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James R. Millette Progress Report http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/64959841/9119ProgressReport022912_rev1_030112webHiRes.pdf
Nanoengineered explosives
Makowiecki 5,505,799 |
The Nano Energetic materials was found in the lungs and defined as carbon nano tubes or CT. Both the Anthrax letters and the Nano aluminum nano carbon tubes are manufactured by the military. Case closed.
Dust: The Inside Story of its Role in the September 11th Aftermath By Paul J. Lioy
Page 154 "Some new chemicals were mentioned by Dr. Cahill fused iron spheres"
"Case Report: Lung Disease in World
Trade Center Responders Exposed to Dust and Smoke: Carbon Nanotubes
Found in the Lungs of World Trade Center Patients and Dust Samples"
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2854726/“Nanoenergetics.” It’s a word that might sound like a new body-enhancement product, but it’s really all about the opposite: ripping bodies apart.”
"Nanothermites exhibit vastly differing characteristics compared to their well known micron scale relatives and through the use of various preparatory chemical techniques can be tailored to have a
wide spectra of chemical and energetic properties. This may allow use as superior replacements
of conventional energetic materials in various applications"Homogeneous mesoporous nanoenergetic metal oxide composite fabrication methods"Example applications of the invention include military, mining, demolition, detonation devices, fuses, smart ammunitions, propellant initiators, propellant systems, biomedical devices and power generation devices."
Nanoengineered explosives
NIST contractor James Millette produced an unreviewed paper that purports to replicate the finding of nanothermite in the WTC dust. This was apparently organized in the hope that doing so would discredit all of the evidence for thermite at the WTC.
Millette is well known for having helped create the official reports on the analysis of WTC dust. He was responsible for creating the form that was used to pre-screen all materials found in the dust prior to any analysis by official investigators. Those official reports did not mention any of the evidence listed above, in particular failing to report the abundant iron microspheres scattered throughout the WTC dust. Additionally, Millette’s official report team did not find any red-gray chips, let alone nanothermite.
Planes without Passengers: The Faked Hijackings of 9/11 (2nd Edition)
NIST was working with LLNL to test and characterize these sol-gel nanothermites, at least as early as 1999.
As he worked to debunk the WTC thermite research, Millette was still unable to find any iron microspheres. But he did claim to have finally found the red-gray chips. Curiously, he did not attempt to replicate the testing that would determine if those chips were thermitic.
Claiming to have found the chips, Millette perfomed an XEDS analysis for elemental composition but failed to do any of the other tests including BSE, DSC, the flame test, the MEK test, or measurement of the chip resistivity. Having inexplicably “ashed” the chips at 400 °C in a muffle furnace, thereby proving that they were not the materials of interest (which ignite at 430 °C), Millette ignored the remainder of the study he had set out to replicate. Because he did not do the DSC test, he could not do XEDS of the spheres formed from the chips. Since he had still not found spheres in the dust, he could not test those and this allowed him to ignore the testing of spheres from the thermite reaction.
Millette rested his case on FTIR, which I have also performed on chips from WTC dust but with a much different result. Like Millette’s paper, my FTIR work is not yet part of a peer-reviewed publication and therefore should not be taken as authoritative evidence. There has been less urgency to this supplemental work because what has been done to date has received no legitimate response from the government or from much of the scientific community. That sad fact should be the central point of discussion today.
In any case, Millette attempted only one tenth of the tests in his struggle to replicate (or refute) one tenth of the evidence for thermite at the WTC. His un-reviewed “one percent approach” was nonetheless very convincing to many people, including some of the people who produced the official reports for 9/11. But it is obvious to others that Millette’s work was not a replication in any sense of the word.
I’m looking forward to the peer-reviewed scientific article that finally does replicate the nanothermite paper or any of the other peer-reviewed scientific papers that document the evidence for thermite at the WTC. Hopefully, we can approach those efforts without concerns about the sources and without recalling all the deception and manipulation that preceded them.
Until then, it is important to recognize the difference between the superficial appearance of science and the actual practice of science. Ignoring 90 percent of the evidence is not scientific. And replication of the 10 percent means actually repeating the work. If thermite debunkers and alternate hypothesis supporters can find the courage and focus to step through that challenge, maybe they can begin to add to the discussion.
