Saturday, June 6, 2020

911RedPill verses Mick West Trolls

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A couple of years ago I gave a talk on how there's lots of ways of making iron-rich microspheres, and hence the claim that finding them in building dust is evidence of explosives being used is pretty specious.

First its not just "evidence of explosives" . Thermite so far has only been used in HTA Arson cases and that was reported all throughout the 90's as per the news reports in the Wall Street Journal.

Second your "iron filings" would have to be found in the WTC dust all many more times then the iron-rich microspheres which also included MN and zinc which were are anti-corrosion metals added to the protection of metal surfaces from corroding in high-risk (corrosive) environments and would resist turning into rust in the first place. Does steel turn into iron filings even when mixed with other alloys? Copper or Cu for example. Mick West theory is that iron filings of the right size fell at the right distance past a flame and reacted but did not create rust but maintained the same material i.e an iron to create iron-rich microsphere which still flammable but avoided all the fires and flames a second time to be found later.

RJ Lee found the microspheres in amounts up to 6% inside the skyscraper across the street from WTC 2. Other scientists estimate a total of 10-100 tons of microspheres altogether throughout Lower Manhattan. These spheres were so abundant that RI Lee used them as a signature component of the WTC Dust. RJ Lee notes that the microspheres were created during the event and not by welding operations during the clean-up of Ground Zero.

Yet RJ Lee believes the microspheres were produced from burning and flaking iron within the building. 'The formation of iron and other type spheres at temperatures obtainable by the combustion of petroleum or coal-based fuels is not a new or unique process' Lee correspondence with Ron Wieck


@woden1809 No they did not! full quote '...The iron is heated red hot or hotter and subjected to hurricane force blast furnace like wind. The iron flakes are liberated as small particles and some iron is vaporized...The formation of iron and other type spheres at temperatures obtainable by the combustion of petroleum or coal based fuels is not a new or unique process. ' Notice you forgot to add the sentence that stated 1. The iron is heated red hot or hotter 2. subjected to hurricane force blast furnace like wind. .. The combustion of petroleum or coal is a blast furnace is not new but it is outside the context of 9/11.

When you burn iron that has a small surface area you get iron Oxide not spherical iron microspheres

So is your claim that Mick faked this experiment?


The spheres and residue after Mick's experiments are a combination of iron oxide and Iron.

@woden1809 Name someone else who found iron micro-spheres after a steel wool reaction.

@Simply Vibrations Then you should be able to keep reusing the resulting fuel and make more reactions. Has he done that? Also name someone who found iron micro-spheres or any spheres for that matter resulting from steel wool reaction.

"Other ways that can be created like rust or flecks of iron". You can't burn rust or Iron Oxide. Strike one. Why would the towers shed iron flecks like shedding skin cells? Strike Two.

So you can't get iron from iron ore? Because that is mostly iron oxide. Aside from that, pick up a flake from a steel girder sometime, or just any old carbon steel that's outside. break it... you'll likely find un-oxidized iron inside.


@Paulie200 Iron ore is not reacting i.e burning in air mixing with oxygen to create iron, hence the word burn. If you break steel and you should find steel inside not iron. To get iron you have remove the carbon content. The only people who follow mick are bigger fools. You are using stupid examples.

RJ Lee One type, which comprised about 6 percent of the samples, was spherical iron and silicate particles that indicated very high temperatures ("WTC Dust Signature Study" pp. 4, 24, 17). USGS "The primary metal and metal-oxide phases in WTC dust are Fe-rich [iron-rich) and Zn-rich [zinc-rich) particles. Frank Greening said "discovered fe/mn alloy microspheres"

That 6% figure is demonstrably false. And most of the spheres studied had plenty of oxygen, meaning they were largely iron oxide.

@Mick West So now you are questioning USGS paper or was that RJ Lee figures ?? "plenty of oxygen" then the iron rich part would read oxygen rich would it not. Elevated Tritium Levels at World Trade Center pdf says it all 1. No tritium signs at [the] WTC, 2. fire and emergency equipment not been the source, 3. 767–200 source: T2 was efficiently oxidized to HTO and then immediately vaporized do to heat. i.e not the source of Elevated Tritium!

