Saturday, November 30, 2013

CNN Breaking News 400 to 530pm WTC 7 demolition flashes

Friday, November 29, 2013

Adam Lanza Dance Dance Dance Coast to Coast Longer Epic Hoax

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

New WTC 7 "Pull it!" Slip Up By Photographer in MSM Movie

New WTC 7 "Pull it!" like Slip up by Photographer in MSM Movie makes precision prediction

Precision predictions are impossible!

While general predictions and generalizations and estimates are normal and shared openly, precision predictions however are activities of criminals and fraudsters which are not shared in the public domain. On 9/11 this sharing of private knowledge was made public and was shared openly and even found its way on the evening news. 

A photographer said that the search rescue efforts ended at 5 P.M because they anticipated a steel frame building falling! (which it did at 5:20). Even Amy Goodman stopped her broadcast to go watch the event. A precise prediction was shared and allow thousands of people to take on uniform activities of filming, photographing and gathering for the shared experience.

Amy Goodman WTC 7

As noted here

Not only did this prediction happen but on 5:15 P.M a banner running on BBC said the prediction did actually happen a few minutes later.

Not only that but a bunch of people said it was being taken down as noted here:

The owner said the building was "pulled"


"Firefighters also predicted it.  you can interpret it as the building looked like a mess, or as a miracle.

you cant seriously imply that a steel frame building could never look like it might give up?  like imagine a giant building standing on one girder with the whole rest of the bottom gone.  do you think people would say "steel buildings never fall, so im sure it will hold"

you can only push the "it never happened, so it cant happen" logic so far."


The keyword or concept you are avoiding is:

anticipation inside of a small time window!

I don't think you are grasping the tight time window, anticipation concept and have over estimated mankind's abilities to estimate and predict the future. 

          1. All rescue efforts were stopped because building 7 was going down 20 minutes before it happens.

          2. 15 minutes before it happened news origination have already announced WTC 7 has fallen down. 

         3. All fraudulence has to sold via marketing to make the impossible possible.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Can people anticipate something that has never happened?

Can people anticipate something that's never happened? Because a photographer said that search rescue efforts ended at 5 P.M because they anticipated a steel frame building falling which it did at 5:20.

As noted here

Not only did this prediction happen but on 5:15 P.M a banner running on BBC said the prediction did actually happen a few minutes later.

Not only that but a bunch of people said it was being taken down as noted here:

The owner said the building was "pulled"

Sandy Hook Report Update November 25th: GPS ends on the 13th! the day A...

Friday, November 15, 2013

The Master is not Crazy by Noam Chomsky They blamed Saudis Not Iraqis

The Master is not Crazy by Noam Chomsky

Noam chomsky defense was

" either complete lunatics or they weren't involved." my reply below

The reasons are quite straightforward, and have been presented many times to ears that are unwilling to listen.

Uncontroversially, the Bush administration (or their Masters, in your version) intended to invade Iraq well before 9/ll.  You agree, and have even sent me some of the minor evidence to this effect.

General Wesley Clark said "Sir we made the decision to go to war with Iraq. AND WITH SEVEN COUNTIES IN FIVE YEARS

Uncontroversially, they blamed 9/11 mainly on Saudis, not Iraqis.

Uncontroversially, they had quite a struggle to gain support for the planned invasion of Iraq, and in fact overwhelmingly failed.  Almost the entire world was opposed, and even in the US in order to gain support they had to launch a huge propaganda campaign, fabricating laughable tales that soon fell apart discrediting them, etc.

Uncontroversially, if they had blamed it on Iraqis, they would have had clear sailing: overwhelming support domestically and internationally, a UN resolution, etc.

Therefore, they are either complete lunatics or they weren't involved.

They are not lunatics.


"Therefore, they are either complete lunatics or they weren't involved."

If you change "complete lunatics" into "complete confidence" that everyone would fold under pressure of patriotism, or could be duped by scientific fraud and successes in Oklahoma City and other operations I would say you are correct.

As a person who understands the propensity for a population to be duped by a strong enough force, I am shocked that YOU can't see the blizzard of emotions that the media has perpetrated globally with a supporting cast of scientists, politicians, yellow journalism and the removal of ALL investigative compatibility to look deeper and independently, surely you can see confidence level increasing with these lunatics?

The Master is not Crazy by Noam Chomsky They blamed Saudis Not Iraqis

"Uncontroversially, they blamed 9/11 mainly on Saudis, not Iraqis" 

No they blamed Osama Bin Laden and he was kicked out of Saudi Arabia  and also the 

"Red Headbands" was The "Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine". 

 So no the Saudis were not blamed until much later, By that time WMD's was the next mess fraud of main stream media. 

Why isn't the "a huge propaganda campaign, fabricating laughable tales" not considered evidence of  lunatics?

Sane Human
5:27 PM
+danp5648 seriously dan... I don't understand what you are saying.. Your comments are completely incoherent... Noam Chomsky is exactly right.  If they had blamed it on Iraqis, the whole world would have supported them invading Iraq... A desire that Chomsky and many others clearly admit they had long before 9/11.... What he is pointing out is the simple fact that IF 9/11 was an inside job aimed at gaining the support they sought to invade Iraq... then they would have made the hijackers Iraqi not Saudi... Why do you not seem to understand this?  

