Thursday, April 9, 2015

Cockpit intrusions Crisis Timeline Before 9/11

Cockpit intrusions Terror Timeline Before 9/11/2001

Cockpit intrusions Crisis Timeline Before 9/11 never succeed during the years before so it didn’t happen or if it did hapen, was it with a plane that could allow it to happen? TWA Flight 3 was swapped out on 9/11. Where is that plane now. Does it have remote control, special phones and faulty door? Let’s track it down and look.

Air Rage: Crisis in the Skies publish September 1, 2001 (ten days before 9/11)

ANGRY SKIES Wednesday, September 6, 2000 

Peter Bradley, who was about to give a terrifying demonstration of one of the airline industry's thorniest problems.  6-foot-2, 250-pound man was acting increasingly strange, bursting into the cockpit and lunging for the controls  the co-pilot fended off the strapping intruder with a crash ax as the horrified pilot shielded the controls with his body.

Today's question: Do airport security check for and prioritize the search for cockpit keys? Last email reply   Photo #1 NYPD with Photo #2 SIPA~403 Ford Frazier <> Oct 6 (4 days ago) to me Dan Way too grainy to make a positive ID but if i had to guess I’d say Boeing 757.  I wouldn’t bet on it though… Cheers - Ford

Cockpit intrusions were out of control before 9/11 and airlines were going to fix the problem.. FAA Rodney Stich and 9/11 John Farmer stated that "doors should have been locked at all times"
Did you read that the airlines were upgrading their cockpit doors before 9/11 because of too many cockpit intrusions?

9/11 Rodney Stich How to stop Terrorist NO Cockpit keys fight Department

mmm 767 can't be that big? was created because of the cockpit intrusion problem. Again before 9/11.. 

Passengers Stop Attempted Cockpit Intrusion -

The year 2000 seems to be the year of cockpit intrusions and renewed pledges to solve the problem by pledging to strengthen the cockpit door!

(Pilots and flight attendants were trained to adopt the "
Common Strategy" tactic, )
that's know..
The element of surprise is universe military and common sense goal for anyone seeking whatever advantage they need, however the hijackers randomly attacked D
aniel Lewin and showed boxes and yellow wires to flight attendants while  spraying mace puts the whole scam out of reach of common sense. The whole scam was designed to playback on the evening news to approve more spending by the military to combat an infinite enemy. An infinite enemy means infinite problem solving and more government programs. An Infinite enemy. A perfect solution to stop those pesky budget cutters in Washington..

The cockpit key was even an issue for
Zacarias Moussaoui
Zacarias Moussaoui asked his flight instructor if the cockpit doors would be locked.
 Ground Truth John Farmer page 63 

Newsday retired guy "One key fit every plane in the fleet"
John Farmer "One key opened all cockpit doors on Boeing aircraft"

Rebekah Roth interview: Cockpit Doors always Locked!

"I can't imagine the hijackers could have gotten into the cockpit with such seeming ease without a key, or wearing a uniform, or something like that," says the industry source. 
".. The Christian Science Monitor , September 19, 2001 However a drill with fake red team hijackers and replacement hardened decoys was unthinkable before 9/11 and after even with "The lone Gunman" detailing 9/11 remote controls concept months before. hmm I wonder someone was telling us something via unconventional weapons drills of 9/11 and the pentagon was simulating impacts by something. Q: Can you define for us what sort of situations you had simulated, how much of a blast --
A: Evey: What --
Q: A Khobar Towers-type of blast or -- 
A: Evey: What we've simulated -- 
Quigley: I don't think I'd like to give a clear answer to that question. (Missile, Plane or Bomb??)
I just saw I terr
orist plane dive toward to the pentagon and explode. Can't find hear what is happening. Please call if you can. Ted  -- (its sounds like they got the planes to explode close enough)  Another key issue for me is: Does the black boxes record the locking and unlocking of the cockpit doors? Dennis Cimino said the doors remained untouched throughout the flight which bypasses my concerns completely to say the least. Dennis Cimino cockpit doors remained untouched.

John Farmer  "Ground Truth"

source for the material on Locked Cockpit Doors

The chairman of the Air Line Pilots Association Security Committee proposals in January 2001 to install reinforced cockpit doors.


