1. 904-555-0004 is the number traced back to callers. It looks fake to me. if the data points to fake then deal with it. . Name calling will change the phone number. or its 555 nature.. You have done nothing to solve this problem or any of the problem below.. You attack only the messenger.. Weak..
2. "then why does your Google map not match the FDNY’s maps???? You are showing bodies way off the maps they provided. " They DIDN"T NOT MAKE ANY MAPS.. They only collected data. Others made the maps.. Name calling will not change that.
2. "The FDNY map shows victims found no more than 500 feet from the edge of any tower…" I think they made zero maps.. Show your work ..
3. 3. Silverstein clearly said he made blue prints in 2000, NO Speculation, hearsay and conjecture. Money issue is off topic.
3. "Says Who?” MIT, Stanford, UCB, Carnegie Mellon…UAF didn’t even rank in the top 130…" Again, says who? and what does that have to do with their results which shows clear fraud on the part of NIST? Again you keep attacking the messenger and not the data.. The Data clearly says everything you need and you continuously avoid the data attack other objects like RANKINGS? Holy shit..
4. No plane has a flight path that goes around the towers as seen on radar as beacon 1433 M3.. Name calling will not change the radar data or witnesses which you deny both.
5.. seismologist at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory wrote explosion therefore it does mean explosives from their distance of 20 miles yes it does and So does the body part maps show explosives.. The first Twin tower explosion DID NOT RECORD ANY EXPLOSION.. Eat that ..
6. Attacking the messager again and not the data..You left out Jeffery Farrer, why?
1. 904-555-0004 is a fact, deal with it! Data reported by DOJ and clearly documented traced calls from airphones
2. The body part maps all use the same data from the same source.. it's a fact deal with it! and the fire fighter parts flew 1,800 feet is some cases in all direction. You don't need an endorement..
http://beforeitsnews.com/9-11-and-ground-zero/2013/09/911-body-parts-map-2440282.html 9 11 Body Part Distance Tracking Database The Phoenix Unit FDNY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxTlMXOHoOo&t=0s 3. Larry Silverstein said he he got the blueprints for building 7.. The other bids could be for the complex or was fake. Larry Silverstein mispoke is false. Deal with it! 4. A Drone buzzing around two photographs and commented by witnesses. Deal with it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9bvvdf17kI 5. ” 'Local Explosion' written down on seismographic record” not 'early explosion' is clear and photographed in draft reports http://911truthout.blogspot.com/2017/07/the-hunt-for-911-catalogged-seismicity.html 6. "Mark Basile. How’s his report coming??????" Great ! WTC Nanothermite Mark Basile, Steven Jones, Jeffery Farrer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgRZtEp3EOk
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Did Report WTC Explosions But http://911truthout.blogspot.com/2017/07/the-hunt-for-911-catalogged-seismicity.html Only Two "Collapse" before 5:20 yet we have have this criminal activity. These as large signals, most likely deep in the earth but not deep as far as earthquakes go.. Those details were never given to the public.. and no one has asked questions about this.. 11:01:07 Further collapse 11:15:04 EDT, Further collapse 11:29:46 EDT, Further collapse Lamont-Doherty keep mistaking the EXPLOSIONS as unknown collapses when the towers were long gone. They Also say it is not possible to infer (with detail sufficient to meet the demands of civil engineers in an emergency situation) just what the near-in ground motions must have been.". your basic criminal cover up..
http://beforeitsnews.com/9-11-and-ground-zero/2013/09/911-body-parts-map-2440282.html 9 11 Body Part Distance Tracking Database The Phoenix Unit FDNY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxTlMXOHoOo&t=0s 3. Larry Silverstein said he he got the blueprints for building 7.. The other bids could be for the complex or was fake. Larry Silverstein mispoke is false. Deal with it! 4. A Drone buzzing around two photographs and commented by witnesses. Deal with it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9bvvdf17kI 5. ” 'Local Explosion' written down on seismographic record” not 'early explosion' is clear and photographed in draft reports http://911truthout.blogspot.com/2017/07/the-hunt-for-911-catalogged-seismicity.html 6. "Mark Basile. How’s his report coming??????" Great ! WTC Nanothermite Mark Basile, Steven Jones, Jeffery Farrer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgRZtEp3EOk
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Did Report WTC Explosions But http://911truthout.blogspot.com/2017/07/the-hunt-for-911-catalogged-seismicity.html Only Two "Collapse" before 5:20 yet we have have this criminal activity. These as large signals, most likely deep in the earth but not deep as far as earthquakes go.. Those details were never given to the public.. and no one has asked questions about this.. 11:01:07 Further collapse 11:15:04 EDT, Further collapse 11:29:46 EDT, Further collapse Lamont-Doherty keep mistaking the EXPLOSIONS as unknown collapses when the towers were long gone. They Also say it is not possible to infer (with detail sufficient to meet the demands of civil engineers in an emergency situation) just what the near-in ground motions must have been.". your basic criminal cover up..

