Saturday, February 7, 2015


By Elizabeth Greenspan

In order to begin the 9/11 cover up at Ground Zero, WTC 7 was used to clear the Crime Scene. Everyone below 14th Street was forcibly removed and locked out.. Fencing was placed around the WTC and heavy machinery (not seen on camera only radio) was bought in. The World Trade Center was then sold for lowest dollar do to prearranged contracts.. With April 2000 blue prints in hand and soon 8.12 Billion Dollars in hand WTC 7 would return with lightning speed.. With no investigations to worry about Larry Silverstein could do would he always has done.

The complete 9/11 story can't be told with just the 9/11 Truth Movement version of events but it can't be told with the mainstream version either. Nuggets of hidden truth exist in all forms. 
BATTLE FOR GROUND ZERO contains a few Nuggets right off the bat on the first page!

Elizabeth Greenspan covers the locking and fencing off and thus militarizing but she missed the massive washing down of the public in their street clothes at least in NJ.  She claims to have interviewed 300 people so I  guess she just happen to miss human car wash victims. I assumed it was going to be a walk in park kind of book.. Nothing shocking and the Truth Movement is sad, blurting out random things kind of book. However I assume that sociopaths can't begin to understand what is normal. Alarm bells never seem ring for them so everything is just fine.   Anyway my goal was to discover more sociopathic behavior or "PULL IT's" the language of the elite Jewish sociopaths i.e  "9/11 WTC7 Larry Silverstein says 'PULL IT' comments nuggests and only a few pages point to evidence of something not normal with 9/11 to non elite Socio-psychotic state of blissful collective psychosis with a touch of amnesia rolled up with an inability to differentiate between right and wrong.
Yes "PULL IT" was both meant to mean clear the community from down town and then control demolition. The cover story for safety reasons by Jeffrey Shapiro was the original story.. So why didn't they just go with the original scam story? Why because natural collapse "do to fire" names no individual and is far fewer moving parts.. 

World Trade building Center 7 was used to clear thousands of people

9/11 Another 50 Story Collapse Or Explosion Reported On CNN At 11:05 am

Its funny how World Trade building Center 7 was used to clear thousands of people from the area and as soon as that goal was complete and thousand of people were locked out of their homes the story of a giant free falling, Oklahoma City bombed out, Amy Goodman visited and witnessed building quickly vanished from our collective minds. However the 9/11 Truth Movement didn't allow this beacon of danger to continue to remain gone and quickly pointed out to NIST that WTC7 did fall at free fall speeds and hence must have lost all of its connections at the same time after the 11:05 bombing. WTC 7 First Interview Michael Hess  he spoke about explosions, however the follow up interviews he made sure that part of the story was a mistake.  

Elizabeth Greenspan didn't miss the 9/11 Semiology thank goodness!

Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in Palisades, New York, 
"aircraft crashes caused minimal earth shaking"  (Jolting someone off his feet is not minimal and Jolting people into and down elevator shafts is not minimal.) 

"Scientists at Lamont were watching news of the crashes on television when their seismographs began to jump. "

"the impact jolted him from his desk chair and threw him into the floor"

This is no impact from a small white jet. Also his location is Church Street & Murray.  Too damn far and too damn jolting. The rent is too damn high! 

Notice she talking about an "impact" and a narrative  without knowing the cause. She just pick up and   leads the reader down the wrong path to a false conclusion with the backing Scientists at Lamont who refuse to provide details and ... the Truth Movement doesn't seem too interested in stuff so let's move on.  Don't look at this page ( Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory BRNJ Seismogram) The Loose Change 2nd Edition Guys never cover this topic i.e rumbling sounds heard from New Jersey was just a .. dirty devilish  detail. move on ..

Page 159
"Tower Seven!" "Explain That" World Trade Tower 7 collapsed about six hours after the Twin Towers and it figures prominently in many conspiracy theories because some believe its a later-afternoon collapse is evidence of planted explosives and of U.S government's involvement in the attacks.

Elizabeth Greenspan manages to butcher that 
conspiracy theory. Ryan Dawson also manages to butcher it so she's not alone. 

Welcome to the Jewseum

So .. what really happened.

Gary Steficek of FEMA says "First Time, Should NOT BE COLLAPSED"

Whatever they unleashed via the planes or concentrated form around the core columns for controlled demo through operation phoenix the material likely created all the fires in the area including tower 7, However Tower 7 failed to light and became smoker or a dud.