Hijacking America’s Mind on 9/11 verses  METHODICAL ILLUSION 

The irony of "let's roll" an impenetrable fortress of solitude for the successful 18-19 9/11 hijackers however a worthless barrier for everyone else enabling 9/11.. Does this sound ass backwards? Because it is. For those whose minds are still functioning continue, for those whose minds are gone, rest in peace.

Why did the passengers have to deal with the locked cockpit door and not the hijackers? So the hijackers were more concerned about the passengers interfering with operations and so locked the doors! brilliant!! However the passengers and crew were caught unawares and  unconcerned with locking the cockpit from hijackers, sky raging passengers  which apparently was key to caused 9/11.  Basically it was those doors which was the window into 
John Farmer's NWO.  However suddenly the cockpit door could withstand the total sum of the passengers and now required a battering ram, in the form of a  food cart!  The pilots are never heard from or seen again after a few radio communications to provide material support for a ridiculous story. The irony and reversal of what the cockpit door functioned as is hilarious. The NWO could be behind the reason why Rebekah Roth dares not speak of the doors or the cockpit door keys. The goal is make to knows unknowns and the loss common understanding pushed further down the memory hole.  Rebekah Roth did her worst, now its time to enlighten.  
If you work for airlines you might want to talk about the keys and the updates to cockpit door.

"I retired from a major airline in 1997. In those days, anybody who had things to do in the cockpit -- such as mechanics and flight attendants -- had a cockpit key ["Profile of Germanwings pilot prompts deep unease," News, April 6]. One key fit every plane in the fleet. The door wasn't exactly flimsy, but not crash-proof either."

Skyrage and cockpit intrusions was such a problem in the years leading up to 9/11/2001 that a website called was created to better handle the reported issues and airlines were seeking ways to fortify bifold cockpit doors. So not only are cockpit keys required before 9/11 but cockpit fortification was on the todo list. Ignorance is not bliss, its 9/11 Truth Suicide by suicide mean you become shill loving feces.  

The impression of the main stream media and
Rebekah Roth is that the cockpit doors were swinging in the breeze.  This story is just another Illusion

Woodward and the Cockpit Keys

On March 16, 2000 Alaska, American, Delta, Northwest and TWA  announced, just one week after an incident, that they are seeking ways to fortify bifold cockpit doors. So a year before 9/11 American Airlines announced were going to solve the issue by fortifying the bi fold cockpit doors.. I wonder if they did fortify the door. We know from Dennis Cimino that the flight data Recorder FDR did not record the doors opening or closing or the rudder pedals. I remember using the rudder pedals on my first flight and normally those pedals are used for brakes and gas.

Dennis Cimino said black box data did not record the doors opening or closing on 9/11! Which means the boxes were fraudulent and manufactured after the fact.. He also said the rudders nor the yoke were touched which would have disengaged the autopilot: either during when the hijackers took over the flight deck or after. There is so much more damning detail in that video as well. 

Also FAR 121.586 states that the lockable door separating the crew compartment and passenger compartment on commercial aircraft must be closed and locked during flight.

As far as I know ,It is an F.A.R. for all US certificate holders as well as foreign carriers any time they're operating in or out of any US destination to ensure the cockpit door is locked and access restricted to ALL but flight personnel for the entire period we call "block to block"(from the time the blocks are taken off the a/c wheels before push-back at the departure city until they are put on again by the ground crew at the gate upon arrival) For some reason this does not apply to "charter" flights."Most American airlines lock the door during flights" January 2001

On most U.S. airliners, flight attendants, typically the purser, carry a cockpit door key, often on a chain around their neck. (Some airlines allow it to be stowed in different places in the airplanes)

Cockpit  Keys

"Woodward said that prior to 9-11 cockpit keys weren't safeguarded
the way they should have been.  With gate agents key security was

You were written up if there was a problem or a lost key.
He said that key security just wasn't taken  as
seriously by the Flight Attendants. "


"Woodward confirmed that every flight attendant on board was issued two keys: a jet bridge key that gets them through all of the jet bridge gates throughout the system except for
Chicago, and a cockpit key which, prior to 9-11, opened all cockpit doors and also opened the cabinets for emergency equipment and Flight attendants carried the keys on their person.


