Don't be like James Henry Fetzer and be mistaken.
9/11 Oral Histories was about the people who were in NYC when it happened.. I am reporting that not a single page of 7060 of witnesses report supports
seeing Flight 11 or Flight 175 ..
I found two people who spoke about plane #2 in oral histories, however the first one spoke about a military plane first and the other gave the flight number and did not describe the plane directly from the Brooklyn Bridge.
These are sum total of witnesses which I found:
Brian who says "it did not shine in the sun like a normal plane.. "
O'Flaherty, Brian (pdf file) Battalion Chief (F.D.N.Y.) 1/9/02
Darnowski, Kevin (pdf file) Paramedic (E.M.S.) 11/9/01
Use this Document to search all histories:
7060 Oral History Joined PDF
The Challenge, like before is to find a witness who support the official account of 9/11 but describing either Flight 11 or Flight 175 in detail using the colors for example of those flights.. Simply seeing "Planes" does not count and will be seen as spam..
Rules: only quotes from 9/11 Oral Histories. All other responses should be deleted.. Thanks
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Stick with this story Daniel M. Plesse looks like a good one! |
The Sept. 11 Records
A rich vein of city records from Sept. 11, including more than 12,000
pages of oral histories rendered in the voices of 503 firefighters,
paramedics, and emergency medical technicians, were made public on Aug.
12. The New York Times has published all of them.
James Henry Fetzer Response so far
Strange comment
CHIEF JOSEPH PFEIFER 9/11 Oral history said this
somewhat of a hole, from our position, certainly, maybe three or four
of the stories, three stories I think I said. Again, there was no fire
coming out. So, when we got there, there was no fire and on the west
side there was no smoke. But there was an obvious hole in the building. "
Yikes Fake 9/11 Photo (maybe)!
9/11 Forum
Result #1
Result #2 'No Planer' Witness
I was an eyewitness (along with 3 engineering colleagues) to the WTC from an open window on the 20th floor of The Riverside Church beginning just after the explosion in the North Tower.
We had a clear view of both towers 1 & 2 from about their 20th floors and up to the top from our vantage, though the North Tower appeared to overlap the South Tower about 45%. All four of us had our eyes transfixed on WTC 1 & 2. We saw the explosion in the South Tower. However, not one of us saw an airplane. From our perch, and airplane would have appeared huge in the sky, no matter what angle it was alleged to have approached the South Tower.
We watched the South Tower turn to dust in 10 seconds. After that, the Church was evacuated, being one of the tallest building due North of WTC. Even though I knew it was impossible for a plane to bring down one of the strongest buildings ever constructed, I still "bought" the official version of the 911 events for far too long. A few years after 911, I was watching a news clip of Bill Clinton giving a speech. He was being confronted by a heckler shouting "911 was an inside job." Clinton stopped, and, instead of simply saying, "No, it was not," or "no, you're wrong," he said in a nasty and unctuous and patronizing tone, "How dare you!" I knew right then the official version of 911 was a complete lie... With best wishes, Peter
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Result #3
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7 mutual friends including Austin Thomas and Jana Karásková
Need favor, please tag Rory into the Rory thread. Thanks.
Got it, nevermind, thx anyway
Favor please, tag Karen into my thread just now, if no one has done so yet.
No, Karen Denise Arnold. In my group s11 truth. I can't tag when I create the post, at least not from my phone.
I posted again with Karen Denise.. under your post..
I see, thank you. I took the liberty of deleting your tag of the incorrect person.
I think i am block by Larry Mallette .. I wonder why..
I have unblocked you in order to ask you to please leave my group. To me and a number of others communicating with me privately your style is tedious and distractive. Thank you.
Why don't you read my current post and think for yourself?
I read them all. As admin I could see you even though I had you blocked. By sheer quantity you are boor, and bore. Like 30 posts last month while the second place person made like 5. Will you please leave now?
Not until you understand my last post..
I understand it. Now leave, please.
Tell me what is says in detail..
Because you won't believe I'm tired of you until you make me specify just how tired I am?
No just read and understand one post..
You're stalling. I already told you I've read them all. That's what makes me tired of you. Now please say goodbye instead of hello.
You didn't read it.. Please read it
Once was enough. Please stop badgering your polite host with your unwelcome communications anymore.
Because you are spamming my group and I'm not the only one whose patience is gone.
Spamming? I doing research and posting my results..
None of your member have done that -- ZERO!
Hit and run, all over the place, derogatory, almost every day, very little active input from your mind, mostly linkig and meming, yawwwwn.
Your alleged research is always boldly inconclusive.
The majority of it, cumulatively, including in the opinion of too many fellow members for me to have kept count of.
Please provide an example..
At least meet me half way..
They shall remain nameless. I'm the host and I accepted all comers in this very first group I ever created, and I don't apologize for needing to modify the house rules as I go along.
I want to let October be a trial period where you refrain from being the member with the most posts in the month. So far in day 1 you are back up at #1.
I need to talk them directly..
I don't see any more posts coming.. alway..
fine I will stop posting for a month..
I will also delete some older material..
A good start would be if you stop being the most frequent poster every single week. You're at # 1 today. I wonder who will be #1 tomorrow.
I said I will stop.. However who else has posted material about 9/11? How many 9/11 topics exist on your page?
You have a couple fans, 1-2 likes on many of your posts. Leave all the old stuff up as far as I care. It's going forward that I want to be different.
I would like a detailed account of everything.. Ray..
Yes you would. And I would like you to leave my group.
Who said said what so far.. I count very little from you and other members ..
Lets review the titles together
Do not join the group "9/11 Forensics". They are pushing the "fake jumpers" theory.
Today it's you with two and me with one, and my one was an admin notice of booting someone for proselytizing.
count your september posts and tell me the name of anyone else with nearly that number
one post has been deleted
at this point with your alleged desire for defensive accounting that would be tantamount to erasing evidence.
No they were copies by mistake..
Let's exchange dozens of texts about how you don't go on and on and on without ever going anywhere.
Will you PRETTY PLEASE leave my group RIGHT NOW, just because it's mine and I'm asking you to?
hold on we agreed to for the posting to slow down already correct?
We agreed that the posting would slow down correct?
Nah, because you wanted to nitpick about every individual post when it is totally obvious you are dominating the numbers.
Now go, please, I just want you gone.
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