Olem Noslen Kevin Brant now check this out, remember the Lebanese snitch for the CIA mentioned in this whole ordeal with helping capture Fawaz Younis, in which Joe Trento mentions is in Robert Baer's book, this guy Jamal Hamdan(on the left)? remember when he says he was involved with the CIA setting up bombings in Germany to make it look like a Libyan terrorist cell? read the link https://apnews.com/60501330aa05e31bd94fd20836143af4
Radiological Assistance Program ![]() |
9/11 Elephant foot in the room |
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911Tap was hijacked by USGS narrative |
Why would anyone ever compare WTC dust with Eastern US soil samples? Are they saying that the WTC dust was contaminated with eastern US Soil? Comparable samples should be dust from other compatible situations. Oranges with Oranges.
How about Existing “BACKGROUND” DUST IN NEW YORK CITY and not eastern US soil samples?
911Tap was hijacked by the USGS narrative and stupid
We need the weights part. "Strontium can also exist as several radioactive isotopes; the most common is 90Sr. 90Sr is formed in nuclear reactors or during the explosion of nuclear weapons..
So did they find Strontium 90 is the question not just Strontium.
However, looking at the US EPA data for airborne dust at Ground Zero about 1 week after 9/11, we find:
> Calcium = 44 micrograms/m^3
> Iron = 4.4 micrograms/m^3
> Zinc = 6.3 micrograms/m^3
> This implies that there was about 1.8 tonnes of iron “dust” per floor, or ten times the expected amount.
> But things get even worse for zinc. The measured zinc/calcium ratio in the dust was 6.3/44 = 0.14. Working with our estimate of 18 tonnes of calcium dust per floor we conclude that there was 2.5 tonnes of zinc. Where does this zinc come from? The main source of zinc in the WTC appears to be galvanized steel. This was used in the floor pans and in the air conditioning ductwork. If the zinc coating was ~ 50 microns on both sides of 22-gauge steel this implies a Zn/Fe ratio of about 0.1
> By the end of October 2001, the Zn/Fe ratio in the airborne dust at Ground Zero had fallen to about 0.1 which his consistent with the zinc coming from the galvanized steel. But this does not explain why the Zn/Fe ratio was 1.43 immediately after 9/11.
> Thus we need to explain:
> (i) Why was there so much iron in the WTC dust?
> (ii) Why was there so much zinc?
> I believe the answer to these questions lies in the MYSTERY OF THE SPHERES!> It is interesting to note that the surface analytical data presented by S. W. Banovic in NIST NCSTAR 1-3C show that for the single column sample K-16, chlorine was the most abundant species (after iron of course!), and was generally HIGHER than the much debated sulfur. And if you look at the USGS Particle Atlas Table of XRF analyses for concrete particulate in WTC dust more than 50 % showed the presence of chlorine. This chlorine cannot be indigenous to the concrete since chloride ion is specified to be less than 200 ppm in concrete because of its deleterious effects on this material. Thus we are left wondering where all this chlorine came from….
> In the R. J. Lee Report on Damage Assessment at 130 Liberty Street we read on page 3:
> “The conflagration activated processes that caused materials to form into spherical particle such as metals (e.g. Fe, Zn, Pb)…”> “The fires, which began at over 1,000 °C, gradually cooled, at least on the surface, during September and October 2001. USGS's AVIRIS measured ground temperatures when it flew over the WTC site on Sept. 16 and 23. On Sept. 16, it picked up more than three-dozen hot spots of varying size and temperature, roughly between 500 and 700 °C. By Sept. 23, only two or three of the hot spots remained, and those were sharply reduced in intensity, researcher Clark said. However, Clark doesn't know how deep into the pile AVIRIS could see. The infrared data certainly revealed surface temperatures, yet the smoldering piles below the surface may have remained at much higher temperatures. "In mid-October," said Thomas A. Cahill a retired professor of physics and atmospheric science at the University of California, Davis, "when they would pull out a steel beam, the lower part would be glowing dull red, which indicates a temperature on the order of 500 to 600 °C. And we know that people were turning over pieces of concrete in December that would flash into fire--which requires about 300 °C. So the surface of the pile cooled rather rapidly, but the bulk of the pile stayed hot all the way to December."
