9/11 Big Explosion Flash
You accepted Paul's request.
Yes and I video taped my experience
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADygllD35t0&t=46s but I can't find it
9/11 Objects of High Temperature
Use google
FACT: Jet fuel burns at 800° to 1500°F, not hot enough to melt steel (2750°F).
9/11 Never Forget To Look Behind The Smoking Curtain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_fr4cRVkXU
The fire is the most misunderstood part of the WTC collapse. Even today, the media report (and many scientists believe) that the steel melted. It is argued that the jet fuel burns very hot, especially with so much fuel present. This is not true.
Very factual reasons how each plane took down the WTCs - "Thus, the failure of the steel was due to two factors: loss of strength due to the temperature of the fire, and loss of structural integrity due to distortion of the steel from the non-uniform temperatures in the fire." What a terrible loss!
The key to undermining these straw arguments is the molten materials displayed to the public at all museums, the missing seismic data and claims that "The Sept 11 2001 events are not in the NEIC catalog" reason the 13 stations in NYC area was "too sparse" to collect data and the military grade arson materials found in the dust.. These are more factual because you see each of items in dust samples, missing records at NEIC and molten materials at each museum. 46% of 3,100 victims were never found and the 46,000 floor trusses are missing.. Those "factual reasons" are assumptions i.e a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, but without proof or evidence..
True enough - when those buildings went down they were obliterated! So fast! I saw the buildings burn then collapse on themselves.
More interesting is the South Tower Lobby Survivors looked up and witnessed blue sky. All 110 floors above went every place but the lobby area and the same story happened in the North Tower.. If you at the bottom center of each tower you walked out, if you were any place else you went missing.. https://youtu.be/j9RsibP6vL4
Other witness in the South Tower lobby area reported
Saving City Lifelines: Lessons Learned in the 9-11 Terrorist Attacks
""People inside the South Tower felt the floor vibrate as if a small earthquake were occurring. Instinctively, they sought shelter behind the massive pillars in the lobby, then everything went black. The vibration lasted for about 30 seconds.
The doors were knocked out, and a huge ball of flame created by the exploding diesel fuel from the building’s own supply tank shot from the elevator shaft and out the doors of the South Tower, consuming everything in its path."
All these survivors and molten materials and the the missing people defy all common assumptions about 9/11..
Frank in not included in the 9/11 Oral History Project
Enough lateral force exerted on the South Tower to not only enable survival but also a easy escape from the North Tower Collapse minutes later..
So thank lateral forces
I listen to engineers who complain about NIST report on building 7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJAWl8unZeA
In summary: The Fires and jet fuel could not be the source of the molten object now at display.. No museum has said they were.. What was true source of the heating? Second, 110 floors of the second largest building went missing according to Mr. Lucky. The question is "where did the towers go?" His luck is not the key issue..
Yeah. Maybe the jet fuel combined with materials in the tower lead to the melting steel? Wow crazy stuff how hot it did get. Either way what a horrible event. Even worse then this shooter in Vegas! Bad stuff will never end.
The melting of steel is far beyond what office fires or jet fuel can do or you or we could been making cool things out of the materials. It hard to melt any material.. Try melting an aluminium pipe into a pool of molten material.. I couldn't do that and melting point is one of the lowest requirements at 1,221°F while steel is thousand more 2750°F 1,500 degrees more. The missing building requirement are beyond steel melting requirement.. South Tower man has gone unknown for 16 years and his story is unknown..
What people have been doing is argue from the beginning with lower requirements and from that low level they begin to sell the story.
They call this the straw man argument fallacy
People at hospitals collect 9/11 insider knowledge from old white guys who have been apart of project from the beginning.. Only one story was relayed so far..
Did anyone you know die in the towers? I knew for sure one person, the coxswain of the womens crew team.
The worst and gets much worse. USGS didn't like the data on 9/11 so its not published.. They publish a limited political document and whole bought the story.
World Trade Center Historical Missing Catalog Data
Lisa A Wald <lisa@usgs.gov>
to me, archive
I asked the head of the National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC) about this, and he said:
The Sept 11 2001 events are not in the NEIC catalog because our station spacing was too sparse to get a good location and magnitude. We do not have classified information about the events. The events were carefully studied by the local seismic network at Lamont-Doherty. Reference: Kim et al., EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, volume 82 no. 47 November, 20 2001.
What stations do these belong to if not NEIC or
Lamont–Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO)
1. FOR
2. CNY
5. AMNH Central Park location
Draft Report includes "local explosions"
9/11 Data
Does this data Contain Digital Catalog Attributes and unreported details
sold mnkd today.. Too far too fast
4.96 +1.42 (40.11%)
"The destructive energy of the January earthquake was magnitude 2.4, a minor earthquake. It was felt in Manhattan and Queens. Dr. Sykes said the twin tower collapses were slightly larger in destructive energy. "
Second collapse ML=2.3
11:01:07 Further collapse
1 0 0 0
11:15:04 EDT, Further collapse
1 0 0
11:29:46 EDT, Further collapse
1 0
Ultimate 9/11 Fraud Compilation
Which the videos. They look at black box data, Bill Clinton bombing bin laden, inside trading etc. Flight paths over National Air Guard bases.
I talked about mannkind mnkd 5400 shares and still going up ..
MNKD 6.64 looks like a sold too early
True. I haven't owned an individual stock for a while now. Only mutual funds which we buy and hold for us.
So no amazon for you? You can sell old used stuff on Amazon. I was making a killing using that web sites until they kicked me out for doing to well.. I sold old records, books and I recycle copper. The solar panels went for over 100 dollars ..
Now a recycle metal for cash, just clean up the yard.. 600 pounds last time we went..
I bought 20,000 worth of Exelixis hoping to take advantage of a label change to first line setting..
