Friday, January 17, 2020

Mohammed Atta, Israeli moving companies, Psychic Friends and a dead handyman

David Rovics and 9/11...
2 posts by 2 authors

Carol Brouillet


Just got this from David Rovics...

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Mohammed Atta, Israeli moving companies, Psychic Friends and a dead handyman

I'm not much for doing research into the activities of intelligence agencies. And I'm not involved with any groups doing this kind of research, aside from playing the occasional benefit concert. But anyone out there who is involved with researching what happened on September 11th, 2001 might be interested in what is below.

First I'll just introduce what it is that is below. This is something that was recently written up by a friend of mine. I'll call him Michael.

I first met Michael over twenty years ago. I know him originally through musical circles. Michael prefers to remain anonymous if possible, which means in this case that I'm the one vouching for his credibility. So I'll just say now that Michael is a highly intelligent, gifted, mentally healthy person who wishes harm to no one. He is only putting this information out there because he thinks it seems like the right thing to do. He is not delusional, and I'm sure that everything below is as accurate as he can recall.

Before I present you with Michael's recollections, I want to just say that none of this convinces me that the 9/11 attacks were carried out by Dick Cheney and his henchmen. Maybe everything Michael remembers is stuff some of you who do this research already know. For me, it just raises more troubling questions about the role of various US and international intelligence agencies in all kinds of nefarious activities.

Here's my slightly edited version of what Michael shared with me:

9/11 and the Hollywood Bread Building
With the 15th anniversary of the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States coming up, I decided to write down what I know about what lead up to them. You see, I knew Mohammed Atta.
I should have written this down years ago, but for the first years I feared for my and my family’s lives, and after that had passed, I guess I just wanted to put it behind me. I am sure that after 15 years, I might have some details wrong, but the core story is correct.
The Building
The Hollywood Bread Building is a 10-story building overlooking Young Circle Park, the central park in Hollywood, Florida. It is currently abandoned and according to the papers, there are violent 'floor turf wars' being fought inside by the people squatting there.
But in 2001, it was filled with many small businesses, including mine. I could see Young Circle from my 9th floor windows. That’s where Shuckums was (and maybe still is) – the oyster bar where the 9/11 hijackers last got together to have a meal together, before boarding their flights to murder thousands of people. It was first widely reported that this happened on September 10th, but I believe that timeline has been revised. I have made the conscious decision not look up any facts about 9/11 now, for fear that it would influence or shape what I remember.
I worked together with an employee of mine in these offices on the 9th floor – let’s call him Joey (not his real name). As soon as Mohammed Atta was fingered to be the ringleader in the attacks, both Joey and I almost fell out of our seats. “That guy??? We know that guy!”
Joey would hang outside the front door a lot, because he smoked and wasn’t allowed to do it inside the building. So did others from other floors. Atta was a frequent visitor to our building. What’s interesting is who else was renting offices in the building.
The tenants
There was Moishe and the Israeli 'social club' on the 9th floor. They’d come in in the late afternoon and stay until all hours of the night, sitting on couches and making phone calls on the speaker phone in Hebrew. I often worked late, sometimes until midnight, and they’d be there with the door open, assuming that all other tenants were long gone.
Then there was the 'trucking company.' They were Americans, in a very small office on the 9th floor that probably rented for about $350 a month back then. They started moving racks of computer servers into that office.
This intrigued me, since we built rack-mounted computers for a living. I was intrigued why a company that was renting a $350 office was moving in what looked like at least $100,000 worth of computer hardware.
And what on Earth could you need that kind of computing power for, if all you were doing was keeping track of a very small fleet of trucks. I asked the guy. He had no comment and ever since that day, they kept their door shut.
And then, there was the 'moving company.'
These guys also spoke Hebrew. I remember as if it were yesterday. Talking to a young guy who worked for them, outside the door, where they were smoking. I welcomed them to the building and asked what they kind of work they did.
The young guy didn’t seem to know what to say. When he started to say something, an older guy shut him up and said “we are moving company.” Then he told the young guy to put out his smoke and come inside with him.
What do these three companies have in common?
Well, on September 12th 2001, they were all gone! Like they were never there. Offices cleaned out and left without a trace.
The radio station
Across from our office was what was described to us as “an illegal underground Greek resistance radio station.” Seriously, you can’t make this shit up!
The FCC would come raid their offices and take all their gear. Then they would get new gear and go back at whatever they were doing.
One morning, I came to work to find a SWAT team stacked up outside their door, with submachine guns, combat gear and all. I turned around and left for a bit. When I came back, the SWAT team was still there, but now more relaxed.
I tried to get into our offices, and noticed that the door lock was upside down. You had to put the key in, flat side up -- now it was the other way around. I asked the cop who seemed in charge, whether they had broken into my office – he said no, they had not.
An hour or so later, there was a knock on the door. It was that cop again.
He came in and sat down in my office, and asked me if he could ask me some questions. I told him that I might consider talking to him if he stopped lying to me.
So I asked him again, “did you break into my office?”
He half-smiled, like a school boy caught in a lie, and said, “yeah, we did. Sorry about that."
After asking me many questions about what I had observed in the building, he asked me, “did you know your office is wired everywhere?”
I had no idea. He removed a ceiling panel and showed me that there were indeed cameras and microphones in the ceiling. Our offices had been the Greek’s offices before they moved across the hall.
The officer asked me whether I had ever seen a man named Gus Boulis in the building, associating with the main radio station guy. I had not.
Boulis was a Greek mobster, hiding behind a front of semi-legitimate businesses. A couple of months later, they found him in a parking garage in Ft. Lauderdale. He had been shot, assassination-style, with a bullet to the back of the head.
The whole radio station thing probably has nothing to do with 9/11 and is just a bizarre secondary drama.
Johnny Cowboy and the 10th floor
And then there was Johnny Cowboy (not his real name).
Johnny was an interesting fellow. He acted as handyman for the building, and offered car washes to people parking in the lot across the street.
He never said much, but Joey and I saw him all the time and were friendly with him. He looked like a cowboy out of an old Western. While he scowled at most people, he seemed to like us and actually spoke to us sometimes.
The 10th floor had been home to the Psychic Friends Network when I first moved in. Later on, it became a technical school, and then it was empty.
It was different than all of the other floors – you couldn’t get into the floor without a key. It was off-limits to all. But Johnny Cowboy had keys.  And I think he crashed there from time to time, as well. Meaning, Johnny knew everything that went on in the building at all hours.
One day, I came to work and saw fire trucks outside the building. When I got in the elevator, I noticed that a horrible stench had enveloped the whole building.
Turns out someone found Johnny’s decomposing body on the 10th floor. There were strange cops in the building, the kind with suits, sunglasses and earpieces.
I asked what happened.
"Looks like he drank himself to death. They found a bottle next to his body," a firefighter answered.
Joey and I looked at each other, puzzled.
So I said, "uh, Johnny didn’t drink."
The cop told us that we don’t want to go around asking too many questions, and told us to move along.
Could Johnny have been a recovering alcoholic and had a relapse? Possible. Could he have seen something in that building at night that he wasn’t supposed to? Possible.
Joey and I struggled for a while after September 11th, whether we should call the FBI and tell them about Atta hanging out with the Israelis. After a few days, we did. They took our numbers. Nobody ever called us back or followed up.
In conclusion
So there it is, best as I can remember it.
The Israeli social club, the 'trucking' firm with the server banks, the Israeli 'moving company' whose employees didn’t seem to know what business they were in – all went poof on September 12th.
The Greek resistance radio station with supposed mob ties and a bullet to the back of the head.
And Johnny Cowboy, who drank himself to death or saw something he shouldn’t have. One bizarre story, isn’t it?
Memory is a funny thing, and I’m sure I have messed some details up. But I wanted to write it down exactly as I remember it, before comparing notes with Joey or researching on the internet.
A few months after this happened, I closed my company, sold our house and went on a multi-year RV trip with my (now ex-) wife.  I didn’t feel comfortable being able to be easily found.  Not having an address seemed just fine with me.
For at least the first year or two, I fully expected that someone would probably find me and Joey, either victims of unfortunate accidents or more likely, with just a single gunshot wound to the back of our heads.
I didn’t tell anyone about any of this for years, out of fear, but then decided that if someone saw us as a threat, we would have been long gone. In a sea of conspiracy theories, anything is easily discredited. I don’t have a theory – I just know what I saw. I don’t claim to know what it all means.
Joey and I check in with each other every year on 9/11 to cheer at having made it yet another year.




When I click the link, I get this message: "Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist.” I wonder if David Rovics removed it.

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Wednesday, January 8, 2020

I saw molten steel in WTC and now everyone sees it too!

I saw molten steel in WTC and now everyone sees it too.

Abolhassan Astaneh-Asl

5:39 PM (4 hours ago)
to me
In this video, I am completely misrepresented. When I say "I saw molten steel in WTC..", it does not mean that the steel that was melted was because of some conspiracy or melted during the collapse. There were only one small beam and not column, that had its relatively thin flange lost to the heat. But it was definitely clear that the beam was a minor beam had landed after the collapse on one of the intense car fires that were going on after the collapse. And, it was the heat of that burning car that had caused the "melting" of a small section of this very small beam fallen on direct fire after the collapse. It was not even clear if this beam was from WTC tower, or even Building 7. It could have been from any of the other 4 buildings that also had a fire burning some parts of buildings.  This one beam probably weighed about less than a ton and it was the only piece of steel that I saw showing the sign of fire (that was there after the collapse) melting a small piece of it. The towers alone had 200,000 tons of steel. Taking my word about one small beam being the sign of some conspiracy is utter falsehood and a disgrace.