"The statement appears to be derived fro our measurement showing ultra fine aerosols of metals that should not have been present at the modest temperatures of the smoldering pile I researched and found that the same effect had been seen in hospital incinerators, where high temperature metals that should have stayed in the ash escaped up their stacks, What happened there and at the WTC site was chlorine in the oxygen poor pile formed compounds like VCl4, which is a gas and passes through the pile, and then burns to an ultra fine metallic aerosol when it reaches a burning zone at the surface, with serious cardio vascular impacts. The EPA even funded Columbia U to challenge my work - they failed.
> Tom
Vanadium tetrachloride | VCl4
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Command center North Tower
Nope 9/11
21 floor I think
people were trapped and started taking photos ..
.He got a call that three Port Authority workers were trapped in a command center on the 22nd floor. He informed a fire battalion chief that he was going up to rescue them. The chief assigned a group of firefighters, led by Lt. Andy Desperito.
I just to find the person who took the photos.
It could be Andy Desperito..
Depends on the timing of when they were there prior to the total colaps. It would take them more than 15 minutes to walk down the stairs. Many firemen were not found. Some were found later from DNA analysis of tiny bone pieces. Of more than 2000 killed there were more that 20 thousand tiny bone pieces. They were found up to about 15 hundred feet from the building. That again proves that high tech explosives were used. The FBI has statistics on the results of deaths and murders by explosives. When dynamite is used the bodies are bone into big chunks. When high tech explosives are used bodies are totally destroyed blown into tiny pieces. I note that in my article.
hand delivered..
For comments on Mckee's page I posted the links to my two magazines. If he is interesting in other stories he might go look them up. Currently he only uses sarchasm.
There is a national pilots organization that has made videos of the flight paths of all of the aircraft. They got their files directly from the Federal Aviation authority. They show the aircraft headed toward the pentagon flew over the pentagon just before something like a cruise missile hit the pentagon. I have stuck to just WTC one.
The iron spheres are another term for unexploded nanothemite. The scientists I mentioned published reports on them. The NYPC officer you mentions talked about iron spheres. He may have been referencing those tow scientists I mention.
His drum air collector was set up down the street and month later. That is why I asked you if you know about it. But you don't seem to answer.
Dr. Andre Rousseau is a former researcher in geophysics and geology at the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) said the earthquakes were do to explosives.
Your highlighted note by the Dr. noted fused Iron spheres. That is the same finding that were studied by the scientists I note. They found fused Iron spheres and made chemical analysis to find that they are symptoms of nanothermite. Go find research papers by Dr. Steven Jones.
I know about Mr. Jones ..
I asking if you know about Mr. Cahill ..
It was both fused iron AND new chemicals
Factually I focus on the science of the explosive demolition of WTC one. The Fused rocks requires advanced heavy lab machinery. That would need to be done by the national lab or ordered by the FBI. That is also secondary to the fact that they were fused during melting from nanothermite.
I note the fire ball in my magazine. I really don't have time to get into all of the research by Dr. Jones and the others. Your magazines should arrive monday. I will be out for a few days travel. See you.
My attorney corp that I belong to does the legal work. I must focus on marketing those magazines. Would like the addresses of all the magazine stands in New York City
interesting thanks. I will look around..
I am talking with Rae Hughes about "World Trade Center Health Program - Stony Brook Medicine" sending forms etc..
The fireball photo happen during collapse so no you did not include in your Pamphlet. It almost seems like you can't see.
Chat Conversation Start
Command center North Tower
Nope 9/11
21 floor I think
people were trapped and started taking photos ..
.He got a call that three Port Authority workers were trapped in a command center on the 22nd floor. He informed a fire battalion chief that he was going up to rescue them. The chief assigned a group of firefighters, led by Lt. Andy Desperito.
I just to find the person who took the photos.
It could be Andy Desperito..