I take care of two dogs, three rabbits, six chickens and hundreds of exotic plants. I'm still retired from collecting a paycheck.
Do you have any copper? It goes for big money..
Nope. All my pipes are PVC. When this house was being built I was saving lumber like 2 x 4's like crazy. They were just tossing them if they had a nail in it...
I was removing those solar water tanks all day. 200 pounds of 1970's steel.. each..
and no I didn't not remove them yet.. I am not sure how..
I drilled holes and removed all collections and water did pour out but too heavy still..
Don't need the luck.. I made another video 10/14/17 Good luck with that.
9/11 All You need to know in 5 seconds 1010 Wins
Basically that statement "move it back, the building is about to blow up.." is enough to prove 9/11 was designed by local people.. You don't need any more information.. You don't need 904-555-0004 phone calls from the planes, molten debris on display at each 9/11 museum (which also proves 9/11 was not caused by jet fuel), you don't need to know flight 11 was flying in the wrong direction or that it flew over air national guard military base without a transponder after 8:14. He said "move it back, building is about to blow up.." That should be enough..
OK After all the time that you spent obsessing over the 9/11 airline hijacking, what do you actually think happened? Not what others think. What do you think?
simple. something was in place to use the planes as cover and the chain reaction with never stop. People said the building were going blow up minutes before and others said they were there to document the event. They said so on public television i.e CNN and talk shows overseas. Fox covered the insider trading.. Someone even turned the traffic lights off seconds before .. They most likely turned off gas, water, electric too to limit the damage. Everything is public info... 46% of the total killed have NOT been found. No trace.. Reason - blown up. That simple..
Something was in place to use the planes as cover and the chain reaction will never stop. People said the buildings were going blow up minutes before and others said they were there to document the event. They said so on public television i.e CNN and talk shows overseas. Fox covered the insider trading.. Someone even turned the traffic lights off seconds before .. They most likely turned off gas, water, electric too to limit the damage. Everything is public info... 46% of the total killed have NOT been found. No trace.. Reason - blown up. That simple..
What chain reaction? Endless war and now ISIS and soon others..7 countries in 7 years General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RC1Mepk_Sw
9/11 Commission top lawyer on page 9 of his book made a reference .. That reference is key to both who and why.. https://photos.app.goo.gl/gqRRLtdXDWfM07752
John Farmer put that reference in there so people could find it.. It nice and public too..
So who? and why? The photo didn't tell me anything. Just say it so I can understand what you've learned from all your research.
So who would blow up a building if not Bin Laden via the planes crashing into it?
I can't tell you who and why directly, It has to come from the mouth of John Farmer to your ears mind because it too crazy but it fits the bill. Your mind maybe blocking out the reference I am referring too. Google books removed the page..
No more attachments. Just speak clearly. In 2001 (16 years ago) four planes were hijacked from Boston and crashed into three buildings.
Not a single serial number ID was found for any of the Planes on 9/11, nor has the FBI given the NTSB the remains of the planes in 16 years which might be because its NOT the planes. No other reason is possible.. The plane were first reported as Flight 11 and Flight 77.. It would be interesting that American 77 reported crash into the South Tower was reported before Flight 77 was reported hijacked.. Each plane flew for too long without interaction with fighter jets.. John Farmer, 9/11 Commission Lawyer Made a reference to the same terrorist organization George Bush Sr. Talked about They and many others keep making references to something called the New World Order In Capital Letters on page 9 of his book which somehow you refuse to see.. You can ask the FBI to give up there collection plane parts to the NTSB at anytime so ID's can be made for the first time not just press releases. The phone calls were 555 numbers on two planes.. 555 administrator said those numbers were NOT registered therefore 1. fake numbers or something not real..
I see New World Order but that doesn't mean anything. I've heard "It's different this time" so many times and it's only different to the people saying it but it's never different. Planes have been hijacked many times before. One group feels attacked by another and lashes out. It's been happening since before humans existed. When I was a kid I saw red ants and black ants fighting... Stop being oppressed by something as meaningless as planes being hijacked and focus on something positive in your life. What are going to do that's good for you today?
I don't see it as being positive or negative, I see it like a doctor sees a sick person. A sick person is bad no question but its up to the doctor to fix the problem.. Notice also New World Order is in capital letters. New World Order means something big for these people in power.. To have a 9/11 Commission member talk about it means NWO people are responsible.. See it within the context of who is talking and what the subject title category is and not just the world and NOT what those word means or not mean.. During 9/11 Text message disclosed Operation Phoenix
1:00 p.m. this could very well the New World Order talking about 9/11 Operations by phone..
2001-09-11 13:11:22 Arch [1421665] A ALPHA
RtOPS Update #1536 Operation Phoenix - I.S-CDE/CE NE Owner=Core Infrastructure * Operation Phoenix 866-791-7190 Passcode 7508470# Call for 10:00 CT update - activities associated with World Trade Ce
2001-09-11 13:12:50 Skytel [007611174] B ALPHA
RtOPS Update #1536 Operation Phoenix - I.S-CDE/CE NE Owner=Core Infrastructure * Operation Phoenix 866-791-7190 Passcode 75084
2001-09-11 13:12:58 Skytel [007045350] B ALPHA
RtOPS Update #1536 Operation Phoenix - I.S-CDE/CE NE Owner=Core Infrastructure * Operation Phoenix 866-791-7190 Passcode
2001-09-11 13:13:01 Skytel [002812546] A ALPHA
<2 of 2> explosions. *Update* Operation Phoenix: 866-791-7190 passcode 7508470# Update at 13:00 CT <SIMS>
2001-09-11 13:13:50 Skytel [007611174] B ALPHA
<2 of 2> explosions. *Update* Operation Phoenix: 866-791-7190 passcode 7508470# Update at 13:00 CT <SIMS>
2001-09-11 13:14:48 Skytel [002812546] A ALPHA
I.S-CDE/CE NE Owner=Core Infrastructure * Operation Phoenix 866-791-7190 Passcode 7508470# Call for 10:00 CT update - activities associated with World Trade Center/Pentagon<1 of 2>
2001-09-11 13:14:46 Skytel [002812546] A ALPHA
RtOPS Update #1536 Operation Phoenix -
2001-09-11 13:13:59 Skytel [007045350] B ALPHA
e** Operation Phoenix: 866-791-7190 passcode 7508470# Update at 13:00 CT <SIMS>
866 is a toll free number so like 555 calls from the planes which calls into question the hijacking themselves, an administrator would tell us more about the phone number....