All my photos of WTC investigation are at this site:  along with every piece of documents, etc that I collected during my investigation of the collapse of the WTC during the 2001-2002 period.  I did not find any evidence that supports any of these conspiracy theories. The building collapsed because of the fire softening the steel and reducing its strength. 
I hope these people will find something else to focus on that can add to the safety of buildings, and if not I hope they will not misuse my name to support their absolutely false statement on what caused the collapse.

Daniel Plesse

9:45 PM (0 minutes ago)
to Abolhassan, bcc: Thomas, bcc: mark, bcc: Frank, bcc: Jane, bcc: J, bcc: Richard, bcc: Steven
Dear Abolhassan,

          Any steel that melted means high temperatures and beyond what is possible without help.

 A car fire is not going to cause "a small section of small beam to melt".

The email I sent you is filled with molten steel examples from WTC and interviews of people who took molten samples from a North Tower column both on video and via text the New York Times.

 Firefighter Scott Schrimpe Molten North Tower Core Tower public display Table video

Dr. Steven Jones wrote a paper about  "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade
Center Catastrophe"

mark basile <> made videos about the material

Luciano Guerriero NYPD has a secret report..

Luciano Guerriero NYPD
 I’m a rational person who worked in NYC law enforcement who happened to be outside the South Tower when it fell. What I witnessed, and more importantly what I have discovered as a result of my rigorous investigation since then, informs my views on the matter. 
The following testimony is from Luciano Guerriero one of the few surviving 9-11 first responders who provided these comments today 9-11-16 on CIA whistelblower John Kiriakou's Facebook feed: 

I'm a 9/11 first responder, John. And let me start by saying that I'm not here to argue with anybody, just to speak what I know. Each of us must do our homework like I have and draw your own conclusions.
I worked in NYC law enforcement for the better part of 2 decades. Part of my work involved training officers and supervisors. A large part of my activities involved working in a NYC municipal law enforcement oriented think tank and providing detailed analysis, program evaluation, etc, to the mayor and the various related commissioners. I was on the street when Flight 175 came over my head and to the left. The unnatural scream of the engines that close to the ground made me look up, and I got a clear view of it, left wing down, right wing up, just before it struck the South Tower. I didn't see the impact because a building right in front of me obscured my view, but I did see the fireball, and I of course heard it.
As per procedure, I rushed to headquarters where I worked, directly into a meeting with the commissioner, who then proceeded to either deploy the personnel present to emergency response duties, or as was the case with me to release some of us to make our way out of the area. There was no question in my mind, and not just because I had two cousins working in the towers, that I would join the first response and make myself useful. This was a choice made by virtually everybody there. So I ended up back outside the South Tower.
I won't belabor you with the details of the things I did. They're nothing much different than what most others did. But I will say that I didn't take more than a few glimpses up because I was busy at ground level, and so I'll always be grateful that I wasn't aware of the jumpers until later that day. So at least the visual memory of that doesn't haunt me today. I did realize afterward that I was an "earwitness" to the sounds of their bodies impacting the ground, and that's now part of my indelible memories. 
Being an earwitness figures into my experience in another way that is more important than the jumpers, I think. Just like the sound of 175's engines commanded my attention, a series of POW-POW-POW-POW-POW... sounds FROM LOW IN THE SOUTH TOWER made my head swivel toward the building a split second before there was a rumble from above. The rumble took my eyes from the lobby and lower floors upward and I watched the tower fall.
I'm not ashamed to say that I didn't act during those seven seconds of collapse, like some of my colleagues and civilians who dove for cover. I was awestruck and simply stood in place, watching, sure that it would be my last moment. Why I wasn't struck by debris, hurt or killed outright, I'll never know. Some who dove for cover did perish.
There was nothing to breathe but that hot toxic white cloud for too long. I'll spare you the gruesome things I saw in the debris around me, ground down to pieces during the fall. And I'll spare you the details of the maladies that have forced me into early retirement, although I will say that I'm one of the lucky ones not only because I'm still alive but because I'm a lucky survivor who isn't battling cancer --knock wood.
But I must speak to another 9/11-related experience that reflects upon your post here. Because I'm a surviving first responder, especially one whose health has been permanently compromised, I've felt a deep interest in understanding what happened at the WTC and why. I've done tens of thousands of hours of research into all of the events of that day, not only in NYC. Because of my work overall in the field, and because of my work as a training instructor, I developed close and trusting relationships with a number of well-placed and responsible people in that community. 
Some years after 9/11, I was approached by someone I knew to be credible and authoritative within that community. This person knew me, knew my experiences on that day, knew that I had attended many funerals (after which a number of empty caskets were buried), and knew that I'd been sick. What he described opened my eyes to certain things.
In the immediate aftermath of the collapses, the NYPD homicide investigators, crime scene investigators and forensic scientists put all other investigations aside and began to gather evidence at the WTC. Their work was hindered by rescue and firefighting efforts that were under way, but they were able to gather and begin to process quite a lot of evidence that was readily available. These were/are world class people in their field, incredible professionals, and as you might imagine they were so motivated to work tirelessly and well on that case. They accomplished an awful lot in a very short time. 
This contact told me that word came down the chain of command from Giuliani in City Hall, after he'd heard from Washington DC, to halt all further investigation. The team was to write up preliminary reports based upon what had been done so far, then send all evidence and the reports to a certain office where it all would be transferred to "others". There should be no more efforts made by the NYPD to investigate.
After a few of these conversations, my contact told me that copies of those reports had been made and kept hidden. The contact asked me if I'd be interested in reading one of the copies, and of course I was interested. Some days later, as instructed, I showed up at a certain building where I met two of the people that I knew. After being searched thoroughly to make sure that I was not in possession of any recording or communication devices (which they'd told me not to bring along) they brought me to a basement room. One of them produced a small stack of folders from a valise and they sat fairly silently while I read the files over the next three hours. 
I read about a lot of eye-popping things, but the detail most relevant to this post is the finding that both nanothermite reside and un-combusted nanothermite was found in abundance in every part of the debris pile/field. As you know, the only reason why those things would be present is because they came from demolition charges, which confirmed for me why I and so many others heard all those explosions from low in the South Tower that day immediately preceding the collapse. 
Needless to say to you, John, the fact that those copies exist means that those who possess them or know of their whereabouts are at some grave risk. That's why they took precautions about me carrying recording devices and opted not to hand me copies of the copies -- for my own protection as well as theirs. I can't prove what I just said, and I wouldn't try. What I can say is what I learned means that the NIST report and the Special Report are false. The government's explanation for what happened at the WTC is a lie, which the posting above is perpetuating. And a lie about the murder of 3,000 souls is a massive injustice that cries out for correction. We owe it to ourselves, we owe it to the deceased and the living victims, we owe it to the American people, we owe it to posterity, and we owe it to our collective ideals and our hopes for a better life in a better world, to open a new and fearless investigation. Let the chips fall where they may. The truth might well disillusion us, but I'd rather live without the illusion and make the best of a grim reality.