5:37 PM
They did NOT blame Saudis,  they actually blamed Osama Bin Laden and he was kicked out of Saudi Arabia and The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, why can't you understand that?

I know what you are saying BUT your basic facts are 100% wrong.

Which "FACTS" do we agree upon? ZERO! NOTHING!
Not one fact from you or him have been correct or nor will your facts will ever become correct...  You assume their is common ground or Uncontroversial facts. That is not true.

"The desire (to invade Iraq) that Chomsky and many others clearly admit they had long before 9/11.." is not 100% true. The desire was ALL OF THE MIDDLE EAST.  THAT's why the video "seven countries in five years" was included above, it  debunks the Iraq only "desire" Why can't you understand that? 

I disagree with you on everything you say, even your hypothetical stories and hypothetical outcomes. Why? because its not correct and not even close. That's the bottom line. 

Sane Human
5:52 PM
+danp5648 Did the government say that 19 men hijacked planes and crashed them into the twin towers and the Pentagon?

Did the Government provide us with the identities of the 19 alleged hijackers?

Were those 19 men that the government identified as the perpetrators of 9/11 of Saudi Arabian decent or were they not?
These are Uncontroversial facts... 9/11 according the "official story" was carried out by 19 SAUDI ARABIAN men... 

Atta the ringleader WAS  Egyptian Egyptian Egyptian.  You do understand??  

Mohamed Mohamed el-Amir Awad el-Sayed Atta was an Egyptian hijacker and one of the ringleaders of the September 11 attacks

Get you facts right!

"Did the government say?" Can you please say exactly who and what you are talking about or stop everything until you do? Did a report say? Please mention the title. But NO the government DID NOT SAY. NO  

Abdul Rahman al-Omari living Florida has four children. 
Abdulaziz al-Omar was living in Jeddah has four children.

Abdul Rahman al-Omari (Arabic: عبدالرحمن العمري‎, Ê¿Abd ar-Raḥman ... He had moved out of his Vero Beach, Florida residence with his wife and four children on September 3, 2001, but it was quickly arrested by The FBI then named Abdulaziz al-Omari as a hijacker,

Ziad Jarrah WAS Lebanese. 

Add an "i" you get  Abdulaziz al-Omari a fake person who happen to have
Abdulaziz al-Omar  Florida address and he sued and won.  

Robert Fisk 9/11 Osama Bin Laden Meeting Ziad Jarrah WAS Lebanese

Bobbo Seas
6:27 PM
+danp5648 ppl really have lost all common sense and critical thinking abilities!!! It hard to understand how ppl still think Iraq was responsible for 911 Israel has everything to do with 911!!!

6:54 PM
+Bobbo Seas He thinks that because the fake 19 hijackers were Saudi Arabian (which they were not)  9/11 it was not insider developed because that's a stupid mistake..  Part 2 Just because the desire for an Iraq invasion was high does not mean 9/11 was insider developed., it clearly makes it more possible because of 9/11. The question falls on LIHOP let it happen or MIHOP make it happen.  Both argument are not correct. The desire was much larger. 

While everyone else blamed the Jews via Urban Moving Systems, Odigo Messanger.

Abdul Rahman al-Omari living Florida has four children. 

Abdulaziz al-Omar living in Jeddah has four children.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

9/11 Rumbling Reports and Witnesses Right Before Impact and WTC Collapse

9/11 Rumbling Witnesses


9/11 Red Devil_s Head (switch to 1080 HD)
9 11 Depleted uranium, Radiation Exposure, World Trade Center
WTC 911 Notice the ground shake
South Tower Explosions Right Before Impact
Guns n Butter Indira Singh 9/11 mold, earthquake damage report
9-11 Ground Shaking Like An Earthquake
9 11 Loud Rumbling earthquake witness before plane crash witness

Saturday, November 2, 2013

My Newest Theory on 9/11 WTC plane Impacts

Long shot

cont .. my newest theory on WTC plane impacts

JPEGSnoop result on Robert Fisch photo. wtc_1_017_15.JPG below

I remember watching an old WTC being built video via NIST with that stupid 70's music. While watching that video I learned a few things. For Example, for safety reasons they made the outer wall a few feet above were the new floors would be so maintenance / construction workers could reach around and bolt in each new section and not fall to their death.. The plain worked perfectly and no one fell over the side . However, these four bolt seams could become a weak points to jet impacts. Maybe too many "No Plane Theorist" falsely believe the requirements were the columns themselves, however if you lower the requirements to four bolts then maybe its possible.  Both towers was a bolt based house of cards. Weaken the bolts and blast. Anywho, so dead center between each floor just has these four bolt based creases / seams running around entire side of the whole tower. I would love to map out these creases / seams and check for a prefect storm or maximum creases running between the floors and check to see if those planes went for those locations. Maybe the floors acted like pivot points and helped tear the steel belts which belted up the towers. Maybe someone knew the column sections were made to break-a-way on impact. They never said the towers would resist an impact, maybe the requirements was just survivability and to hell with the people inside.  One of issues was lack of resistance and the other was zero impact debris field. Maybe this solves those issues by lowering the requirements down to just the bolts.

