Tuesday, March 10, 2020

More 9/11 Dust to Test More 9/11 Dust to Test

More 9/11 Dust to Test 

More 9/11 Dust to Test 

More 9/11 Dust to Test 

More 9/11 Dust to Test 

More 9/11 dust evidence. Can Commissioner Christopher Gioia order the recovery of this dust? 

On Mon, Mar 9, 2020 at 9:10 PM AE911Truth <actionalert@ae911truth.org> wrote:
Mar 09, 2020 | Email Newsletter Archive - View Web Version
On the move
Peer-Reviewed Journal Publishes Article on Academic Resistance to 9/11 Truth.
Outright Hostility Ensues.
A controversy erupted among academics on Twitter last week when the peer-reviewed journal Alternatives tweeted a link to an article it had just published titled “9/11 Truth and the Silence of the IR Discipline” by Dr. David Hughes, a senior lecturer in international relations at the University of Lincoln in the United Kingdom.

In the preamble of his article, Hughes highlights the University of Alaska Fairbanks computer modeling study on World Trade Center Building 7, the federal grand jury investigation in Manhattan, and the work of the 9/11 Consensus Panel as signs of the movement’s recent progress and as reasons why scholars in the field of international relations should take 9/11 Truth research more seriously.

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Sunday, March 1, 2020

NIST Switched Fahrenheit with Celsius and Sold Weakening Fraud

Quote was


"But what about a house fire or a high rise fire? How hot does that fire get? Generally, high rise fires burn at about 593 Celsius or 1,100 Fahrenheit. This is not hot enough to destroy metals or earthly.." This does not help NIST weakening theory either—made substances but it is hot enough that these fires cause $8.6 billion dollars in property damage according to FEMA. Generally, jewlery, silver coins, tools, silverware, filing cabinets, cookware, some appliances, barbeque grills, firesafes, and stone tables can still be found intact after house fires and apartment fires. These items would need to take in a lot more heat in order to be affected. The strength of steel remains essentially unchanged until about 600°F. The steel retains about 50% of its strength at 1,100°F
Peter Michael Ketcham OF NIST took a few seconds to discover fraud

Why is the NY Fire Department asking for a new investigation for the collapse of the WTC buildings?

Did NIST plagiarize Skysaver's high rise fire temperature in their Frequently Asked Questions section and then swap around the Fahrenheit with Celsius? Does this fit with other known scams NIST was caught doing? Is this the final nail in coffin for NIST? Does this nail prove once in for all they were openly lying about what happened on 9/11? Free Fall NIST Fraud Issue
NIST Quote: “Normal building fires and hydrocarbon (e.g., jet fuel) fires generate temperatures up to about 1,100 degrees Celsius (2,000 degrees Fahrenheit)” Other quotes with 1,100
"The average house fire temperature!
  • The average house (one like yours and mine) fire burns at a temperature of about 1,100 degrees Fahrenheit,which isn't hot enough to destroy most metals and earthly-made substances."

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

9/11 Total Coincidences or More Plain Sight Criminal Activity

9/11 Total Coincidences or More Plain Sight Criminal Activity
On 9/11, was the sudden rush to upgrade plane impacting floors just a coincidence or was it more plain sight criminal activity? 

Suddenly after Larry leases the towers, all the plane impacted floors needed to be upgraded and the job was [most likely completed on 9/11 because no record exist of fireproofing contractors deaths on 9/11] [partially completed on September 11]  do to plane impacts
.  Did the fire proofing guys bail out in time for plane impacts or did they get it right in the face like everyone else? Do you we know? What were their names? 
Who ?

Work Permits should be with the Port AUTHORITY
Lucky Larry had a dermatologist and a dentist appointment ..
forgot about that.
dentist too?
Yeah he said that on many occasions when you get old its hard to keep that lie going
I heard about the dermatologist appointment. but not the dentist appointment.

How many contractors died on 9/11? Did the fireproofing contractors just like the 9/11 art students just so happen to be absent by 

9/11 SECRET EXPLOSIONS IN THE TOWERS smithsonianchannel."Aluminum, a principal material used in planes, is softer, lighter and more flexible than iron or steel. It could also be the reason the twin towers fell so quickly" Frank Greening.  Aluminum mimicked the Military Controlled demolition. Is that a another coincidence theory? 

Suddenly that Seinfeld episode about "There are no big coincidences or small coincidences, just coincidences" comes to mind. 

 Port authority engineer with a deeper concern for the towers' occupants discovered the problem and ordered that the originally specified thickness be tripled. That upgrade had been partially completed on September 11 (coincidence #1). In the north tower, the upgrade had been carried out on all the floors struck by the jetliner; by contrast, in the south tower all but one of the impact floors had not been upgraded. (coincidence #2)

The 9/11 Air and Ground Drills on 9/11 more 
coincidences cover stories for more criminal activity? 

More 9/11 "Total Coincidences" Or Criminal Activity 

Total Coincidences on 9/11 Fireballs hitting the command center on the 22nd floor via 9/11 Commission report. A jet impacted X floor and the "jet fuel" just so happens to know were the control center is and blew it up. The 9/11 Commission then hides the fact [that the jet fuel attacked the command center] they only say the floors and not was exactly attacked. For example if "jet fuel" opened a locked safe on floor 22 the commission would then  minimize the issue by saying the damage was on floor 22. Why would they do that unless they are members of the original crime? 

We can see that all the details were left out  however we got the photos and oral histories. Oral Histories we have people trapped on 22nd floor who were from the command center and photos of a burned out command center mislabel as the basement command center by 9/11 Truthers. Maybe BOTH command centers were blown up [by jet fuel??].  How many 
blown up command centers would take until people start to understand that they lying to you? One command center, maybe two?  So average people believe that jet fuel just so happened to blown up WTC command center knowing the 9/11 commission withheld those details?   

It looks like a bombing attack on the command center
Did a bomb go off here? YES

9/11 Commission Report Total Coincidences number 3

9/11 Elevators blowing up Late i.e Not Jet Fuel! 

Also during the attack other criminal activity was acknowledged but dismissed as jet fuel :
 fireballs hit the command center and whatever else controlled the Twin towers. Intelligent fireballs which seemed to have gone without being noticed by anyone until they can be explained away via "Jet Fuel"

Why did the North Tower have so many "jet fuel fireball eruptions"  at floors ""77th, 50th, 22nd, West Street lobby level, and the B4 level"jjj

9/11 Commission Report Exposed using 9/11 Oral History