Although area code 866 is not assigned to a geographical area, calls to any toll free number may be restricted by the customer. Other toll free area codes are 800, 833, 844, 855, 877, and 888.
BTW - originally the NWO referred to the collective peace possible only through a League of Nations or UN rather than through individual country self interest. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_world_order_%28politics%29
Did you call the number? - 9/11 was Operation Phoenix (above) - toll free.. Most likely CIA.. 904-555-0004 was the number which traced to phone calls from flight 11 and flight 175.. No tracing was reported for Flight 175 or Flight 77..
sorry 904-555-0004 was traced to Flight 11 and Flight 77 not Flight 175..
George Bush Sr. was a CIA director and CIA member during JFK.. After 9/11 the New World Order was given top level clearance for creation.. Across all nations and it is video taped
Before The Wars and after 9/11 the New World Order was a Priority
https://youtu.be/ja0iLDuN49A again this is my videos - not other people
summary :
Argument #1: Can jet fuel weaken box core columns from a standing position.. The answer is no..
Argument Does the 555 calls from hijacked planes mean the hijacks were fake? The answer is yes ..
Argument #2 Does the 555 calls from hijacked planes mean the hijacks were fake? The answer is yes .
Of course heating metal softens it while it's hot. I've done it!
Regarding the planes being hijacked, why hit the pentagon if the CIA was flying the planes? Why hit an open field in PA?
And yes the 555 calls traced from planes
You have not weaken large thick steel of high grade A. Maybe a pure iron poker.. Not a box shape.. The shape and size is what matters.. If the steel is solid its possible.. These columns were not made like that.. You should try again..
checkout the 555 calls too above ..
also remember they had to
"DIG" for the plane.. because no plane was there.. After that, have to ever seen Fight 77? WE can see Flight 800 but none of 9/11 planes.. also NIST was in charge in investigating WTC and they never demonstrated or anyone on computer sims what happen to building to match up to what the videos look like..
in summary you have not seen any of the planes and you do see 555 phone numbers used on these flights.. basically you are taking someones word without seeing anything..
Do you believe four huge planes that were hijacked were empty or never existed? Do you believe they crashed? Some believe the moon landing images were faked too. Phone records are your proof? Do you believe the press is all in on a cover up or got it right? I think it all happened the way the press said it happened. A few nuts came to this country, learned to fly in Florida took over four planes, crashed one in a field, one in the pentagon and two in the twin towers and they were as shocked as us that the Twin Towers fell after 56 mins and 102 mins of burning. And I still believe we should have open borders and accept immigrants to this country.
It called faith without asking for evidence. None of the plane frames were ever seen, even the PA plane no one witnessed afterward by anyone the FBI i believe said nothing was found.. FBI also said the temperatures were too high. Digging for planes sounds like clear fraud. so they dug for the aircraft and you don't question the digging issue? Don't you think that's strange? No time in history was a plane ever dug for. No one has ever dug for a plane... Clear evidence of arson is on display at each museum.. Museums said they didn't find basic things which is clear evidence of explosives.. The missing people 46% again clear evidence of explosives. Body parts over 1,100 feet again evidence of explosives. Earthquakes which were reported as "local explosions" clear evidence.. HTA arson was clearly recorded at the World Trade Center in the dust and reactions record under a microscope.. They took the dust and heated it up and it reacted.. The 555 calls were report by the DOJ.. Blackbox data headers were wrong and all zeros which is evidence of fraud, and they call that a bench Unit when headers are zeros.. I know they didn't show us anything to prove their story and the evidence is overwhelmingly against the talking heads who read from teleprompters who make millions of dollars a year.. You have know when you are using faith and not using faith.. That is the real problem.. When you don't know which is being used..
What's the big deal either way? I have my reality right in front of me, (a plant needs water, etc) why do you care so much about the background noise - or maybe you don't?
What if they said they couldn't dig for the plane (flight 93) because it hit the devil's house and he none too happy about it and he wants his gold back, the logic follows.the gold is from the ground and that's the domain of the devil.. Let's Roll Flight 93 rolled right into the devils house and you now have to give back all the minerals from the ground level and below and give it to your nearest official.. Remember May 1,1933, all persons in possession or control of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates (i.e. paper currency redeemable in gold coin of the United States) had to turn them in to any federal reserve bank or any "member bank" of the Federal Reserve system and people obeyed that order.. Federal Reserve system is a private bank and their is nothing Federal about it.. So people gave up their gold to a bunch already rich people.. Faith believing is not a "no big deal".. So when I talk about plane serial numbers, you know the only thing that can actually ID a plane and since you are not parts replacement guy for Boeing, you have no idea what that is and you didn't watch the video of Frank Ocello if you did he said that from the lobby of the south tower he looked up and did not see a building anymore.. That means no pancaking, softening and anything and that scientist now say that building was made of mostly air which is another video you will not watch..
Joe Rogan Failing, 9/11 Hot Mess, 9/11 Air Heads
9/11 Proof Controlled Demolition World Trade Task Force Interviews
FBI Officially Admit No Evidence Of United 93 Plane
9/11 Archives What Really Happened
Groups of reporters and normal people report both fast explosives and a Low Level Ground Explosion just before the building collapse, so inside the context of both towers and seconds before.. Then after a sucking sound.. Even a blind guy heard the fast explosives .. and somehow you missed all of this?