 **Update** Operation Phoenix 

But wait, there's more the Jew magically missed! but first lets contract another moron - you guess it  dr. Walter and Brent Blanchard Mr. it looks more to military explosive demolition. At least he  is a "a man of honor" and never deleted that comment, however the 9/11 Truth movement never discovered that observation. A win for anti-truthers everywhere. 

Brent Blanchard Denies private business collection of vibration data exists

6:42 PM (2 hours ago)
to me
That effort was made well over a decade ago, and had nothing to do with conspiracy theories.  Most of the bat-shit nutso stuff on the web now didn’t even become imagined until well after 2001.  Ed Walter has long since retired, other current employed weren’t with the company in ’01.  This is not a grand conspiracy, just the way all companies and employees change and develop over time.  See Columbia University data, it was the most detailed and revealing of all vibration recordings on 9/11.  Good luck-

 Brent Blanchard

Dan Plesse

9:17 PM (0 minutes ago)
to Implosionworld., bcc: Jennifer, bcc: Pub, bcc: Lisa, bcc: Paul
The cat out of the bag now Brent. The earthquakes happened before the collapses. The quakes happen before the explosion too. Your "similarity relates more to military explosive demolition than to building implosions" was dead on. 

Lots of those red dots are body parts impacting at distances unthinkable until now. Every roof still has human remains. No ones is going to look and its the best resting place . NTSB was cancelled from the investigation within hours.

Columbia University never released Latitude Longitude or Depth. You can try word search for Latitude, Longitude and you'll get zero hits

No much for details.

The book I am reviewing and documenting has revealed new information (kind of) about the "composites". 9/11 Memorial Jewseum hired people to look at the composites. I took some photographs of the page in question.
Basically the  9/11 Memorial Jewseum hired people to look at the composites and they found key inside job evidence of temperatures of excess of two thousand degrees!!! So much for NIST John Gross.

and .. 

"Excess of two thousand degrees"!!! Another Smoking Gun

212 Joe Daniels, author interview, March 26, 2013. 
213 Ron Paul and Rudolph Giuliani, Republican Primary Carolina, May 15, 2007,$ 
213 Katie Edgerton, author interview, May 20, 2011. 
214 Ibid. 
214 Ibid. 
215 Liz Mazucci, author interview, May 19, 2011. 
215 Michael Shulan, author interview, May 19, 2011. 
216 Liz Mazucci, author interview, May 19, 2011. 
217 Debra Burlingame, as quoted in "Museum Planning Con Report, 2006-2008," National September 11 Memorial 
217 Diane Horning, as quoted in "Museum Planning Cony Report, 2006-2008," National September 11 Memorial I 

218 "Focus Group Report for 9/11 Memorial and Musey Museum," Landor Consulting, February 14,2010.

The Earthquakes and flying body parts are just topics the 9/11 Truth movement has been avoiding, and Who Knew that the Jews would be busy  avoiding them too (Judy Woods magically misses that boat). Who would have think.

Robert Trefcer Lol the screen caps from the Memorial are excellent pieces of evidence to support the high temperatures. Excellent work!

She proceeds miss the un-serialized plane part found a PARK 51 which Boeing hopes it will NOT lead to a new investigation. The assumption look like too many boeings 767's. So  cancel NTSB and Well  nothing good could possibly be known about the events of 9/11 so lets be really retarded about it.  
i.e use the retard defense. i.e  "I ran into wall"

 Michael Hess said that.
and yet again 9/11 Truth failed to make it issue.

The Truth movement seems to have avoided  Michael Hess for some reason.  They all seem to have wed Barry Jennings. 

Park 51 Landing Gear Update #4.

9/11 Landing Gear Update: Boeing has stated that it cannot trace where the piece originated

She proceeds to miss the flying fire fighter human remains  World Trade Center Body parts as the reason for the sacred ground.

Keith Olbermann, Jon Stewart and Al jazeera Cover 9/11 human remains map Flying Human Remains Body Parts Map 

Did you know Keith Olbermann, Jon Stewart and Al jazeera Covered Flying 9/11 human remains map BEFORE 9/11 Truth did?

The main cause of the body part and missing people is explosives.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Osama bin laden Name Removed From 9/11 August 6th Memo Inside Job

August 6th SEIB Intelligence Matters

Intelligence Matters

Memo Gate "August 6th Usama Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US" 9 11 Discrepancy Conspiracy. Usama Bin Ladin Determined "That whole memo on bin Laden has been taken out. "  of the The Executive Intelligence Briefing from the Presidential Daily Briefing or was "Was the whole issue manufactured later?

The issue is: was this page  ADDED to (Presidential Daily Briefing) or Subtracted from Executive Intelligence Briefing?

