Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Facebook Cut And Copy Test

Welcome to all our new members,400 new members within the last month,great to see this, and thanks to Nelson Martins for adding many members, Nelson Martins is a serious 911 researcher ,his research covers the lockerbie bombing ,1993 wtc bombing and 911,his research and videos he has made are awesome, check his page out and become a patron, i promise you the knowledge and information he has is incredible, we are all here for the truth, and Nelson has all the research to put people in correct direction, lots of info on who carried out the attacks,And that;s what we need to concentrate on, so we can bring the folk involved to justice, that's the way forward for the truth movement. Nelson Martins if you can post a link to your become a patron site below thanks,....
  • Due t members reporting post's Facebook has warned me for allowing the posts to continue up, that the post is in violation of facebook standards, and they will disable group if this happens again, so Daniel Daniel M. Plesse YOU REPORTED THAT POST TO GROUP ADMINS THEN I ALLOWED, SO DID YOU THEN REPORT IT TO FACEBOOK???? Lets get this out in open here what members reported the posts to Facebook, who wants this group to be permanently disabled? come forward now, or i'll have to remove the people i think reported it up to use..


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  • 9/11 Secrets Bob Byron GEB Guide Dog Salty and Omar Rivera: reported a synchronized series of explosions immediately prior to the collapse.

    EMT Mercedes Rivera witnessed the second plane circling around.

    Accounts in forums look like this

    "second plane hitting the tower, it almost looks like a Boeing Business Jet or an A-319"

    "2nd was a B-737"
    Image may contain: text
  • Bob Byron 🤓....a LOT of "Rivera's"!!!!

    Angel Rivera was in WTC3 evacuating......he leaves a very good timeline of events detailing bombs exploding before any tower fell.

    one of the few testimonies the City of New York did not cover over with magic marker, as they did to hundreds of other FDNY testimonies of what they heard, saw and felt..

    1]Angel Rivera FDNY
    evacuating the Marriott Hotel
    Explosions BEFORE any tower falls

    (pg4) "...the chief told us go to
    the Marriott Hotel, go from the 14th floor up,
    search and evacuate all the floors.
    So we walk all the way up, no problem.
    Then we hear the explosion and debris falling. when we hit the 19th floor,something horrendous happened. It was like a
    bomb went off. We thought we were dead.
    The whole building shook. The brick
    coming out of -- the door to the hallway into the
    hotel blew off like somebody had thrown it all
    over the place. It shook all over the place. We
    were thrown on the floor. We looked inside the lobby after
    everything calmed down, and everything was

    (pg5)..."The building was still shaking and
    we're still hearing explosions going on everywhere, so we decided let's get out of here. We ran all the way down to the fourth floor where we ran out of stairs. There were no more stairs. We met on that floor, and we were all safe. We were all like-we could have been over here. What happened, we looked out of the window of the hotel, the wall, practically, because the window was all blown up. There was no way out. The only way out was the roof rope."

    (pg7) First tower falls-
    "and then the most horrendous thing happened. That's
    when hell came down. It was like a huge,
    enormous explosion. I still can hear it.
    Everything shook. Everything went black. The
    wind rushed, very slowly [sound], all the dust,
    all the-and everything went dark.
    We were rolling all over the floor,
    banging against the walls. I thought I was alone. I thought I was buried alive."

    (pg.9) Second tower falls-
    "When the second tower came down, we had
    no idea what was going on. We thought another
    plane, another bomb, another as a second device.
    We thought, this is it, we are dead.
    When that happened, as I told you
    before, everything was black. It was like being
    inside a storm or volcano or something, something
    horrendous. We said we're going to die."

    (pg10) So finally we
    found out where there was a beam. Maybe God put
    it there. It was an enormous beam about 20 feet
    away from us that was against the building but to
    the level where we were, like it started where we
    were, all the way to the ground.
    One of the guys said, "This is our way
    out." So we all went that way.

  • Bob Byron this image of the plane in this video does not look like a commercial airliner.

    my ex drummers brother lives in New York and witnessed the flyover.....flying low, sun shinning of the bottom, then seconds later he heard the sounds of impact.