From elsewhere in Luciano Guerriero's pubilc profile:

Never forget, Facebook tells me. Never forget. I'd love to forget. But I can't. I'll never forget 9/11. On the worst days, my every compromised breath reminds me that I was outside the South Tower when it came down, breathing the toxic hot white cloud. Or the pain of every step does it. Or the way my body goes a bit haywire sometimes.
Sometimes, waking up from a bad dream, I relive in the dead of night seeing body parts in the rubble. A foot in a sock. A left hand wearing a wedding band. Never forget, they say. You don't forget something like that. Other times I hear the scream of Flight 175's engines and remember seeing it pass overhead just before it crashed into the South Tower. I'd love to forget. I'll never forget.
I worked in headquarters. Our commissioner told us that we didn't have to respond, that we should walk north and out of the area. But I had two cousins working in the towers, I felt I should go there. I didn't know what I would do there, but I had to head that way, not escape. Maybe I'd spot one of them. Maybe they'd need me. That's a feeling you don't forget. (They both made it out fine, and I never did see them.)
I was an earwitness too. I remain forever thankful that I was unaware of the jumpers on that morning. 1 was too busy searching faces at ground level, looking for cousins, to look up and see the jumpers dropping. But in retrospect I realized that I heard the sounds of their impacts on the ground. I'll never forget what that sounded like, Facebook, rest assured. I want to forget that. But I can't.
And the POW POW POW POW POW POW sounds of demolition charges going off inside the South Tower just before it collapsed, some of the secondary explosions quite low in the building, not distant, not the sounds of the top falling but much more near to me. Those sounds are indelibly in my memory too. I won't forget those, Facebook. Those are the last of my 9/11 memories that I want to let go. Those sounds show the government report on what happened to be a whitewash and a lie. We have not been told the truth. I'll remember that. I won't forget that. Ever. 
And I'll never forget that they wrapped it all up in the flag and lied to us some more in order to send kids off to wars without justification or a good enough purpose. I'll never forget that war is a rich man's racket and the rest of us pay the price. I'll never forget that. I don't wish to forget that. 
But I'd love to forget the rest, and I know I never will. So I guess all I can do is call a truce with that day and those memories, and be thankful for getting away from it damaged but with my life, thankful for having the better days and the strength to endure the worse days. So don't worry, Facebook. I won't forget. Not for a single day. Not for more than maybe a few moments at a time. And I'll never forget that I'm one of the lucky ones. 

