Thursday, January 2, 2014

International Sexual Facebook Blackmail and Confession

Aicha Itsoki a sadistic crook recorded live  on camstudio 3/19/2014 Confession

Btw Where did i ask you money ? How can i ask money when i earn $ 90,000 a month !? Hahahahahaha You are a fool and got exposed in your own trap And in my trap Now i know you are a perverse
Die in your rage You can only be ashamed of yourself Me i did my job of perverse exposed Thanks
About Dan plesse the pervers Hahahahahahaha
Got exposed himself Big shame If i was you I would be ashamed of myself for your behavior You are so dumb And believe me No one can trap me Again less your copy paste that i exposed to every body Just i ask you patience Your name will be on the website so soon Hahahahahaha
So your 9/11 Story was Bull Shit too?

Hehehehehehe sorry dan You have been exposed and refuted like others and i will still continuing and i will post everything on my new website soon with your liars brothers and Sisters
Were you sexually attacked by people you trust?
Yes thats why i expose People do not worry i broke their arms and their legs they wont move for 5 months
Is this really your photo?
what is your real photo then?

January 1, 2014 at 3:01pm
hey guys im here to tell you about someone who been fooling us on facebook, that everyone need to know the truth. her name is aicha itsoki, she changed it to 五木 アイーシャ , this is her link . now of course you want to know how this person was playing games on us.
at first she's using pictures of a singer and actor from japan, her name is erika sawajiri, you can google it and find all the pics she uses. after we told her that, she said she is the singer herself and that she became a muslim in 2010 and she stoped her old job as a singer and an actor and began a new job as an oil engneer in morocco. but let's see the lie about this too. the real actor is still in japan, her last movie was in 2012 and she's still making the 2nd part of it. and some people asked her a new pic wich is not online but she asked for a 50.000 dollars. ballshit, just tell us it's not you.
the girl aicha said she is 21, but the actor was born in 1986 means she is 27 years old,
the girl aicha sais she graduatd from highschool in 2000, so if she is 21 years old then she was born in 1992, she was 6 and started school in 1998, oh wait a min, is that means she graduated from highscool in the age of 8, 2 years of studing, lol, she mustbe smarter than Eistein.
the house she shows poeple and say she lives in, i found it online, it is for rent, and it's in Murakush, wich is like 7000 miles away from the place she sais she lives in, wich is tangeer.
also the 2 cars are both on an advretasing online, iwill give you all the proves.
she also told someone morocco pay her 90.000 dollars, morocco doesent have oil, they are the 94th in the world, how would they pay someone to work on something they dont have, wierd huh. but the worse part is not all that.
The worse part is she is playing with people's heart, telling men she loves them and she want to marry them, and she ask everyone to keep it a secret, that way the others wont know about it.
this is the link of the house, all the pics she send are taken from there,
this is for the car,
person 3
person 3
person 3
person 3
person 4
person 4
person 4
person 4
person 1
person 1
person 1
person 1
person 1
person 1
person 1
person 1
person 1
person 1
person 2
person 2
the girl she asked for the money.
the girl she asked for the money.
the girl she asked for the money.
the girl she asked for the money.
she doesent know how old is an adult in japan.
she doesent know how old is an adult in japan.
the girl she asked for the money.
the girl she asked for the money.
person 3

Mike Flores = LegendKinght93 = and more Yahoo Answers giant scumbag
Yahoo Answers 9/11 Scumbag

You see the "?" within 26 minutes after you expose these assholes they are gone and gone for good.
Re:NY geigocounter ban found this
Discarded Ambulances, Fire Trucks: Too Dusty or Too Radioactive?
Update: The US Government’s Usage of Atomic Bombs - Domestic - WTC
By Ed Ward, MD

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Airborne Cell Phone Tests Project Achilles


In 2001, GTE Airfone used the North American Telephony System (NATS) Terrestrial Radio System. There were 138 active base stations, each with a nominal 200-mile radius coverage.

From 1991 to 2006 some commercial airlines provided passengers with access to "seat-back" air-to-ground "Airfone" voice communications. On-board GTE radio transceivers linked to Airfone ground radio sites, which then interfaced with surface telephone carriers. The following digram shows where Airfone ground radio sites were located in the northeastern USA in 1991. Two typical coverage areas, with estimated radii of 128 miles, are represented by the red circles.

  • Dermal Deviations I'm all for asking questions about what really happened that day and who was responsible, but most calls were made at very low elevation through regular cellular towers.
  • Dan Plesse Which plane was "at very low elevation" and which cellular towers were used? Do you have there address? Locations? Thanks
Jason Lickness   "What happened to the people who bought tickets to be on those flights?" and you have never answered those questions.
Dan Plesse "What happened to the people who bought tickets to be on those flights?"

