Flight 175? 767-222?
"Our building at 140 West Street contained 4 switches which had the capacity to serve a city the size of Cincinnati. The damage to our building was severe”, said Paul Crotty, President of New York Verizon. “Altogether, we lost ten cellular towers, along with 300,000 voice lines and 3.6 million data circuits—affecting 14,000 businesses and 200,000 residential customers,"
When the Verizon spokesman said they lost 10 towers altogether he was no longer talking about one event/one collapse. Given the distance each tower can cover I doubt there would be 10 towers so close together they'd all be destroyed by those towers collapsing. More research is needed, maybe he's not talking about full size towers but maybe he is.
I tend to be skeptical even when evidence can possibly prove my opinion right. This
might be strong evidence of EMP but I want to make sure one way or the other. I'll keep
looking around. Remember EMT Patricia Ondrovic stated ambulance communications
were out for 20 mins after each collapse.
They suspect that this was where a part of the aircraft came through this hole, although
I didn't see any evidence of the
aircraft down there. Actually, there's considerable evidence
of the aircraft outside the E ring. It's just not very visible. When you get up close --
actually, one of my people
happened to be walking on this sidewalk and was right
about here as the aircraft approached.
Q: Can you define for us what sort of situations you had simulated, how much of a blast --
Evey: What --
Q: A Khobar Towers-type of blast or --
Evey: What we've simulated --
Quigley: I don't think I'd like to give a clear answer to that question.
Capt. Daniel Davis, U.S. Army
If jet powered aircraft
crashed on 9/11, those engines, plus wings and tail assembly,
would be there.
According to Der Spiegel, Gate 26 was opened to the passengers at 7 :35
The implication is that Flights AA 11 and AA 77 did not exist
that a passenger located in seat 10B shot and
killed a passenger in seat 9B at 9:20 a.m
Starfix desk flight 175
Alexa Graf, AT&T spokesperson, said systems are not designed for calls from high
suggesting it was almost a fluke that the calls reached their destinations.
Brenda Raney, Verizon Wireless spokesperson, said that RF signals actually can
fairly high. On Sept. 11, the planes were flying low when people started using
their phones.
The captain of an All Nippon Airways jumbo jet bound for Sapporo was
stabbed to death Friday by a knife-wielding hijacker
Auburn Calloway, the hijacker, had carefully planned for his result. According to Wikipedia, he intended to kill the
crew using blunt force hammers to their heads so their injuries would appear consistent with those they would sustain
in the explosive airplane crash. As a former Navy pilot and martial arts expert, he carried two claw hammers, two
sledge hammers, a knife and a spear gun hidden in a guitar case on board to carry out his plan to inflict maximum
damage on his employer, Federal Express
United States v. Zacarias Moussaoui
Criminal No. 01-455-A
Prosecution Trial Exhibits
United States v. Zacarias Moussaoui
Criminal No. 01-455-A
Prosecution Trial Exhibits
It was his girlfriend , Aisle Senguen , who first alerted the
police, calling to report him missing.
Senguen, who is now in a witness protection program,
"He knew none of them - he was at a different university."
emergency locator transmitters (ELTs)
boarding Pass scans Flight 93 http://aldeilis.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/fake/904.pdfWestmoreland County's 911 center His name was Edward Felt
"They couldn't find the plane."
You knew there were people there, but you couldn't see them,"
"We have a jet down in Buckstown,"
"I have not, to this day, seen a single drop of blood. Not a drop."
Eric Peterson, 28, an off-duty corrections officer, was an eyewitness to the
"It was burning when it hit the ground," Peterson said. "When it went down, it
was in one piece. It was flying low, real low.
If flight 93 was dive bombing, then why are are
people seeing flight 93 flying horizontally and flying
low and slow enough for Eric Peterson
counting the rivets and why did Edward Felt
dial 9-1-1 and reach 911 Public Safety Rd
Greensburg, PA 15601 ?