This does not change the many issues that still exist. i.e

Robert Fisch  "the plane appeared to vanish" which could be dismissed but he is not the only one who reported this.

My name is Robert. I was having breakfast at Joe Junior's in the West Village when a crowd starting to form outside. In short order, we learned the World Trade had suffered some catastrophe.

After taking a look at the black gash in the facade of the building, I abandoned breakfast and ran to my apartment across the street and grabbed my camera. It was loaded and ready (I'd just gotton back from Florida several days before).

I snapped a few pictures and saw the second plane in my viewfinder. I snapped it instinctively. I had no idea it was going to hit the south tower.

My camera was trained on the towers when the second plane
came into view. The picture I took of the airplane should be in the repository.

As viewed from the north, the plane appeared to vanish. When the building erupted in flame, I still had this "disconnect" in my mind and at first refused to believe the plane I'd just seen hit the building. After a few seconds when the sound wave reached us, it was fairly clear that was what happened. is down today!

JPEGsnoop 1.6.1 by Calvin Hass

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      11111111010 = 33                   (Total Len = 14)
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      1111111110010010 = 44              (Total Len = 20)
      1111111110010011 = 54              (Total Len = 20)
      1111111110010100 = 64              (Total Len = 20)
      1111111110010101 = 74              (Total Len = 20)
      1111111110010110 = 93              (Total Len = 19)
      1111111110010111 = A3              (Total Len = 19)
      1111111110011000 = E2              (Total Len = 18)
      1111111110011001 = C3              (Total Len = 19)
      1111111110011010 = F2              (Total Len = 18)
      1111111110011011 = 17              (Total Len = 23)
      1111111110011100 = 45              (Total Len = 21)
      1111111110011101 = 55              (Total Len = 21)
      1111111110011110 = 84              (Total Len = 20)
      1111111110011111 = 94              (Total Len = 20)
      1111111110100000 = A4              (Total Len = 20)
      1111111110100001 = 26              (Total Len = 22)
      1111111110100010 = 65              (Total Len = 21)
      1111111110100011 = 75              (Total Len = 21)
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      1111111110100101 = D3              (Total Len = 19)
      1111111110100110 = 08              (Total Len = 24)
      1111111110100111 = 09              (Total Len = 25)
      1111111110101000 = 0A              (Total Len = 26)
      1111111110101001 = 18              (Total Len = 24)
      1111111110101010 = 19              (Total Len = 25)
      1111111110101011 = 1A              (Total Len = 26)
      1111111110101100 = 27              (Total Len = 23)
      1111111110101101 = 28              (Total Len = 24)
      1111111110101110 = 29              (Total Len = 25)
      1111111110101111 = 2A              (Total Len = 26)
      1111111110110000 = 36              (Total Len = 22)
      1111111110110001 = 37              (Total Len = 23)
      1111111110110010 = 38              (Total Len = 24)
      1111111110110011 = 39              (Total Len = 25)
      1111111110110100 = 3A              (Total Len = 26)
      1111111110110101 = 46              (Total Len = 22)
      1111111110110110 = 47              (Total Len = 23)
      1111111110110111 = 48              (Total Len = 24)
      1111111110111000 = 49              (Total Len = 25)
      1111111110111001 = 4A              (Total Len = 26)
      1111111110111010 = 56              (Total Len = 22)
      1111111110111011 = 57              (Total Len = 23)
      1111111110111100 = 58              (Total Len = 24)
      1111111110111101 = 59              (Total Len = 25)
      1111111110111110 = 5A              (Total Len = 26)
      1111111110111111 = 66              (Total Len = 22)
      1111111111000000 = 67              (Total Len = 23)
      1111111111000001 = 68              (Total Len = 24)
      1111111111000010 = 69              (Total Len = 25)
      1111111111000011 = 6A              (Total Len = 26)
      1111111111000100 = 76              (Total Len = 22)
      1111111111000101 = 77              (Total Len = 23)
      1111111111000110 = 78              (Total Len = 24)
      1111111111000111 = 79              (Total Len = 25)
      1111111111001000 = 7A              (Total Len = 26)
      1111111111001001 = 85              (Total Len = 21)
      1111111111001010 = 86              (Total Len = 22)
      1111111111001011 = 87              (Total Len = 23)
      1111111111001100 = 88              (Total Len = 24)
      1111111111001101 = 89              (Total Len = 25)
      1111111111001110 = 8A              (Total Len = 26)
      1111111111001111 = 95              (Total Len = 21)
      1111111111010000 = 96              (Total Len = 22)
      1111111111010001 = 97              (Total Len = 23)
      1111111111010010 = 98              (Total Len = 24)
      1111111111010011 = 99              (Total Len = 25)
      1111111111010100 = 9A              (Total Len = 26)
      1111111111010101 = A5              (Total Len = 21)
      1111111111010110 = A6              (Total Len = 22)
      1111111111010111 = A7              (Total Len = 23)
      1111111111011000 = A8              (Total Len = 24)
      1111111111011001 = A9              (Total Len = 25)
      1111111111011010 = AA              (Total Len = 26)
      1111111111011011 = B5              (Total Len = 21)
      1111111111011100 = B6              (Total Len = 22)
      1111111111011101 = B7              (Total Len = 23)
      1111111111011110 = B8              (Total Len = 24)
      1111111111011111 = B9              (Total Len = 25)
      1111111111100000 = BA              (Total Len = 26)
      1111111111100001 = C4              (Total Len = 20)
      1111111111100010 = C5              (Total Len = 21)
      1111111111100011 = C6              (Total Len = 22)
      1111111111100100 = C7              (Total Len = 23)
      1111111111100101 = C8              (Total Len = 24)
      1111111111100110 = C9              (Total Len = 25)
      1111111111100111 = CA              (Total Len = 26)
      1111111111101000 = D4              (Total Len = 20)
      1111111111101001 = D5              (Total Len = 21)
      1111111111101010 = D6              (Total Len = 22)
      1111111111101011 = D7              (Total Len = 23)
      1111111111101100 = D8              (Total Len = 24)
      1111111111101101 = D9              (Total Len = 25)
      1111111111101110 = DA              (Total Len = 26)
      1111111111101111 = E3              (Total Len = 19)
      1111111111110000 = E4              (Total Len = 20)
      1111111111110001 = E5              (Total Len = 21)
      1111111111110010 = E6              (Total Len = 22)
      1111111111110011 = E7              (Total Len = 23)
      1111111111110100 = E8              (Total Len = 24)
      1111111111110101 = E9              (Total Len = 25)
      1111111111110110 = EA              (Total Len = 26)
      1111111111110111 = F3              (Total Len = 19)
      1111111111111000 = F4              (Total Len = 20)
      1111111111111001 = F5              (Total Len = 21)
      1111111111111010 = F6              (Total Len = 22)
      1111111111111011 = F7              (Total Len = 23)
      1111111111111100 = F8              (Total Len = 24)
      1111111111111101 = F9              (Total Len = 25)
      1111111111111110 = FA              (Total Len = 26)