Sounds like the main support beams buckling before the crash, due to the fire...
Buckling before the building crashes. That's what makes sense.
Support columns are 47 core and 240 perimeter totaling 287 per floor X 110 floors = 31570 support columns failed in 10 seconds after 59 minutes no I don't so. The low level ground movement toss people blocks away..is something bigger like Geo weapon.. It has to fit a 500 mile radius ... I don't know what causes that. The flashes flying up the building is your normal control demo..
explosives with sequenced flashes and dust does not make sounds.. Fireman said they witnessed sequenced flashing via the Task Force interviews https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0-fHGUqJ60
Are my figures right? 47x240x110=31,570 per tower per floor are the support columns which need to be removed in a few seconds. The 47 core columns X 110 floors I am not even sure was even accorded for, which means no one has bothered to see what remained. Museums reported basic objects were missing.. Door handles for example were never found and 46% of total people were still not found. No trace remains.. None of these facts show up in 9/11 Commission report. or any location..Why, details don't help supporters of these stories.
During corn explosions or any explosive event, people go missing.. When building crush down in earthquakes 100% of the people are found.. So the high percentage and history of the missing tells us a solid story.. Not the story sold as it is ...
Battle for Ground Zero: Inside the Political Struggle to Rebuild the World
"The museum hired specialists to perform forensic testing and analysis of two large composites and several smaller pieces that had broken off. Consequently, the museum conducted additional research, analyzing the heat levels that had created the fused material. Scientists determined that, at heat levels in excess of two thousand degrees Fahrenheit.. "
The point is the heat was too high then its called arson or High Temperature Accelerant Fire..
"One factor that made the arsonist difficult to track and (also matches up with 9/11 because they both used the same accelerant ) was that he used a fuel of unknown origin; an accelerant that left behind no residue, called a "high temperature accelerant" or HTA. It generated temperatures between 5000 and 7000 degrees; three times hotter than a normal fire.
Seattle Arsonist | Unsolved Mysteries Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia
"The museum hired specialists to perform forensic testing and analysis of two large composites and several smaller pieces that had broken off. Consequently, the museum conducted additional research, analyzing the heat levels that had created the fused material. Scientists determined that, at heat levels in excess of two thousand degrees Fahrenheit."
The tests show that the heat levels were too hot to be anything but one device, a Minimum Residual Radiation Fusion weapon.. You can't have unlimited heat levels and still believe the narrative. Not being alarmed at this point only means you don't understand the evidence and how it can only connect to controlled demolition using Minimum Residual Radiation Fusion weapon. Only one video file exists of the ground shaking.. The only reason for this level of censorship is because they (the army) knows better and they know what to hide from the public i.e validation of a Minimum Residual Radiation Fusion weapon. Only one photo of Minimum Residual Radiation Fusion bomb exists under NIST the uncensored SIPA Folder NIST Release 29!
1010 wins reporter Eileen Lehpamer is heard in the background of "9/11 Eyewitness" is a DVD by Rick Siegel however recording by 1010 wins did not record any of the explosion Sounds nor does the reporter make a report about the sounds recorded from NJ. The reporters still works for channel 12 news Long Island.. She will NOT respond to any my questions. Maybe you can ask her what happened and if she heard anything ? Maybe channel 12 can make a comment..
9/11 1010 Wins verses 9/11 Eyewitness is a DVD by Rick Siegel
You have to start watching the videos I created on the topic.. I have no idea how or why you can't at least do that.. Even flight 93 debris was NOT reported to be found at the crash location.. Exhibit A.. and the wind was not cause of 8 mile debris field or bouncing effect.. https://photos.app.goo.gl/mzFcuauTttrHutfA3
So the digging for a 153 foot plane was a scam..
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New Terror Timeline
![]() |
9/11 Big Explosion Flash |
Yes and I video taped my experience
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADygllD35t0&t=46s but I can't find it
9/11 Objects of High Temperature
Use google
FACT: Jet fuel burns at 800° to 1500°F, not hot enough to melt steel (2750°F).
9/11 Never Forget To Look Behind The Smoking Curtain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_fr4cRVkXU
The fire is the most misunderstood part of the WTC collapse. Even today, the media report (and many scientists believe) that the steel melted. It is argued that the jet fuel burns very hot, especially with so much fuel present. This is not true. http://www.tms.org/pubs/journals/jom/0112/eagar/eagar-0112.html
Very factual reasons how each plane took down the WTCs - "Thus, the failure of the steel was due to two factors: loss of strength due to the temperature of the fire, and loss of structural integrity due to distortion of the steel from the non-uniform temperatures in the fire." What a terrible loss!
The key to undermining these straw arguments is the molten materials displayed to the public at all museums, the missing seismic data and claims that "The Sept 11 2001 events are not in the NEIC catalog" reason the 13 stations in NYC area was "too sparse" to collect data and the military grade arson materials found in the dust.. These are more factual because you see each of items in dust samples, missing records at NEIC and molten materials at each museum. 46% of 3,100 victims were never found and the 46,000 floor trusses are missing.. Those "factual reasons" are assumptions i.e a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, but without proof or evidence..
True enough - when those buildings went down they were obliterated! So fast! I saw the buildings burn then collapse on themselves.
