Reading "Ameican Airline" |

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Jules Naudet Relative to EWR Flight Path |
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Jules Naudet Possible Viewing Options before building Obstruction NTSB has the Altitude between 10,000 and 3,000 feet |
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Jules Naudet Possible Viewing Options |
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Jules Naudet Building Issue 3d |
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Sean Murtaugh says it was 737! |
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Jules Naudet Reading |
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NTSB Graphic still too high. |
Jules Naudet is the First Documented Crisis Actor of September 11th... He does not say he witnessed a silver plane with red, white and blue stripe or the red and blue AA's on tail or any details whatsoever but the an incorrect colorless logo of "American Airline" which should be just a red font spelling of "American". Thank God one no has corrected him and thank God he has never bothered look at online photos of the plane in question to see if it matches up with what he witnessed. In order to be more convincing Jules digs a deeper hole for himself. In fact the hole digging started on 9/11 when he mistakenly told FDNY Engine 7, Ladder1 on video details which are impossible given the location of logo, buildings, speed of the object and position of Naudet relative to plane's flight path according to EWR Radar. NTSB report is completely about the high flying plane and says nothing about flight 11 off course path beginning at 8:13.
Jules is the most consistent plane witness of 9/11 at the World Trade Center. He is recorded across many video as reading "American Airlines" from the side of plane. He never adds the font color, the plane size or any paint scheme. His recall is dead on each time.
The Reading "American Airlines" by Jules Naudet has many problems and are as follows!
Video Example of the "reading" issue
Problem #1. The logo is just "American". not "American Airlines"
Problem #2 Logo is oddly on the upper curve of the plane and makes it impossible to see from the ground and at 12 degrees below.
Problem #3 Plane was around 950-2000 feet up, primary radar last record it was 2,000 feet up at a distance of 10, 000 feet from the North Tower. NTSB has higher numbers.
Problem #4 No one else made this claim of reading "American Airlines".
Problem #5 Jules was only 12 degrees to the right from the flight path.
Problem #6 Jules reports on 9/11 it was "American Airlines" however the comment was deleted from the original video! No reason given at this time.
(If CBS thought it was a problem, so should you!) Solution: Jules Knew 9/11 was going to happen. They got 10,000 dollars on 9/11 before the FBI could get the footage.. Another lucky break or conspiracy?
Why did Jules make up this "READING American Airlines" story? Because he had to explain how he knew and reason for blurting out "It was American Airlines" . He made up HOW he knew it was "American Airlines" in the worst way possible..by reading incorrectly the logo on the side..
Why did Jules make this story up? He told the guys of Engine 7, Ladder1 on video and possible others. By saying it was "American Airlines" and not just a plane, the cat is out of the bag and he knew too much. . He says it right on the original video https://youtu.be/_g3qsIbw_mQ?t=2m17s "Big one, looks like American Airlines" and then CBS deleted that exchange. It was then the creation of reading "American Airlines." off the side of plane as means of covering up knowing too much.
The funny part is he didn't SEE anything else, just the impossible because that's what he said originally on video..
Naudet reading American Airline On 9-11 was impossible |
Naudet Brothers Plotted Against America
Naudet clearly shows his hand when he signals that he READ "American Airlines" in interviews after 9/11 from on top of the plane, while the other brother denied basement level explosions. Naudet #2 Fixated on upper floors fires. The Plot to control the narrative to a jet fuel only source for all the damage does below the lobby area was on.
at 17:00 he motions with his hand and fingers and makes it clear that he is reading in two parts "American" then "airline" while the logo is just "American" NOT "American Airlines". The Logo "American" is on top of the plane. He could not see "American" from his location which is street level. So he lying and he was part of a plot to sell the idea of 8:14 flight path divergent "American Airlines" which no one witnessed but a few insiders . Witnesses saw a white plane, just like at all other locations. PA, DC etc. They edit out his original "America Airlines" comment from his own movie because they didn't know if that would gave away the plot and knowing too much to soon. They had GAMMA Press as their go between to sell their videos on the morning of 9/11 if they decide to become unknowns to the world.
FIVE Red Flags Clues THe Naudet Brothers task was to Hijack and Mind Control 9/11 Events
World Trade Center Mechanical i.e support floors i.e basement levels had explosions which effected the lobby area. Naudet unnaturally left this undocumented which proves beyond a shadow of a doubt their goal was to hijack and mind control away from all other areas of interest (bombs) which includes Building 7 and set the focus back on the standard historical story line of Jet Fuel and Planes impact caused the twin towers to collapse.. This video is the only known 9/11 documentary which contains sold evidence of foreknowledge and Hijacking the true cause of the events of 9/11 without the possibility of excuses.
FIVE Red Flags Clues THe Naudet Brothers task was to Hijack and Mind Control 9/11 Events
1. AA logo is on top of the plane making Naudet repeated comments of seeing "American Airline" impossible.
2. American Airlines logo is just "American" not "American Airline" an error he keeps repeating.
3. Selling of disaster tapes during the disaster and having an agent GAMMA Press likely contracted BEFORE.
4. Bombs in the Mechanical, support or B ignored before Flight 11 impact
5. Ignored earthquakes before towers collapse.
6. No one else witnessed seeing Flight 11, a giant 767 silver plane on 9/11.
Naudet Reading American Airline On 9-11 was impossible
1:00 AM (13 hours ago)
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The flaw I see in your premise is that the large AA logo on the tail could well be described by an
observer as the "American Airlines logo." Also the tail, not the words above the windows are likely
what was seen.
observer as the "American Airlines logo." Also the tail, not the words above the windows are likely
what was seen.

