click Yellow box above. Then
Next: Find your congressional district. I am NY-1
Next Read the Script and you are done!
The Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act
Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (H.R. 3143) - GovTrack
Rep. Jones and Rep Lynch introduced H. Res. 428 this month that asks President Obama to declassify the entire 2002 report (VIDEO)H.Res. 428: Urging the president to release information regarding the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks upon the United States.
The goal this article is to refute any future claims uncovered by Rep. Jones and Rep Lynch introduced H. Res. 428 .
1. Inside trading by Buzzy Krongard.
2. Amy Goodman Running from Building 7
3. Mossad van with bombs.
The goal this article is to refute their claims of Saudi this Saudi that
1. Inside trading by Buzzy Krongard.
2. Amy Goodman Running from Building 7
3. Mossad van with bombs.
Did the Saudi Intelligence Chief and Other High-Ranking Officials Trade on Inside Information Regarding 9/11? NO that was Buzzy Krongard
"Somebody made a ton of money shorting airline stocks by positioning themselves for stock prices to crash in the aftermath of 9/11 and according to Infowars," NO that was Buzzy Krongard, NO that was Buzzy Krongard, NO that was Buzzy Krongard.
9/11 is back in the Main Stream News Media Crap house and the finger is pointing right at the Saudis this time (think "nope not in here video") and the "cover up" was really the Saudis and the 9/11 Truth Movement were just silly little fools after all and had it ALL wrong. We now know what ALL the covering up was, thanks to getting fatter all the time Michael Moore. Not the guys in the vans, not the CIA or Mossad guys who was having tea with the NYFD chief Daniel Nigro No not him that's the guy covering WTC 7, or war games any number of things, yes its good old Michael Moore and the price of darkness are NOW blowing each other in the public domain, right out in open, right out front of the Truth movement.. Its 9/11 porn for people who duped 13 years ago and will buy this crap too. What will Alex Jones say about this totally bullshit? just fakes blowing fakes? Alex Jones will say nothing and as for ALL of alternative media fakes and fake nut house news on beforeitsnews. The alternative news are fakes too, just wait and see. Please report anyone who DOES report the B.S below in the comments section. Just who will report this on FakeBook?"Reps. Walter Jones (R-NC) and Stephen Lynch (D-Mass.) can’t reveal the nation identified by it without violating federal law." i.e Isreal and the Mossad
Senator Calls for a new Investigation of 9/11
Senator Decries 'Massive Coverup' Of 9/11
New York Post features an opinion piece Inside the saudi 911 coverup
Murdoch’s NYPost Today Backs Michael Moore Bush-Saudi Claims from “Fahrenheit 911″ October 18, 2013?? Sell out Example: Saudi this and Saudi that
the Truth, the scoop
AND ......

blah Blah Blah ....
author of the book that was the underlying information for the Oscar winning movie.
That book was called “House of Bush, House of Saud” and it still available for Kindle