Jeff Prager, James Henry Fetzer both talk about issue with velocity
Nanothermite, actually called Metastable Intermolecular Compounds and also Nanoenergetics, is a non-starter. Folks key in on temperature when in fact, it's velocity that's important here.
"T. Mark Hightower and I have reported that the highest detonation velocity for nano thermite is 895 m/s, which is close to 1,000 m/s, the figure you cite. But neither can destroy materials that require velocities of 3,200 m/s (for concrete) and 6,100 m/s (for steel)."
"what I've read for something to destroy steel it has to break the speed of sound in that material so that is were velocity comes in."
Always remember that the first WTC bombing completely invalidates this concept.
None of the core columns were replaced. I have a video someplace were someone, maybe it was Leslie Robertson talking about how the bomb(s) did nothing to the steel and its my guess is the those weapons did have the velocity requirements.
This is a classical straw man argument to say X did not contain Y when that was never an issue . The requirements have always been three or more steps. Cut!, Blow! & Move i.e The Blow, Move, Push, was X or explosions, both large and small and the cut, weaken, unbolt was Y or the Nanoenergetics.
What the 9/11 Criminals did was decouple the requirements into multiple different sources, space all the requirements over a longer period of time.
Confessions of a 9/11 truth activist.
Confessions of a 9/11 truth activist. This guy is kind of shilling
for Judy Wood. He mentions the alternated theories but focuses on Judy
Wood. As though Judy Wood is supposed to represent everything not
A&E. This makes me suspicious that it's just another part of the
A&E vs Judy Wood diversion. Truthers are being funneled to one or
the other & they are both misleading us.
I don't see either of them as anything but controlled opposition. They're both trying to cover up, disinform and/or downplay tritium as it's a smoking gun that so few know about..
I don't see either of them as anything but controlled opposition. They're both trying to cover up, disinform and/or downplay tritium as it's a smoking gun that so few know about..
16 inch steel Spires that withstood 1/2 a Billion pounds of building falling on them and suddenly turn into limp noodles and partially vaporize. Nothing else known to man can leave ALL the WTC debris and this particular evidence in the length of time needed , except a third generation Micro Nuke -- Mini Nuke -- Nuke. It's 100% classic textbook nuclear event residue -- ZERO ANOMALIES. http://www.usavsus.info/WTC-MoreEvidence.htm Also: The Collapse of the Spire http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7W0-W582fNQ
An Impossible "Fire" (Combustion Process). See Laws of Physics for Fire/Combustion Process and Dr. Cahill's data on 'anaerobic incineration'. -- Nothing else known to man can leave ALL the WTC debris and this particular evidence in the length of time needed , except a third generation Micro Nuke -- Mini Nuke -- Nuke. It's 100% classic textbook nuclear event residue -- ZERO ANOMALIES. http://rense.com/general77/newlaws.htm
Five Acres (1.2 Billion Pounds = Weight of Residue of 3 WTC Buildings (WTC 1, 2, 6 and 7) of WTC Land Brought to Searing Temperatures in a Few Hours by an 'Anaerobic, Chlorine Fueled "Fire" -- Impossible by Basic Laws of Physics. See us gov Thermal Images proof -- Nothing else known to man can leave ALL the WTC debris and this particular evidence in the length of time needed , except a third generation Micro Nuke -- Mini Nuke -- Nuke. It's 100% classic textbook nuclear event residue -- ZERO ANOMALIES. http://www.usavsus.info/WTC-MoreEvidence.htm Best, See: Update http://edwardmd.wordpress.com/2013/02/18/correction-9-11-wtcs-1-2-6-and-7-neutron-nuked/
9/11 Nano thermate Dust study early developments Gery Warner
9/11 Scientist Sergei Dudarev, : "Unusual Magnetic Forces"
General Aquino Satanic Cult Mk ultra is 9/11 Operation Phoenix
9/11 Dean Warwick's WTC demolition and Solution
I was just thinking about how everything is exactly the way it always was. The Truthers are like the Jesus types questing and bothering people. The Romans are the duped masses and the Jews are back exactly where they were before.
9/11 what you might have missed
James Millette jmillette@mvainc.com