Patrick R Nicolello Kelly
Lever knight, a local resident, was watching news of the attacks when
she heard the plane. "I heard the plane going over and I went out the
front door and I saw the plane going down. It was headed toward the
school, which panicked me, because all three
of my kids were there. Then you heard the explosion and felt the blast
and saw the fire and smoke."[73] Another witness, Eric Peterson, looked
up when he heard the plane, "It was low enough, I thought you could
probably count the rivets. You could see more of the roof of the plane
than you could the belly. It was on its side. There was a great
explosion and you could see the flames. It was a massive, massive
explosion. Flames and then smoke and then a massive, massive mushroom
cloud."[74] Val McClatchey had been watching footage of the attacks when
she heard the plane. She saw it briefly, then heard the impact. The
crash knocked out the electricity and phones. McClatchey grabbed her
camera and took the only known picture of the smoke cloud from the
explosion.[75][76] Ten years after 9/11, a video of the rising smoke
cloud filmed by Dave Berkebile (deceased by 2011) from his yard located
eight miles away from the crash site was published on YouTube.
Indian Lake marina
he looked up and saw the plane overhead.
"I heard the engine whine and scream," Stop said.
He then heard an explosion and saw a fireball.
three minutes after the
explosion, the
LARGE airplane climbed the sky almost vertically,
the witness said.
Marcus Arroyo (Regional manager) called to report several hijackings, including
AAL #77, UAL #175 and UAL #177http://aldeilis.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/fake/917.pdf
what was the squawking intruder, code 3321?
We did not locate any chain of custody forms of these parts from the crash site to NTSB.
after this information was discovered and published as
an article, the BT almost immediately shut down its data base, and when it put it
back up it had moved it to a different URL without leaving a forwarding address
at the old URL (the one which was given in the published article), strongly
indicating consciousness of guilt. Ten months later they doctored the database
to try to include the flights, although the doctored data, while now claiming that
the flight was scheduled, still has it as never departing
two AA flights were still shown as scheduled for
those days 9/12,13,14
Relatives later reported they heard
sounds of an on-board struggle beginning at 9:58 a.m., but there
was a final "rushing sound" at 10:03,
Why can't you send me a
facsimile copy of the
passenger lists, including the
names of
the terrorists?
This is the information we
have for public release.
I am glad to have been of
some help to you; best wishes
on the remainder of your
http://aldeilis.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/fake/926.pdffamily members who later heard a
tape and saw a transcript of the cockpit voice recorder.
Honor Elizabeth Wainio, a passenger, told her stepmother, ''They're getting ready to
break into the cockpit.''
CeeCee 9:58 a.m. The conversation lasted only two or three minutes. Then the line went dead. armed with knives and a red box that they said contained a bomb One passenger had
already been stabbed to death.Jeremy Glick, a 31-year-old New Jersey computer executive
and former judo champion, called his wife from the plane But every time he typed in
CeeCee's name, the computer locked him out.
Andreas von Bülow, 64, the work of the intelligence services.
As a result, he wrote the book "On behalf of the State" securities trading in
the airlines American Airlines, United Airlines and insurance companies have
increased by 1,200 percent. It was about 15 billion dollars.http://www.tagesspiegel.de/zeitung/da-sind-spuren-wie-von-einer-trampelnden-elefantenherde/283180.html
three of the men were believed to be the same ones
who argued with airline workers
Tuesday after being ordered off a
... flight to Los Angeles that had been canceled.
10, who were being questioned by federal officials, had open
airline tickets dated Sept. 11,
fake identifications and knives,
sources told Newsday
Federal investigators said they could not
explain the discrepancy between the
American Airlines passenger list and
their list.
80% of the steel was scrapped without
being examined because investigators
did not have the authority to
preserve the wreckage
Pentagon blocked a meeting with FBI he handed a similar chart to then
National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley soon after September 11
Qaeda Global Map" that had Atta's name on it. He added that he
Atta's photo during the unit's investigation.