More interesting is the South Tower Lobby Survivors looked up and witnessed blue sky. All 110 floors above went every place but the lobby area and the same story happened in the North Tower.. If you at the bottom center of each tower you walked out, if you were any place else you went missing.. https://youtu.be/j9RsibP6vL4
Other witness in the South Tower lobby area reported
Saving City Lifelines: Lessons Learned in the 9-11 Terrorist Attacks http://transweb.sjsu.edu/MTIportal/research/publications/documents/02-06.pdf ""People inside the South Tower felt the floor vibrate as if a small earthquake were occurring. Instinctively, they sought shelter behind the massive pillars in the lobby, then everything went black. The vibration lasted for about 30 seconds. The doors were knocked out, and a huge ball of flame created by the exploding diesel fuel from the building’s own supply tank shot from the elevator shaft and out the doors of the South Tower, consuming everything in its path."
All these survivors and molten materials and the the missing people defy all common assumptions about 9/11..
Frank in not included in the 9/11 Oral History Project
Enough lateral force exerted on the South Tower to not only enable survival but also a easy escape from the North Tower Collapse minutes later..
So thank lateral forces
I listen to engineers who complain about NIST report on building 7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJAWl8unZeA
In summary: The Fires and jet fuel could not be the source of the molten object now at display.. No museum has said they were.. What was true source of the heating? Second, 110 floors of the second largest building went missing according to Mr. Lucky. The question is "where did the towers go?" His luck is not the key issue..
Yeah. Maybe the jet fuel combined with materials in the tower lead to the melting steel? Wow crazy stuff how hot it did get. Either way what a horrible event. Even worse then this shooter in Vegas! Bad stuff will never end.
The melting of steel is far beyond what office fires or jet fuel can do or you or we could been making cool things out of the materials. It hard to melt any material.. Try melting an aluminium pipe into a pool of molten material.. I couldn't do that and melting point is one of the lowest requirements at 1,221°F while steel is thousand more 2750°F 1,500 degrees more. The missing building requirement are beyond steel melting requirement.. South Tower man has gone unknown for 16 years and his story is unknown..
What people have been doing is argue from the beginning with lower requirements and from that low level they begin to sell the story.
They call this the straw man argument fallacy
People at hospitals collect 9/11 insider knowledge from old white guys who have been apart of project from the beginning.. Only one story was relayed so far..
Did anyone you know die in the towers? I knew for sure one person, the coxswain of the womens crew team.
The worst and gets much worse. USGS didn't like the data on 9/11 so its not published.. They publish a limited political document and whole bought the story.
World Trade Center Historical Missing Catalog Data http://911truthout.blogspot.com/2014/11/looks-like-ldeo-did-some-editing-on-911.html Lisa A Wald <lisa@usgs.gov> 11/29/16 to me, archive I asked the head of the National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC) about this, and he said: The Sept 11 2001 events are not in the NEIC catalog because our station spacing was too sparse to get a good location and magnitude. We do not have classified information about the events. The events were carefully studied by the local seismic network at Lamont-Doherty. Reference: Kim et al., EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, volume 82 no. 47 November, 20 2001. -Lisa Lisa What stations do these belong to if not NEIC or Lamont–Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO) 1. FOR 2. CNY 3. CUNY 4. CPNY 5. AMNH Central Park location Draft Report includes "local explosions" 9/11 Data Does this data Contain Digital Catalog Attributes and unreported details https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0pxVbXyB9OLSGZ2SE1EVXJ0WDQ
sold mnkd today.. Too far too fast
4.96 +1.42 (40.11%)
"The destructive energy of the January earthquake was magnitude 2.4, a minor earthquake. It was felt in Manhattan and Queens. Dr. Sykes said the twin tower collapses were slightly larger in destructive energy. "
Second collapse ML=2.3
11:01:07 Further collapse
1 0 0 0
11:15:04 EDT, Further collapse
1 0 0
11:29:46 EDT, Further collapse
1 0
Ultimate 9/11 Fraud Compilation
Which the videos. They look at black box data, Bill Clinton bombing bin laden, inside trading etc. Flight paths over National Air Guard bases.
I talked about mannkind mnkd 5400 shares and still going up ..
MNKD 6.64 looks like a sold too early
True. I haven't owned an individual stock for a while now. Only mutual funds which we buy and hold for us.
So no amazon for you? You can sell old used stuff on Amazon. I was making a killing using that web sites until they kicked me out for doing to well.. I sold old records, books and I recycle copper. The solar panels went for over 100 dollars ..
Now a recycle metal for cash, just clean up the yard.. 600 pounds last time we went..
I bought 20,000 worth of Exelixis hoping to take advantage of a label change to first line setting..
I take care of two dogs, three rabbits, six chickens and hundreds of exotic plants. I'm still retired from collecting a paycheck.
Do you have any copper? It goes for big money..
Nope. All my pipes are PVC. When this house was being built I was saving lumber like 2 x 4's like crazy. They were just tossing them if they had a nail in it...
I was removing those solar water tanks all day. 200 pounds of 1970's steel.. each..
and no I didn't not remove them yet.. I am not sure how..
I drilled holes and removed all collections and water did pour out but too heavy still..
Don't need the luck.. I made another video 10/14/17 Good luck with that.
9/11 All You need to know in 5 seconds 1010 Wins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AUJlnYN9Ss
Basically that statement "move it back, the building is about to blow up.." is enough to prove 9/11 was designed by local people.. You don't need any more information.. You don't need 904-555-0004 phone calls from the planes, molten debris on display at each 9/11 museum (which also proves 9/11 was not caused by jet fuel), you don't need to know flight 11 was flying in the wrong direction or that it flew over air national guard military base without a transponder after 8:14. He said "move it back, building is about to blow up.." That should be enough..
OK After all the time that you spent obsessing over the 9/11 airline hijacking, what do you actually think happened? Not what others think. What do you think?
simple. something was in place to use the planes as cover and the chain reaction with never stop. People said the building were going blow up minutes before and others said they were there to document the event. They said so on public television i.e CNN and talk shows overseas. Fox covered the insider trading.. Someone even turned the traffic lights off seconds before .. They most likely turned off gas, water, electric too to limit the damage. Everything is public info... 46% of the total killed have NOT been found. No trace.. Reason - blown up. That simple..