  Destination ID = 1
  Class = 0 (DC / Lossless Table)
    Codes of length 01 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 02 bits (003 total): 00 01 02
    Codes of length 03 bits (001 total): 03
    Codes of length 04 bits (001 total): 04
    Codes of length 05 bits (001 total): 05
    Codes of length 06 bits (001 total): 06
    Codes of length 07 bits (001 total): 07
    Codes of length 08 bits (001 total): 08
    Codes of length 09 bits (001 total): 09
    Codes of length 10 bits (001 total): 0A
    Codes of length 11 bits (001 total): 0B
    Codes of length 12 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 13 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 14 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 15 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 16 bits (000 total):
    Total number of codes: 012

  Expanded Form of Codes:
    Codes of length 02 bits:
      00 = 00                            (Total Len =  2)
      01 = 01                            (Total Len =  3)
      10 = 02                            (Total Len =  4)
    Codes of length 03 bits:
      110 = 03                           (Total Len =  6)
    Codes of length 04 bits:
      1110 = 04                          (Total Len =  8)
    Codes of length 05 bits:
      11110 = 05                         (Total Len = 10)
    Codes of length 06 bits:
      111110 = 06                        (Total Len = 12)
    Codes of length 07 bits:
      1111110 = 07                       (Total Len = 14)
    Codes of length 08 bits:
      11111110 = 08                      (Total Len = 16)
    Codes of length 09 bits:
      111111110 = 09                     (Total Len = 18)
    Codes of length 10 bits:
      1111111110 = 0A                    (Total Len = 20)
    Codes of length 11 bits:
      11111111110 = 0B                   (Total Len = 22)

  Destination ID = 1
  Class = 1 (AC Table)
    Codes of length 01 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 02 bits (002 total): 00 01
    Codes of length 03 bits (001 total): 02
    Codes of length 04 bits (002 total): 03 11
    Codes of length 05 bits (004 total): 04 05 21 31
    Codes of length 06 bits (004 total): 06 12 41 51
    Codes of length 07 bits (003 total): 07 61 71
    Codes of length 08 bits (004 total): 13 22 32 81
    Codes of length 09 bits (007 total): 08 14 42 91 A1 B1 C1
    Codes of length 10 bits (005 total): 09 23 33 52 F0
    Codes of length 11 bits (004 total): 15 62 72 D1
    Codes of length 12 bits (004 total): 0A 16 24 34
    Codes of length 13 bits (000 total):
    Codes of length 14 bits (001 total): E1
    Codes of length 15 bits (002 total): 25 F1
    Codes of length 16 bits (119 total): 17 18 19 1A 26 27 28 29 2A 35 36 37 38 39 3A 43
                                         44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 63
                                         64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 82
                                         83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
                                         9A A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7
                                         B8 B9 BA C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA D2 D3 D4 D5
                                         D6 D7 D8 D9 DA E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA F2 F3
                                         F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA
    Total number of codes: 162