"I was the one that carried the charts down to Tampa, to Capt. Phillpott,"
then Able/Danger's operations
officer, Shaffer said. atta was living in Florida
I wonder how far the charts were from Atta? Atta was identified by Able
in January/February 2000,"
The Washington-based FBI agent who was Shaffer's liaison has recalled, in interviews with her superiors,
that Shaffer told her his group had unearthed important information
software programs, with names like Spire, Parentage and Starlight
One of the most promising leads came from Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates, where in January 2000
authorities detained Sept. 11 hijack pilot Ziad Jarrah
- Zacarias Moussaoui y paying for his lessons in cash and demanding to
learn to fly a Boeing 747
When the laptop was finally searched in the wake of Sept. 11, it contained nothing linking Moussaoui to the
Atta known to Pentagon
Chuck Spinney, now retired after years of brilliant government service exposing
the Pentagon’s budgetary outrages, tells me that “there ARE pictures taken of
the 757 plane hitting Pentagon — they were
taken by the surveillance cameras
at Pentagon’s heliport, which was right next to impact point.
I have seen them both —
stills and moving pictures. I just missed seeing it personally,
9/11 conspiracism has now penetrated deep into the American left. It is also
widespread on the
libertarian and populist right,
Carl Sagan
I’m amazed at how many people give credence to these theories
Whitewash as public service:
How The 9/11 Commission Report defrauds the
9/11 Commission Chairmen Admit Whitewashing the
Cause of the Attacks
Alvin Hellerstein
final slap in the face. This came in the form of a $15,000 fine levied against Veale for filing a
“frivolous” appeal (the appeal had already been turned down in April of last year).
Saharan front fabricated.
The Events of 11 September 2001
and the Right to the Truth
The Destruction of the World Trade Center: Why the Official
Account Cannot Be True
the two brothers suspected in the Boston hijackings were Adnan Bukhari and Ameer Abbas Bukhari,
Sanctions in Gallop 9/11 lawsuit send a message:
seek justice at your own risk
The case laid out by Veale addressed the 9/11 official story and why the evidence points
to it being false.
The Special Routing Arrangement Service (SRAS) was, for reasons unknown, turned on for "exercise mode" on September 10, 2001,
Twenty-five U.S. Military Officers Challenge Official Account of 9/11
black boxes aboard the plane, was found 25 feet below ground in the crater
Moussaoui had caused at least one death on Sept. 11 because of his failure to alert the FBI to the terrorist plot
Navy lieutenant, Sweeney was an aeronautics consultant
Two of the Flight 11 hijackers, Mohamed Atta and Abdul Aziz al Omari, were aboard the flight on their way to Boston.
Rizzuto also provided a complete list of current United Airlines employees at Newark Airport
Thirty-eight 38 airline boarding passes used by passengers to board United Airlines flight ninety·three 93
fAl Nami's Florida Driver's License recovered from the United Airlines Flight 93 crash site
Ziad Jarrah's Passport recovered at the United Airlines Flight 93 crash site
More debris from the plane was found in New Baltimore, some 8 miles away from the crash
Authorities deny Flight 93 was shot down by F-16
Recordings of Phone Calls on September 11, 2001 Made By Nydia Gonzalez
The citizen ~ ~~ then opened his car door and purposely let it hit the hijackers' car. He reported how odd ~ .. ;~)it was that they just sat in the car and didn't react to his provocation.
UAL Flight 175 boarded and departed from gate 19, Terminal C at Logan Airport. on 9-11 there were no surveillance cameras at the checkpoint or in the terminal. AAL Flight 11 boarded and departed from Gate 31 phones between the checkpoint and the gate (on the right) as used by one of the flight 175 hijackers to call ATTA.
Mr. Powell was that Jarrah was ineffective in the use of the radio in the aircraft Jarrah did schedule a third lesson and check out flight, but did not return to Hortman Aviation. that none of the hijackers would have been able to successfully carry out the attacks of 09/11/2001
Mr. Connor checked his log book and stated that he flew with Hanjour on August 16, 2001 and August 17,2001. Mr. Connor stated that Hanjour was a poor student and he had particular difficulty landing the aircraft.
At the present time, several keys pieces of information have been leaked to the press,
Some of the passengers on the plane had decided to jump on the hijacker with the bomb and try to get him down. The call ended at nine a.m.