Something was in place to use the planes as cover and the chain reaction will never stop. People said the buildings were going blow up minutes before and others said they were there to document the event. They said so on public television i.e CNN and talk shows overseas. Fox covered the insider trading.. Someone even turned the traffic lights off seconds before .. They most likely turned off gas, water, electric too to limit the damage. Everything is public info... 46% of the total killed have NOT been found. No trace.. Reason - blown up. That simple..
What chain reaction? Endless war and now ISIS and soon others..7 countries in 7 years General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RC1Mepk_Sw
9/11 Commission top lawyer on page 9 of his book made a reference .. That reference is key to both who and why.. https://photos.app.goo.gl/gqRRLtdXDWfM07752
John Farmer put that reference in there so people could find it.. It nice and public too..
So who? and why? The photo didn't tell me anything. Just say it so I can understand what you've learned from all your research.
So who would blow up a building if not Bin Laden via the planes crashing into it?
I can't tell you who and why directly, It has to come from the mouth of John Farmer to your ears mind because it too crazy but it fits the bill. Your mind maybe blocking out the reference I am referring too. Google books removed the page..
No more attachments. Just speak clearly. In 2001 (16 years ago) four planes were hijacked from Boston and crashed into three buildings.
Not a single serial number ID was found for any of the Planes on 9/11, nor has the FBI given the NTSB the remains of the planes in 16 years which might be because its NOT the planes. No other reason is possible.. The plane were first reported as Flight 11 and Flight 77.. It would be interesting that American 77 reported crash into the South Tower was reported before Flight 77 was reported hijacked.. Each plane flew for too long without interaction with fighter jets.. John Farmer, 9/11 Commission Lawyer Made a reference to the same terrorist organization George Bush Sr. Talked about They and many others keep making references to something called the New World Order In Capital Letters on page 9 of his book which somehow you refuse to see.. You can ask the FBI to give up there collection plane parts to the NTSB at anytime so ID's can be made for the first time not just press releases. The phone calls were 555 numbers on two planes.. 555 administrator said those numbers were NOT registered therefore 1. fake numbers or something not real..
I see New World Order but that doesn't mean anything. I've heard "It's different this time" so many times and it's only different to the people saying it but it's never different. Planes have been hijacked many times before. One group feels attacked by another and lashes out. It's been happening since before humans existed. When I was a kid I saw red ants and black ants fighting... Stop being oppressed by something as meaningless as planes being hijacked and focus on something positive in your life. What are going to do that's good for you today?
I don't see it as being positive or negative, I see it like a doctor sees a sick person. A sick person is bad no question but its up to the doctor to fix the problem.. Notice also New World Order is in capital letters. New World Order means something big for these people in power.. To have a 9/11 Commission member talk about it means NWO people are responsible.. See it within the context of who is talking and what the subject title category is and not just the world and NOT what those word means or not mean.. During 9/11 Text message disclosed Operation Phoenix
1:00 p.m. this could very well the New World Order talking about 9/11 Operations by phone.. 2001-09-11 13:11:22 Arch [1421665] A ALPHA RtOPS Update #1536 Operation Phoenix - I.S-CDE/CE NE Owner=Core Infrastructure * Operation Phoenix 866-791-7190 Passcode 7508470# Call for 10:00 CT update - activities associated with World Trade Ce 2001-09-11 13:12:50 Skytel [007611174] B ALPHA RtOPS Update #1536 Operation Phoenix - I.S-CDE/CE NE Owner=Core Infrastructure * Operation Phoenix 866-791-7190 Passcode 75084 2001-09-11 13:12:58 Skytel [007045350] B ALPHA RtOPS Update #1536 Operation Phoenix - I.S-CDE/CE NE Owner=Core Infrastructure * Operation Phoenix 866-791-7190 Passcode 2001-09-11 13:13:01 Skytel [002812546] A ALPHA <2 of 2> explosions. *Update* Operation Phoenix: 866-791-7190 passcode 7508470# Update at 13:00 CT <SIMS> 2001-09-11 13:13:50 Skytel [007611174] B ALPHA <2 of 2> explosions. *Update* Operation Phoenix: 866-791-7190 passcode 7508470# Update at 13:00 CT <SIMS> 2001-09-11 13:14:48 Skytel [002812546] A ALPHA I.S-CDE/CE NE Owner=Core Infrastructure * Operation Phoenix 866-791-7190 Passcode 7508470# Call for 10:00 CT update - activities associated with World Trade Center/Pentagon<1 of 2> https://911.wikileaks.org/files/messages_2001_09_11-13_10_2001_09_11-13_14.html#message_3080 2001-09-11 13:14:46 Skytel [002812546] A ALPHA RtOPS Update #1536 Operation Phoenix - https://911.wikileaks.org/files/messages_2001_09_11-13_10_2001_09_11-13_14.html#message_3059 2001-09-11 13:13:59 Skytel [007045350] B ALPHA e** Operation Phoenix: 866-791-7190 passcode 7508470# Update at 13:00 CT <SIMS>
866 is a toll free number so like 555 calls from the planes which calls into question the hijacking themselves, an administrator would tell us more about the phone number....
Although area code 866 is not assigned to a geographical area, calls to any toll free number may be restricted by the customer. Other toll free area codes are 800, 833, 844, 855, 877, and 888.
BTW - originally the NWO referred to the collective peace possible only through a League of Nations or UN rather than through individual country self interest. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_world_order_%28politics%29
Did you call the number? - 9/11 was Operation Phoenix (above) - toll free.. Most likely CIA.. 904-555-0004 was the number which traced to phone calls from flight 11 and flight 175.. No tracing was reported for Flight 175 or Flight 77..
sorry 904-555-0004 was traced to Flight 11 and Flight 77 not Flight 175..
