Debunking 9/11 conspiracy theorists part 1 of 7
" It looked like it was moving slowly and it lined itself to hit the building directly" ‘Wow, I’ve never seen a plane so low,"
Click on the minutes 1:40 16:20 13:43 to hear what I am replying to..

danp56482 days ago (edited)LINKED COMMENT
1:40 707 is NOT a small slow moving plane... Leslie also said FULLY LOADED FROM any PLACE on the building.. They have FOUR Pratt & Whitney JT3D engines on the port side of a Boeing 707-320C: ..... Speed, 495 kn (917 km/h; 570 mph)

+danp5648 The 'slow moving' comment is from Leslie Robertson describing a 707 lost in fog.

+Mark H Does the plane get smaller because of the fog?? Does being lost in a fog mean below the stall speed? Look up "stall speed" and "Vmu speeds".. for a 707.. Vmu means minimum unstick speed. Vmo maximum airspeed.. The 471 kts would be ground speed max ground speed for 767. MPH 542.0171. Vd usually refers to the maximum design dive speed. The demonstrated maximum speed is Vdf, which will not be greater than Vd.. United Airlines Flight 175 average speed for the final 52 miles are in 270 seconds = 693.2 mph.. Video shows mach 2 plane in the distance..
9 11 Breaking the low altitude Speed Barrier Estimate mach 2
United Airlines Flight 175- Impossible Speed
Speed of Sound (Match 1) at 25.000 feet is actually 692,8 mph.
Leslie Robertson World Trade structural engineer Witness to a river of steel = river of lava story also at NYPD Musuem.
16:20 William Rodriguez did not say Elevators falling was the cause
"a person came running into the office with has skin hanging.. "

14:58 the missile sounds was the negative pressure..Brian Reeves assumed the direction of the fireball.. David Correct did not see the elevators in free fall unless he was inside the shaft which he WAS NOT..

14:41 Elevators has builtin safely mechanism in case a cable is cut.. "mechanical stoppers on the corners of the car would deploy"

13:32 Explosions both BEFORE and right AFTER
9/11 Fire Fighter John Schroeder: explosion 5 minutes after impact

10:41 The building was taken apart from the top and NOT all at the same time..Your confusing free fall of single whole object with actually happened in parts also negative pressure was reported increasing the speed of the falling parts.

6:11 the concrete would have blocked any sagging and the engineering floors used giant H-beam across the core and floors.

Boeing 707 Wingspan 146 feet
Boeing 767/Wingspan 156 feet
Exactly 10 feet difference not 7.9..

No one reported seeing a 767 and most common report was 737 which is a small plane and no one reported the color of flight 11 or flight 175 correctly.