1. Telephone numbers with the prefix 555 are widely used for fictitious telephone numbers in North American television shows, films, video games, and other media in order to prevent practical jokers and curious callers from bothering real people and organisations by telephoning numbers they see in works of fiction; generally, in North America, a number with 555 as a prefix will not connect to a real person.
Not all numbers that begin with 555 are fictional—for example, 555-1212 is one of the standard numbers for directory assistance throughout the United States and Canada. In fact, only 555-0100 through 555-0199 are now specifically reserved for fictional use; the other numbers have been reserved for actual assignment. The entire 555 exchange is reserved in all overlay North American toll-free area codes (800, 844, 855, 866, 877, 888)[1] and in Canada's rarely used non-geographic area code 600.
Area code 555 in the North American Numbering Plan is reserved for Directory Assistance applications.
Aww poor Twoofer it looks like only 555-0100 through 555-0199 are fictional.
I’m not attacking the messenger, I’m attacking your stupidty…
2. ”They DIDN"T NOT MAKE ANY MAPS.. They only collected data. Others made the maps” You linked to “5 maps” Here they are! http://wayback.archive.org/web/20141116162405/http://www.htmlpublish.com/convert-pdf-to-html/success.aspx?zip=DocStorage/3ee9f8cf3d084eb4bf0fa05415affc5d/NYCLAW_FOIL_WTC_Victim_Parts_Maps_Mar_03_2011-%25204.zip&app=pdf2word
They all have the FDNY Phoenix Unit seal on them. These are the maps that YOU claim were used to make the Google map…WHY DON’T THEY MATCH?????????
3. ”Silverstein clearly said he made blue prints in 2000” He had been talking about events after 9/11 the whole time, he clearly misspoke. He also said immediately after, that construction started soon after. Is 2 years later soon??????? It kind of contradicts itself doesn’t?????
3 again??? Research being done by an engineering school ranked less than 130 in the country is not impressive. ”what does that have to do with their results which shows clear fraud on the part of NIST?” They haven’t released their results you idiot! And until it is released and has gone thru the peer review process they have NOTHING to stand on and neither do you.
4. ”No plane has a flight path that goes around the towers as seen on radar” Says who??? Do you think that just fucking maybe, because 2 rouge airliners crashed, that just fucking maybe, they altered the normal traffic pattern???? Critical thinking is not you specialty…
5. ”Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory wrote explosion therefore it does mean explosives” On what planet does explosion always = explosives???? There was an explosion when the planes hit the bldgs. Does that mean there was explosives???
6. I’m not attacking the messenger, I’m attacking you the idiot, who post easily debunked bullshit. You are guilty of spreading lies and dumbing down the masses with your nonsense…

555-0100 through 555-0199 are functional. This number is 0004 .. 0004 is below your range.. 904 is Florida
Also I contacted the 555 Administration She has more bad news for you = Inside job
So you tried to attack the data but I would go back name calling..
They do match and the maps you provided are all cut off.
You don't see the whole Island of manhatten are and you can't read the key.. So the google maps version is clearer.. Inside Job.
3. Silverstein talks about FIRST building design meeting in April 2000
however wiki and Silverstein both say "Construction began in 2002" No month given..
First design meeting in April 2000 and he is reading these statements from notes.
His timeline was clear. = inside job.
3. "Research being done by an engineering school ranked less than 130 in the country is not impressive"
Says who? Attacking the messenger.. The data model should be exactly the same program regardless of school..
"They haven’t released their results and has gone thru the peer review process"
Its an open process, anyone can review the results. Peers are anyone now..
The results so far rules out FIRE so. I don't think FIRE THEORY is coming back? right? FIRE IS OUT!
= Inside Job
4. "because 2 rouge airlines"
DID NOT HAPPEN YET.. This was BEFORE the second plane.. Look at the photographs..
Photograph #1
Photograph #2
No plane has a flight path that goes around the towers as seen on radar"Says who?? Says the public radar information..
One object is circling the south tower.. Again You have data problem..
5. "On what planet does explosion always = explosives.."
When the explosion is large enough it means explosive.. again Inside Job..
they also wrote
11:01:07 Further collapse
11:15:04 EDT, Further collapse
11:29:46 EDT, Further collapse
We know that "further Collapse" means explosives. These explosion are giants.. Some say BEYOND the numbers which are public..