"He remembers talking to the gate agent, but doesn't remember why the flight was late departing. The caller said that someone was hurt on Flight 12. She told Woodward she was in the back of the aircraft sitting next to Betty Ong [they] presume that they stabbed the attendants to get the key attendants issued two keys jet bridge key that gets them through all of the jet bridge gates throughout the system except for Chicago, and a cockpit key. And seconds later she said "Oh my God we are way too low" and then the phone call ended. "


"attendants had been stabbed, so we can only guess how they did it
(suggesting we may presume  that  they  stabbed  the attendants to get the key, 
or  force  them  to  open the cockpit)."

Example #1 The requirement to get the keys from someone first or the pilots would know and defend themselves is completely gone from 9/11 story. .

Rebekah Roth's book "Methodical Illusion"  never talks about the two sets of keys. One set is the Cockpit Keys! Not Including this basic requirement  in any of her follow up interviews or talking about this issue inthe book spells doom  for the 9/11 Truth Movement.

Karl Pavloff She spoke about the fact that the cockpit doors used to be left open but that changed after 9/11. 
Kevin James 
"But Roth does talk about locked cockpits pre-911, and explains about the Boeing pass keys that the flight attendants would be issued with. "

I didn't find any of this to be true... 

Karl Pavloff
"She spoke about the fact that the cockpit doors used to be left open "
I didn't find that to be true.Rebekah Roth interview: Cockpit Doors always Locked!

"FAA Prohibits possession of keys to the cockpit by crew members not assigned to the cockpit."

WASHINGTON, DC — In response to President...

New safety protocols mandated by Congress
"These protocols eliminate the use of keys for entering the cockpit — assuring that no errant passenger can wrestle a key away from a crew member. They also require cockpit doors to be strong enough to withstand gunfire and grenade explosions." 

This is another example of someone who too self involved to understand the topic of cockpit keys and the overwhelming  false impression by the media and Roth of open cockpit doors and that many serious issues makes it seem like its open season for fraud.

1. Flight 11 Calls  Ong calls 1-800-433-7300 
2. Madeline Sweeney  #9 Flight Attendant (that's 9 flight attendants)     first attempt at 8:21 a.m
9D, 9G, and 10B.  are empty seats and 10B is named as Tom Elsuqani by Ong
Passenger 9-B on Flight 11... The CEO of Akamei.The New World Order The Ground Truth John Farmer

1. Page 239 Ground Truth
 "9:25:13 "arcft that hit wt bldg, not repeat not hijack aa acrft"

The New American Century

Former FAA investigator exposes 9 11 attack and CIA Rodney Stich  2002

Rebekah Roth Fraud Methodical Illusion Cockpit Keys Not Included

    • Kevin James Well pardon my sorry ass Mr Plesse.
      LikeReply120 hrs
    • Kevin James "Mistakes"? (Plural, I note!)
      Just to remind YOU, it was YOUR mistake that you didn't listen to the whole of that Lindauer-Roth interview, then accused me of making up the fact they had discussed cockpit keys (or as I so mistakenly referred to them, "p
      ass keys") being issued to all flight crew.
      Yes, your mistake. For which you apologised afterwards.
      So what happened to that realisation? You forgot all of that, maybe when you decided real planes did hit the towers after all?

      LikeReply20 hrs
    • Rosalee Grable Faking the audio has nothing to do with the validity of the recorded video.
      LikeReply20 hrs
    • Daniel M. Plesse Kevin James James accused me of not following or listening to a video which was proven not to contain the information I was looking for. The link was

      The interesting thing is Roth will not bring up the Cockpit key and locked door issue.. Susan actually introduced the issue.. So Roth was suck talking about it.. Now Roth has her own radio show..

      Rebekah Roth has given us a whole new angle with which to…
      LikeReplyRemove Preview31 minsEdited
    • Daniel M. Plesse Rosalee Grable the video part was removed..
      LikeReply11 hrs
    • Kevin James You're wrong, Dan. I posted (in April) a link to the 2 hour long Truth Frequency Radio broadcast, a terrific exchange between Lindauer and Roth. You listened to an edited version. Then you accused me of lying about my having heard things that were in the parts that were edited from the youtube version.