  Expanded Form of Codes:
    Codes of length 02 bits:
      00 = 00 (EOB)                      (Total Len =  2)
      01 = 01                            (Total Len =  3)
    Codes of length 03 bits:
      100 = 02                           (Total Len =  5)
    Codes of length 04 bits:
      1010 = 03                          (Total Len =  7)
      1011 = 11                          (Total Len =  5)
    Codes of length 05 bits:
      11000 = 04                         (Total Len =  9)
      11001 = 05                         (Total Len = 10)
      11010 = 21                         (Total Len =  6)
      11011 = 31                         (Total Len =  6)
    Codes of length 06 bits:
      111000 = 06                        (Total Len = 12)
      111001 = 12                        (Total Len =  8)
      111010 = 41                        (Total Len =  7)
      111011 = 51                        (Total Len =  7)
    Codes of length 07 bits:
      1111000 = 07                       (Total Len = 14)
      1111001 = 61                       (Total Len =  8)
      1111010 = 71                       (Total Len =  8)
    Codes of length 08 bits:
      11110110 = 13                      (Total Len = 11)
      11110111 = 22                      (Total Len = 10)
      11111000 = 32                      (Total Len = 10)
      11111001 = 81                      (Total Len =  9)
    Codes of length 09 bits:
      111110100 = 08                     (Total Len = 17)
      111110101 = 14                     (Total Len = 13)
      111110110 = 42                     (Total Len = 11)
      111110111 = 91                     (Total Len = 10)
      111111000 = A1                     (Total Len = 10)
      111111001 = B1                     (Total Len = 10)
      111111010 = C1                     (Total Len = 10)
    Codes of length 10 bits:
      1111110110 = 09                    (Total Len = 19)
      1111110111 = 23                    (Total Len = 13)
      1111111000 = 33                    (Total Len = 13)
      1111111001 = 52                    (Total Len = 12)
      1111111010 = F0 (ZRL)              (Total Len = 10)
    Codes of length 11 bits:
      11111110110 = 15                   (Total Len = 16)
      11111110111 = 62                   (Total Len = 13)
      11111111000 = 72                   (Total Len = 13)
      11111111001 = D1                   (Total Len = 12)
    Codes of length 12 bits:
      111111110100 = 0A                  (Total Len = 22)
      111111110101 = 16                  (Total Len = 18)
      111111110110 = 24                  (Total Len = 16)
      111111110111 = 34                  (Total Len = 16)
    Codes of length 14 bits:
      11111111100000 = E1                (Total Len = 15)
    Codes of length 15 bits:
      111111111000010 = 25               (Total Len = 20)
      111111111000011 = F1               (Total Len = 16)
    Codes of length 16 bits:
      1111111110001000 = 17              (Total Len = 23)
      1111111110001001 = 18              (Total Len = 24)
      1111111110001010 = 19              (Total Len = 25)
      1111111110001011 = 1A              (Total Len = 26)
      1111111110001100 = 26              (Total Len = 22)
      1111111110001101 = 27              (Total Len = 23)
      1111111110001110 = 28              (Total Len = 24)
      1111111110001111 = 29              (Total Len = 25)
      1111111110010000 = 2A              (Total Len = 26)
      1111111110010001 = 35              (Total Len = 21)
      1111111110010010 = 36              (Total Len = 22)
      1111111110010011 = 37              (Total Len = 23)
      1111111110010100 = 38              (Total Len = 24)
      1111111110010101 = 39              (Total Len = 25)
      1111111110010110 = 3A              (Total Len = 26)
      1111111110010111 = 43              (Total Len = 19)
      1111111110011000 = 44              (Total Len = 20)
      1111111110011001 = 45              (Total Len = 21)
      1111111110011010 = 46              (Total Len = 22)
      1111111110011011 = 47              (Total Len = 23)
      1111111110011100 = 48              (Total Len = 24)
      1111111110011101 = 49              (Total Len = 25)
      1111111110011110 = 4A              (Total Len = 26)
      1111111110011111 = 53              (Total Len = 19)
      1111111110100000 = 54              (Total Len = 20)
      1111111110100001 = 55              (Total Len = 21)
      1111111110100010 = 56              (Total Len = 22)
      1111111110100011 = 57              (Total Len = 23)
      1111111110100100 = 58              (Total Len = 24)
      1111111110100101 = 59              (Total Len = 25)
      1111111110100110 = 5A              (Total Len = 26)
      1111111110100111 = 63              (Total Len = 19)
      1111111110101000 = 64              (Total Len = 20)
      1111111110101001 = 65              (Total Len = 21)