  • Erik Marette And?
    How do you know the red print on this piece of paper contains correct information?

  • Erik Marette Reversing Burden of Evidence - a typical and dishonest Truther ploy, Mr. Plesse. I am not falling for it.

    All I see is your blog which is full of lies, and an unsourced photo of something with a caption that someone added. There is no evidence here.
    Pretty soon in the blog post you link to, you take resource to Steven Jones and his paper about "Active Thermitic Material Discovered" - a complete and utter hoax, as you should know by now (I am fairly sure you have been presented (by me) evidence from that very paper that fully refutes the paper's main conclusion. So now we know you are prone to presenting lies and hoaxes shamelessly.

    (Short version of the thermite debunk:
    * As per Harrit and Jones, the red/gray chips emit more energy per mass unit than thermite, so the exotherm cannot be fully explained by thermite, there has to be some other reaction(s)
    * We know from Harrit and Jones that the gray layer is inert - adding only mass, but insignificant heat, to the mix.
    * We know from Harrit and Jones that the inert gray layer is uch denser than the active red layer, while having very roughly the same volume; from this it follows that the red layer's energy density exceeds that of thermite by a factor of more than 3
    * We know from Harrit and Jones that the red layer contains a hydrocarbon which certainly adds an exotherm in the DSC test
    * It follows already that most of the energy, which is represented by the area under the DSC plots, comes from burning the hydrocarbon on ambient air - NOT from thermite
    * We know from Harrit and Jones that the red layer is mostly hydrocarbon, only a minor volume percentage is e,bedded particles containing Al, Si and Fe. This further limits the theoretically possible contribution of thermite to the exotherm
    * We know from Harrit and Jones that there is as much Si as Al in some of the chips - or in all of the chips, if we were to believe Harrit and Jones. This further limits the theoretically possible contribution of thermite to the exotherm
    * Put all these facts from Harrit and Jones together, and you find that even in theory, no more than 3% of the heat measured by Harrit and Jones (by Farrer, actually) in the DSC experiment could possibly, theoretically have come from thermite, while >97% are hydrocarbon matrix smoldering slowly on air
    * Conclusion: All the DSC peaks around 425 °C represent hydocarbon combustion; there is no discernible signal for a thermite reaction anywhere - The chips are NOT thermitic)
  • Daniel M. Plesse Erik Marette I see that you still don't bother to actually click on links because you are still too fucked up in head to actually be human. Then you can't even SEE a image correctly because you are on a" smart phone". or even worse: you are just too fuck up to even see the image.. beyond the most fuck up way possible.

    All these things discredit you and you do it all in public eye too..
    Why, because you are crazy and have no shame.

    1. "unsourced photo" first its from a video and not a photo you idiot. You didn't do your homework at all. Hmm I wonder how it is a professional shill could get everthing wrong? Are you paid? and by whom?

    2. The "thermite" argument was never about IF the red/gray chips where thermite. The only issue was the role it played. a. to weaken the beams or b. as an explosive. so this information
    " red/gray chips emit more energy per mass unit than thermite, so the exotherm cannot be fully explained by thermite, there has to be some other reaction(s)" is actually good news. but in your fucked up world this information was bad for some reason.

    NIST contractor James Millette was still unable to find any iron microspheres. Why ? Is he an idiot?

    "Having inexplicably “ashed” the chips at 400 °C in a muffle furnace, thereby proving that they were not the materials of interest (which ignite at 430 °C), Millette ignored the remainder of the study he had set out to replicate. Because he did not do the DSC test, he could not do XEDS of the spheres formed from the chips. Since he had still not found spheres in the dust, he could not test those and this allowed him to ignore the testing of spheres from the thermite reaction."

    You don't even know what some of the dust looks like.. idiot

    I also noticed you are using Harrit, Jones and Farrer while I use video from Mark Basile <> made videos about the material

    Why do you avoid Mark Basile and never include him or his videos?

  • No photo description available.

    • Erik Marette Daniel M. Plesse "I see that you still don't bother to actually click on links"

      Why do you lie?
      I reproduced (paraphrased) nonsense from the blog post that the link links to - evidence that I clicked the link.
      Of course I stopped reading once I ran into the first huge bullshit lie (the "Active Thermitic Material" paper).

      "you are just too fuck up to even see the image"
      Which image? The alleged pieces from the WTC, including one that is alleged to be molten steel from a WTC box column? Why, I did see that image. I just am skeptic that it actually is what it is alleged to be, and the image does not tell me who is doing the alleging, and based on what evidence.

      "you are crazy and have no shame"
      I thank you for this personal attack and insult, for I score those as instant wins, every time. Thanks for losing the debate by default :)

      "its from a video and not a photo you idiot. You didn't do your homework at all."
      No, you didn't do your homework. You want to convince others of the nonsense you allege, so do your sourcing better, and cut out the major bullshit that keeps people from continuing to read or watch your arguments.