Well to find out more you have to trace the calls through the system to locate the source.
Tracing had to be done first to find out more about your question. Get the tracing done and YOU WILL HAVE YOUR ANSWER!!! and you will be a "truther" just like Jeffrey!!

airfone ground sites 1991

In 2003, Project Achilles researchers performed low altitude cell phone tests in private aircraft in the London, Ontario area of Canada. They found limited communications above 2,000 feet AGL (above ground level) and essentially no communications at 8000 feet AGL and above. The planes used in these tests had cruising speeds of 138 and 127 knots.

Here is a map of all RBS in 2006 (Source).

The list makes it possible to determine the time and RBS when the call was commenced as well as the time and RBS when it was disconnected.

Zacarias Moussaoui can't find

     Caller         Seat      Begin of Call         End of Call         # Handoffs

                             Time       RBS        Time    RBS     

I wonder what the average distance is between aircraft and (RBS) base station is and if that is still technically feasible.

Thomas Burnett     24ABC   9:30:32  Fort Wayne   9:31:19  Columbus     *

Flight Attendant   34ABC   9:32:39  Fort Wayne   9:34:17  Fort Wayne 

Flight Attendant   34ABC   9:31:14  Columbus     9:31:34  Columbus

Flight Attendant   33DEF   9:35:40  Detroit      9:41:45  Fort Wayne   *

Flight Attendant   34ABC   9:35:48  Detroit      9:37:32  Detroit

Flight Attendant   33ABC   9:35:58  Detroit      9:37:42  Detroit

Mark Bingham       25DEF   9:36:10  Detroit      9:36:51  Detroit

Mark Bingham       25DEF   9:37:03  Detroit      9:40:05  Fort Wayne   *

Jeremy Glick       27DEF   9:37:41  Detroit     11:44:00  Pittsburgh   ********

Thomas Burnett     25ABC   9:37:53  Detroit      9:39:19  Detroit

Lauren Grandcolas  23DEF   9:39:21  Detroit      9:40:21  Detroit

Lauren Grandcolas  23DEF   9:40:42  Detroit      9:41:04  Detroit 

Mark Bingham       25DEF   9:41:20  Detroit      9:41:36  Detroit

Lauren Grandcolas  23DEF   9:41:34  Columbus     9:41:52  Columbus

Mark Bingham       25DEF   9:41:53  Detroit      9:42:29  Detroit

Lauren Grandcolas  23DEF   9:42:03  Columbus     9:42:19  Columbus   

Joseph de Luca     26DEF   9:42:13  Columbus     9:42:47  Columbus

Lauren Grandcolas  23DEF   9:42:25  Columbus     9:42:41  Columbus

Todd Beamer        32DEF   9:42:44  Detroit      9:42:48  Detroit

Todd Beamer        32DEF   9:42:44  Detroit      9:43:29  Detroit 

Lauren Grandcolas  23DEF   9:42:45  Columbus     9:43:02  Columbus

Joseph de Luca     26DEF   9:43:03  Columbus     9:45:28  Columbus 

Lauren Grandcolas  23DEF   9:43:24  Columbus     9:43:31  Columbus

Lauren Grandcolas  23DEF   9:43:44  Columbus     9:44:16  Columbus  

Todd Beamer        32DEF   9:43:46  Detroit      9:43:49  Detroit

Todd Beamer        32DEF   9:43:48  Detroit     10:50:20  Detroit      ******

Thomas Burnett     25ABC   9:44:23  Columbus     9:45:37  Columbus

Waleska Martinez   34ABC   9:45:37  Columbus     9:47:55  Columbus

Linda Gronlund     26DEF   9:46:05  Columbus     9:47:44  Columbus

Ceecee Lyles       32ABC   9:47:57  Columbus     9:49:28  Columbus

Joseph de Luca     26DEF   9:48:48  Columbus     9:48:57  Columbus

Marion Britton     33ABC   9:49:12  Columbus     9:53:01  Pittsburgh   ***

Sandra Bradshaw    33DEF   9:49:30  Columbus     9:49:45  Columbus

Sandra Bradshaw    33DEF   9:50:04  Columbus     9:58:27  Pittsburgh   ***

Honor Wainio       33ABC   9:53:43  Pittsburgh   9:58:23  Pittsburgh

 9/11 Commission paper on the GTE airfone calls. For a better view click  here.
Airfone is a terrestric system. The calling passenger is connected to the recipient via a net of ground stations (RBS=radio base station) scattered over the country. They connect the caller with the dialed number via landline. If the plane moves from one RBS area to the next, a handoff takes place, similar to cell calls. So in general, the position of a plane can be determined by the RBS with a decent uncertainty, just like VHF ACARS messages. Because the net of RBS is more wide-meshed than the net of ARINC RGS, the uncertainty is even bigger. Nevertheless, the list delivers valuable position information.