He remembers talking to the gate agent, but doesn't remember why the flight was late departing. The caller said that someone was hurt on Flight 12. She told Woodward she was in the back of the aircraft sitting next to Betty Ong presume that they stabbed the attendants to get the key attendants issued two keys jet bridge key that gets them through all of the jet bridge gates throughout the system except for Chicago, and a cockpit key. And seconds later she said "Oh my God we are way too low" and then the phone call ended. Sweeney didn't say anything about a gun, mace, pepper spray or box cutters.
http://aldeilis.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/fake/125.pdf - Aircraft aircraft Impacts the ground Inverted and at high speed.
American Flight 11 took off from runway 4R AA 11 turns right towards the south and starts 3,200 ft/min descent.
south tower of the World Trade Center at approximately 9:02:40 AM.
The time of impact was 9:37:45 AM Figure 3. - DC Area Flight Path
Four men were listed on the manifest of American Airlines Flight 11, Rudy Dekkers, Huffman's president and owner, said they attended the school for about five months beginning in July 2000, then left to take training elsewhere. Agents asked Hank Habora about a neighbor, Amer Kamfar, 41 and Adnan Bukhari
http://aldeilis.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/fake/130b.pdf The men had stayed briefly with Voss while attending flight school in July 2000.
Baltimore Mayor Martin O'Malley has said local law enforcement officials should have been told by the FBI that Jarrah was on a CIA watch list.
Ziad Jarrah as his girlfriend called one last time, he said three times, "I love you"
![]() |
Flight 175? 767-222? |
When the Verizon spokesman said they lost 10 towers altogether he was no longer talking about one event/one collapse. Given the distance each tower can cover I doubt there would be 10 towers so close together they'd all be destroyed by those towers collapsing. More research is needed, maybe he's not talking about full size towers but maybe he is.
I tend to be skeptical even when evidence can possibly prove my opinion right. This
might be strong evidence of EMP but I want to make sure one way or the other. I'll keep
looking around. Remember EMT Patricia Ondrovic stated ambulance communications
were out for 20 mins after each collapse.
They suspect that this was where a part of the aircraft came through this hole, although
I didn't see any evidence of the aircraft down there. Actually, there's considerable evidence
of the aircraft outside the E ring. It's just not very visible. When you get up close --
actually, one of my people happened to be walking on this sidewalk and was right
about here as the aircraft approached.
Q: Can you define for us what sort of situations you had simulated, how much of a blast --
Evey: What --
Q: A Khobar Towers-type of blast or --
Evey: What we've simulated --
Quigley: I don't think I'd like to give a clear answer to that question.
Capt. Daniel Davis, U.S. Army
If jet powered aircraft crashed on 9/11, those engines, plus wings and tail assembly, would be there.
According to Der Spiegel, Gate 26 was opened to the passengers at 7 :35
The implication is that Flights AA 11 and AA 77 did not exist
that a passenger located in seat 10B shot and killed a passenger in seat 9B at 9:20 a.m
Starfix desk flight 175
Alexa Graf, AT&T spokesperson, said systems are not designed for calls from high
altitudes, suggesting it was almost a fluke that the calls reached their destinations.
Brenda Raney, Verizon Wireless spokesperson, said that RF signals actually can
broadcast fairly high. On Sept. 11, the planes were flying low when people started using
their phones.
The captain of an All Nippon Airways jumbo jet bound for Sapporo was
stabbed to death Friday by a knife-wielding hijacker
Auburn Calloway, the hijacker, had carefully planned for his result. According to Wikipedia, he intended to kill the crew using blunt force hammers to their heads so their injuries would appear consistent with those they would sustain in the explosive airplane crash. As a former Navy pilot and martial arts expert, he carried two claw hammers, two sledge hammers, a knife and a spear gun hidden in a guitar case on board to carry out his plan to inflict maximum damage on his employer, Federal Express
United States v. Zacarias Moussaoui Criminal No. 01-455-A Prosecution Trial Exhibits
United States v. Zacarias Moussaoui Criminal No. 01-455-A Prosecution Trial Exhibits
It was his girlfriend , Aisle Senguen , who first alerted the police, calling to report him missing.