      1111111110101010 = 66              (Total Len = 22)
      1111111110101011 = 67              (Total Len = 23)
      1111111110101100 = 68              (Total Len = 24)
      1111111110101101 = 69              (Total Len = 25)
      1111111110101110 = 6A              (Total Len = 26)
      1111111110101111 = 73              (Total Len = 19)
      1111111110110000 = 74              (Total Len = 20)
      1111111110110001 = 75              (Total Len = 21)
      1111111110110010 = 76              (Total Len = 22)
      1111111110110011 = 77              (Total Len = 23)
      1111111110110100 = 78              (Total Len = 24)
      1111111110110101 = 79              (Total Len = 25)
      1111111110110110 = 7A              (Total Len = 26)
      1111111110110111 = 82              (Total Len = 18)
      1111111110111000 = 83              (Total Len = 19)
      1111111110111001 = 84              (Total Len = 20)
      1111111110111010 = 85              (Total Len = 21)
      1111111110111011 = 86              (Total Len = 22)
      1111111110111100 = 87              (Total Len = 23)
      1111111110111101 = 88              (Total Len = 24)
      1111111110111110 = 89              (Total Len = 25)
      1111111110111111 = 8A              (Total Len = 26)
      1111111111000000 = 92              (Total Len = 18)
      1111111111000001 = 93              (Total Len = 19)
      1111111111000010 = 94              (Total Len = 20)
      1111111111000011 = 95              (Total Len = 21)
      1111111111000100 = 96              (Total Len = 22)
      1111111111000101 = 97              (Total Len = 23)
      1111111111000110 = 98              (Total Len = 24)
      1111111111000111 = 99              (Total Len = 25)
      1111111111001000 = 9A              (Total Len = 26)
      1111111111001001 = A2              (Total Len = 18)
      1111111111001010 = A3              (Total Len = 19)
      1111111111001011 = A4              (Total Len = 20)
      1111111111001100 = A5              (Total Len = 21)
      1111111111001101 = A6              (Total Len = 22)
      1111111111001110 = A7              (Total Len = 23)
      1111111111001111 = A8              (Total Len = 24)
      1111111111010000 = A9              (Total Len = 25)
      1111111111010001 = AA              (Total Len = 26)
      1111111111010010 = B2              (Total Len = 18)
      1111111111010011 = B3              (Total Len = 19)
      1111111111010100 = B4              (Total Len = 20)
      1111111111010101 = B5              (Total Len = 21)
      1111111111010110 = B6              (Total Len = 22)
      1111111111010111 = B7              (Total Len = 23)
      1111111111011000 = B8              (Total Len = 24)
      1111111111011001 = B9              (Total Len = 25)
      1111111111011010 = BA              (Total Len = 26)
      1111111111011011 = C2              (Total Len = 18)
      1111111111011100 = C3              (Total Len = 19)
      1111111111011101 = C4              (Total Len = 20)
      1111111111011110 = C5              (Total Len = 21)
      1111111111011111 = C6              (Total Len = 22)
      1111111111100000 = C7              (Total Len = 23)
      1111111111100001 = C8              (Total Len = 24)
      1111111111100010 = C9              (Total Len = 25)
      1111111111100011 = CA              (Total Len = 26)
      1111111111100100 = D2              (Total Len = 18)
      1111111111100101 = D3              (Total Len = 19)
      1111111111100110 = D4              (Total Len = 20)
      1111111111100111 = D5              (Total Len = 21)
      1111111111101000 = D6              (Total Len = 22)
      1111111111101001 = D7              (Total Len = 23)
      1111111111101010 = D8              (Total Len = 24)
      1111111111101011 = D9              (Total Len = 25)
      1111111111101100 = DA              (Total Len = 26)
      1111111111101101 = E2              (Total Len = 18)
      1111111111101110 = E3              (Total Len = 19)
      1111111111101111 = E4              (Total Len = 20)
      1111111111110000 = E5              (Total Len = 21)
      1111111111110001 = E6              (Total Len = 22)
      1111111111110010 = E7              (Total Len = 23)
      1111111111110011 = E8              (Total Len = 24)
      1111111111110100 = E9              (Total Len = 25)
      1111111111110101 = EA              (Total Len = 26)
      1111111111110110 = F2              (Total Len = 18)
      1111111111110111 = F3              (Total Len = 19)
      1111111111111000 = F4              (Total Len = 20)
      1111111111111001 = F5              (Total Len = 21)
      1111111111111010 = F6              (Total Len = 22)
      1111111111111011 = F7              (Total Len = 23)
      1111111111111100 = F8              (Total Len = 24)
      1111111111111101 = F9              (Total Len = 25)
      1111111111111110 = FA              (Total Len = 26)