Depends on the timing of when they were there prior to the total colaps. It would take them more than 15 minutes to walk down the stairs. Many firemen were not found. Some were found later from DNA analysis of tiny bone pieces. Of more than 2000 killed there were more that 20 thousand tiny bone pieces. They were found up to about 15 hundred feet from the building. That again proves that high tech explosives were used. The FBI has statistics on the results of deaths and murders by explosives. When dynamite is used the bodies are bone into big chunks. When high tech explosives are used bodies are totally destroyed blown into tiny pieces. I note that in my article.
hand delivered..
For comments on Mckee's page I posted the links to my two magazines. If he is interesting in other stories he might go look them up. Currently he only uses sarchasm.
There is a national pilots organization that has made videos of the flight paths of all of the aircraft. They got their files directly from the Federal Aviation authority. They show the aircraft headed toward the pentagon flew over the pentagon just before something like a cruise missile hit the pentagon. I have stuck to just WTC one.
The iron spheres are another term for unexploded nanothemite. The scientists I mentioned published reports on them. The NYPC officer you mentions talked about iron spheres. He may have been referencing those tow scientists I mention.
His drum air collector was set up down the street and month later. That is why I asked you if you know about it. But you don't seem to answer.
Dr. Andre Rousseau is a former researcher in geophysics and geology at the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) said the earthquakes were do to explosives.
Your highlighted note by the Dr. noted fused Iron spheres. That is the same finding that were studied by the scientists I note. They found fused Iron spheres and made chemical analysis to find that they are symptoms of nanothermite. Go find research papers by Dr. Steven Jones.
I know about Mr. Jones ..
I asking if you know about Mr. Cahill ..
It was both fused iron AND new chemicals
Factually I focus on the science of the explosive demolition of WTC one. The Fused rocks requires advanced heavy lab machinery. That would need to be done by the national lab or ordered by the FBI. That is also secondary to the fact that they were fused during melting from nanothermite.
I note the fire ball in my magazine. I really don't have time to get into all of the research by Dr. Jones and the others. Your magazines should arrive monday. I will be out for a few days travel. See you.
My attorney corp that I belong to does the legal work. I must focus on marketing those magazines. Would like the addresses of all the magazine stands in New York City
interesting thanks. I will look around..
I am talking with Rae Hughes about "World Trade Center Health Program - Stony Brook Medicine" sending forms etc..
The fireball photo happen during collapse so no you did not include in your Pamphlet. It almost seems like you can't see.
In my magazine and article I show a photo of those heavy beams. I note that the flow of metal on the cut flows to the outside. This can only be accomplished by burning from the inside which proves the columns were loaded with the burning explosive called nano thermite.I see you live around New York city. If you give me your address I will send you a copy of two magazines. The first is EXPLOSIVE DEMOLITION OF WORLD TRADE CENTER BUILDING ONE and the second is NO NUCLEAR WEAPONS ONLY EXPLOSIVES DESTROYED WORLD TRADE CENTER BUILDING ONE.
I will try to put your free copies of those two magazines in priority mail tomorrow. Would be good if you can find the exact address at the NYPD for Luciiano Guerriero. I will send him a couple copies for the NYPD to review. Your proximity to NY is important. In my first magazine I reference the publications by two physicists. One did extensive chemical research on what was found in the dust all around the building. It was found to be "unexploded nanothermite) Another phyicist in Holland did the same research and found the same results. They they were ridiculed because nanothemite burns through steel quickly but it can not turn the floor concrete into powder. I show those clouds of concrete power on my magazine cover. The dutchman nor the US physicist explained there had to be another type of explosive as well. They know Lawrence Livermore National Lab (LLNL)had done research on nanothermite but could not get the lab to tell them more. I had worked at LLNL and knew how to search their files. I found the LLNL report that showed success in compressing another explosive called nanoRDX. I also found that a US army lab had done research on the combination of nanoRDX and nanoThemite. That is what I report was used to instantly turn the floors into powder. The other physicist I noted did studies on how the North tower fell so quickly, at speeds faster than the acceleration of gravity. All 110 floors were turned into powder in less than 10 seconds altogether. Thus each floor was destroyed in less than one tenth of a second. I show my analysis in my magazine. Another search maybe you can help with is what are the addresses of the New York magazine stands. I would advertise to them.
