Sunday, February 15, 2015

Hani Hanjour WOULD START CRYING Couldn't fly at all

Eddy Guigui Shalev flight instructor at Congressional Air Charters, Gaithersburg, MD, in 2001
In August 2001 he evaluated the flying ability of Hani Hanjour,

On 08/26/2001, Hanjour returned to Congressional Air Charters and rented an aircraft

Mr. Shalev stated that Hanjour rented aircraft from Congressional on at least two other occasions.
Hanjour came to Congressional Air Charters accompanied by two mid-eastern males. The males did not fly with Hanjour

the "Hijackers" did everything in groups. One group Told the INS "Osama bin laden" was "good guy" notice the "O" and not the "U". and one group traveled with international criminals. Why did they get so many I.D's together. The even UPDATED their Drivers Licenses. CIA claimed to be following the them. FBI did the opposite and didn't bother to gather anything just arrested the guy and somehow that didn't make the news. Hani Hanjour WOULD START CRYING during lessons. NYPD Unit 14 Air Sea Rescue never released a single photograph of the second plane. Why because it was not not flight 175.

Why would  Hani Hanjour move to the very same location the FBI was actually searching for Hijackers? Arizona! It would be really interesting to see which doors the FBI opened just as the hiijacks slipped away out a window. Maybe a CCTV could catch the action better! Maybe it would look like Sandy Hook Round and Round or 10 Guys Jump into a shed for what? Why would you need to fake it for the cameras at all?

Hani Hanjour went to a flight school to learn how to fly a Boeing 757.  He had his Pilot's licence.  However, the staff at this school had to call the FAA to investigate how Hani got his licence because, again, he couldn't even fly a small plane. Clearly everything he showed to Pan Am International Flight Training Center was fake.  Why didn't this "arouse suspicion "? Wake UP the whole 9/11 hijacker story is clearly fake.  What are the FAA results for how Hani Hanjour got his pilots license. Are the 2000 hijackers still the same people as the 2001 hijackers or were they hijacked sometime between 2000 and 2001. 

Jack Blood talks to Robert Balsamo about Hani Hanjour's legend.

CRM Flight School Scottsdale?

"HANJOUR resumed his flight instruction at Arizona Aviation, after which he continued training at Pan Am International Flight Training Center, also known as Jet Tech International, in Phoenix, Arizona. In March 2001, NAWAF AL-HAZMI and HANJOUR vacated their Arizona residence and subsequently appeared in the Northern Virginia area in April 2001."
-PENTTBOMB said nothing about CRM Flight School hmmmm. 

The Radical Fundamentalist Unit task force
 (holy bullshit batman) 

"he aroused suspicion by trying to buy time on a jumbo jet flight simulator at a flight school."
 and so would anyone. 

9/11 NoT Debunked

  • Flight Instructor SAID HE WOULD START CRYING

    The only interview done with Hani Hanjour's Flight Instructor, by Preston...

    fake news to confuse

    Camp David

    Dayton Ohio at the VA hospital plane crash on 9/11

    FAA Faking 7500 Codes

    +Gordon Liddy Hey Gordon another thing I found out was from reading "Behind the Scenes" from a FF was the returning fire fighters for the next day or 9/12 were immediately given specialize GPS devices so someone could take exact measurements of how far those blasted body parts went. I wonder if this mapping operation is standard like washing people down with their street cloths. Also another FF reported someone showed up with his crane, however these cranes are rented for BIG money, so I am NOT sure if self deploying is really what happened. Someone was paying the for lost revenue in the background while goodwill guys cleaned, cut and removed the evidence while NIST BPAT watched. Good bye evidence and hello body part maps. Wow look how far that guy went.  

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    1 hour ago
    Saying because they didn't test for explosives it means they were used is stupid. It's like saying a doctor should test you for liver failure when you have a headache. There is no reason to test for explosives because a plane hit the building and the building collapsed. Only idiot's think it didn't happen.

    That's the whole dumb down version of events and cover up in a nut shell. That's all they wanted to do is NEVER discover what happen, blame someone quickly and move to endless war and conflict. "they didn't test for explosives" means an investigation NEVER happened NOT  "it means they were used". Have you ever heard of the "The Radical Fundamentalist Unit task force" ? Or that Hani Hanjour WOULD START CRYING during lessons? The wars validated not having an investigation. Why would anyone have a war and not know for sure? No one fake something this serious?   And if we did have an investigation it would only be about administrative issues or a weak building design.  No one was allowed to say the word explosives.  No now we have both the laughing hijackers and the crying hijackers, which are they? 