Senguen, who is now in a witness protection program,
"He knew none of them - he was at a different university."
emergency locator transmitters (ELTs)
boarding Pass scans Flight 93 http://aldeilis.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/fake/904.pdfWestmoreland County's 911 center His name was Edward Felt
"They couldn't find the plane."
You knew there were people there, but you couldn't see them,"
"We have a jet down in Buckstown,"
"I have not, to this day, seen a single drop of blood. Not a drop."
Eric Peterson, 28, an off-duty corrections officer, was an eyewitness to the crash.
"It was burning when it hit the ground," Peterson said. "When it went down, it was in one piece. It was flying low, real low.
If flight 93 was dive bombing, then why are are
people seeing flight 93 flying horizontally and flying
low and slow enough for Eric Peterson
counting the rivets and why did Edward Felt
dial 9-1-1 and reach 911 Public Safety Rd
Greensburg, PA 15601 ?
Patrick R Nicolello Kelly
Lever knight, a local resident, was watching news of the attacks when
she heard the plane. "I heard the plane going over and I went out the
front door and I saw the plane going down. It was headed toward the
school, which panicked me, because all three
of my kids were there. Then you heard the explosion and felt the blast
and saw the fire and smoke."[73] Another witness, Eric Peterson, looked
up when he heard the plane, "It was low enough, I thought you could
probably count the rivets. You could see more of the roof of the plane
than you could the belly. It was on its side. There was a great
explosion and you could see the flames. It was a massive, massive
explosion. Flames and then smoke and then a massive, massive mushroom
cloud."[74] Val McClatchey had been watching footage of the attacks when
she heard the plane. She saw it briefly, then heard the impact. The
crash knocked out the electricity and phones. McClatchey grabbed her
camera and took the only known picture of the smoke cloud from the
explosion.[75][76] Ten years after 9/11, a video of the rising smoke
cloud filmed by Dave Berkebile (deceased by 2011) from his yard located
eight miles away from the crash site was published on YouTube.
Indian Lake marina
he looked up and saw the plane overhead. "I heard the engine whine and scream," Stop said. He then heard an explosion and saw a fireball.
three minutes after the explosion, the
LARGE airplane climbed the sky almost vertically,
the witness said.
Marcus Arroyo (Regional manager) called to report several hijackings, including
AAL #77, UAL #175 and UAL #177http://aldeilis.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/fake/917.pdf
what was the squawking intruder, code 3321?
We did not locate any chain of custody forms of these parts from the crash site to NTSB.
after this information was discovered and published as an article, the BT almost immediately shut down its data base, and when it put it back up it had moved it to a different URL without leaving a forwarding address at the old URL (the one which was given in the published article), strongly indicating consciousness of guilt. Ten months later they doctored the database to try to include the flights, although the doctored data, while now claiming that the flight was scheduled, still has it as never departing
two AA flights were still shown as scheduled for those days 9/12,13,14
Relatives later reported they heard sounds of an on-board struggle beginning at 9:58 a.m., but there was a final "rushing sound" at 10:03,
Why can't you send me a facsimile copy of the passenger lists, including the names of
the terrorists?
This is the information we have for public release. I am glad to have been of some help to you; best wishes on the remainder of your project.
http://aldeilis.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/fake/926.pdffamily members who later heard a tape and saw a transcript of the cockpit voice recorder.
Honor Elizabeth Wainio, a passenger, told her stepmother, ''They're getting ready to
break into the cockpit.''
CeeCee 9:58 a.m. The conversation lasted only two or three minutes. Then the line went dead. armed with knives and a red box that they said contained a bomb One passenger had
already been stabbed to death.Jeremy Glick, a 31-year-old New Jersey computer executive
and former judo champion, called his wife from the plane But every time he typed in
CeeCee's name, the computer locked him out.
Andreas von Bülow, 64, the work of the intelligence services.
As a result, he wrote the book "On behalf of the State" securities trading in
the airlines American Airlines, United Airlines and insurance companies have
increased by 1,200 percent. It was about 15 billion dollars.http://www.tagesspiegel.de/zeitung/da-sind-spuren-wie-von-einer-trampelnden-elefantenherde/283180.html
three of the men were believed to be the same ones who argued with airline workers
Tuesday after being ordered off a ... flight to Los Angeles that had been canceled.