      "The "thermite" argument was never about IF the red/gray chips where thermite."
      Bullshit. Of course the entire argument "for" thermite rests on the faith you put in the conclusions by Jones and Harrit that the red/gray chips are, in fact, "thermitic" - it's in the title, the abstract and the main conclusion. Strip away that by realizing this is completely wrong, and the paper is done, history, wrong. Then there is no evidence for any thermite at all, period. It's a fantasy.

      "red/gray chips emit more energy per mass unit than thermite, so the exotherm cannot be fully explained by thermite, there has to be some other reaction(s)" is actually good news"
      Only to people who do not understand basic physics and chemistry.
      It is perfectly normal, ordinary for organic material (paper, wood, plastic, paint binder, human tissue, your ear wax, your dried ejaculate) to emit more energy per mass unit than thermite. ALL organic materials do. That is, by the way, the reason the towers collapse: Because of the heat of organic combustion on ambient air - read "office fires".
      You have believed uncritically, hook-line-and-sinker, without any intelligent and informed skepticism, the HOAX served to you by Jones and Harrit more than 10 years ago. For more than 10 years, the Truth Movement has perpetuated this hoax to anyone who wishes to be misled by stupid lies.
      But the thing is: This red paint layer, burning very SLOWLY at temperatures surely not beyond 1000 °C, and being only 50 micrometers or so thin, melted nothing. It's a complete fantasy. It did not explode at all.
      You live a fantasy there.

      "NIST contractor James Millette was still unable to find any iron microspheres"
      Waiting for stupid argument to come...
      Oh yes: you quote - and believe!! - the old huxter Kevin Ryan 😂

      See how Kevin Ryan lies:
      "Millette ignored the remainder of the study he had set out to replicate."
      Haha! No. Millette did certainly NOT set out to "replicate" this inane, incompetent study. His goal was to find out if there is "thermite" in the red layer - yes or no. And, using competent methods, he found that this is not so.
      Utter stupidity: "Because he did not do the DSC test, he could not do XEDS of the spheres formed from the chips"
      Yeah - so what?!? This is not at all required to disprove "thermite" - Harrit et al's OWN DSC tests disproves it! As I explained to you (but you FAILED to address the argument, which I shall take as validation.
      More dishonesty from huxter K.R. (why did you not give proper credit to the old huxter when you quoted his lying dreck?!?):
      "Since he had still not found spheres in the dust..."
      Says who? Millette wasn't looking for spheres in the dust, knowing as a competent forensic materials scientist that such spheres are ubiquitous in all sorts of ashes and other urban dusts. There are so many ways in which iron-rich microspheres get created!

      "Why do you avoid Mark Basile and never include him or his videos?"
      How do you know I never use Basile? Of course I use Basile! He independently DISproved the material is thermitic!
      It seems you don't know the presentation he gave in 2010 already about his findings? The short clip of a chip burning (?) on a heated strip of steel shows his "lucky" chip #13. We see it react "vigorously". So what is burning there? Well, Basile did an XEDS before burning of the red layer, and had the good idea to quantify the contents (which Jones and Harrit avoided - perhaps with good reason).
      This shows you that the red layer contains no more than 1.7% by weight aluminium, but >70% by weight carbon - it is mostly, by weight, a hydrocarbon material (which, as all hydrocarbon solids, is prone to ignite at not very high temperatures, and will burn on air releasing gases, which limits the fire tepmperature).
      Now let's do the mass: Thermite, in a stoichiometric (ideal) mix, is 25% by weight Al, 75% by weight Fe2O3. So IF all the Al in Basile's lucky chip #13 were elemental (which of course it cannot be), and it ALL reacted perfectly with the appropriate amount of Fe2O3 (3x 1.7% = 5.1% - oops, there is not even enough Fe in that red layer! But I'll let this problem pass in your favor), then the red layer would contain no more than 6.8% by weight thermite. At under 4 kJ/g, this thermite would contribute less than 0.272 kJ/g of energy to the exotherm - only 6% of what huxters Jones and Harrit measured! And that is still ignoring the inert gray layer, that adds mass but no energy!

      So I thank you for mentioning Basile and HIS data that independently REFUTES that the chips are thermitic.

      Do you know that Basile has been sitting on $5000 for many years that were donated to him for the express purpose of having an independent lab "replicate" the stupid Harrit et al study? Are you aware that Basile has NOT succeeded in doing so? Are you sure you want to call Basile as YOUR witness, when he has been stealing from gullible Truthers like you? :D
      No photo description available.
    • Daniel M. Plesse Erik Marette "I reproduced (paraphrased) nonsense from the blog post that the link links to - evidence that I clicked the link."
      Why would YOU need evidence? Normal people can read and understand what the topic is without issue. However YOU can't seem to do that. Why is that?