    NIST Whistleblower

     In essence, we lost our scientific independence, and became little more than "hired guns".

    When I first heard of [9/11 truth] and how the NIST "scientists" involved in 911 seemed to act in very un-scientific ways, it was not at all surprising to me. By 2001, everyone in NIST leadership had been trained to pay close heed to political pressures. There was no chance that NIST people "investigating" the 911 situation could have been acting in the true spirit of scientific independence, nor could they have operated at all without careful consideration of political impact. Everything that came from the hired guns was by then routinely filtered through the front office, and assessed for political implications before release.
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So I'm trying to work a 911 joke into my comedy act..
My dating life is kinda like 911. Full of lies and casualties... Never forget. I meet a girl and sparks fly, just like the explosions when the airplanes hit the towers. But then way too soon and without explanation everything collapses at free fall speed into it's own footprint. And I can never figure out why and nobody wants to talk about it.
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Daniel M. Plesse This part is good " My dating life is kinda like 911. Full of lies and casualties... " part II "And you can forget about an investigation" 
"no one likes an investigation - to look around at a past historical relationship and even worse is someone else doing the looking and asking questions. They are saying now in the news that google is window drug to ask more questions. Someone's got to be responsible so lets blame Google for our troubles.   

Friday, February 13, 2015

9-11 No Investigation No Explosives NO NO NO

No Explosive Evidence is pure Bullshit - 9-11 Ultimate Explosive Evidence Compilation 

Everett Morash "a carefully planned demo job" that included a means to blast away the evidence with XYZ and extreme heat. Professionals have always covered thier tracks with HTA arson and the World Trade Center is no exception. It looks like a combination of blasting and heat to removed bodies and destroyed evidence.
Building 1 and 2 was an explosion complete with 22,000 body parts of Fire Fighters flying as far as Battery Park.

Brent Blanchard said "it looks more to military explosive demolition." That means nothing remains. The military only likes dust remains. Nothing to pick over and nothing to report.

So overly carefully planned was 9/11. The combination of explosives and heat dustified most of those buildings causing lower requirements to clean up afterwards and film crews to make sure mistakes are covered up. Clean up went as fast as humanly possible. 
Rushed Evidence Removal
"the deals with the scrap merchants have already been made." Did any of the scrap merchants become concerned with speed and destruction ?
Eric Lawyer Firefighter for 9/11 Truth Rushed Evidence Removal

  1. City Of New York Allowed Rushed Evidence Removal  9/11

Few people ask WHY the burning cars around WTC 7 were never filmed. Well they might have looked like a fireworks warehouse disaster. Thermite does not look like this. Ask NIST. fireworks warehouse disaster # 1 fireworks warehouse disaster # 2 So at least they were thoughtful of the clean up part.

David Smith
12:31 PM
+danp5648 I have yet to see any evidence, just conjecture and paranoia. There were no explosions in the basement, it was completely unnecessary. It was a top down collapse.
+David Smith  The evidence is the video recordings I just posted which are inside 5-minutes-period-before-world-trade.html.  However I never limited myself to just the basement B levels, the whole area was rocked and people fell over while at their desks at Church and Murray.

That page includes "The body parts hitting Battery Park" but NOT the fact Ladder 4 went completely missing,  zero bodies, nothing.  "Everybody in his company, Ladder 4, who responded was lost," However the degree of what "lost" means was never defined.

Report from Ground Zero By Dennis Smith

So to deal with missing people issue they started handing out debris to widows and dust samples inside flasks to chapels.  You seem like tool for these criminals. CONJECTURE. Conjectures are ideas or notions founded on probabilities without any demonstration of their truth.  I believe the videos have demonstrated the truth on that one page. The opposite of Ladder 4 is "stairwell B". If you are a tool does that make me a fool?
Speaking of tools: Why didn't the FBI not use softer methods of tracking and gathering information on Zacarias Moussaoui and the Dancing Israelis and the art students? Why was the INS called in for each case i.e Zacarias Moussaoui and the Dancing Israelis? Why did the INS approve of ATTA's INS application after 9/11? Did Atta, Zacarias or Dancing Israelis make local or national news BEFORE 9/11? How did the FBI's activities by arresting Zacarias Moussaoui fail to make national news? Why was crowd sourcing not used and secrets the only option. How did Kenneth J. Williams know so much about UBL if his target knew nothing and was let go?  

