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9/11 |
Cold Fusion During 9/11 by Frederic henry-couannier
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Molten concrete on "experimental field" and Rock embedded with Guns below |
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9/11 Embedded with hand gun rock |
9/11 two guns |
Therefore at WTC we have :
1)- a huge degree of destruction (dustification) far beyond the capability of the most powerful conventional (chemical) weapons such as the thermobaric MOAB ...not to mention nanothermitic weapons!
2)- Completely unsignificant levels of radioactivity and tritium (confirmed on my samples) even as compared to what would be expected from the cleanest known fusion bombs.
3)- Very long lasting persistent heat (molten steel conditions for many monthes at GZ)
So in principle it's a logical dead-end. I can just notice that as a physicist, i can mention that in the recent history of physics there is only one case showing exactly the same kind of logical dead end: 1), 2) 3) : cold fusion !
1) Huge energy release in a small volume: not possibly of chemical origin!
2) Not chemical but if it was nuclear the corresponding amount of radiations would have been such that it would have killed those doing the experiments! relative to expectations, completely unsignificant levels of radiations detected (though not completely absent)
3) heat persistent and self sustained for very long time
So logically it's quite natural for the independent searcher to suspect that what we see on 9-11 might have something to do with cold fusion technologies having been secretly developped by DoD labs: this is what i investigated. A new revolutionary physics neither chemical nor nuclear in the usual sense and requiring new kind of interactions and probably also a new understanding and refoundation of physics.
underground explosion, why not? but only to shake the towers and
trigger an apparantly natural collapse of a structure weakened by
incendiaries. Two main problem with your theory: 1)no upward propagating
destruction observed, and 2)huge level of radioactivity not detected,
even the WTC tritium anomaly is many orders of magnitude what one would
expect from a pure fusion nuclear bomb. So something else must be
proposed to explain the almost complete dustification of the towers. My
preferred option: new kind of secret technologies based on cold fusion
to explain the absence of huge sounds during the complete dustification
(the witnessed explosion sounds are far below what is expected for such e
level of destruction) and to explain the heat lasting for monthes at GZ
. see my summary http://www.darksideofgravity.com/nexus_gb.pdf and http://www.darksideofgravity.com/QR_GB.html
WTC6 which corresponds to 1 % of the initial tritium in case the only source was the planes emergency signals. In the case of a fusion bomb we would thus expect concentrations of HTO exceeding by many many many orders of magnitude (at least millions) those measured in the "lake" of GZ (essentially fed with water by leaks coming from the Hudson river) and even much more all over Manhattan considering the much lower degree of dilution in these zones.
Private messages on facebook. One sounds like a Win for Judy Wood, the other A&E.
WTC6 which corresponds to 1 % of the initial tritium in case the only source was the planes emergency signals. In the case of a fusion bomb we would thus expect concentrations of HTO exceeding by many many many orders of magnitude (at least millions) those measured in the "lake" of GZ (essentially fed with water by leaks coming from the Hudson river) and even much more all over Manhattan considering the much lower degree of dilution in these zones.
Private messages on facebook. One sounds like a Win for Judy Wood, the other A&E.
under a little sedation Confession to 9/11
- Tracy Blevins I read this, and did not see anything I could identify as having been written by Henry-Couannier. Can you specify which part was his?
- Dan Plesse Tracy Blevins darksideofgravity.com who is results
Admin Name: Henry-couannier Fr?d?ric
Admin Email: fhenryco@yahoo.fr
6:45 AM (14 minutes ago)
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she came to Marseille in France where i live and we discussed. It's
rather S Jones than R Gage as fas as i can remember who decided the wtc
dust embargo when i started to investigate cold fusion and to criticize
the nanothermite hypothesis. When i Met Gage in
spain at it's conference he was just always keep saying : "i'm just a
poor architect, you scientists have to discuss and agree on what i
should correct in my presentations." Then i could just notice, during
the following years that Gage never took into account the quite obvious
corrections i suggested to its slides! So may be he is not
responsible...if he is not aware he has bad guys among his
I have much more on this but it's almost all in
french except
http://www.darksideofgravity. com/nexus_gb.pdf in terrible english (sorry)
in french i have actualized (in red) the article
see also the recent links on my homepage:
http://www.darksideofgravity. com/TGUSC.pdf (need translation)
Only one web page has information on it.
Most of what what looks like thermite reacting has been removed or edited and New York Times Oral histories also has redaction's.
9/11 7060 Page Oral history PDF.
Only one web page has information on it.
Molten concrete on "experimental field"
Most of what what looks like thermite reacting has been removed or edited and New York Times Oral histories also has redaction's.
- Rudy Vulcan @ Norma Rae, I spent the first night searching in the dark crawling between the twisted beams and clearly saw pools of molten metal glowing in the dark. I lost 343 fellow Firefighters on that day why would I lie about a thing like that. Also I was trained as a Fire Marshal, a Fire Marshal is recognized as an expert witness in Court, along with several other unique powers he is granted. We Firefighters all had access to the command post where we could see the areal thermal shots which showed these hot spots that remained for over a month! I did have shots taken by some other emergency service but lost them when my Computer crashed however I will try to get copies of them. As for changing your mind you will have to do the research yourself before your convinced that you were the victim of a false flag operation in which the terrible truth is that our own Government was complicit in this treasonous atrocity. As the saying goes; "It is easier to fool some one than it is to convince them that they were fooled." there is also something else.
