Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Debunkers are lying about Semptember 11th Thermite

Basics on thermite 101.
1. "The metal (fuel) can be aluminum, magnesium, titanium, zinc, silicon or boron." The Debunkers of the 9/11 Truth Movement said it can only be aluminum, that was a lie.

John-Michael Talboo on Basile’s red/gray chips vs. primer paint experiment John-Michael Talboo on Basile’s red/gray chips vs. primer paint experiment_on 9/11 Free Fall

The NYPD has reports on this material. This was all discovered BEFORE Steven E. Jones report.

Metal complexes sub-micron aluminum/iron
by iATL

NYPD has a report about 9/11 Nanothermite!

Metal complexes sub-micron aluminum/iron

  • Dave Thomas Dan Plesse, You are committing the fallacy of compositions. Just because thermite indeed contains iron oxide and aluminum, that does NOT imply that ***anything*** containing iron oxide and aluminum is "thermite." Harrit and Jones make the same fallcy, so you're in "good" company.
    Saying Judy Wood is not a "truther" is like saying Ken Ham is not a "creationist." Sheesh.
    And yes, your 2nd video was illucid. Perhaps your comment should be inserted into the video so people could know WTF they were supposed to be looking at.
  • Dan Plesse "Just because thermite indeed contains iron oxide and aluminum, that does NOT imply that ***anything*** containing iron oxide and aluminum is "thermite."

    I recorded you saying that very thing in video above with Judy Woods. That was the point of video. #1 or maybe you thought this was their thoughts?

    First of all the 9/11 chips was complex mix inside a matrix at the nano scale and had many layers and everyone knows they found OTHER elements too. So no, no one assumed this.

    I get it now. You were trying to create a straw-man by fucking up what they found or something stupid. Nice Try, Anyway ..

    Below is a chip which James Millette found but excluded from his study.

    The chip was never numbered and James also managed to show all the chips with red side facing up for all his samples. You can just see the non red side peaking around around the red.

    ". Perhaps your comment should be inserted into the video so people could know WTF they were supposed to be looking at."

    This proves you are a moron. I guess you assumed that no videos existed of thermitic explosions on 9/11 and after and no history thermitic arson HTA fires were used or regularly used by professional arsonists.

    Judy Wood is not a "truther" and she has been working against the truth movement like yourself from the start.

    Judy Wood has undermine all the evidence and her cult even infects new evidence with her "no explosions" "no heat" theories.

    And she just happens to be Jewish too, go figure.

    Dan Plesse
    "Your badly-edited clip cuts me off" the source file from an interview also should show the same exact thing.

    Your video above is NOT the source file. The source file was Dave Thomas debates Richard Gage.

    Yes I cut only to move on to the other idiots who are ALL saying the same thing. including you.

    I would not just cut off the sound file just to make you look bad. That would make two people being dishonest.

    Minute 41:00

    On Saturday August 21st, 2010, Richard Gage, AIA from Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, and Dave Thomas a physicist from New Mexicans for Science and Reason, joined Ian Punnett on Coast to Coast AM for the entire program of 4 hours to debate how the World Trade Center buildings collapsed on September 11, 2001.

    Physicist Kim Johnson and chemist Niels Harrit joined the discussion in hour three

Monday, May 5, 2014

NTSB regarding the 9/11 accidents

RE: 9/11 accidents


Pub Inq Web Mailbox

10:20 AM (1 hour ago)

to me

The only reports available from the NTSB regarding the 9/11 accidents can be found on our website,  Scroll down to bottom of homepage and click on FOIA then click on Electronic Reading Room then scroll down for the information.

Susan Stevenson
National Transportation Safety Board
Records Management Division
490 L’Enfant Plaza East, SW
Washington, DC 20594

From: Dan Plesse []
Sent: Monday, April 21, 2014 1:44 PM
To: Pub Inq Web Mailbox
Subject: Re: Public Correspondence

Retired NTSB have said they don't agree with there own report on Flight 800.

Documents by NYEMO has stated that the black box signs were found.
"Off the record, we had the boxes," the source says. "You’d have to get the official word from the FBI as to where they are, but we worked on them here." NTSB

Dave Landorff then talks about NTSB getting data off the Flight 175 and Flight 11
​ boxes.

On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 9:02 AM, Pub Inq Web Mailbox <> wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2014 11:24 PM
To: Pub Inq Web Mailbox
Subject: Public Correspondence

The following request was received from the NTSB web site:
Daniel  Plesse
37 Sunny Road
St. James  New York 11780


Message: According to it seems that its strange that the
NTSB did not have some kind of official report for the four flights

Graphic of their database and sheet shot of the comment is here.

Does every flight that crashes get an "accident report"?
Was 9/11 Skipped ?

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Wiki text message PAULETTE PARSON Jet fighter crashed

Wiki text message PAULETTE PARSON Jet fighter crashed

  • Jeffrey Harr You can peddle your snake oil all you want, brother. 1 WTC was hit by an American Airlines 767 and 2 WTC was hit by a United Airlines 767. You're chasing fairy tales.
  • Dan Plesse Lets see if wiki text agrees!

    2001-09-11 08:54:46 Arch [0932407] B ALPHA NYPD and emergency units at World Trade center, RE; airplane crash. Small Jet.

    2001-09-11 08:55:35 Metrocall [0923503] D ALPHA if you don't have radio on, small plane has hit world trade center. -- andy||AIRCRAFT DAMAGE CONFIRMED AT GATE B18 SHIP 935 DL 1082. DAMAGE TO THE L1 PASSENGER BOARDING DOOR DUE TO A CONFIRMED MALFUNCTION OF JETWAY AUTO LEVELER.

    9:03 and nope ...

    2001-09-11 09:03:38 Arch [1018449] A ALPHA "PAULETTE PARSON|WTC incident!!!! Jet fighter crashed

    2001-09-11 09:13:16 Arch [1018449] A ALPHA "PAULETTE PARSON|Re: WTC incident!!!! Jet fighter|A second plane has just crashed into the second tow

    737 is really small.

    6 mins · Edited · Like

    2001-09-11 09:10:20 Arch [0821906] A  ALPHA  Did you see a second plane just crashed into the second building.  I was watching it.

    • Jeffrey Harr "Shortly after our arrival on-scene we saw a large commercial jetliner approaching from Staten Island at a very low altitude."

      -Robin Shipley

      "A big passenger jet was right above me. It was a blink of an eye. A fraction of second later the airplane disappeared inside WTC tower."

      -Maciej Swulinski

      "a huge Boeing 767 flew low over my left shoulder and slipped into the second tower. Screaming, I fled away, not conscious of the explosion or the fireball that resulted."

      -Barry Drogin
    • Jeffrey Harr Sorry, little fella...
    • Jeffrey Harr Dan Plesse- Your desperation is showing. To everyone...
    • Dan Plesse Are these Wiki text messages? If not, you are off topic again.
    • Dan Plesse Jeffrey Harr You should cherry pick quotes before marketing for the war department and countless television and news hits and poison's the well.

      The Wiki Text messages are right at the 9:03 mark. That's the whole point of why Truthers use video of that day and other that day message.

      Reports after 10 minutes or less are not allowed.

      Stay within the rules.

    the drills went LIVE that day Dan. I know a guy that was standing beside General Wheller when it happened. Cheney was running Norad that moening.
    sounds like it