      Why are you "paraphrasing"
      Now you claiming that YOU CAN"T read. How does that bolster your credibility?

      No the title "Active Thermitic Material" is not an unique enough to mean that you 1. clicked on anything. 2. Can read 3. have enough IQ points or 4. does not say you are not a paid shill who blind and stupid.

      It seem that you don't about Mark Basile Progress Report, dated August 2014.. Did you fail to get the most up-to-date progress report and you are missing key points and his theme is always that the chips are 1. Exploding 2. " producing molten iron products"

      Mark Basile Progress Report Basile has success in production of iron which you don't talk about.

      Why don't you talk about the production of iron from the chips? What is your problem? Why the avoiding?

      "do your sourcing better" I have a link to a video and a title which clearly points to everything. So "do your sourcing better" should be STOP fucking up everything.. You keep fucking up and you don't seem to understand what fucking up looks like. Why?

      "NIST contractor James Millette was still unable to find any iron microspheres. Why because he is an idiot"
      Waiting for stupid argument to come...
      You just avoided this issue! What is with all avoiding? You changed the topic to "See how Kevin Ryan lies:"

      The issue was about microspheres produced by the chips..and WTC dust. You have agreed that James Millette didn't find them in his past studies or the current study. Why because he was not looking. Why is he not looking? What is wrong with him?

      I believe you know what to avoid. 1. you have shown you can't read or don't wish to read. So what value do you add?

       No. Millette did certainly NOT set out to "replicate" Why ? scientific studies is about 
      replication. Why did he violate basic scientific principles? Again what is WRONG with him?
    • Erik Marette Daniel M. Plesse "Why are you "paraphrasing""
      To make it better readable.

      "Now you claiming that YOU CAN"T read. How does that buster your credibility?"
      That's flat-out a lie. Try not to lie, ok?

      "It seem that you don't about Mark Basile Progress Report, dated August 2014"
      Of course I know about it - empty and long-broken promises, nothing new.

      "Did you fail to get the most up-to-date progress report and you are missing key points and his theme is always that the chips are 1. Exploding"
      Which, if Basile actually meant that, would be an obvious lie: No chip ever exploded. The chip you showed in that short clip (#13) did not explode. But even if it did - so what? If you heat your wet ejaculate in a microwave oven, it might "explode". Butter and eggs do. Basile heated some material unknown to him rapidly, and gas was formed. By what process? He doesn't know, you don't know. Hint: Thermite produces no gas. But burning, or heating hydrocarbon polymers, does.

      "2. " producing molten iron products""
      How do you know Basile produced "molten iron products"? But even if he did, even if the large and numerous gray blobs he showed in his presentation are "iron(-rich) microspheres" - this only proves that heating organic polymer along with oxidized steel can produce such spheres - because thermite surely did not - have you forgotten who proved that there is far too little Al in the material to do that? It was Basile!

      So you see, your accusations each fail on at least two levels. That's a lot of fail in such few words!

      As for the images in the 2014 "No Progress Report" (I changed the title from a lie to a true statement), you seem to think that the large, shiny gray blobs were the result of a reaction among the pigments within the red layer? But in the same images, there is still red layer! Why, in your opinion, is the red layer red?

      Basile proves that no reaction of the red layer is necessary to turn the gray layer into blobby shapes. This destroys the Jones/Harrit/Plesse fantasy that such smooth gray dust particles are of any nefarious provenance. All it takes is every-day material and modest temperatures.
    • Erik Marette And I can't thank you enough for never quoting and discussung my arguments, based on the data kindly provided by huxters Jones, Harrit, Ryan and gullible fools Farrer and Basile.

      What, by the way, have YOU done to motivate Basile to whip out the $5000 in his bank account and finally give his chips to a competent lab? Why has this not been done? Aren't you mad at Basile for his fraud?
    • Daniel M. Plesse Erik Marette "Why are you "paraphrasing""
      To make it better readable.
      Make what readable? What are you talking about? Talk clearly.

      No. Millette did certainly NOT set out to "replicate" Why ? The scientific method is about replication. Why did he violate basic scientific principles? Again what is WRONG with him? Why don't you answer?

      Why do you use a known scientific method violator as your go-to guy?

      Now you claiming that YOU CAN"T read. How does that bolster your credibility? You still have not proven you read the page or you can understand what the page is about. You then hijack the issue with your unhealthy obsession with Jones, Harrit, Ryan and after that you

      "you seem to think that the large, shiny gray blobs were the result of a reaction " That was the point of paper it says

      "Figure 2a, Iron Based Droplets from Reaction of Red Layer of Chip in Figure 1d Droplet circled in Red"

      Can you read this statement? Can you understand what it says?

      "Basile proves that no reaction of the red layer is necessary to turn the gray layer into blobby shapes"

      Basile just said " Iron Based Droplets from Reaction of Red Layer" he did not say

      anything to the contrary..