August 6th Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US 9 11 Conspiracy
  President's Daily Brief

Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US  Presidential Daily Briefing
August 6th Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US 9/11 Conspiracy

9/11 Memo on Usama Bin Ladin  taken out The Executive Intelligence Briefing

9/11 Memo Osama taken out of Senior Executive Intelligence Brief

"That whole memo on bin Laden has been taken out. "

On RAI with Paul Jay, Sen. Bob Graham Real News Network Bob Graham intelligence Matters

Congressional Oversight of Intelligence: 9/11 and the Iraq War

United States Congressional Serial Set, Serial No. 14750: Joint Inquiry

United States Congressional Serial Set, Serial No. 14750: Joint Inquiry Into Intelligence Community Activity Before and After Terrorists Attacks of September 11, 2001 With Errata USA List Price: $72.00

Following the publication of excerpts from this report, it appears that all the evidence cited in the report of the Presidential Commission of Inquiry into the September 11 attacks connecting these to al-Qaeda is false. There no longer exists to date a shred of evidence for attributing the attacks to Al Qaeda: There is no evidence that the 19 people accused of being airline pirates could have been found that day in one of the four planes, and none of the former members of Al Qaeda’s testimonials confessing to the attacks is genuine [2].

"senior executive intelligence brief"

The Congressional report on torture confirms that Al Qaeda was not involved in the attacks of September 11

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

NTSB Cancelled from investigating Crimes of September 11th within hours

September 11th Fox News Blue Logo Plane Witness video

Dear Susan,

   Fox News scrollbar indicates that the NTSB was Cancelled from investigating Crimes of September 11th 9/11 within hours of the event. Do you when NTSB and who from F.B.I made that call?

Scrollbar NTSB Cancelled from investigating Crimes of September 11th within hours
On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 2:06 PM, Pub Inq Web Mailbox <> wrote:

No, I do not
Can you ask around because 3,000+ people died on 30,000 will die from rare cancers..  Susan. Thanks

The FBI both withheld  making public announcement of Zacarias Moussaoui arrest from the press and then happened to hear terrorist chatter and headed to Florida within hours of 9/11 while cancelling the NTSB, NYPD, NYFD investigations.  It sounds like they designed the attacks or is following someones blueprints from the inside.
Also NYPD failed to release their videos of "Flight 175". NYFD never constructed a fire investigation. NIST cancelled all remaining reports and local investigation, then said the release 3,370 files which The NIST Director determined might jeopardize public safety. Those files include photos of Flight 175.
Maybe you could at ask for dangerous files or can you please do something? Thanks

Mr. Plesse,

There is nothing I can do regarding any files the FBI has on the 9/11 accidents.

     NIST has withheld 3,370 files not the FBI. The FBI blocked federal and local investigations both before 9/11 and after. NIST created reports stating that no extreme temperatures existed while posing with steel that shows high temperature arson.. 
John Gross

I’m not sure what you’re asking but I can only help you with NTSB records, not other agency/company records.

1. Open a new investigation on 9/11 and take back control from FBI and NIST
2. Hand off the remaining issues to another investigative body or just forward my findings to the Attorney General Office.

On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 10:20 AM, Pub Inq Web Mailbox <> wrote:

The only reports available from the NTSB regarding the 9/11 accidents can be found on our website,  Scroll down to bottom of homepage and click on FOIA then click on Electronic Reading Room then scroll down for the information.

Susan Stevenson
National Transportation Safety Board
Records Management Division
490 L’Enfant Plaza East, SW
Washington, DC 20594

From: Dan Plesse []
Sent: Monday, April 21, 2014 1:44 PM
To: Pub Inq Web Mailbox
Subject: Re: Public Correspondence

Retired NTSB have said they don't agree with there own report on Flight 800.

Documents by NYEMO has stated that the black box signs were found.
"Off the record, we had the boxes," the source says. "You’d have to get the official word from the FBI as to where they are, but we worked on them here." NTSB

Dave Landorff then talks about NTSB getting data off the Flight 175 and Flight 11
​ boxes.

On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 9:02 AM, Pub Inq Web Mailbox <> wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2014 11:24 PM
To: Pub Inq Web Mailbox
Subject: Public Correspondence

The following request was received from the NTSB web site:
Daniel  Plesse
37 Sunny Road
St. James  New York 11780


Message: According to it seems that its strange that the
NTSB did not have some kind of official report for the four flights

Graphic of their database and sheet shot of the comment is here.

Does every flight that crashes get an "accident report"?
Was 9/11 Skipped ?