    Hijacked Planes Smash into World Trade Center
    Hijacked Planes Smash into World Trade Center
    Hijacked Planes Smash into World Trade Center
Cut and copy test 2

Lenny xxxxxx  Chat Conversation Start
You and Lenny aren't connected on Facebook
Lives in Oceanside, New York
You can now call each other and see information like Active Status and when you've read messages.
Hello, I just saw your request, I have a 48 minute video. I do not know how much you saw, if you are still interested you can call me at 516-325-5924. Thanks, Lenny Mulhern
Are the fires normal? Is the 48 video online?
No ,it is not on line, not sure what is normal. I figured it was water making batteries arch.

Lxxxxxxx   Chat Conversation Start
You're friends on Facebook
Analyst, Writer, Director, Actor, Teacher, whatcha got? at The Universe
Studied at State University of New York at Purchase
Lives in New York, New York

Dear xxxx are you really this guy " I’m a rational person who worked in NYC law enforcement who happened to be outside the South Tower when it fell." or is this a creative writing experiment? thanks D

I'm a first responder who was there, yes. Why do you ask?

This is good. I am putting a ton of faith into your story. It's a high risk, low return search for truth and justice for the fallen who were murdered and are still missing do to events of 9/11. I made a few 9/11 videos exposing as much as I can using archived video, but YT keep deleting my channels. I am on YT as 911redpill here is one video I made https://youtu.be/IC7MaV-88tQ?fbclid=IwAR3Isls67RARmeT7qpm2YvHe9dyucQE1u9eVSMDi0_m8g6i53v4cdsTuOlI

I had a friend who said a guy he had under anesthesia knew too much about 9-11 and was talking.. same kind of stuff as always nano thermite but on the planes..
He would not give a name.
He said quote " This gentleman was the consultant on the Star Wars project....Yes I'll never forget it Dude was part of the Reagan administration.. He mentioned thermite explosives He also spoke about nano technology being used to cure cancer Dude said a lot more he was obviously under the effects of pain killers so stuff was defiantly flying out... I didn't want to write anything down as u was kinda afraid after the case In fact talking on here Prob isn't such a good idea..This guy worked on the starwars project when Reagan was in office he went on to say the planes where flown into the towers and the was thermite on board the planes."

Did you create this video, maybe on one of your discontinued accounts? It was uploaded to YouTube in 2016, and it was three years before somebody made me aware of it.

If this is not yours and you're interested in reading the quotes attributed to me and not seeing the whole video, skip to the 8:40 mark. Although nobody asked me if I wanted to be quoted, I must say that these were public statements of mine and I was quoted accurately.

There's a chance that I'll be testifying before the federal grand jury in the Southern District Court in New York, so I won't make any other statements about my experience on 9/11 and after until that is decided.

I find the video you provided to be a mixed bag. I find that there are some solid observations in it and then there is also wild, unfounded speculation as well. You and I would see eye to eye only to a degree. Still, while I don't agree with some of your assertions, I encourage you and others to express yourselves on this subject and any others. There is a fuller, deeper truth to be found about 9/11, and neither one of us knows it fully. With many voices, though, that fuller truth might someday emerge.

Good luck to you.


I provided a text version of your story to a guy who was studying the steel at the WTC. The email exchange I put here..


The video is just a collection.. I don't remember now everything I put in it.

Thanks for checking it out. I have people reporting stuff to me all the time.. sending me stuff in the mail. I would like to pass it along but its not any good. Maybe you would like it. I don't know. A guy sent me stuff on nano RDX. He thinks that is the stuff that can do the job. Maybe he's right.
We are both in NY btw. I am in Smithtown ..

No I didn't make that video and I have no idea how I know about it but I use the text version when I need backup.

I have go read about Atta now. more emails etc..
burnt out tower indoor photos.

Is that the Grand Jury that the Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry was trying to get going?

Yes. There are witnesses more valuable than I would be that I think might come forward, hopefully making my testimony unnecessary.

They turned the lights off seconds before building 7 fell. They all knew what was going to happen. Made arrangements for it to happen. Confessed to "pulling the building" on tape. But somehow the story is told another way. My eFOIA's have gone unanswered about the circling second plane radar CD's. The FBI only answers to paper requests. As it turns out. So witnesses do exist all over the place but they hide in the shadows. The FBI does not follow up.
body part map
this is a better photo of light off seconds before.