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LEDO) Seismic researchers hint at even larger numbers for 9-11
Inside job
911TwoofNow+ 1. ” 555-0100 through 555-0199 are functional. This number is 0004 .. 0004 is below your range.. 904 is Florida” are FICTIONAL not functional, you retard, learn to read.
“Reply (its not a yes or a no)” Funny how Nancy doesn’t answer this, she says to call her
2. ”They do match and the maps you provided are all cut off.” No moron, these are the maps YOU provided as proof on YOUR video. Where did they get the info to make the Google map??? Who is the source of the Google map and why does it not match the FDNY maps???? Why would the FDNY submit incomplete maps???? Are they involved with the deaths of over 300 of their own men???? According to you fucking idiots, Silverstein said the FDNY made the decision to “PULL”.
3. ”Silverstein talks about building design April 2000” He meant April 2002, he also stated that construction started soon after. Construction started May 7, 2002 if you had actually read the Wiki page you would have seen this. I would say 2 years later is not soon after, but 1 month certainly is.
4. ” The data model should be exactly the same program regardless of school” Unless they input improper data, which many are saying has already happened. Until they release their final paper and it is peer reviewed, you have nothing but speculation….
5. ”This was BEFORE the second plane” So what??? So they diverted flights after the first one hit. ALL you have is speculation and conjecture.
6. ”When the explosion is large enough it means explosive” Bhahahaaaaaa….The stored potential energy within a single tower was 480,600 megajoules, that’s equivalent to 115 tons of TNT. How does that work for you????
You have nothing but speculation, conjecture and hearsay. If these are your strongest points for an inside job, you failed miserably…
1. I did call her and she said the number was NOT FUNCTIONAL. Period.. Inside Job. You can also call her or email her and she will tell YOU the same thing.. Period.. Inside Job... What is your problem? Why didn't you call her? Chicken? Truth is truth..
Did the Phoenix Unit write any reports about the body parts? Nope. = Inside Job very clear
The Medical Examiner reported to Newspapers that he was blown up, but over time that story went away..
Medical Examiner 9 11 Explosives Cover Up Body Part Map
No report from the medical Examiner for any of the victims of 9/11..
2. 1. My video only contains 911 Maps data who uses FOIA data
https://911maps.wordpress.com/ down load the KML file or contact the creator yourself
2. Your maps are cut off and generalize too much and you can't use distance mapping tools so WHO
SAID 500 feet? Nobody.. Who?
Better Link to crap maps.. Why didn't they make KML file or a report?
"Why would the FDNY submit incomplete maps?" inside job deal with it.. no report and bad maps. total cover up and criminal activity..
3. "The construction phase of the new 7 World Trade Center began on May 7, 2002, with the installation of a fence around the construction site" A fence is NOT construction.. First design meeting could still be in 2000..read from notes "soon after the site was cleared of debris" debris? Should have been called evidence and the evidence clearing started on 9/11. too soon for zero victims.. Cover Up from start to finish.
4. " Unless they input improper data" Keyword is unless which is NOT True..
"many are saying has already happened." Says Who? People who don't like the fire fraud debunked?
" peer reviewed final report" broken record.. Fire theory was stupid then and now proven stupid again in a peer review process.. Computer review has so far won our case and will never change and will never flip to your side period.. Inside Job
NIST did simulate a BLAST.. What happen to that data?
5. ”This was BEFORE the second plane” So what???" So you did not see those details, what other details are you missing.. It was also basis of your stupid argument. The giant circle in the front of plane..Did you see that? I also provided radar data..photos and witness What happened to to that?.. What plane has theose details? None..
All planes have to log their flight path BEFORE takeoff.. Flight 11 went off course starting at 8:14..
" ALL you have is speculation and conjecture."
I have photos, radar and witnesses.. Wrong again.. Deal with it..
5. "the stored potential energy within a single tower was 480,600 megajoules"
Clearly you can't see the timeline of reported explosions.. I keep posting them. You keep missing it..
Inside Job
11:01:07 Explosion
11:15:04 EDT, Explosion
11:29:46 EDT, Explosion
The tower were long gone by this point.. So why are you even talking about the towers? Can you explain that?
Silverstein said April 2000 and that was a written statement. Silverstein also confessed to Controlled Demo, but that film is missing.. History Channel Business has him confessing away..
What Dr. Sykes does not know is that the reported explosions were below 2.4 and not above. Here he says the magnitudes were above 2.4.. How much above 2.4 does Dr. Sykes believe is the real magnitude? that is the question..
Distance Body Part Map 9/11
Oldschooldan14 hours ago (edited)