Dear Dan,

Thank you for your email. You indicated you were interested in "DoJ briefing on cell phone calls from AA Flight Flight 11, 77, 93 Conducted by Team 7" from the series "Open Files Relating to the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks on the United States, 2001-2004" (National Archives Identifier 7419198:

I think the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) reference staff at the National Archives in College Park, MD would best be able to help you. I have forwarded your email on to them and they should contact you directly within approximately 10 business days. Their contact information is:

National Archives at College Park
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD 20740-6001
Phone: 301-837-3190
Fax: 301-837-1864

Please let me know if I may be of further assistance.

Jason Clingerman
Digital Public Access Branch
National Archives and Records Administration
     Its past 10 business days and still nothing. My feeling is they stopped researching because the cell towers don't line up with the flights. The 9/11 Memorial Museum fuselage is more green then dark blue grey and the fuselage alternated between Flight 11 and Flight 175 while it traveled across america.  Its funny how the alternating labeled fuselage is the only remaining evidence from two Boeing 767's and they can't even label it right and the paint color is not even close.  



"People started paying attention and watched in mounting horror as the American eagle plane flew close enough to their building for them to read the letters on the side of the plane. "

Jeremy Haydon "People could read the writing on the fuselage on a plane heading straight towards them? "

No the planes flew around and around all morning long. 

Flight White Plane video taped early circling around

Flight 175 
Every few minutes a dark plane with giant tail fin goes by in the background. 

9/11 Drone circling around World Trade Center every 5:65 minutes until impact helicopters were following them after awhile

All of us who were in Manhattan on September 11th have our own harrowing, freakish and scary stories to tell,...
Richard Clarke "Bush Administration Should be Charged with War Crimes"

 Fred Fielding "9/11 Commission Report was Basically Designed to fail "

C-span changes the transcript to
1. "Bound to fail"
2. switched Fielding's name with someone else

I have a few outstanding issues that I am looking to. 
1. Unit 13 & 14 NYPD Air & Rescue Photos of Flight 175. (missing)
2. DoJ briefing on cell phone calls from AA Flight Flight 11, 77, 93 Conducted by Team 7 (missing)
3. 9/11 Memorial Museum, Fused steel and concrete. Study Results.

Seismic Evidence Points to Underground Explosions Causing WTC Collapse

The First World Trade Bombing also had Rumbling issues. 

Video shorts

9 11 ABC hurt girl: 1. Rumbling 2. Explosion 3. Dust Cloud

"I don't know what happened to people behind me when that Blast occurred "

9/11 Many Rescue Workers  killed by the Second Blast
and Taken out of the "blast site"

  • Rose Mullen Why does everyone blame the Jews for everything? If it was anyone it was the CIA 
    They do ALL the bad things.
    3 hrs · Like
  • Daniel M. Plesse Rose Mullen regardless on the who question we should push for solutions. Solution #1 . FBI Public Disclosure for crowdsourcing. 

    Had the public known about Zacarias Moussaoui "sally" maybe something could have been done. 

    Maybe the public did know about Zacarias Moussaoui. He was on terror watch lists across the world.

Zacarias, My Brother: The Making of a Terrorist

 By Abd Samad Moussaoui

The report names nothing, no one and not even a time time table. 

Putin delivered until Obama only minor troubles. Analysts believe that this "calm before the storm." Putin is going to hit once, but he's going to hit hard. Russia is preparing the release of evidence of the involvement of the US government and intelligence services to the September 11 attacks. In the list of evidence includes satellite images, the website

2:03 PM
+David Smith  "Any action which can be observed over a 5 minute period before the building collapsed is clearly not an explosives based event." 

The 5 minutes before collapsed was a very active period showing exactly that.   an explosives based event.

+hgfbob  The Truthers and their videos have not reported on the issue of rumbling i.e Loose Change versions 1, 2, 3. If I am wrong let me know. 

Seismic Evidence Points to Underground Explosions Causing WTC Collapse

"Chief, I hear the rumbling noise. The other building's going to fall."

New Never Before Seen Footage Of 9/11 Will Give You Chills opens with someone yelling "they are blowing up the buildings go home go home."

David Smith what do you with all this evidence?


Sound Cancellation Technology Might have played a part at removing unwanted background Explosion sounds.

Sound Cancellation Technology Removed Explosion Sound Eileen Lehpamer 9/11

New Never Before Seen Footage Of 9/11 Will Give You Chills opens with someone  saying they are blowing up the buildings go home go home.

9/11 No Explosive Evidence Bullshit - 9-11 Explosions Compilation 

Fred Fielding 9/11 Commission Report was Basically Designed to fail

The 9/11 Commission Report: Final Report of the National Commission on ...