DOJ's Fake report might show where the calls were made and murders actually happened.  They say two cell towers was used to call parents, call centers, loved ones and Senator Ted Olson

Zero Cellular Tracing was done by any 9/11 Truth researcher and the 9/11 Truth Movement completely forgot. I am hear to remind researchers what has been missing, new videos, text messages whatever. Please find the location of cell towers and point them out on a map. 

Takedown (2000) "This film is based on the story of the capture of computer hacker "Kevin Mitnick". What method did they use? Cellular Tracing! Somehow everyone forgot, again!

  • Al Venden Ya , they didn't really think that whole cell phone thing through. You can ask any ham radio operator or pilot and they'll tell you it's impossible to connect to a cell tower from a flying aircraft. The main reason is the cell companies have developed special antennas that don't allow any signal to go up. They want their signal to reach as far out on the horizon as possible, any signal that goes up is considered waist.

    This came out shortly after 9/11 and there was an investigation and a hearing. Where under oath all were forced to admit there were no calls! They've all known the calls were phoney for a very long time now.

    In the mid-1980s, when the first commercial cell phone networks began operating, the U.S. government adopted rules prohibiting their use onboard commercial flights. The rules were based on the above concerns.

    On Sept. 11, passengers disregarded those rules when they called loved ones and law enforcement officials using both Airfone-type and traditional cell phone technology. Another safety concern, however, is that terrorists might use the signal from a cell phone to detonate an onboard bomb."

New York Underwater Crop Circle Sparks UFO Talk

Happy New year is right 4,000-5,000 people visit a photo everyday. A single photo. A photo taken on 9/11. they said it would become nothing. nothing would change. no one would care. People who should have been on my side suddenly choose a different path. A path of darkness, a path negativity. Without this single photo 9/11 would be the same and now it is different and for many it is still the same. Believers and none believers have to deal with the facts caught via photons on film.

Exhibit A
WTC 2 impact # 57 rare

Exhibit B
9 11 Jumper photo under 1400% magnification turns into CIA Drone NIST NYPD FOIA

Monday, December 30, 2013

Using a war to Cover up a Crime: Hitler's Big Lie Theory in action.

Atta's many driving licenses

Tell a lie so "colossal" that no one would believe that someone "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously."

Planes without Passengers: The Faked Hijackings of 9/11 (2nd Edition)
“This week, Congressional representatives Stephen Lynch (D-MA) and Walter Jones (R-NC) have officially requested a congressional resolution demanding President Obama declassify the heavily redacted Congressional Investigative Report on 9/11. The two representatives had just been given authority under penalty of ‘national security secrecy’ to read the censored 28 pages of the 800-page report that had not been seen. What has been made clear is that President Bush was fully aware that neither Afghanistan nor Iraq were involved in 9/11 and that military action against those two nations was done to cover involvement of his administration in 9/11, involvement that included support from foreign intelligence agencies.
 The representatives, while reviewing the report, came to the portion titled ‘Specific Sources of Foreign Support.’
A 28-page section here had been ‘butchered’ by the White House on the personal orders of President Bush. On the original report given to Congress, an estimated 5-10,000 words were omitted from this section with page after page of dotted lines replacing text.”

Planes without Passengers: The Faked Hijackings of 9/11 (2nd Edition)
My latest book, "Rumors Fly, Truth Walks: How Lies Become Our History" goes right to the essence of why I write books. I have noticed a pattern of how we receive news of crisis events such as 9/11 - television images convey emotion, panic and grief; while we recoil in horror and fear, evidence pops up briefly then fades off; then our attempt to secure the truth takes years to catch up to the emotions which have already set in.
"Rumors Fly, Truth Walks" comes out on Amazon January 4, 2014.
The truth is not always easy to find, nor is it well received. But searching for it is my passion. I am an introvert who listens closely. I am not afraid to stand against a majority. And my mind is focused on the long term rather than the short term.
I hope you enjoy reading my works as much as I enjoy writing them!

You can also download programs which tell you what happened if anything to the photo.

Download Photo
NYPD 9/11 Drone Photo Film Roll #3
JPEGsnoop is the Fake fabricated solution!!!

JPEGSnoop Sniffs Out Signs of Editing

Results .... Video Reply via Youtube

The epic single reason why millions of photos are never seen about 9/11. News editors, web site admin just  block, remove and delete the truth out until you left with the official story. Privately talks are also  forbidden until the masters say its fine and good behavior.