- Norma Rae Please don't take my questions personally. We don't know each other. How would I know whether you are telling the truth vs lying. The stories of molten metal is all hearsay. The only thing I have to go by are pictures. I see men all over the site which tells me the temperatures were within reason. These men would be burning up if the temperatures were piping hot.
- Rudy Vulcan Dan Plesse, I did have pictures but lost them when my computer crashed however I will try to get copies, I did not take them they were taken by some other emergency service or the the construction clean up guys. I don't know about the other stories about Barry Jennings but if you research the JFK assassination there too, many witnesses died from all types of bazaar causes including Karate chops. Loyd's of London did a mathematical probability on 18 people who had only one thing in common, that is being eye witnesses all dying so soon after the event that came out to around 23 trillion to one. The only bodies I knew of were the jumpers early on before the collapse. After the collapse I found only pieces of clothing but no bodies in them. Everything was turned into a fine talcum like gray powder.
- William Vetrano anyone that says molten steel is not a shill in my book , can't verify who he is but he is not the only one saying it , the government story was a pancake nonsense and thermal expansion of which could not be proven in recreation
- Cliff Layman William you don't have to be a scientist to understand that , there is plenty of documentation on the molten steel what ever energy was used to turn those buildings into micro dust had to be capable of producing a lot of heat.
- Dan Plesse Rudy Vulcan A while ago a group of people organized around finding out what happened to OEM WTC 7 Barry Jennings and I am not sure what happen to that group and the whole idea was lost in time.
They protested and made banners.
They have a myspace page. Something I should look into.
When you get the molten video back let me know via private message because "they" might boot you from 99% 9/11 Truth sites but maybe things are different now.
Classic - Barry Jennings Anniversary Protest by Loose Change An American coup (l... See More
Interview Date: December 6, 2001 page 4017
"It seemed like on television they blow up
these buildings. It seemed like it was going all the
way around like a belt, all these explosions. "
I only saw a flash going on the side of the building where the opening is, and then the explosion. page 4941
–Assistant Fire Commissioner Stephen Gregory page 174
I saw a
then it looked like the building came down.
to harrit, Jim, Thomas, Noam, Paul, Frédéric

I happen to agree!
However we do have large flashes after 9/11 which looks like your basic classroom experiment and I also have recorded home videos of these flashes as a test.
home video
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=sdtiIFI-fCo
It is strange that Harrit refused to see these recordings and many people have a problem seeing them as well. I also wrote to FEMA Jim Chestnut for the author's name Jim refused like Harrit NOT to see anything. However we do have large flashes after 9/11 which looks like your basic classroom experiment and I also have recorded home videos of these flashes as a test.
home video
Maybe gmail is blocking this image.
Thomas Chill wrote to me saying it was
NOT thermate under the pile causing "iron in the air spikes" but refused
to say what it was. He also said he refuses to release his official
report. Dr. Cahill Fused Iron Spheres in the Atmosphere Spike October 26th
I see is a people refusing to function or function to a point and then
falling down on the job to protect something or someone.
USGS refuses to give out epicenter data, so don't know were these things exploded.
Jeff Prager call was intercepted and he was told to send typed written request. No reply mail has been seen or reported.
USGS refuses to give out epicenter data, so don't know were these things exploded.
Jeff Prager call was intercepted and he was told to send typed written request. No reply mail has been seen or reported.
I also wrote to Noam Chomsky and what he does is add
another issue into the mix and refuses to deal with issues. Then he
talks about a "Master". believe it or not.
I have all of this recorded if you want proof of these emails. Fredric continued to Jeff Prager
I'm Frederic Henry-couannier, a french physicist and were invited by S Jones and his team (since i had confirmed in 2009 some of their most important observations with the dust samples they sent to me) to cosign their, now famous, publication : the "nanothermite discovery" article. Finally i refused because i could not reproduce the main result (ignition of red chips),
"because i was not confident in the origin of my samples, and because i already had in mind many of the kind of arguments that you have published here (your FBK post) but also others. Neither chemical nor nuclear in the ordinary sense (would imply too much radiations and much more tritium than the small anomaly actually observed) , the wtc destruction is for me the result of "cold fusion" advanced weapon technologies. I have an article in very bad english http://www.darksideofgravity.com/nexus_gb.pdf a french version more actualized (in red) http://www.darksideofgravity.com/nexus.pdf and a synthesis called Grand Unified Superconspiracy Theory (sounds like a joke but it's not) written in good (my best effort so far) french (hence difficult for me to translate into as good english). http://www.darksideofgravity.com/TGUSC.pdf where i try to explain that there are actually several conspiracies among which cold fusion cover up and 911 cover up that can be unified and better understood in that way. best regards, F H-C"
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