1:40 707 is NOT a small slow moving plane... Leslie also said FULLY LOADED FROM any PLACE on the building.. They have FOUR Pratt & Whitney JT3D engines on the port side of a Boeing 707-320C: ..... Speed, 495 kn (917 km/h; 570 mph)…/myles-power-debunking-e… when confronted with common sense truthers stutter!
9/11 North East American Sector Decoy Planes discovered but not printed or published
9/11: 2nd Plane Hit Collection 8:24
2nd Plane Hit Collection Review
Plane Hit Collection Review
1. 0:04 Can't see the colors maybe black..
2. 0:13 looks black
3. 0:30 same location looks black ..
4. 0:39 WTF? no colors
5. 1:00 no colors
6. 1:15 looks black or no color
7. 1:29 no color
8. 1:35 no color
9. 1:57 no colors black face
10. 2:46 too far
11 2:56 black face plane ! above
12 3:16 another strange plane..
13. 3:49 UFO plane
14. 4:14 dive bomber no tail section
15. 4:45 no sun reflects off this thing. no color should blue red grey
16 5:06 black plane
17. 5:20 too far away
18. 5:45 black plane
19. 6:10 should be blue
20. 6:20 should be blue
21.7:10 our first complete miss
22. 7:24 too fast
23. too far away
24.. Slow and then moves faster
25. Wings should have white areas strange pod
26. 8:24 more black plane
27. 9:05 CNN shot goes to black plane
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Proprietor at Law Office of Gary Donoyan
Lives in Manhasset, New York
It looks like Joe Haley is still an admin at Fair 9/11 Debates. I quit the group so I can't see what happened since a couple days ago. Did you get him "kicked off of" something else?
I got him kick off but he somehow returned..
He is admin for so many pages and he's such a retard..
he is a Gage partisan, thinks he is doing holy work for him, so lying is OK, the official theory guys love their little pet
They love him and Will Small..
9/11 World Trade Center Ground Zero: Nobody Knows 6 minute vesrion
9/11 Nobody Knows 6.5 minutes With Barbara Olson, Amy Sweeney, Betty ONG, Flight 11, Flight 77 Flight 93 9/11 Phone Calls DOJ, 9/11: The WTC Meteorite, 9 11 stairwell b survivors WAR GAMES ON SEPTEMBER 11TH, august 6th pdb 2001
9/11 Explosion Sounds No Floors Required: Can you hear me now?
Explosion sound during 1010 Wins and same 1010 wins broadcast without
OK. That wasn't really clear enough, and, I don't think that info is particularly useful, since it might distract from much bigger clues. You'll get those who say, is that all you got? Maybe someone else can incorporate your findings into a larger presentation or something. My 2 cents.
Not only was the sound not recorded BUT the reporter did not comment or react to the sound.. It could mean the reporter was told in advance and had specialized background noise removal technology.. The reporter works for channel 12 New York and not 1010 WINS now and will respond to questions....
I found this photo
September 11th Drone Evidence NIST FOIA Release 29 photograph number two SIPA
What I am working on now, is raising awareness of the advanced 3D projections, and magnetic-electrogravitic-nuclear reactions, used on 9/11.
Gary Donoyan how are going about doing that? What evidence have you collected?
What same stuff?
I haven't "collected" any evidence (besides my own observations, some dust that seems to have vanished, and some photos of St. Nicholas Church icons), but I'm referring to stuff easily found on the internet, and in WDTTG.
I assumed you did videos or wrote something down..
I just watch this
9/11 Nobody Knows The Troubles I Have Seen 2016
9 11 Nobody Knows 2016 A New World Order 2
I watched the first 3 minutes or so (again). New bits about a Reagan person confession and body distance, reminders about missing seismic data. I expect that you are formulating your thoughts by making and updating these videos and that is a good thing. But for now, as for me, you are preaching to the converted, and I can't spare the hour to watch all of your latest. Hang in there Daniel.
You forgot New World Order Guy
I just read a FBI document which said a roommate claimed one of the hijackers was Jewish.. Did you read the page 9 comment by Farmer? 9/11 the good and dead list.
9 11 Smithsonian Curator, Chief Medical Examiner and Dust Scientist all Dead
Also do know which video Judy first said "Magnetic Electro Gravitic Nuclear Reaction"?
The Farmer excerpt is not page numbered, but I don't recall seeing such a list. That Amazon excerpt is the only source I have for the Farmer book. I know the first responders are getting sick or dead. I myself had a cough for a few weeks, but I seem to be fine since then. I know that term from WDTTG, I'm not sure if it is in a video.
at 0:25 in the video firefighters sprays water on the fire, after watering a piece of red hot steel is still red hot.. Does steel maintain its glow even after water is applied? What movie is this clip from?
Interesting clip, though it is not continuous (with pauses) and repetitive; I don't know its source. But I don't assume it was "hot," we just tend to assume that due to the color and the flames, but magnetic electro-gravitic nuclear reactions are not hot at all. Yeah, now I see the quote (after 3 prompts, sorry), I had read that, but don't really see much significance in his "New World Order" comment. Not direct enough to be useful, he still wants to go along with the hijackers theory.
The pauses are to capture the glowing object after the water is applied and the flames which are extreme are removed. Do you know blacksmith I can ask him.. Maybe steel does remain glowing after cold water is applied.. That was the question..
Here is question I asked the airlines today..
Dear Airlines dot net. What is the estimated speed of aircraft seen in the background?
I think Richard Hall has done that calculation. There is really no doubt about the speed, or whether a 767 or 757 can reach it at that altitude (no).
Is it possible to estimate speed based visual i.e video above?
Is that even the south tower plane? It looks very brief, probably very tough. Richard Hall looked at all available videos as well as radar data, which all matched, and came up with some high number. I'm surprised you're not familiar with it.
Other videos shows it passing every 6 minutes or so..
The black chopper shows up again 37 seconds before impact.. Seem like it was following the second plane around all day like witnesses reported seeing..
The second "plane" came in at high speed from the south southwest somewhere beyond Jersey City in a pretty direct line. There couldn't have been a chopper following it. Richard Hall.
Richard Hall didn't review the witnesses nor has seen the video you reviewed..
9/11 Helicopter Following Second Plane Witness Tim Main and Mike Ballou
So, the helicopter was removed from some of the video clips? Plausible, but why do you think it is so significant that a helicopter was following the second plane? I looked it up again, the "plane" was traveling at the (impossible) speed of 590 mph, faster than any helicopter.
The helicopter's appearance marks the second plane in space and time.. We can't see the second plane too good but we can be sure of the helicopter and the witness also couples the two together.
Tim Main and Mike Ballou are also apart of second plane circling witness list..
Review this video then get back to me about this:
He uses radar inputs. If the inputs are bad the output has to be the same, correct? .
Please. He also analyzes each video that is long enough, nearly all of them. They all match, he says. Norma Rae even booted me when I pointed out she can't show two videos that show different flight paths.
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