A Red Gray Chip, Side View Showing Red and Gray Layers

Jiri Boudnik

The second expert group established in January 2002 and led by Matthys Levy from the company Weidlinger Engineers, was composed of experts from various construction engineering companies, such as the LZA / Thornton Tomasetti and Arup Fire, and other forensic specialists. Their theory is that the explosion of the first plane partially damaged the inner core columns in the north tower, in addition most of the columns were rid of fire protection material and interior columns were loosed first. I joined this group in 2002 and worked for Wachtel Lipton Rosen and Katz, a large law firm that represented Larry Silverstein, the owner of the Twin Towers in litigation with insurers.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Gordon Duff Threatens US With Smoking Gun Satellite Photos from Russia

Russia Threatens US With Smoking Gun Satellite Photos Proving 9/11 Inside Job and who cares when the whole nation can't figure out why the NYPD Air Units should have witnessed or photographed something and if the 9/11 Truther community can't figure out why it matters, then what can a few photographs from satellites do?

We had hopefuls in the past.
Our first hopeful was 
The Ricki DeSantis Story 
9/11 Ricki DeSantis Second Plane
Ricki DeSantis releases important new photos from 9/11 and
Ricki DeSantis is a fraud with his new explosive evidence for 9/11
and so that didn't work out. I didn't see any new photographs for flight 175.

Ricki DeSantis
Ricki DeSantis 9-11 Photos
Created 5 months ago · 11 images · 5,045 views

Ricki DeSantis photos

I hope this is true but it seems like nothing is going to happen. So many websites posted the threatening warnings from Gordon Duff . A single photos of a drone have already been posted many times from me about the NYPD, So why would a  satellite imagine be any better? 24 MB of film from the ground didn't change anything. Notice  Gordon Duff and the legends of spam and hoax, hope who are marketing groups who  aren't jumping on a any valid bandwagon anytime soon.  Remember Occupy Wall Street and stupid Anonymous.. Wiki Leaks .. Leaked nothing.


No Photos of Flight 175 from any of these Officers yet numerous photos exist of the World Trade Towers burning.

NYPD Unit #3 - Tail Number N204PD Officers Schub and Kelhetter
NYPD Unit #6 - Tail Number N206NY Detective Semendinger and Officer Ciccone
NYPD Unit #12 - Tail number N412PD Sgt. Rowley, Detective LaGarenne, Officers Diaz and Jordan
NYPD Unit #14  - Tial number N414PD  Officers Walsh, Hayes, Gromling, and Maier

Smoking Gun Photo Proving 9/11 Inside Job

No response from any of these people the

Dear Records Access Officer:

Under the provisions of the New York Freedom of Information Law, Article 6 of the Public Officers Law, I hereby request a copy of records or portions thereof pertaining to (or containing the following) All 9/11 related Photo, Videos and Audio

NYPD Unit #3 - Tail Number N204PD Officers Schub and Kelhetter

NYPD Unit #6 - Tail Number N206NY Detective Semendinger and Officer Ciccone

NYPD Unit #12 - Tail number N412PD Sgt. Rowley, Detective LaGarenne, Officers Diaz and Jordan

NYPD Unit #14  - Tial number N414PD  Officers Walsh, Hayes, Gromling, and Maier

Under the provisions of the New York Freedom of Information Law, Article 6 of the Public Officers Law, I hereby request a copy of records or portions thereof pertaining to (or containing the following) All 9/11 related Videos and Audio from the NYPD and NYFD.

I understand there is a fee of $.25 per page for duplication of the records requested. (OPTIONAL: If the fee exceeds $ , please contact me before duplicating the records.)

Thank You For Filling Out This Form

Shown below is your submission to on Sunday, February 15, 2015 at 17:02:25

This form resides at

Message:Dear Records Access Officer:Under the provisions of the New York Freedom of Information Law, Article 6 of the Public Officers Law, I hereby request a copy of records or portions there of pertaining to (or containing the following) All 9/11 related Photo, Videos and Audio of NYPD Unit 3 - Tail Number N204PD Officers Schub and Kelhetter NYPD Unit 6 - Tail Number N206NY Detective Semendinger and Officer Ciccone NYPD Unit 12 - Tail number N412PD Sgt. Rowley, Detective LaGarenne, Officers Diaz and Jordan NYPD Unit 14 - Tial number N414PD Officers Walsh, Hayes, Gromling, and Maier I understand there is a fee of .25 per page for duplication of the records requested. (OPTIONAL: If the fee exceeds , please contact me before duplicating the records.)

Mr. P
You should reach out to the Committee on Open Government, which advises the public on the Freedom of Information Law.

