- Dan Plesse Um, no. Different technology which using there own cell towers.
What do you think the GE phone goes directly to the phone receiver on the other end? Nope. - Jeffrey Harr It's like you got into a time machine and went back to 2005. This shit is so old, molded,
- Dan Plesse When asked by Reservations what flight (meaning what Flight Number#) she was on, Betty Ong, gave an immediate (quick and sure) response:
B): 1-Flight 12....See More - Jeffrey Harr They are air-ground radiotelephones. Obviously, they are designed to work on planes. That's why they're... you guessed it... on planes.
- Jeffrey Harr Dan Plesse- You are correct- she said 12 the first time.
- Jeffrey Harr Dan Plesse- Deregistration of AA 11:
- Jeffrey Harr What is your point in posting the Department of Justice document showing that Airfone calls were made?
- Dan Plesse You said
"GTE Airfones" still use cell towers". Um, no. Different technology.
Now you said
"Of course they use towers. What's your point?"
"You just showed me phone records." No the point is the cell towers.
1. 066 NWCM 2. 053 LGDA via the PDF - Dan Plesse NO I am not telling you that. Its almost random talk now. What other random thing can you say?
- Dan Plesse Jimmy assumed that article proved that cell phones were used on 9/11. I looked into it and Satellites were use in 2007. He left out out the SATELLITE ISSUE.
- Jeffrey Harr I still don't know what point he's trying to make. Are you saying that they didn't have phones?
- Ronald Wieck http://www.911myths.com/html/mobiles_at_altitude.html
The story...Many of the passengers on the 911 hijacked jets are reported to have...See More - Dan Plesse Jeffrey Harr It says when a person wanted to use THEIR CELL PHONE i.e billing etc.required satellite assistance. Why bother using that system if cell phones worked normally?
Airfone seems to use a different radio spectrum. - Dan Plesse Answer
"Will traditional cell phones work on planes? The New York Times reported that cell phones can be used in a flight's ascent and descent portions, but that their ability to work decreases as the plane climbs higher." - Jeffrey Harr "but that their ability to work decreases as the plane climbs higher." The key word here is "decreases".
Was it possible to talk on a cell phone higher altitudes? Yes.
Would the connection be shitty and probably get dropped? Yes.
Still, most of the calls were made with GTE Airfones. This is a non-issue, except to truthers that can't seem to get it. - Dan Plesse The Key issue is: Where are these cell towers located?
1. 066 NWCM
2. 053 LGDA
The correct towers which would have been used if the flight were not SWITCHED? - Jeffrey Harr Dan Plesse- Clear up this point:
Do you believe that calls were made from GTE Airfones on the 9/11 flights? - Dan Plesse First I need know were these two towers are on a map.
The Key issue is: Where are these cell towers?
1. 066 NWCM
2. 053 LGDA - Jeffrey Harr In 2001, GTE Airfone used the North American Telephony System (NATS) Terrestrial Radio System. There were 138 active base stations, each with a nominal 200-mile radius coverage.
154.406 miles is the distance between Cell Tower 066 NWCM and flight 175
http://tinyurl.com/o3eupcw - Dan Plesse Yikes! those planes would have to be in the middle of country. Did the messaging system on the planes report ping their locations on 9/11 ?
- Dan Plesse I am talking about each cell tower NOT coverage.
This article supplements our last, " ACARS CONFIRMED - 9/11 AIRCRAFT AIRBORNE LO...See More - Jeffrey Harr You're using P4T as a source, again? So, your willing to get in bed with Balsamo to peddle this crap?
- Ronald Wieck Geez, now he's trotting out Balsamo's ACARs hoax. Messages SENT to a crashed plane do not mean they were RECEIVED.
Duh! - Dan Plesse Well a news reporter was selecting plane icons on the screen on 9/11 and one of the icons was "Flight 175" and it was still flying.
Do you have an explanation for that?
We also have the documents that the "black box signals" were located.
Ronald Wieck someone is very confused as to who sending the messages in the first place.
"ACARS message travels from the aircraft"
- Dan Plesse The key word here is "decreases".
1. The length of the cell phone calls were a reported and from the radar data we can gather the altitude correct?
With those two known parameters, how likely is the situation?
Please define the altitude and length of cell calls ..
Question was the cell towers
1. 066 NWCM
2. 053 LGDA
Correct or incorrect?a few seconds ago · Edited · Like
Summary: New Drone Witness FOUND by Jeffrey Harr
- Darshan S likes this.
- Dan Plesse and Ron Morales he did point out the witness to me i.e http://investigatesandyhook.blogspot.com/2014/01/911-cbs-drone-witness-cbs.html
and now the world knows about it (338 views now) All of Jeffrey Harr actions have recorded and reported as part of of the historical record of 9/11 He actually goes beyond most if not all "911 Truther" videos i.e Loose Change which I believe edited out these issues. Most 9/11 Truther would also condemn Jeffrey Harr for his actions for not remaining inside the "rumor only mode". Where actual evidence is shunned. Shame on Jeffrey!
1 comment:
Without entering into details, in simplified terms, it should be noted that the ACARS message travels from the aircraft
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