George Bush Sr. was a CIA director and CIA member during JFK.. After 9/11 the New World Order was given top level clearance for creation.. Across all nations and it is video taped
Before The Wars and after 9/11 the New World Order was a Priority
https://youtu.be/ja0iLDuN49A again this is my videos - not other people
summary :
Argument #1: Can jet fuel weaken box core columns from a standing position.. The answer is no..
Argument Does the 555 calls from hijacked planes mean the hijacks were fake? The answer is yes ..
Argument #2 Does the 555 calls from hijacked planes mean the hijacks were fake? The answer is yes .
Of course heating metal softens it while it's hot. I've done it!
Regarding the planes being hijacked, why hit the pentagon if the CIA was flying the planes? Why hit an open field in PA?
And yes the 555 calls traced from planes
You have not weaken large thick steel of high grade A. Maybe a pure iron poker.. Not a box shape.. The shape and size is what matters.. If the steel is solid its possible.. These columns were not made like that.. You should try again..
checkout the 555 calls too above ..
also remember they had to
"DIG" for the plane.. because no plane was there.. After that, have to ever seen Fight 77? WE can see Flight 800 but none of 9/11 planes.. also NIST was in charge in investigating WTC and they never demonstrated or anyone on computer sims what happen to building to match up to what the videos look like..
in summary you have not seen any of the planes and you do see 555 phone numbers used on these flights.. basically you are taking someones word without seeing anything..
Do you believe four huge planes that were hijacked were empty or never existed? Do you believe they crashed? Some believe the moon landing images were faked too. Phone records are your proof? Do you believe the press is all in on a cover up or got it right? I think it all happened the way the press said it happened. A few nuts came to this country, learned to fly in Florida took over four planes, crashed one in a field, one in the pentagon and two in the twin towers and they were as shocked as us that the Twin Towers fell after 56 mins and 102 mins of burning. And I still believe we should have open borders and accept immigrants to this country.
It called faith without asking for evidence. None of the plane frames were ever seen, even the PA plane no one witnessed afterward by anyone the FBI i believe said nothing was found.. FBI also said the temperatures were too high. Digging for planes sounds like clear fraud. so they dug for the aircraft and you don't question the digging issue? Don't you think that's strange? No time in history was a plane ever dug for. No one has ever dug for a plane... Clear evidence of arson is on display at each museum.. Museums said they didn't find basic things which is clear evidence of explosives.. The missing people 46% again clear evidence of explosives. Body parts over 1,100 feet again evidence of explosives. Earthquakes which were reported as "local explosions" clear evidence.. HTA arson was clearly recorded at the World Trade Center in the dust and reactions record under a microscope.. They took the dust and heated it up and it reacted.. The 555 calls were report by the DOJ.. Blackbox data headers were wrong and all zeros which is evidence of fraud, and they call that a bench Unit when headers are zeros.. I know they didn't show us anything to prove their story and the evidence is overwhelmingly against the talking heads who read from teleprompters who make millions of dollars a year.. You have know when you are using faith and not using faith.. That is the real problem.. When you don't know which is being used..
What's the big deal either way? I have my reality right in front of me, (a plant needs water, etc) why do you care so much about the background noise - or maybe you don't?
What if they said they couldn't dig for the plane (flight 93) because it hit the devil's house and he none too happy about it and he wants his gold back, the logic follows.the gold is from the ground and that's the domain of the devil.. Let's Roll Flight 93 rolled right into the devils house and you now have to give back all the minerals from the ground level and below and give it to your nearest official.. Remember May 1,1933, all persons in possession or control of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates (i.e. paper currency redeemable in gold coin of the United States) had to turn them in to any federal reserve bank or any "member bank" of the Federal Reserve system and people obeyed that order.. Federal Reserve system is a private bank and their is nothing Federal about it.. So people gave up their gold to a bunch already rich people.. Faith believing is not a "no big deal".. So when I talk about plane serial numbers, you know the only thing that can actually ID a plane and since you are not parts replacement guy for Boeing, you have no idea what that is and you didn't watch the video of Frank Ocello if you did he said that from the lobby of the south tower he looked up and did not see a building anymore.. That means no pancaking, softening and anything and that scientist now say that building was made of mostly air which is another video you will not watch..
Joe Rogan Failing, 9/11 Hot Mess, 9/11 Air Heads https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMxQQObBZI4
9/11 Proof Controlled Demolition World Trade Task Force Interviews
FBI Officially Admit No Evidence Of United 93 Plane
9/11 Archives What Really Happened
Groups of reporters and normal people report both fast explosives and a Low Level Ground Explosion just before the building collapse, so inside the context of both towers and seconds before.. Then after a sucking sound.. Even a blind guy heard the fast explosives .. and somehow you missed all of this?
Sounds like the main support beams buckling before the crash, due to the fire...
Buckling before the building crashes. That's what makes sense.
Support columns are 47 core and 240 perimeter totaling 287 per floor X 110 floors = 31570 support columns failed in 10 seconds after 59 minutes no I don't so. The low level ground movement toss people blocks away..is something bigger like Geo weapon.. It has to fit a 500 mile radius ... I don't know what causes that. The flashes flying up the building is your normal control demo..
explosives with sequenced flashes and dust does not make sounds.. Fireman said they witnessed sequenced flashing via the Task Force interviews https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0-fHGUqJ60
Are my figures right? 47x240x110=31,570 per tower per floor are the support columns which need to be removed in a few seconds. The 47 core columns X 110 floors I am not even sure was even accorded for, which means no one has bothered to see what remained. Museums reported basic objects were missing.. Door handles for example were never found and 46% of total people were still not found. No trace remains.. None of these facts show up in 9/11 Commission report. or any location..Why, details don't help supporters of these stories.
