FAA spokeswoman Laura Brown said keeping box cutters off planes was an industry requirement Brian Sullivan, FAA Special Agent PDF Has a missing page!! http://
Missing Page Contains "Box Cutters"
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Naudet was busy selling and making copies of his tape during 9/11 $$ Then he said he read "American Airlines" and we got him and them |
Has the KISS principle gone too far? Are the criminals getting away or worse
laughing all the way to the next false flag with Iran? Has The Great
Youtube Purge trained the public to be MORE passive with words and
actions. Are we wasting time reviewing videos and content which seems to
have gotten worse over time?
Are people really looking for MORE or are they looking for LESS? I have
witnessed a total decline, across all channels, across all methods of valuable
nuggets of 9/11 information. It can't get any more worse then it can now..
So that is the good news. The decline is already at ROCK BOTTOM. It
could have the problem all long but NOW it is the 'final solution' for Face Of
Truth (don't scare the horses with too much information) marketing
has worked but are they taken down the public with good 9/11 arguments?
No they have NOT! They use A&E as their brain. .. Good idea?
We DO have a few simple truths:
1. "Jet Fuel Can't Melt steel beams"
(this argument has NOTHING do with Towers falling)..
2. No ELT's functioned at the time of the crashes.
ELT activation
Automatic ELTs have impact monitors activated by g-force.
3. More earthquakes were recorded then the four main events on 9/11.
4. Towers used a mix MN/FE alloy steel.. So it's not your grandmothers' steel
at work here. Iron Manganese Alloy Fe-Mn.
The key task for the atomic demolition munition criminals was to create
enough of a dust ball from exploding flooring to conceal giant flashes
of light seen in photos and so far these photos have not has been used
by A&E and will never be used.. Whoops I take not talking about something
More Photos
1. https://photos.app.goo.gl/YmYouP9d9HaERfsE9
2. https://photos.app.goo.gl/5wkDxPLMpOyHI1ro2
3. https://photos.app.goo.gl/9dL7GB1mbWzYfcov9
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Completion of nuclear blast and super heated material at around 50th floor. |
Lamont wrote "Explosion" Therefore any recorded Explosion has to be an
explosive because only the largest explosions can be recorded from 20
miles away.. 500 miles away and we are talking NUKES!
False Alarm: Tineye Sources Says its smoking debris from the first impact
Its Just smoke trail effect from smoking debris from the first impact
Navy Ra-XXX-XX class and Army W-XX class suitcase nuclear devices
looks likes what's happening SIPA photo 3-4 story fireball which might have
been a ball of super heated material and not a flash at all.
Adam Green of No More News Can't find 9/11 answers for ..
1. Jet Fuel Can't Melt steel beams reason (why this is key) or
2. Doesn't have to melt, its just has to soften (why this not key for
99% of the building is still cold and has thicker steel)
Ryan Dawson was no help. 9/11 The NEW Veitch Ry Dawson
The existence of High Temperature means arsonist not Jet Fuel.
Judy Wood's and Ryan Dawson's of the world are both arguing for
Copper Based Thermite was created spontaneously during 9/11 and
the secondary explosions were also normal fire pops you hear during
office fire.
If Lamont wrote explosion it means just that: explosion and no air
quotes. Loose Change has none of this information.

"But the fuel doesn’t need to melt the beams in order to damage their structural integrity." you still need 1,600 degrees to weaken
"Dr. Astaneh-Asl is quoted that 1,600 degrees Fahrenheit is the point the crystal structure of steel shifts to a softer, weaker" That is above the maximum heat temperature of Jet Fuel at 1,500.
Molten Evidence.. I am not sure what people do with this evidence. It seems like
they go around it. Or the context is wrong so therefore the information is wrong.
I strongly wish people would say one way or another why 9/11 SIPA photos are
not shared, spoken of or referred to by 9/11 Truthers! Are they too scared?
Please share or say what the deal really is. One truther said, "I have seen your
[SIPA Drone] photos and it looks a plane?.. So he's saying drones don't look like
planes. Only a narrow band of topics is cover by 9/11 Truth, For example
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Rescue Operation at Building 7 Not cover by 9/11 Truth |
Daniel M. Plesse
Notice they don't publish the number of phone doing the calling from the planes, they only publish the destination phone number.. The reason is all phone calls are the same number 904-555-0004. http://911truthout.blogspot.com/2015/09/911-flight-11-and-flight-77-both.html
Notice they don't publish the number of phone doing the calling from the planes, they only publish the destination phone number.. The reason is all phone calls are the same number 904-555-0004. http://911truthout.blogspot.com/2015/09/911-flight-11-and-flight-77-both.html
The Conspiracy to Dumb Down 9/11 via Ryan Dawson and Faces Of Truth and Many Others.
"Dumbing down is the deliberate oversimplification of intellectual content of 9/11, narrowing down of human interests of 9/11 and emotional and social responses in education of 9/11, The Dumbing down of literature, and cinema, news, video games and culture, as well as in everyday life whichs seeks to avoid sessions of 9/11"
The Truth About The Naudet Brothers Jules and Gédéon Naudet and Flight 11 1st plane hits North Tower ...