2:00 PM (1 minute ago)
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First I am not talking about any "observer" I am talking about Jules Naudet.. and his recordings on
9/11 and interviews after 9/11..
9/11 and interviews after 9/11..
The flaw in your argument is Naudet was recorded as reading the words "american airline" off the plane
and not the Blue and Red AA logo on the tail. He repeats this statement of reading "American Airlines"
across interviews and exactly the same way each time for years. which is rare to get
such a constant statement from any individual, yet Jules Naudet manages this feat over and over again..
If you watched the videos I sent you all these concerns should have been clear. No other person has
brought this issue up because they might have actually watched the video.
No witness has ever said they witnessed blue and red AA at the World Trade Center, only a white
plane with blue and a red tail. White small plane is the most common statement. Again included in the
video. If they do say they saw "American Airline" they don't say why they believe so i.e via logos and
or paint scheme. Jules Naudet clearly only says he reading "American Airlines" off the airplane a stunt that
indicates foreknowledge, anticipation, premeditation and conspiracy.
Someone should petition for a mandamus order is made to compel a judicial or
government officer to perform a duty owed to the petitioner.
Only Mike Walter witnessed two red "AA's" at the pentagon.. Again they should be
Blue and Red..
12:45 AM (12 hours ago)
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Are you asserting that you find it remotely plausible that planes did not hit the towers?
Answer is: No you idiot
Answer is: No you idiot

1:27 PM (1 minute ago)
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1. four ELT's failed to trigger on 9/11 at WTC, PA, ETC
2. No serial numbers on black boxes or plane parts where located.
3. some parameters fields in FDR data columns failed to function.
4. Originating 905-555-0004 phone calls from BOTH American 11 and American 77.
source UNSEEN JAW DROPPING - 911 THEY KNEW 2017 27:23
5. Flight 175 was circling NYC according FAA records.
source UNSEEN JAW DROPPING - 911 THEY KNEW 2017 28:23
7. BTS shows no AA77 records
8. United Flight 93 Cancel Date 09/28/2005 United Flight 175 Cancel Date 09/28/2005
9. American Airline Work Order for phones removal 1/12/2001
10. Clear enough photo showing other planes
11. Hand drawings showing other planes and other logos. source
No way Naudet saw "American Airline" on 9/11
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=-eqRWOVA8BI
What I believe is derived from the archived record.
What I believe is derived from the archived record.
3:46 PM (1 hour ago)
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OK. I've heard what you have to say. We don't agree. You an stop sending this stuff to
me now.
me now.
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9/11 Box Cutters Were Not Allowed
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