Luciano Guerrie 9-11 comment was on FB to someone else, videos were made about it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0qVul7ciwg
they do
Yes those are very good studies. As noted I found research of a US Army lab on the topic as well.
I am heading to the po to mail your magazines.
thank you !!! Have you looked at Frank Greening's dust on shirt study?
No since I have the other reports that I reference in my magazine. I mailed your magazines tracking number 9505513258020002391749
just google him he emailed me this week.
My article approach is about an engineering analysis of the actual demolitions. There is no one that has done that. They all write about a proposed explosive without giving evidence in engineering facts that show the destruction in calculations. I note that a mix of nanoRDX and nanoThermite are examples but that this is not the essential evidence. The engineering facts are essential.
This is a good a approach.
Thanks. I noticed you studied at Sunny. What was your subject? I used basic high school or first year college math in mechanical engineering topics. I actually use the material strength from a technician handbook.
SUNY Albany NY I live at Sunny Road
My subject was the stock market. Never got too far ..
Column C-14 was commented on via video.
"looks like bullet went thought it" but it was documented as such..
was NOT recorded on paper as a bullet went through it..
many of the common explosives are very powerfull. However it is the density that determines most of its strength. That is the research at LLNL. They found a way to more than quadruple the density and call it nanoRDX and nanoThermite as the particles are now compressed to nanometer size.
I have a PDF that I think shows this. enclosed
The nanoRDX has a detonation velocity of under one nanosecond. This is why each floor was turned into poweder in less than one tenth of one second. (meaning nano seconds)
It says "joining" but skip over the title.
Very good article. I must get to work. Look for your magazines on monday-per the USPS. I really would like the address of that NYPD officer and an address list of all of the New York magazine stands. Would appreciate your help.
I will work on it.. over and out
Nano thermite was loaded into all of the core columns to melt them from the inside at multiple floors to pre-cut them and facilitate the collapse along with floor destruction. Otherwise the floors would collapse leaving the ultra heavy core columns standing. The thermite and melted steel slurry is what make the burning slag in the basements that burned for a month. That is a known characteristic of nanothermite known by military lab tests. Originally various types of burning explosivs were researched for decades to allow cutting holes in ships bulkheads for rescue missions. The technology grew. I traced the Livermore Lab patent process and found those facts. The finally I found the report where they vastly improved (by more than 800% ) in discovery of their compression process.
The stories lava without molten steel being apart of these objects really removes thermite as the source. The source of the thermite heat is the resulting molten iron and that should have been limited to just the local area around the area not other buildings..
Its the elephant in the room..
I reviewed the WTC 6 and it had preloaded explosives in the center to destroy it. This was not as obvious and not focused on.
No. Nobody will examine it. The FBI has done no investigation on the WTC destruction. They were stopped by the new FBI director appointed by Bush. Several investigators as noted investigated and found the unexploded nanothermite. That existence proves the burning in the basements. The burning created many different fused objects. They would not focus further on them Your tracking number shows your magazines are in New York for delivery sometime monday. off to work for me.
People did study the objects. Look into those studies. Thanks
over and out..
Oh there is one other item. Folks claim there were traces of nuclear materials in some of the dust. I have the answer. The CIA had an office and bunker in WTC 7. They stored nuclear materials in their vault to examine samples of nuclear materials they find on CIA undercover operations. The CIA would never admit that. However in my review of Lawrence Livermore National Lab I reviews a small nuclear material test package to be used at various CIA sites. That is kind of secret not to discuss.
I understand there were claims of radiation illness. There were a vast majority of victims of smoke or dust breating. That is because the powder clouds were actually poison because of the mix of concrete, plastic and metals that were turned into powder. The metal breathing is the most poisonist. Check out home body poison tests. Those search for metals in the blood. There would be radioactive materials spead many places but not enough to cause illness or death. There is a lot of data on radiation studies at Lawrence Livermore National Lab. So the radiation claim can not be proven, but metals and plastic poinsoning can. Powdered concrete poisoning would happen because concrete is made from Lime. To work I go.
I would watch the video first.
and find the people who studied the rocks ..
a find out why no molten steel was found to create these objects.
You have find out what the material is.
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