10, who were being questioned by federal officials, had open airline tickets dated Sept. 11,
fake identifications and knives, sources told Newsday
Federal investigators said they could not explain the discrepancy between the
American Airlines passenger list and their list.
80% of the steel was scrapped without being examined because investigators
did not have the authority to preserve the wreckage
Pentagon blocked a meeting with FBI he handed a similar chart to then
Deputy National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley soon after September 11
"Al Qaeda Global Map" that had Atta's name on it. He added that he saw
Atta's photo during the unit's investigation.
"I was the one that carried the charts down to Tampa, to Capt. Phillpott,"
then Able/Danger's operations officer, Shaffer said. atta was living in Florida
I wonder how far the charts were from Atta? Atta was identified by Able
Danger in January/February 2000,"
The Washington-based FBI agent who was Shaffer's liaison has recalled, in interviews with her superiors, that Shaffer told her his group had unearthed important information
software programs, with names like Spire, Parentage and Starlight
One of the most promising leads came from Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates, where in January 2000 authorities detained Sept. 11 hijack pilot Ziad Jarrah
- Zacarias Moussaoui y paying for his lessons in cash and demanding to learn to fly a Boeing 747
When the laptop was finally searched in the wake of Sept. 11, it contained nothing linking Moussaoui to the plot.
Atta known to Pentagon
Chuck Spinney, now retired after years of brilliant government service exposing
the Pentagon’s budgetary outrages, tells me that “there ARE pictures taken of
the 757 plane hitting Pentagon — they were taken by the surveillance cameras
at Pentagon’s heliport, which was right next to impact point.
I have seen them both — stills and moving pictures. I just missed seeing it personally,
9/11 conspiracism has now penetrated deep into the American left. It is also
widespread on the libertarian and populist right,
Carl Sagan I’m amazed at how many people give credence to these theories
Whitewash as public service: How The 9/11 Commission Report defrauds the nation
9/11 Commission Chairmen Admit Whitewashing the Cause of the Attacks
Alvin Hellerstein
final slap in the face. This came in the form of a $15,000 fine levied against Veale for filing a
“frivolous” appeal (the appeal had already been turned down in April of last year).
Saharan front fabricated.
The Events of 11 September 2001 and the Right to the Truth
The Destruction of the World Trade Center: Why the Official Account Cannot Be True
the two brothers suspected in the Boston hijackings were Adnan Bukhari and Ameer Abbas Bukhari,
Sanctions in Gallop 9/11 lawsuit send a message: seek justice at your own risk
The case laid out by Veale addressed the 9/11 official story and why the evidence points
to it being false.
The Special Routing Arrangement Service (SRAS) was, for reasons unknown, turned on for "exercise mode" on September 10, 2001,
Twenty-five U.S. Military Officers Challenge Official Account of 9/11
black boxes aboard the plane, was found 25 feet below ground in the crater
Moussaoui had caused at least one death on Sept. 11 because of his failure to alert the FBI to the terrorist plot
Navy lieutenant, Sweeney was an aeronautics consultant
Two of the Flight 11 hijackers, Mohamed Atta and Abdul Aziz al Omari, were aboard the flight on their way to Boston.
Rizzuto also provided a complete list of current United Airlines employees at Newark Airport
Thirty-eight 38 airline boarding passes used by passengers to board United Airlines flight ninety·three 93
fAl Nami's Florida Driver's License recovered from the United Airlines Flight 93 crash site
Ziad Jarrah's Passport recovered at the United Airlines Flight 93 crash site
More debris from the plane was found in New Baltimore, some 8 miles away from the crash
Authorities deny Flight 93 was shot down by F-16
Recordings of Phone Calls on September 11, 2001 Made By Nydia Gonzalez
The citizen ~ ~~ then opened his car door and purposely let it hit the hijackers' car. He reported how odd ~ .. ;~)it was that they just sat in the car and didn't react to his provocation.