During corn explosions or any explosive event, people go missing.. When building crush down in earthquakes 100% of the people are found.. So the high percentage and history of the missing tells us a solid story.. Not the story sold as it is ...
Battle for Ground Zero: Inside the Political Struggle to Rebuild the World
"The museum hired specialists to perform forensic testing and analysis of two large composites and several smaller pieces that had broken off. Consequently, the museum conducted additional research, analyzing the heat levels that had created the fused material. Scientists determined that, at heat levels in excess of two thousand degrees Fahrenheit.. " http://911truthout.blogspot.com/2017/03/scientists-determined-that-at-heat.html
The point is the heat was too high then its called arson or High Temperature Accelerant Fire..
"One factor that made the arsonist difficult to track and (also matches up with 9/11 because they both used the same accelerant ) was that he used a fuel of unknown origin; an accelerant that left behind no residue, called a "high temperature accelerant" or HTA. It generated temperatures between 5000 and 7000 degrees; three times hotter than a normal fire. Seattle Arsonist | Unsolved Mysteries Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia unsolvedmysteries.wikia.com/wiki/Seattle_Arsonist
"The museum hired specialists to perform forensic testing and analysis of two large composites and several smaller pieces that had broken off. Consequently, the museum conducted additional research, analyzing the heat levels that had created the fused material. Scientists determined that, at heat levels in excess of two thousand degrees Fahrenheit."
The tests show that the heat levels were too hot to be anything but one device, a Minimum Residual Radiation Fusion weapon.. You can't have unlimited heat levels and still believe the narrative. Not being alarmed at this point only means you don't understand the evidence and how it can only connect to controlled demolition using Minimum Residual Radiation Fusion weapon. Only one video file exists of the ground shaking.. The only reason for this level of censorship is because they (the army) knows better and they know what to hide from the public i.e validation of a Minimum Residual Radiation Fusion weapon. Only one photo of Minimum Residual Radiation Fusion bomb exists under NIST the uncensored SIPA Folder NIST Release 29! https://youtu.be/o3-8tKQt3yM
1010 wins reporter Eileen Lehpamer is heard in the background of "9/11 Eyewitness" is a DVD by Rick Siegel however recording by 1010 wins did not record any of the explosion Sounds nor does the reporter make a report about the sounds recorded from NJ. The reporters still works for channel 12 news Long Island.. She will NOT respond to any my questions. Maybe you can ask her what happened and if she heard anything ? Maybe channel 12 can make a comment..
9/11 1010 Wins verses 9/11 Eyewitness is a DVD by Rick Siegel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FuFROrIwwM
You have to start watching the videos I created on the topic.. I have no idea how or why you can't at least do that.. Even flight 93 debris was NOT reported to be found at the crash location.. Exhibit A.. and the wind was not cause of 8 mile debris field or bouncing effect.. https://photos.app.goo.gl/mzFcuauTttrHutfA3
So the digging for a 153 foot plane was a scam..
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- Bush to streamline anti-terrorism fight (project homeland defense) think of ways to attack america
May 09, 2001
2. Change Hijack Procedure Codes make interception impossible
June 01, 2001
9/11 Boiled Down
Something was in place to use the planes as cover and the chain reaction will never stop. People said the buildings were going blow up minutes before and others said they were there to document the event. They said so on public television i.e CNN and talk shows overseas. Fox covered the insider trading.. Someone even turned the traffic lights off seconds before .. They most likely turned off gas, water, electric too to limit the damage. Everything is public info... 46% of the total killed have NOT been found. No trace.. Reason - blown up. That simple.. I found an article that says the dust was use to fill potholes..
sworn affidavit filed yesterday in Manhattan Federal Court.
What chain reaction? Endless war and now ISIS and soon others..7 countries in 7 years General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RC1Mepk_Sw
9/11 Commission top lawyer on page 9 of his book made a reference .. That reference is key to both who and why.. https://photos.app.goo.gl/gqRRLtdXDWfM07752
May 09, 2001
2. Change Hijack Procedure Codes make interception impossible
June 01, 2001
9/11 Boiled Down
Something was in place to use the planes as cover and the chain reaction will never stop. People said the buildings were going blow up minutes before and others said they were there to document the event. They said so on public television i.e CNN and talk shows overseas. Fox covered the insider trading.. Someone even turned the traffic lights off seconds before .. They most likely turned off gas, water, electric too to limit the damage. Everything is public info... 46% of the total killed have NOT been found. No trace.. Reason - blown up. That simple.. I found an article that says the dust was use to fill potholes..
sworn affidavit filed yesterday in Manhattan Federal Court.
What chain reaction? Endless war and now ISIS and soon others..7 countries in 7 years General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RC1Mepk_Sw
9/11 Commission top lawyer on page 9 of his book made a reference .. That reference is key to both who and why.. https://photos.app.goo.gl/gqRRLtdXDWfM07752
The pulverized remains of bodies from the World Trade Center disaster site were used by city workers to fill ruts and potholes, a city contractor says in a sworn affidavit filed yesterday in Manhattan Federal Court.
Something was in place to use the planes as cover and the chain reaction will never stop. People said the buildings were going blow up minutes before and others said they were there to document the event. They said so on public television i.e CNN and talk shows overseas. Fox covered the insider trading.. Someone even turned the traffic lights off seconds before .. They most likely turned off gas, water, electric too to limit the damage. Everything is public info... 46% of the total killed have NOT been found. No trace.. Reason - blown up. That simple..
What chain reaction? Endless war and now ISIS and soon others..7 countries in 7 years General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RC1Mepk_Sw
9/11 Commission top lawyer on page 9 of his book made a reference .. That reference is key to both who and why.. https://photos.app.goo.gl/gqRRLtdXDWfM07752
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