      Finally you found the relevant section elsewhere, and you nobly apologised for accusing me of lying. And I forgave you.

      Now you bring it all up again. I don't understand why. Why are you being so mean-spirited and condescending towards me AGAIN?

      You are making out that I am creating a trail of falsehoods to deliberately waste your time.

      What is your agenda, Dan?

      LikeReply17 hrsEdited
    • Matthew J Loader Yes, Daniel M. Plesse, what exactly is your agenda?
      LikeReply7 hrs
    • Daniel M. Plesse Kevin James You actually brought up the "Pass key" issue not me.. You directed me to this link or (maybe I found it by searching YT in April arguing that Roth spoke about "Pass Keys" I reviewed the link and that was not the case.. We both agree that this happened.. You did not post the original 1:47 mp3 broadcast nor did I know the original version had contained the Q&A about cockpit doors and keys as requested.. 

      ". I posted (in April) a link to the 2 hour long Truth Frequency Radio broadcast," 

      I am not even sure you even know about Mp3 1:47 version now. Since its not 2 hours long.. The file name is covertreport.2015-04-18.mp3.. which you did not originally post.. or I would have NOT gone directly and not waste 2 hours of listening to two audio files.. I don't even think the Mp3 is public.. Lets check.. Nope!

      It says member login.. So its not public.. You need to be a MEMBER!

      EPISODE #127
      AIRED: 04-18-2015

      Somehow I listed to the 1:47 minutes original mp3 or (2 hours only if you include breaks for advertising) and it was Susan who introduced the issue not Roth.. No other host would even know about the locked doors/ keys issue.. So I was half right.. Roth does bring up the issue normally.. Which was my point.. 

      Point #3 the Youtube video and the MP3 video both begin and end the same way.. YOU said it was cut off which is not true. Therefore MrPurpleTie selectively edited out the very thing I happen to be looking for.. which also means it was YOU who didn't check the YT version.. But maybe you didn't offer that link, I am not sure.. 

      "Now you bring it all up again. I don't understand why. " 

      YOU said "it was YOUR mistake that you didn't listen to the whole of that Lindauer-Roth interview" which is not true.. Is that the falsehood you are talking about? 

      I had to listen to TWO of the same interviews.. 56 minutes and 1:47 minutes.. A total of 2:43 two hours and 43 minutes.. 

      "What is your agenda, Dan?" 

      My agenda is just setting the record straight.. 

      " trail of falsehoods to deliberately waste your time." 

      No I said it was a trail of mistakes.. not falsehoods.. I don't think I use the term "liar" because it sounds silly to me. 

      " condescending towards me AGAIN?" 

      Philip Joy Do you believe that this post above was condescending in anyway? Please let me know, because I am just clarifying the events..

      The said part is you'll never truly understand what I am writing about..

      Rebekah Roth has given us a whole new angle with which to…
      LikeReplyRemove Preview1 minEdited

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Directed Energy Evidence, Heat from Dust on 9/11

We should be united by investigating the crime and not bothering with who is on what side..

Kenny ESCOFFRY North Tower Emergency Lights went Out

Behind the Scenes Ground Zero 

Crockett Grabbe  Illustrated Analysis of How the WTC Was Really Demolished on 9/11

  • David Slesinger Crockett has been publishing peer reviewed papers on the topic for years

goto frame 170

 George Kozlowski Missile 

S. GREGORY I saw a flash flash  flash and then it looked like the building came down.

Bob Humphrey page 22 "Behind The Scenes"

That was around 8:30 a.m when the alarm came in
telephone and teleprinter weren't working
voice alarm
gentlemen was running down the street yelling "The World Trade center got hit!"
10 second later we heard an explosion.
We later learned it was One World Trade Center, North Tower.