UAL Flight 175 boarded and departed from gate 19, Terminal C at Logan Airport. on 9-11 there were no surveillance cameras at the checkpoint or in the terminal. AAL Flight 11 boarded and departed from Gate 31 phones between the checkpoint and the gate (on the right) as used by one of the flight 175 hijackers to call ATTA.
Mr. Powell was that Jarrah was ineffective in the use of the radio in the aircraft Jarrah did schedule a third lesson and check out flight, but did not return to Hortman Aviation. that none of the hijackers would have been able to successfully carry out the attacks of 09/11/2001
Mr. Connor checked his log book and stated that he flew with Hanjour on August 16, 2001 and August 17,2001. Mr. Connor stated that Hanjour was a poor student and he had particular difficulty landing the aircraft.
At the present time, several keys pieces of information have been leaked to the press,
Some of the passengers on the plane had decided to jump on the hijacker with the bomb and try to get him down. The call ended at nine a.m.
He remembers talking to the gate agent, but doesn't remember why the flight was late departing. The caller said that someone was hurt on Flight 12. She told Woodward she was in the back of the aircraft sitting next to Betty Ong presume that they stabbed the attendants to get the key attendants issued two keys jet bridge key that gets them through all of the jet bridge gates throughout the system except for Chicago, and a cockpit key. And seconds later she said "Oh my God we are way too low" and then the phone call ended. Sweeney didn't say anything about a gun, mace, pepper spray or box cutters.
http://aldeilis.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/fake/125.pdf - Aircraft aircraft Impacts the ground Inverted and at high speed.
American Flight 11 took off from runway 4R AA 11 turns right towards the south and starts 3,200 ft/min descent.
south tower of the World Trade Center at approximately 9:02:40 AM.
The time of impact was 9:37:45 AM Figure 3. - DC Area Flight Path
Four men were listed on the manifest of American Airlines Flight 11, Rudy Dekkers, Huffman's president and owner, said they attended the school for about five months beginning in July 2000, then left to take training elsewhere. Agents asked Hank Habora about a neighbor, Amer Kamfar, 41 and Adnan Bukhari
http://aldeilis.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/fake/130b.pdf The men had stayed briefly with Voss while attending flight school in July 2000.
Baltimore Mayor Martin O'Malley has said local law enforcement officials should have been told by the FBI that Jarrah was on a CIA watch list.
Ziad Jarrah as his girlfriend called one last time, he said three times, "I love you"
The Last Will of Mohammed Atta
SPIEGEL search
In-flight Breakup Over The Atlantic Ocean Trans World Airlines Flight 800
http://aldeilis.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/fake/143.pdfNo Attempt Made By F.B.I. To Formally Identify 9/11 Plane
were not the work of Arab terrorists, but appear to have been part of a black operation carried out with the cooperation of elements in our government
Ziad Samir JARRAH Terrorist Timeline
ALSHEHHI, ATTA, JARRAH Terrorist Timeline
mihdhar Khalld Suspect PROFIT CENTER: TIME: EXPENSE: Booked re .. rvallon on-08flSl01 with AA.COM (website) using A.Advantage Profile
Moqed Maied Suspect Booked reMrVatlon on 08125/01 with AA.COM (website) USing AAdvantage Profile #1 H01 L56
FBI agents targeted homes and post office boxes in south Florida for searches late Tuesday with warrants based on passenger lists September 11, 2001 Posted: 11:56 PM
The luggage of one of the men who flew to the airport Tuesday didn't make his scheduled connection
175 a Boeing 767 that departed at 7:45
But seconds later, there were two or three similar huge explosions and the building literally shook
Last Modified: Monday, September 10, 2001 at 11:00 p.m
http://aldeilis.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/fake/157.pdf the Pentagon has declared Threatcon Delta for forces around the world.
Sir, the perpetrators of the Khobar Towers bombing were never found; the Cole bombing as well
United Airlines Flight 93 THE FLIGHT DEPARTED for San Francisco at 8:01 a.m. ET with 38 passengers
American flight 11 left from Gate 26 in Terminal B, and the United flight 175 from Gate 19 in Terminal C and airline workers learned almost simultaneously that there had been explosions at the World Trade Center
They started killings in the back of the plane
http://aldeilis.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/fake/162.pdf United Airlines was also missing two jetliners. One had crashed outside Pittsburgh, according to airline officials, and the other had crashed in a location not immediately identified.