      This proves you are crazy in every sense of the word..
    • Erik Marette Daniel M. Plesse "Make what readable?"
      My posts.

      "The scientific method is about replication."
      Nonsense. A bad study needs no replication. None of the nine "scientists" named as co-authors of the paper had ANY credentials in the required field of study, forensic material science. They were stupid amateurs who did random tests just because they had the machines, and had no concept. It is in many ways a bad bad study. It is insufficient to do what this type of study should do - identify what the red/gray chips are. Bit the data IS sufficient to prove what the chips are NOT: Thermitic.
      Millette simply did competent tests, and identified unequivocally every component of the chips: The gray material is iron oxide with alloying eleents consistent with structural steel, the red layer is (in chips resembling the chips presented in Figures 5 through 11 of Harrit et al) epoxy with pigments of hematite and kaolinite embedded, which makes the material consistent with a red primer paint.

      "Now you claiming that YOU CAN"T read."
      Repeating a lie does not unmake it a lie. Try not to lie, ok?

      "You still have not proven you read the page"
      I did not read the entire page - I stopped when I ran into a lying hoax. If you want to present an argument, present it here.

      "You then hijack the issue with your unhealthy obsession with Jones, Harrit, Ryan"
      You introduced Ryan by using an uncredited quote of his dishonest old blog post to pretend any of it is good against my arguments. Entirely your fault if I pick apart the quote you chose to introduce. If you don't want me to quote huxter Ryan, don't quote him.

      "That was the point of paper it says"
      And you gullibly believe it. Poor you.

      "Can you read this statement? Can you understand what it says?"
      Yes and yes - and it's obviously wrong! The red material is still red, meaning that which makes it red has not reacted.
      Hence my question: Why is the red layer red, in your opinion?

      "Basile just said " Iron Based Droplets from Reaction of Red Layer" he did not say anything to the contrary.."
      Correct - but he absolutely SHOULD have said something to the contrary, because that is where his data actually points!
      There is far too little iron oxide and Al in the chips to account for these huge blobs as the result of a thermite reaction between imaginary elemental Al and nano-sized iron oxide in the red layer.
      It is perfectly obvious that the shiny gray blobs formed from the gray layer.
      The INERT gray layer.
      Harrit et al say the gray layer is inert. Did you know that?
      At least it has NO aluminium to react with, and hence it all has nothing to do with "thermite".

      What the experiments - Harrits et al's experiments, Basile's experiments - show is that apparent iron-rich microspheres can form when you heat iron oxide chips in the presence of an organic polymer. And that is just one of MANY processes that can and do form iron-rich microspheres in buildings during construction, its lifetime, its burning, its collapse, it's post-collapse burning and its post-collapse clean-up.
    • Daniel M. Plesse Erik Marette
      "Make what readable?"
      My posts.
      Your posts are NOT the topic.. No one cares about "your posts". They are not creditable. You can't even understand what you are referring to anymore. i.e crazy town.

      The scientific method is about replication."
      " Nonsense. "

      In science: Replication (scientific method), one of the main principles of the scientific method, a.k.a. reproducibility. Replication (statistics), the repetition of a test or complete experiment.
      Replication - Wikipedia
      i.e Wrong again and sounding MORE CRAZY!

      "That was the point of paper it says"

      And you gullibly believe it. Poor you.

      So you agree that is what is says? But YOU don't agree with the results ? That is not what YOU said originally .. You said some stupid lie. ""Basile proves that no reaction of the red layer is necessary to turn the gray layer into blobby shapes"" See he DID NOT say this and points only to the red layer. You are STUPID and you are trying to cover up your lie with agreements and sounding MORE CRAZY by the second

      "Can you read this statement? Can you understand what it says?"
      Yes and yes - and it's obviously wrong!

      So the results prove you are WRONG! So what do you do? Lie, sound crazy etc. Nice going. again STUPID

      The red material is still red, meaning that which makes it red has not reacted. What are YOU talking about? Iron Oxide ? What red? Point out "the red" !

      You are so stupid. You are confessing to a possible reaction i.e Your goal to deny anything to do with word "reaction".
      "meaning that which makes it red [iron oxide] has not reacted." The "red" or unreacted material i.e iron oxide is gone in the photos. Paint does not react at all and does what it does and turns in to normal carbon. No one has shown iron after paint reaction. Basile also shows what paint does on video. No reaction, NO iron.

      "Basile just said " Iron Based Droplets from Reaction of Red Layer" he did not say anything to the contrary.."

      Correct - but he absolutely SHOULD have said something to the contrary.. So now you are agreeing BUT what?

      Why should he say something to contrary if his results don't say that??

      Is that what James Millette did? DID he fudge results to agree with his emotions? Are you making a confession right now? Do you believe that is what people SHOULD be doing?