Friday, April 3, 2020

Tritium WTC debunking the debunkers

Did you not read your own sources? From the first Google link at Elevated tritium levels at the World Trade Center, the levels we're not above background level. From the second Google link at

… (more)

WTC Clean Nuke Attack Theory

“No HTO above the background was found in those samples. “ deals with this [list B] “ 1.Manhattan, 2. Brooklyn, 3. Queens, and the 4. Kensico and 5. Croton Reservoirs” However this [list A] 1. “A water sample from the WTC sewer, collected on 9/13/01, contained 0.164 {+-} 0.074 (2 {sigma}) nCi/L of HTO. 2. A split water sample, collected on 9/21/01 from the basement of WTC Building 6, contained 3.53 {+-} 0.17 and 2.83 {+-} 0.15 nCi/L, respectively.” deals with the topic “well below the levels of concern to human exposure” but avoids the issue of ABOVE background levels i.e a clean nuke attack. You maybe reading it wrong or reading too fast. Please review the lists and your issue again. If I am right, can you rewrite your statement above? Thanks

The numbers of Tritium are still too small to prove any type of publicly known nuclear explosion, and skeptics and government officials write it off as exit signs and gunsights. Another example of such a thing are elevated levels of Strontium in the dust, which, even above background levels, are also too small to have come from a nuclear explosion, and have been explained as coming from the hundreds of computer terminals in the building. If those substances are an effect of the Tesla Project exploding, even the nuclear physicist participants did not apparently expect them. Charles said they detected some alpha radiation, and his main concern was the release of Xenon and Krypton gasses into the building, increasing the intensity of the fires. So, my attitude is that I can't significantly use it to prove anything to a skeptic, and don't want to spend any more time on it. The names of people involved are more useful.

“still too small “ because it was a temporary pool of water like puddled on B5 that formed after 9/11 and some said they also tested running water. WTC sewer system for example is running water and they reported zero tritium after a few days . The issue they were looking at was human health risk and as long as tritium left the area everyone was happy, so they tested a few puddles of water due to go missing after a few days anyway. They looked at temporary things which would never be problem but they DID find a problem. After 40 million gallons of water they found a problem on 9/21.

PDF Tritium in the World Trade Center September 11 th, 2001 Terrorist Attack: It's Possible Sources and Fate

1. “that there were no tritium signs at WTC, “
2. “The source of tritium from the airplane(s) was released at the point of impact with the Towers” i.e not the plane.
3. “It was concluded that fire and emergency equipment could not have been a source of tritium, since such equipment does not typically use tritium RL devices”
4. “The weapon/watch source could have had two components:. and that component ii) could not have been a major contributor i.e so they could NOT find a contributor as far as I could tell and left it at that. 

Tritium WTC debunking the debunkers

Elevated Tritium Levels at World Trade Center 

David M Browne
David M Browne

I did “quote the language” and the syntax. I can copy the phrase I used and ctrl+F the PDF and take screen shots directly from the PDF file. For example.

David M Browne
David M Browne

“Who said that?” The PDF you refer(ed) to and you refuse to read. Check the links? “Plus, there is zero evidence of a tritium fueled detonation. None.” I just posted that evidence 1.

and 2. Elevated Tritium Levels at World Trade Center that is just the start of it.

Dear X-Ray,

    I read the attachments carefully and this is what I found:

1. No tritium signs at [the] WTC,
2. fire and emergency equipment not been the source,
3. 767–200 source: T2 was efficiently oxidized to HTO and then immediately vaporized do to heat.

I then wrote emails to Bruce Campbell at Boeing and posted a blog

Julian Danzer
Julian Danzer

Do you SEE the < 0.13 measurement all over Manhattan? That is the tiny amounts “exist naturally” and that issue is well understood.

Daniel Plesse

12:22 PM (37 minutes ago)
to bruce.campbell
Dear Mr. Campbell,

            Has elevated tritium been detected at the location of 757, 767 aircraft crashes?


The tritium is believed to be from a number of devices on the planes and emergency vehicles that were destroyed.

You didn’t READ the paper did you?

“The tritium is believed to be from a number of devices on the planes and emergency vehicles that were destroyed.” Actually they reported just the opposite!

“no tritium signs at [the]WTC,” strike one!

“fire and emergency equipment not been the source” strike two!

Plane source: "T2 was efficiently oxidized to HTO" and then

This oxide immediately vaporized due to the intense heat. strike three

Title Elevated tritium levels at the World Trade Center


David M Browne
David M Browne

“The evidence supports ordinary uses of tritium to explain its presence.” No it does not. They said all possible reasons were removed as sources

1. No tritium signs at [the] WTC,
2. fire and emergency equipment not been the source,
3. 767–200 source: T2 was efficiently oxidized to HTO and then immediately vaporized do to heat.

“unmistakable signatures, and produce a huge explosion”. Documented by BRNJ station at the 15.01 second mark shows a demarcation line which is broken and not recorded by PAL station and goes right off the map. .

David M Browne
David M Browne

I quoted from the same paper as the abstract and when they looked they ruled out these assumptions . “believed” means assumed sources so they looked at 1. the plane, 2. law enforcement equipment, 3. signage in the building it did NOT pan out.

If you can’t read please tell me now thanks. What is your deal, why don’t you just read the paper?
