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When quarry blasts shows up at the World Trade Center |
When a quarry blasts shows up at the World Trade Center, I got a penis drawn on my profile, I was sent taunting email replies from Paul Richards and I received no interest from law enforcement or the 9/11 Truth Community. However I continue to press on to the next topic. At 8:14 is the moment AA11 changes course and an in-flight emergency begins with Air Traffic Controller Peter trying to contact American 11 to get back on course with repeated calls to the airliner, however the motives for why Peter keeps trying to reach AA11 is kept a secret until 2021 when half of an interview is discovered by me.
The response from the public could be more penis drawings on my profiles, and no interests from 9/11 Truth Community or law enforcement and it all could be a lost cause at this moment but I continue to press on. btw "INSIDE BOSTON" has a copy of that interview.
The response from the public could be more penis drawings on my profiles, and no interests from 9/11 Truth Community or law enforcement and it all could be a lost cause at this moment but I continue to press on. btw "INSIDE BOSTON" has a copy of that interview.
Dear Manoch,
My email was transferred to Paul Richards and what I got was taunting replies and no answers.
I am publishing my emails with Paul Richards as an example that academia should not be trusted and it looks like without strong policing academics will run wild just like any group of people without strong intervention.
Example #1 Dean of Architecture "There are no interior columns in the World Trade Center" You can't say this and get away with it unless society has stopped functioning.
Example #2 taunting replies and no answers
Thanks but no thanks Dan @USGS Twitter
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Where is the earthquake data? |
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Fake "Quarry Blast" is actually a bomb blast near Building 7 |
My emails to
I put everything online, maybe something or someone will break down and tell us why or who put a hold on this information and why it was done. Dan
"it is not possible to infer with detail sufficient to meet the demands of civil engineers in an emergency situation just what the near-in ground motions must have been..or the cause of such movement. " or are people like yourself skipped over disclaimers en masse?

Basically the claims of "plane impact", "collapses", "quarry blasts" and "further collapses"
should all be classified as "unknown ground movement".
So why classify the source of unknown events as known events? It sounds like a cover-up and propaganda materials sent out to dupe Joe public. Did it work?
I asked for details for this event which looks like "a spike of short duration."
" I send you processed information that has been looked at carefully,"
Seismic waves generated by aircraft impacts and building collapses at World Trade Center, New York City" actually Says
So no it hasn't been "looked at" . That is why I designed the table above and below to show you that the "quarry blasts" were never "quarry blasts" to begin with and the whole report should be tossed out or "Seismic waves generated by aircraft impacts and building collapses at World Trade Center, New York City" was always meant to be propaganda.
Paul Richards Areas of Expertise |
I put everything online, maybe something or someone will break down and tell us why or who put a hold on this information and why it was done. Dan
reply to (a) The "careful work" has a disclaimer which undermines everything that the " reports". says. Did you read that part of it?
reply to (a) The "careful work" has a disclaimer which undermines everything that the " reports". says. Did you read that part of it?
"it is not possible to infer with detail sufficient to meet the demands of civil engineers in an emergency situation just what the near-in ground motions must have been..or the cause of such movement. " or are people like yourself skipped over disclaimers en masse?
Basically the claims of "plane impact", "collapses", "quarry blasts" and "further collapses"
should all be classified as "unknown ground movement".
So why classify the source of unknown events as known events? It sounds like a cover-up and propaganda materials sent out to dupe Joe public. Did it work?
I asked for details for this event which looks like "a spike of short duration."
"A sharp spike of short duration is how seismologist Thorne Lay of Univ. of California at Santa Cruz told AFP an underground nuclear explosion appears on a seismograph."

I got nothing in return. No details are known such as magnitude, location
or a second source for time..
reply to (b) Chances are there are no "quarries" existing at any of the "quarry blast locations"
Source material #1
https://tsapps.nist.gov/publication/get_pdf.cfm?pub_id=861611 page 737

Source material #2
Were Explosives the Source of the Seismic Signals Emitted from New York on September 11, 2001?
I got nothing in return. No details are known such as magnitude, location
or a second source for time..
reply to (b) Chances are there are no "quarries" existing at any of the "quarry blast locations"
Source material #1
Source material #2
Were Explosives the Source of the Seismic Signals Emitted from New York on September 11, 2001?