9/11 plane fragments haven't been produced, Charlotte politician says. Pants on Fire fact check aspecht@newsobserver.com
Wrong list
1. "CNN uploaded video of the wing removal." No "wing removal." per say 2. "Bin Laden claims responsibility for 9/11"CBC NewsPerle and the rest were in Netanyahu's administration 1996
9/11 THEY KNEW Hidden Truth 9-11 Documentaryhttps://vimeo.com/263577759
Key issue is serial numbers were not reported, found etc. NTSB investigation was reported to be canceled on 9/14!
Fake 9/11 Arguments
"The fire from jet fuel was never hot enough to melt steel, so the towers shouldn’t have fallen."
Real 9/11 Argument
"The fire from jet fuel was never hot enough to melt steel, so if steel did turn molten something was added to the towers like thermite. Researchers have pointed to Copper Iron Oxide based thermite was discovered and video of thermite activity
was video taped the night of 9/11.
16:48 New World Order
44:01 Phone Numbers 904-555-0004 Flight 11 Flight 77
54:43 Operation Phoenix 9/11 Pager data
9/11 THEY KNEW Hidden Truth 9-11 Documentary https://vimeo.com/263577759
Notice they don't publish the number of phone doing the calling from the planes, they only publish the destination phone number.. The reason is all phone calls are the same number 904-555-0004. http://911truthout.blogspot.com/2015/09/911-flight-11-and-flight-77-both.html
9/11 Hijackers Requested Medical Exam After 9/11 to qualify for Pilot License
The Phone Calls That Never Were & Irregular Flight Manifests On 9/11
Car bombing at State Department on 9/11/
Ok, so you're probably not going to believe this but it's driving me crazy. And I am also not sure if this belongs here or on r/conspiracy, but here it goes...
I went to undergrad at the George Washington University. On 9/11 our dorms were evacuated due to the proximity of the State Department, which was car bombed. I remember leaving my dorm after watching a plane hit the towers on the Today show, in a panic because I am from the New York Area.
I grabbed a couple of my friends and we headed out to see what was going on as there were a lot of sirens in the area. We started walking through campus toward the metro, and there were legions of people walking up 21st street. There was smoke billowing up from one of the buildings at the state department. When I asked someone what was going on, she said that there was a car bombing at the state department and everyone was evacuated.
Fast forward a couple of weeks later, we took a walk to the state department and sure enough the building facade closest to E street was severely damaged. But there were no news reports of anything that happened.
TO this day people call me crazy when I tell them this story, because there is no evidence anywhere to support it. Five people could not have imagined the same scenario, could they?
nanothermite - JSOC/CIA sourced from Redstone arsenal's "golden boys" - quote from major Doug Rocce.Doug Rokke says he knows of advanced, explosive thermitic composites, had contact with the people who have custody of them, knows that large quantities were stored at Redstone Arsenal, and suspects people he knows in the US military of complicity in 9/11 based on that personal knowledge. Based on his personal knowledge, he has no doubt whatsoever that military demolitions charges using thermitic materials can destroy buildings, and he is apparently convinced that the Towers were mostly done in with thermitic materials. Chris Bollyn has done research on Israeli companies allegedly developing high-explosive thermitic composites. Kevin Ryan’s article makes a good case that high explosive thermitic composites have indeed been developed in classified military research.
I went to undergrad at the George Washington University. On 9/11 our dorms were evacuated due to the proximity of the State Department, which was car bombed. I remember leaving my dorm after watching a plane hit the towers on the Today show, in a panic because I am from the New York Area.
I grabbed a couple of my friends and we headed out to see what was going on as there were a lot of sirens in the area. We started walking through campus toward the metro, and there were legions of people walking up 21st street. There was smoke billowing up from one of the buildings at the state department. When I asked someone what was going on, she said that there was a car bombing at the state department and everyone was evacuated.
Fast forward a couple of weeks later, we took a walk to the state department and sure enough the building facade closest to E street was severely damaged. But there were no news reports of anything that happened.
TO this day people call me crazy when I tell them this story, because there is no evidence anywhere to support it. Five people could not have imagined the same scenario, could they?
nanothermite - JSOC/CIA sourced from Redstone arsenal's "golden boys" - quote from major Doug Rocce.Doug Rokke says he knows of advanced, explosive thermitic composites, had contact with the people who have custody of them, knows that large quantities were stored at Redstone Arsenal, and suspects people he knows in the US military of complicity in 9/11 based on that personal knowledge. Based on his personal knowledge, he has no doubt whatsoever that military demolitions charges using thermitic materials can destroy buildings, and he is apparently convinced that the Towers were mostly done in with thermitic materials. Chris Bollyn has done research on Israeli companies allegedly developing high-explosive thermitic composites. Kevin Ryan’s article makes a good case that high explosive thermitic composites have indeed been developed in classified military research.
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