*** Marker: SOS (Start of Scan) (xFFDA) ***
  OFFSET: 0x00005693
  Scan header length = 12
  Number of img components = 3
    Component[1]: selector=0x01, table=0(DC),0(AC)
    Component[2]: selector=0x02, table=1(DC),1(AC)
    Component[3]: selector=0x03, table=1(DC),1(AC)
  Spectral selection = 0 .. 63
  Successive approximation = 0x00

  Scan Data: (after bitstuff removed)
    fd 32 fa 9a f9 92 78 6c 34 3d 36 d3 45 99 c6 60 89 04 8b c1 bf 1d b4 80 ae a8 dc f7 b6 90 41 90
    04 9b dc f1 ea b3 b9 d1 25 b9 73 38 19 88 26 04 cc fb 6e 63 6b 2e 75 2d bf 9b 4d de b7 be 9e bf
    71 d7 6f 4b 6b b6 c2 92 4c 91 95 c1 d3 a9 20 fc 20 82 74 d2 de 46 35 48 e7 83 06 01 30 0b 72 8b
    08 20 11 e1 b5 ba f4 51 d7 dc 49 e3 b7 3e 57 9d e7 42 a9 2e 9b 09 ca 04 cf 30 e9 cb 7b e9 c0 6c
    a9 5a eb 75 65 6d 6d 6e cb a7 a3 13 5a 77 d6 fa 6f e7 fa f5 1f 34 8b 48 1a 65 3c 04 ba da e8 4d
    b4 dc 21 9e d6 21 f9 ac 26 35 3a e9 6d e7 4d 38 2a a7 e2 83 17 31 02 04 ce 82 db f1 9d b4 41 cf
    30 1d 72 01 d8 e8 27 8f 0f 59 95 aa 6a d1 4f 5d 1a eb f2 bf 6f f8 06 6d 37 76 ad ae bf 23 4b 6a
    34 13 a0 cc 33 1f 87 f3 09 33 17 be f1 b2 70 e7 58 38 b8 c9 37 26 e0 c4 75 98 e4 b0 67 6c b6 c4
    b5 c0 cc 83 e1 26 e3 5b fe 9e 2a d0 f0 e6 f8 88 07 88 30 4c dc 69 d4 74 95 4a a5 93 57 b7 2b 7b
    5d ab 6f b7 ea 27 4d 36 b4 4e f6 de db dc eb 02 40 83 12 46 59 93 32 48 16 02 49 83 79 bc 2b 4b
    88 6d ec e7 78 ac 66 44 c5 b7 3f e5 72 e9 d4 cc e3 e1 6c b0 90 00 d7 2e e4 0e 63 55 b7 3f f5 34
    37 29 00 48 30 3e 21 63 c2 fc ec a6 55 35 fb ba eb b2 d2 d6 ee 25 4d 25 aa ff 86 f5 36 07 48 10
    0d dc ef 17 02 38 a4 74 17 19 16 9e 1c 00 17 91 17 17 d2 3a aa 7b cb c8 0d 02 f6 d3 96 9a 00 3e
    49 8b c1 22 0e 61 a4 8d 24 49 17 3a 7e ca a1 3d 7c b6 d3 e7 fa d8 99 d3 f2 4f 56 ec 6a 6d 9a d8
    b8 b3 63 4e 27 7d 27 a2 b0 4e b0 20 9c a2 46 80 5f 6f 3d ca c8 c7 83 12 e0 24 9f 6d 4c 9e 1a cc
    0d d5 c0 cc ed 06 fa c6 87 87 aa 89 3b df 96 f6 b7 36 fb bf f3 2e 31 b2 d7 75 db d6 c5 b1 b8 b0
    cd a9 07 49 be 9f 35 09 6e 82 04 40 31 24 6f 61 a7 35 5b 4b 40 00 93 79 d3 42 09 e3 1c 27 86 89
    b9 b8 89 f8 4e d3 24 e5 1b fd 39 ac d3 77 7d b4 f5 7f 79 6d 7c f7 df b9 24 08 02 41 b9 92 4c 1d
    86 90 6d a7 92 ae 67 e2 2e 93 02 2e 20 f1 31 a0 d2 6e a3 a6 6f 79 be bc 01 99 8b 5a 27 44 a4 4c
    49 9f 10 9d ec 26 d1 7e 3e 69 a7 66 94 b6 5b ef bd b4 f3 25 c5 e8 fb f4 fb 9f 40 9d c0 89 30 2c
    WARNING: Dump truncated.

*** Decoding SCAN Data ***
  OFFSET: 0x000056A1
  Scan Decode Mode: Full IDCT (AC + DC)

  Scan Data encountered marker   0xFFD9 @ 0x00087F75.0

  Compression stats:
    Compression Ratio:  8.82:1
    Bits per pixel:     2.72:1

  Huffman code histogram stats:
    Huffman Table: (Dest ID: 0, Class: DC)
      # codes of length 01 bits:        0 (  0%)
      # codes of length 02 bits:     9322 ( 38%)
      # codes of length 03 bits:     9112 ( 37%)
      # codes of length 04 bits:     2562 ( 10%)
      # codes of length 05 bits:     1649 (  7%)
      # codes of length 06 bits:     1353 (  6%)
      # codes of length 07 bits:      536 (  2%)
      # codes of length 08 bits:        0 (  0%)
      # codes of length 09 bits:       42 (  0%)
      # codes of length 10 bits:        0 (  0%)
      # codes of length 11 bits:        0 (  0%)
      # codes of length 12 bits:        0 (  0%)
      # codes of length 13 bits:        0 (  0%)
      # codes of length 14 bits:        0 (  0%)
      # codes of length 15 bits:        0 (  0%)
      # codes of length 16 bits:        0 (  0%)

    Huffman Table: (Dest ID: 1, Class: DC)
      # codes of length 01 bits:        0 (  0%)
      # codes of length 02 bits:     9600 ( 78%)
      # codes of length 03 bits:     1125 (  9%)
      # codes of length 04 bits:      913 (  7%)
      # codes of length 05 bits:      498 (  4%)
      # codes of length 06 bits:      140 (  1%)
      # codes of length 07 bits:       12 (  0%)
      # codes of length 08 bits:        0 (  0%)
      # codes of length 09 bits:        0 (  0%)
      # codes of length 10 bits:        0 (  0%)
      # codes of length 11 bits:        0 (  0%)
      # codes of length 12 bits:        0 (  0%)
      # codes of length 13 bits:        0 (  0%)
      # codes of length 14 bits:        0 (  0%)
      # codes of length 15 bits:        0 (  0%)
      # codes of length 16 bits:        0 (  0%)