" I send you processed information that has been looked at carefully,"
Seismic waves generated by aircraft impacts and building collapses at World Trade Center, New York City" actually Says
"is not possible to infer with detail sufficient to meet the demands of civil engineers in an emergency situation just what the near-in ground motions must have been"
Then why didn't they just report unknown ground motions unless propaganda "quarry blasts", "building collapses" and "plane impacts" was the goal from the start..
https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2001EOSTr..82..565K/abstract![]() |
"I send you processed information that has been looked at carefully" |
So no it hasn't been "looked at" . That is why I designed the table above and below to show you that the "quarry blasts" were never "quarry blasts" to begin with and the whole report should be tossed out or "Seismic waves generated by aircraft impacts and building collapses at World Trade Center, New York City" was always meant to be propaganda.
If the "quarry blasts" weren't "quarry blasts" then the "further collapses" also weren't "further collapses" and so on. The "plane crashes" weren't "plane crashes" and the "building collapses" weren't building collapses.
For example you recently wrote to me as follows
"Dr. Sykes said the twin tower collapses were slightly larger in destructive energy then the destructive energy of the January earthquake was magnitude of 2.4" This is outside the range reported by Kim. Can you explain the discrepancy?"Or this one
Fordham is not referenced in the paper.. I am asking for explanations published by Fordham not explanations published by Kim.
"Indeed they did report signals, and we explained them"I know they reported signals but what were are the details from them like the magnitude and latitude or longitude. Why did Kim use PAL station and not FOR station?
and I have absolutely no basis for responding since I had no connection to earlier discussions.".
Since when does someone need a connection to earlier discussions as a reason NOT respond to a new question and when did you make up this
Since when does someone need a connection to earlier discussions as a reason NOT respond to a new question and when did you make up this
On Sat, Apr 30, 2022 at 5:37 PM Paul Richards wrote:
DanMaybe we come to a parting of the ways. I send you processed information that has been looked at carefully, and you send me undigested stuff on an unrelated subject.
"unrelated subject" The topic is 9/11 earthquakes.
"undigested stuff"? You mean the "quarry blast" showing up next to WTC building 7??
No closure on anything with you, as yet, after several messages back and forth.This mode of communication has to stop.You quote stuff I know not of, and it’s your call as to whether you want to continue in a muddled world.The stuff you do quote, often needs basic correction in order for us even to begin an informed discussion.Do you have some kind of alternative overall thesis, and you have a series of arguments supporting it?You ask me a question, I give an answer — which you never acknowledge as helpful but supply comments that include errors or have no basis for me to respond because they are unfinished items with other people (who probably have less patience with you than I do). "Other people" who are they?I can’t help on that stuff.For example you recently wrote to me as follows
*********"Dr. Sykes said the twin tower collapses were slightly larger in destructive energy then the destructive energy of the January earthquake was magnitude of 2.4" This is outside the range reported by Kim. Can you explain the discrepancy?"
Or this one
Fordham is not referenced in the paper.. I am asking for explanations published by Fordham not explanations published by Kim.*********
and I have absolutely no basis for responding since I had no connection to earlier discussions that may be relevant.
William Spain Seismic Observatory
? What is their contribution to this?A great institution, of course, but on the present subject matter on 9/11 earthquakes ?
That is the point.
Was William Spain Seismic Observatory silenced on the topic of 9/11 seismic
Apologies for being so blunt. I have many other calls on my time and need to move on.I love it that you are doggedly trying to get somewhere, but can you indicate you are learning anything in all of this... so that we can make progress?Frankly, it seems more like you’re just fishing.That’s OK, but let me know if you have an item worth pursuing.I’m all for people who go around kicking tires to see if they can support what is needed to promote consensus.But not when the kickers don’t indicate any basis for their concern, and seem simply to be indulging in random kicking..I’ll be fascinated if you can tell me where you’re coming from, to explain the basis for your inquiries. Until you tell me, I can’t figure out how to communicate in a useful way.All of this, is to say: "Please, try harder and more directly on the issues that concern you."Regards — PaulOn Apr 30, 2022, at 11:48 AM, Daniel Plesse wrote:
Quarry Blast near #WTC7
<Quarry Blast Near Building 7.jpg>
On Fri, Apr 29, 2022 at 10:19 PM Paul Richards wrote:DanTo get into these records we need first to correct elements of your message (below).Thus:the image you had sent a few times (BRNJ.jpg) makes an incorrect statement about 15:00 GMT being 10:00 AM New York Time. GMT is four hours ahead (in September), not five. It is five hours different in wintertime.And, the signal in black at BRNJ at 15:15 GMT is therefore at 11:15 EDT (local time).Your figure has a statement “Explosion Recorded 10:15” but I have no idea what this is.