One passenger, Al Marchand, was an off-duty flight attendant who was a retired New Mexico police lieutenant
Recorder Manufacturer/Model: Allied Signal SSFDR
F-16 made 360-degree turns to remain close to the commercial jet,
Recorder Manufacturer/Model: Loral Fairchild Model F-2100
Mohamed Atta South Florida Crop Care in Belle Glade.
Mohamed Atta Angeles City Flying Club
Mohamed Atta came to the Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites-Longboat Key Sept. 7
"Beware of cockpit intrusion."
United Flight 23
six men initially wouldn't get off the plane
FBI Director Robert Mueller said a preliminary investigation indicated 18 hijackers
Kenyan national burst into the cockpit
Summary of Penttbom Investigation
LISET FROMETA she went to Gate 32 and assisted in the boarding of Flight 11.
an examination of the cell phone records
bartender Darlene Sievers wonders what Mohamed Atta, the lead hijacker, was doing in her lounge
Seventh public hearing of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States
In-flight Breakup Over The Atlantic Ocean Trans World Airlines Flight 800
http://aldeilis.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/fake/143.pdfNo Attempt Made By F.B.I. To Formally Identify 9/11 Plane
were not the work of Arab terrorists, but appear to have been part of a black operation carried out with the cooperation of elements in our government
Ziad Samir JARRAH Terrorist Timeline
ALSHEHHI, ATTA, JARRAH Terrorist Timeline
mihdhar Khalld Suspect PROFIT CENTER: TIME: EXPENSE: Booked re .. rvallon on-08flSl01 with AA.COM (website) using A.Advantage Profile
Moqed Maied Suspect Booked reMrVatlon on 08125/01 with AA.COM (website) USing AAdvantage Profile #1 H01 L56
FBI agents targeted homes and post office boxes in south Florida for searches late Tuesday with warrants based on passenger lists September 11, 2001 Posted: 11:56 PM
The luggage of one of the men who flew to the airport Tuesday didn't make his scheduled connection
175 a Boeing 767 that departed at 7:45
But seconds later, there were two or three similar huge explosions and the building literally shook
Last Modified: Monday, September 10, 2001 at 11:00 p.m
http://aldeilis.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/fake/157.pdf the Pentagon has declared Threatcon Delta for forces around the world.
Sir, the perpetrators of the Khobar Towers bombing were never found; the Cole bombing as well
United Airlines Flight 93 THE FLIGHT DEPARTED for San Francisco at 8:01 a.m. ET with 38 passengers
American flight 11 left from Gate 26 in Terminal B, and the United flight 175 from Gate 19 in Terminal C and airline workers learned almost simultaneously that there had been explosions at the World Trade Center
They started killings in the back of the plane
http://aldeilis.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/fake/162.pdf United Airlines was also missing two jetliners. One had crashed outside Pittsburgh, according to airline officials, and the other had crashed in a location not immediately identified.
One passenger, Al Marchand, was an off-duty flight attendant who was a retired New Mexico police lieutenant
Recorder Manufacturer/Model: Allied Signal SSFDR
F-16 made 360-degree turns to remain close to the commercial jet,
Recorder Manufacturer/Model: Loral Fairchild Model F-2100
Mohamed Atta South Florida Crop Care in Belle Glade.
Mohamed Atta Angeles City Flying Club
Mohamed Atta came to the Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites-Longboat Key Sept. 7
"Beware of cockpit intrusion."
United Flight 23
six men initially wouldn't get off the plane
FBI Director Robert Mueller said a preliminary investigation indicated 18 hijackers
Kenyan national burst into the cockpit
Summary of Penttbom Investigation
LISET FROMETA she went to Gate 32 and assisted in the boarding of Flight 11.
an examination of the cell phone records
bartender Darlene Sievers wonders what Mohamed Atta, the lead hijacker, was doing in her lounge
Seventh public hearing of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States