Page 24

They had made it almost all the way up tto where they needed to go.
They could hear what was happening, the explosions

Page 26
"If I face one way, it was so hot"  

I would say Barclay and came back up,  noticing that there was nothing but three blocks of fire from Barclay down to Vesey, which would bring you  to the north tower of the trade center. 
We found car fires. We found buses on fire, We ended up putting out as many fires as we
could from West Broadway and Warren all the way down to  West Broadway and Vesey.
Putting out all those fires, in that interim,  the second building had come down. I remember hearing
a lot of explosions so I  remember getting into Building 7 and searching. I remember coming out of the building now  because they were afraid of Building 7 coming down, and  all the other buildings around it getting knocked  down. So they took us out of the building.

Patricia Ondrovic, shield 1634, EMTD, assigned to  Battalion 8.
As I was running up Vesey, the first car blew up on me on the corner of Vessey and the
West Side Highway. That set my turnout coat on fire, that set my hair on fire, and that
set my feet on fire.  I kept running. I got news for you, those turn out coats need to be
called burn out coats, cause this thing caught up in flames. They cut two inches off my
hair in less that two minutes, my coat was completely engulfed, and that was the only
way I could see where I was running at that point, because I had a glow from my coat.
As I was running up here, two or three more cars exploded on me.  They weren't
near any buildings at that point, they were just parked on the street. Three cars b
blew up on me, stuff was being thrown. I went home all  bruised that day. I knew that my
coat was on fire, and I figured well, if I can see a boat over the water, I'm just  gonna jump onto the boat and take that thing to Jersey, cause no one wants to blow up Jersey. Stuff is still blowing up behind me, as I'm running.  I can hear stuff exploding.  I could hear rumbling, the street under me was moving like I was in an  earthquake. I've been in those, so I know what they feel like. It felt like an earthquake. I saw  something in the sky, it was a plane, but it was way out. It looked like it was over Jersey or something, then it wasn't there anymore.  I saw a small fireball, and it was gone.  Then the plane in the  middle just  disappeared into a little fire ball. It looked like the size of a golf ball from  where I could see it. About fifteen blocks later, I had no idea that that was just the first
tower that had come down. reporters are coming up to me and asking what had
happened. Bobby Deleon  We were now about 20 blocks away, debris was
hitting the back of the ambulance as we were watching this thing come down, it was just
this huge cloud. Stuff  was still hitting the back of the ambulance. All I kept thinking of is if this much crap is hitting the back of the bus and we're 20 blocks away That was a military operation.

Remember EMT Patricia Ondrovic stated ambulance communications were out for 20 mins after each collapse.

Debunking the 9/11 No-Planes Theory

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Larry Silverstein lease includes Death and Rebirth

9/11 thermite red grey chips?
9/11 thermite red grey chips?

Death and rebirth sounds like a phoenix or Operation Phoenix 
2001 9/11 version 
"In Greek mythology, a phoenix or phenix (Greek: φοῖνιξ phoinix) is a long-lived bird that is cyclically regenerated or reborn. Associated with the sun, a phoenix obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor. The phoenix was subsequently adopted as a symbol in Early Christianity. While the phoenix typically dies by fire in most versions of the legend, there are less popular versions of the myth in which the mythical bird dies and simply decomposes before being born again"

Runway 69 TV Commercial rough cut   

Silverstein is blackmailing Bush using dancing girls

The scale, scope and death and rebirth all covered inside the paperwork smoke cloud of foreknowledge, neatly  packed inside rule bound lawyer loving  ground lease agreement. A set of rules which I am sure no one bothered to read. I  wonder if the Sears Willis Tower also includes these same alarming concerns?

The time enormous span of 99 year lease could have been key to uncontroversially installing the concept of a restart i.e the destruction and rebuilding of the the World Trade Center.
 Objects get old, time moves on and fresh paint and maintenance is always a basic concern, however did he go too far with his concerns? Did his insurance concerns point to some other unlikely event? Did he go too far in detailing exactly what to cover? Was the kicker or deal sweeter or did he dollar signs everywhere up and down the towers.    It all makes sense to me now why such a 
enormous time span was included, it definitely bled into  the going concern chapter of accounting and talk of doom unless something was done and soon. The white elephant had to go.  The lease stated he had/has the right to re-build if something happened and the 99 year time frame made that concern more likely then a 5-10 year time span. The go go Clinton years and higher rents would never really happen for poor Silverstein. Letting go of the towers is one likely outcome of the overreach of greed and living in the past. Building on the bodies should have given most mortals cancer from guilt and shame. Not Lucky Larry. 