Anyway: the signal at BRNJ at 15:15 GMT is only a few seconds different in its timing at PAL, as shown on the PAL record I sent you (page 6 of my pdf to you) in my first response, where it is marked "11:15:04 EDT, Further Collapse" and it is from the collapse of a different building. There are quarry blasts on this day in our records but they are quite small. You wanted to know if we used signals from the same events at all our stations, and indeed we did. But you have to get the times right at each station to see this.Unfortunately we have had to spend time getting some of these details right, so far in our various messages. I appreciate that these details are not always easy to assimilate.I hope my responses to you have been helpful.Regards — PaulOn Apr 29, 2022, at 4:05 PM, Daniel Plesse wrote:Paul,
I am asking about the signal in black, not the signal in red. @ GMT 15:15
You didn't answer this question.
"Dr. Sykes said the twin tower collapses were slightly larger in destructive energy then the destructive energy of the January earthquake was magnitude of 2.4" This is outside the range reported by Kim. Can you explain the discrepancy?"
Or this one
Fordham is not referenced in the paper.. I am asking for explanations published by Fordham not explanations published by Kim.
"Indeed they did report signals, and we explained them" I know they reported signals but what were the details from them not sourced in the
paper?On Fri, Apr 29, 2022 at 2:54 PM Paul Richards wrote:DanYou ask “Did any of these other closer stations pick up anything on 9/11? If so, did they have a record of the 10:15 event? Did they report anything for that day? "The biggest signal in red in the seismogram you have for BRNJ (and which you included in your e-mail), is one that arrives at BRNJ at about 14:29 GMT that day. You should be able to see that, and it’s part of the answer to your first question above. If you can’t see it, it’s going to be hopeless trying to communicate on these basic issues. Our short paper addresses your second question above. Indeed they did report signals, and we explained them.To give a bit more detail: 14:29 GMT is the same as 10:29 EDT. And you can see that signal at BRNJ on page 8 of the pdf I sent you. (On that page, the absolute origin time of the time axis is given as 10:28:31 EDT, and the BRNJ signal arrives with large amplitude about 25 to 30 seconds later, thus at about 10:29 EDT.)With best wishes — PaulOn Apr 29, 2022, at 2:15 PM, Daniel Plesse wrote:Paul, Benjamin
Dr. Sykes said the twin tower collapses were slightly larger in destructive energy then the destructive energy of the January earthquake was magnitude of 2.4" This is outside the range reported by Kim. Can you explain the discrepancy?
Did any of these other closer stations pick up anything on 9/11? If so, did they have a record of the 10:15 event? Did they report anything for that day? It would be great to have exact location data to see if any of the events are under which building and at what magnitude.. BRNJ reference location in the report does not contain Longitude or Latitude of 9/11 events or earthquakes, just the location of the station.
Epicenter Estimates
South Tower: Latitude:40.711044436950424 Longitude:-74.01313304901123 North Tower: Latitude:40.71207726282092, Longitude:-74.01320815086365
WTC building 7 Latitude:40.71319952788825, Longitude:-74.01155591011047
The Lat Long epicenter locations should be outside each tower, not under each tower in a random pattern depicting the debris impact.
LCSN has two in NYC
CPNY: Central Park, New York City
CUNY: Queens College, Flushing-Queens, NYC
New York City's oldest seismic stations:
William Spain Seismic Observatory Bronx
On Fri, Apr 29, 2022 at 12:47 PM Paul Richards wrote:DanIn the nine-page pdf file to which I referred you (in my previous message), there is reference to the BRNJ station on pages 7 (giving the location on a map) and 8 (giving an expanded time-scale for one of the signals).It does’t make sense to analyze just the BRNJ signals by themselves. That was just one of the several stations whose signals we interpreted in that short article…A longer analysis was given, as I recall, as part of the formal technical report on the 9-11 disaster, issued by NIST.Regards — PaulOn Apr 28, 2022, at 5:57 PM, Daniel Plesse <dan.plesse@gmail.com> wrote:Paul I am looking for the BRNJ Station details and not the PAL Station details covered by Kim.
BRNJ does not match up with the PAL station's 10:15 event. That is why I am asking about it.
That material that is not covered.