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UA175 turned in a cicrle around New York City |
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UA175 Circling??? at high speed |
""... Ua 175 TURNED IN A CIRCLE AROUND NEW YORK CITY..." page 55 https://de.scribd.com/document/15072623/T1A-B33-Four-Flights-Phone-Calls-and-Other-Data-Fdr-Entire-Contents-FBI-302s-843
UA175 turned in a circle around New York City. Mr. Canoles characterized the flight
through Newark Airport's airspace and the turn as indicative of piloting skills
and extraordinary navigation skills. UA175 subsequently crashed into
the World Trade Center
Page 55 bottom
Second Plane Circled Around, U-turn or Turn Witnesses
Dr. Suzan Russell
"Being a few blocks away from the site, Ms. Russell said she saw the second plane fly by, turn around, then hit the other tower."
From MyWestTexas.com. By Nora Frost, Midland Reporter-Telegram 10/17/2002.
Mitchell Simmons
"As we watched the building burn, we saw the second plane come around. It was very surreal because it felt like a movie, but it was reality."
From 'Marketers Are Eyewitness To History', September 12th 2001. By Kris Oser and Richard H. Levey.
My initial thought was this was a terrible accident, but I requested that these people start to respond to the World Trade complex and that I would meet them down there. We were observing the evacuation when we actually saw the second plane come down, flying north to south, actually turn around. And then we lost it momentarily behind the buildings, and then the next time we saw it, it was headed straight for the south tower.
EMT Mercedes Rivera
"As I passed by St. Vincent's Hospital below 14th Street, Paul said, 'Wow. Look at that plane. It's pretty close.' I said, 'Jeez, you're right. Look at the size of that plane.' We watched that plane get closer; it flew over us, it went over the Hudson River, then we saw it make a tilt and go right into the South Tower. It was like science fiction.
Then we saw the explosion...
Women at Ground Zero, Susan Hagen and Mary Carouba
Women at Ground Zero, Susan Hagen and Mary Carouba
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Not Flight 175 |
Witness #1
Interview Date: November 2, 2001 Transcribed by Elisabeth F. Nason
Interview Date: November 2, 2001 Transcribed by Elisabeth F. Nason
A. Yes, about minutes to nine o'clock I heard on the radio, a unit was saying that a plane just crashed into the World Trade Center and both me and my partner drove down by the water in Red Hook. That's my assigned area and you could see -- we saw the smoke. There was a second plane circling the building and I kept saying why is he so near the building? Within minutes, before even talking about it, he just like slammed into the second building.
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Not Flight 175 |
PARAMEDIC JOEL PIERCE Interview Date: January 23, 2002 Transcribed by Nancy Francis
We parked the vehicle on Kent, got out, stood there. My partner called his wife. I just stood there staring, and then I watched eventually the second plane, I saw it. It looked like it was circling coming south, then came back north, striking the south side of
Tower No. 2. I got pretty sick to the stomach at that point.
This is NOT Flight 175 Flight Path therefore NOT Flight 175 NTSB
Flight 175 it was Not
Mr Tractsonburg
"And we went to a high point in our building, which is on the 25th floor, and you had a clear view of the both World Trade Centers and the one that was smoking hard, and there was another plane that was flying low, and we just looked at it, and before we know it, it was just kamikaze, boom, right into the other tower... but it didn't seem like a big passenger jet. It was smaller type plane, because it made some pretty radical turn, and flying low..."
Mark Burnback
"...there was definitely a blue logo, it was like a circular logo on the front of the plane, er...toward the...er...towards the front, um... it definitely did not look like a commercial plane, I didn't see any windows on the sides and definitely was very low... it was not a normal flight that I've ever seen at an airport..."
WCBS/Fox News. Tuesday 11th September 2001.
Complete Audio of WTC 911 Calls on 9/11
In October 2000, at the 'Gomel Chesed Cemetery' the next conversation spoken in Hebrew was heard: “The Americans will learn what it is to live with terrorists after the planes hit the twins in September”... “Don’t worry, we have people in high places and no matter who gets elected, they will take care of everything”... “The Arabs are so stupid. They don’t even imagine that we are using them.”
Peter Murphy. E Ring Impact Window
David King skin hanging like WTC Basement Man Secondary Explosion
Allyn Kilsheimer man who set up the bombs for Israel aka Phoenix Project
World Trade had "Operation Phoenix"
RTOPS #1536 Operation Phoenix - I.S-CDE/CE NE Owner=Core Infrastructure * Operation Phoenix 866-791-7190
Brosnan is not the only one whose account was redacted. Firefighter Paul Beck's first few dozen words are censored. There's another blackout after Battalion Chief Thomas Vallebuona is asked about radio transmissions. And when a questioner asks for final thoughts from Assistant Commissioner Stephen Gregory-the man in charge of FDNY communications at the time of the disaster-all we see is a page and a half of black blocks.
The court allowed the city to omit sections that would cause "serious pain and embarrassment" if disclosed, and firefighters had a chance to review their own histories before their release, so it's unclear who made these redactions or why. But the omissions are why Norman Siegel, the lawyer for the families who intervened in the Times lawsuit, says he might go back to court and ask that the city justify its cuts