
Newark ATCT reports No first plane and PD14 reports a 737 American Airlines as the second plane!
1248:04 EWR ah its something burning i i didnt see anything crash into it but all a sudden a huge plume of smoke came out of the world trade center1301:09 TEB yeah you guys got any type any idea what knda airplane ran into the world trade
1301:13 CBA i dont personally i dont believe it was an airplane that ran in there
1301:18 TEB i dont know it looks like theres a big hole there from this side
1301:20 CBA yeah well holes go outward too
I spoke too soon haha
1303:09 PD14 hey laguardia a seven thirty seven just struck the world trade center
1304:52 PD14 air sea rescue fourteen to laguardia im lookin for any aircraft thats on your airspace or comin into newark if you can get hold of them anything on radar thats comin into this airspace thats not supposed to be comin this way we just had a second airplane fly directly into the world trade center a passanger liner it was looked like an american airlines plane ah we just gonna need anything that comes over your radar thats comin that way up
the river i wanna close down your airport if you have to
9/11 HTA Arson Update 2014
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