Produced by Nick Rosen
Directed by Kevin Sim
LARRY SILVERSTEIN, Developer: I paid $3.2 billion for a 99-year lease.
LARRY SILVERSTEIN: Seven million square feet were occupied by the investment-grade tenants, who occupied large blocks of space, and in many instances, were paying rents that I felt were significantly below market. We saw an opportunity to significantly enhance the value of the properties. It was really the culminating transaction of my business career.
ROLAND BETTS, Chairman, Site Planning Committee: There's a lot of ego. Neither of them really wants to give an inch, and neither really wants to share. At one point, Larry Silverstein wanted to move the tall tower. That idea had to be defeated. Silverstein wanted to put another tower on top of the train station. Why? He could make more money, more rentable square feet. Well, that's not the plan we adopted, so we stuffed that.
LARRY SILVERSTEIN: It's my absolute right to choose the architects. I signed the ground lease. I have the obligation to pay the grounds. I have the obligation to rebuild. I have the obligation to collect the insurance, policy proceeds for purposes of rebuilding. Who's going to make the decisions? I've got to make them. No one else is equipped to make them. No one else can.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Edward Felt 9-11 Ferris Wheel

Edward Felt Calling From 1783.69 ot 5852.001312 feet In the air
As she listened to the tape later, Sandra Felt likened the noises to street-level sounds one heard when riding a Ferris wheel - many voices were audible, but none that could be picked out clearly
1. Betty Ong 904-555-0004 2. Amy Sweeney 904-555-0004 3. Barbara Olson 904-555-0004 4. Was Edward Felt also a 905-555-0004 call?

1. Westmoreland County 911 Supervisor Glenn Cramer
2. The FBI then confiscated that recording
3. Westmoreland County 911 Operator John Shaw received a call from Ed Felt,
date:Fri, Apr 3, 2015 at 3:18 PM
subject:Dear Westmoreland, Can you release Edward Felt 9-1-1 Call?

Dear Westmoreland,

       Can you release Edward Felt 9-1-1 Call? Not the transcripts but the actual
audio tapes? Also was the call traced to a Cell Site? Remember it was Cell call was
low to the ground and didn't have enough height for an impact. I think they
hit the plane again while it was on ground with an ordnance.

How long did it take before the F.B.I to get to Westmoreland
and gather up all the tapes? I heard the F.B.I swept around the land
and vacuumed up all the video and audio tapes within hours.  Other
people at the FAA over in Whitehorse were told to send fake hijack codes
to allow pretext for a shoot down.

Whitehorse Fake 7500 Codes  passenger jet shoot down pretext

9/11 Flight 93 Shanksville : Wally Miller & Human Remains

Wallace E Miller (Wally Miller) Original 9/11 Interviews

If flight 93 was dive bombing, then why are are
people seeing
flight 93 flying horizontally and flying
low and slow enough for
Eric Peterson be counting
the rivets and why did
Edward Felt dial 9-1-1  and
911 Public Safety Rd Greensburg, PA 15601 40 miles away?
Dear Mr. Plesse,

I am sorry to inform you that we do not have any of the audio tapes from Sept 11th available.  We have a time frame of 45 days that we any tapes.  If I can be of further assistance to you, please let me know.

Debbie McVay
Administrative Assistant
Westmoreland County
Department of Public Safety
Debbie McVay,

   Are you saying that Edward Felt 9-1-1 call was public for 45 days and no one made a copy?
Did the FBI take the original tapes and told you to wipe all records?

Thursday, April 2, 2015

EEStor Corporation NASDAQ SEC IPO filing

Annual General Meeting 
was held on March 31, 2015
Click here for archived webcast
My session


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Dear Natasha,
      is not working and During the Annual General Meeting did they also announced a NASDAQ listing?

So we should also see EEStor Corporation SEC IPO filing at some point?


Natasha Vandesluis

3:11 PM (10 minutes ago)
to me

Ian mentioned that at some point we will consider a listing on the US exchange, but there is no time table set at this time.