    Huffman Table: (Dest ID: 0, Class: AC)
      # codes of length 01 bits:        0 (  0%)
      # codes of length 02 bits:   234555 ( 35%)
      # codes of length 03 bits:   208749 ( 32%)
      # codes of length 04 bits:    82957 ( 13%)
      # codes of length 05 bits:    78665 ( 12%)
      # codes of length 06 bits:    19820 (  3%)
      # codes of length 07 bits:    24629 (  4%)
      # codes of length 08 bits:     4347 (  1%)
      # codes of length 09 bits:     2980 (  0%)
      # codes of length 10 bits:     3613 (  1%)
      # codes of length 11 bits:      133 (  0%)
      # codes of length 12 bits:      777 (  0%)
      # codes of length 13 bits:        0 (  0%)
      # codes of length 14 bits:        0 (  0%)
      # codes of length 15 bits:        0 (  0%)
      # codes of length 16 bits:     1117 (  0%)

    Huffman Table: (Dest ID: 1, Class: AC)
      # codes of length 01 bits:        0 (  0%)
      # codes of length 02 bits:    67911 ( 39%)
      # codes of length 03 bits:    11878 (  7%)
      # codes of length 04 bits:    31593 ( 18%)
      # codes of length 05 bits:    29072 ( 17%)
      # codes of length 06 bits:    15481 (  9%)
      # codes of length 07 bits:     6445 (  4%)
      # codes of length 08 bits:     4027 (  2%)
      # codes of length 09 bits:     4755 (  3%)
      # codes of length 10 bits:     1565 (  1%)
      # codes of length 11 bits:      800 (  0%)
      # codes of length 12 bits:       12 (  0%)
      # codes of length 13 bits:        0 (  0%)
      # codes of length 14 bits:      406 (  0%)
      # codes of length 15 bits:      302 (  0%)
      # codes of length 16 bits:      161 (  0%)

  YCC clipping in DC:
    Y  component: [<0=    0] [>255=    0]
    Cb component: [<0=    0] [>255=    0]
    Cr component: [<0=    0] [>255=    0]

  RGB clipping in DC:
    R  component: [<0=    0] [>255=    0]
    G  component: [<0=    0] [>255=    0]
    B  component: [<0=    0] [>255=    0]

  Average Pixel Luminance (Y):
    Y=[162] (range: 0..255)

  Brightest Pixel Search:
    YCC=[ 1014,  -43,   20] RGB=[255,254,243] @ MCU[ 49, 46]

  Finished Decoding SCAN Data
    Number of RESTART markers decoded: 0
    Next position in scan buffer: Offset 0x00087F74.7

*** Marker: EOI (End of Image) (xFFD9) ***
  OFFSET: 0x00087F75

*** Embedded JPEG Thumbnail ***
  Offset: 0x000003C6
  Length: 0x00004DCB (19915)

  * Embedded Thumb Marker: SOI

  * Embedded Thumb Marker: DQT
    Length = 132
    Precision=0 bits
    Destination ID=0 (Luminance, typically)
      DQT, Row #0:   3   2   2   3   5   8  10  12
      DQT, Row #1:   2   2   3   4   5  12  12  11
      DQT, Row #2:   3   3   3   5   8  11  14  11
      DQT, Row #3:   3   3   4   6  10  17  16  12
      DQT, Row #4:   4   4   7  11  14  22  21  15
      DQT, Row #5:   5   7  11  13  16  21  23  18
      DQT, Row #6:  10  13  16  17  21  24  24  20
      DQT, Row #7:  14  18  19  20  22  20  21  20
    Precision=0 bits
    Destination ID=1 (Chrominance, typically)
      DQT, Row #0:   3   4   5   9  20  20  20  20
      DQT, Row #1:   4   4   5  13  20  20  20  20
      DQT, Row #2:   5   5  11  20  20  20  20  20
      DQT, Row #3:   9  13  20  20  20  20  20  20
      DQT, Row #4:  20  20  20  20  20  20  20  20
      DQT, Row #5:  20  20  20  20  20  20  20  20
      DQT, Row #6:  20  20  20  20  20  20  20  20
      DQT, Row #7:  20  20  20  20  20  20  20  20

  * Embedded Thumb Marker: SOF
    Frame header length = 17
    Precision = 8
    Number of Lines = 192
    Samples per Line = 288
    Image Size = 288 x 192

  * Embedded Thumb Marker: DHT
    Length = 418

  * Embedded Thumb Marker: SOS
    Skipping scan data
    Skipped 19336 bytes

  * Embedded Thumb Marker: EOI

  * Embedded Thumb Signature: 013BA18D5561625796E986FDBC09F846

*** Searching Compression Signatures ***

  Signature:           01133EF9C34B76146AEB2B8F18BC6180
  Signature (Rotated): 01133EF9C34B76146AEB2B8F18BC6180
  File Offset:         0 bytes
  Chroma subsampling:  2x2
  EXIF Make/Model:     OK   [Eastman Kodak Company] [Kodak CLAS Digital Film Scanner / HR200]
  EXIF Makernotes:     NONE
  EXIF Software:       OK   [Kodak Digital Central Lab System]

  Searching Compression Signatures: (3347 built-in, 1 user(*) )

          EXIF.Make / Software        EXIF.Model                            Quality           Subsamp Match?
          -------------------------   -----------------------------------   ----------------  --------------

  Based on the analysis of compression characteristics and EXIF metadata:

  ASSESSMENT: Class 2 - Image has high probability of being processed/edited