Was it a chopper? Yes NYPD Sea & Air Unit #12 and #14 are choppers hence the reason why they are on a Google Earth radar map of 9/11. This two choppers are really close to the plane and they should be able to read the tail number.

9/11 Truther Question  "should have caught what struck, but didn't?" yes however the tapes are completely inside the blindside of the Truth movement like the seismic details Long and Latitude information.  SO no has any idea what happen and not even close to finding out. The 9/11 Truth Movement has not even begun to ask the right questions.

These recordings are not even considered to exist at all.  No videos are known to be from the NYPD Air Units and This topic was left out of 9/11 Truth list of considerations completely.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Implosion World Hints at Military Controlled Demolition

Letting the cat out of the bag
 or is the Foot In Mouth new Term like "Pull It"

I never talked about Blanchard's and Implosion World's position here but they do let the cat out of bag like Larry S. and the rest..

Blanchard Implosion World 9/11" vague similarity relates more to military explosive demolition"
The military was reported inside the WTC 1 and 2 the weekend before..
Military Controlled Demolition

 That's  one small quote from a man, one giant leap for mankind.

Subject: Brent Private Pooled Seismic Data from 9/11

Hey Brent did you or anyone ever publish that Private Pooled Seismic Data from 9/11?

"These seismographs recorded data that relates to the terrorist attacks that morning, and Protec Documentation Services, along with several other firms, is in the process of pooling this data."
"The goal of this collective effort, spearheaded by Dr. Ed Walter & Associates, is to help ascertain which, if any, structures located beyond the actual World Trade Center site may have been affected by the event."

I contacted Dr. Ed Walter & Associates and guess what no answer.

What happened to "National Demolition Association Convention 4/22/03 Protec's two -hour video" ??

Feb 8
to me
That effort was made well over a decade ago, and had nothing to do with conspiracy theories.  Most of the bat-shit nutso stuff on the web now didn’t even become imagined until well after 2001.  Ed Walter has long since retired, other current employed weren’t with the company in ’01.  This is not a grand conspiracy, just the way all companies and employees change and develop over time.  See Columbia University data, it was the most detailed and revealing of all vibration recordings on 9/11.  Good luck-

The towers EXPLODED Australian 9/11 survivor explosive Witness

Writings of a Finnish Military Expert on 9/11

Written in spring 2005, a modestly language-corrected version Corrected by another person than the original author.
The photographs attached in this non-profit distribution are for securing volatile, important evidence on 9/11 for discussion and education. Author hereby grants full permission to reproduce the drawing 'The Bombs in the WTC' and his writings. You are encouraged to mail, publish and mass produce these documents or your enhanced versions of them. Due to concerns for his personal safety, the author has chosen to remain anonymous.

The only correlation is that in a very broad sense, explosive devices (airplanes loaded with fuel) were used to intentionally bring down buildings. However it can be argued that even this vague similarity relates more to military explosive demolition than to building implosions, which specifically involve the placement of charges at key points within a structure to precipitate the failure of steel or concrete supports within their own footprint. The other primary difference between these two types of operations is that implosions are universally conducted with the utmost concern for adjacent properties and human safety---elements that were horrifically absent from this event. Therefore we can conclude that what happened in New York was not a “building implosion.”

On September 11, 2001, several independent vibration monitoring firms were recording ground vibration data on construction and demoliton sites throughout New York City. These seismographs recorded data that relates to the terrorist attacks that morning, and Protec Documentation Services, along with several other firms, is in the process of pooling this data.
The goal of this collective effort, spearheaded by Dr. Ed Walter & Associates, is to help ascertain which, if any, structures located beyond the actual World Trade Center site may have been affected by the event.
Our thoughts and prayers are with our friends and families who have been touched by this tragedy, and we appreciate the calls and e-mails from around the world checking on the well-being of our employees.

In February 2000, a federal grand jury indicted Mark Loizeaux, Douglas Loizeaux and Controlled Demolition, Inc. on charges of falsely reporting campaign contributions by asking family members and CDI employees to donate to the campaign of State Rep. Elijah E. Cummings. 

Fire, Not Extra Explosives, Doomed Buildings, Expert Says

"I'm not trying to say anything did or didn't happen."
Version 1
WTC COLLAPSE STUDY BBlanchard 8-8-06.pdf

Version 2
Article-WTC STUDY 8-06 w clarif as of 9-8-06 .pdf

Earl Garder, Gary McGeever Michael Golden John Golden

Tully Construction, D.H Griffin Wrecking, Mazzocci Wrecking, Yannuzzi Demolition, Gateway Demolition and Manafort Brothers.

National Demolition Association Convention 4/22/03 Protec's two -hour video
