‘The greatest triumphs of propaganda have been accomplished, not by doing something, but by refraining from doing. Great is truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth." - Aldous Huxley, Preface (circa 1946) to Brave New World, 1931, Harper, pg. 11
The gatekeepers are as much - if not more - dangerous than the perpetrators of crimes, injustice and enforced poverty. They are very efficient in delaying or even nullifying the apprehension of the guilty party.
"An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys....... For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men..." - Cicero ( B : 3 January 106 BC – D : 7 December 43 BC)
- US Rep. Jim McDermott on Tuesday 12/23 in Seattle: had a few questions as follows:
Q: Do I believe that some people put explosives into the buildings to bring them down?
My answer is YES.
Q: Why do they need to do that?
- US Rep. Jim McDermott on Tuesday 12/23 in Seattle: had a few questions as follows:
Q: Do I believe that some people put explosives into the buildings to bring them down?
My answer is YES.
Q: Why do they need to do that?
Daniel M. Plesse Q: Why do they (U.S Government) need to do 9/11? A war started by 9/11 had to be a "SPECTACULAR" event to convince the world i.e U.N and other Muslims, Russia, China to join the evil and the fraud. Also a simultaneous decapitation of all heads of snakes i.e critics everywhere at the same time without question freedom for evil. 9/11 was SPECTACULAR and globally unifying like a new Pearl Harbor to shift everyone into the new world order. Oil, military budgets, private contracts and increased numbers of personnel, the defense of IsHell are all par for the course. Also C.I.A got unlimited rights to whatever they wanted whenever they wanted to it.
Brother Nathanael Names Joe Lieberman, Mossad 9/11 architects
Alex Jones Connected To Zionist Jews? Is Joe Lieberman the architect of 9/11 and man behind the curtain? Did. Coleen Rowley know about the phoenix memo? Was Operation Phoenix Core Column 866-791-7190 passcode 7508470 about a video game as Jeff Prager said or a C.I.A 1970's leader control program or operation phoenix in Vietnam
Post by Daniel M. Plesse.

How much influence do you think that Amy Goodman and Democracy Now have? Even if all of your theories are true, even if Democracy Now had published all your theories, do you really think "Amy Goodman could have saved millions of lives"? Grenada, Panama, Iraq, Haiti, Afghanistan - the U.S military–industrial complex complex goes where it wants to with or without the blessings of Amy Goodman.
The thing that really sticks in my craw about all your BS is that either you support all the neo-imperialist crap that is happening in the world today, in which case you're just a dickhead, or you don't, in which case you should be on the same side as Amy Goodman. So which is it?
The thing that really sticks in my craw about all your BS is that either you support all the neo-imperialist crap that is happening in the world today, in which case you're just a dickhead, or you don't, in which case you should be on the same side as Amy Goodman. So which is it?

Democracy Now's camera crew was at Ground Zero and should have recorded and reported the people who told them on the phone "come on down to the building 7" (leading to the chain of insiders back to the larger players of 9/11 which is some sick nexus of business, intelligence and global elites which has total control over everything including your mind) Democracy Now then should have and most likely did record the flash and explosion at WTC 7.. "Amy Goodman could have saved millions of lives"? with regard to the wars AFTER 9/11.. But no she and Coleen Rowley choose a path to maximize death for millions of people and continual wars which still goes on and have no end by doing the very things they did and continue to do for the elites whoever they are i.e Joe Lieberman was named by brother Nathanael as one of the architects of 9/11 which makes sense because Joe Lieberman was running for vice president with Al Gore in 2000. Coleen Rowley narrative was to focus the issue away from the flight schools across the country and refocus on boring legal issues of searching XYZ. That mission was accomplished and no one ever bothered to place those issue to uncover the larger picture of the required by 9/11 insiders the coveted story of 9/11's and its now often repeated back story of cluelessness . If the thought leaders just looked past the mindless narrative of pre-9/11 smoke screens for one second maybe the hoax of 9/11 would known for what it is. A giant hoax with a back story undisturbed by millions of people who benefited from increased budgets, convenient hero status and renewed self importance (we'll save you next time) and the sicking newsreels that should not existed in the first place if only these people just turn a single wheel before 9/11. So close but so far away.
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- I don't know Marc personally, we've never met and rarely spoken in comment boxes, so no, that part is not true. No one pushed me anywhere and Marc has the data in reverse. An underground demolition, as Khalezov speculates, would have been impossible. Marc has not factored in the the micro-nuke devices were extremely small. Extremely small. Dr. Christopher Busby, who I admire, has speculated that these devices are the size of an apple or grapefruit and weigh 20-40 kilos. Khalezov's speculation of device size is extraordinarily high. It would have created a crater the size of the craters you can see in pictures of underground nuclear tests. Huge. This did not happen. Additionally, based on my good and dear friend Dr. Ed Wards impeccable research, between the two of us, we've proven well beyond any doubt that the devices were neutron bombs. We can prove this, and have. Unlike Marc, I suspect Dr. Ward will have nothing but good things to say about me. Marc is simply a Facebook connection, like any other that I've never met and that I don't know personally.
- Jeff Prager
the noise, the vibration, the clouds, the remains, the size of the remaining beams, or length, the elements in the dust most specifically, all spell out what happened and what happened, based on a wealth of evidence, good, solid, reliable evidence, and evidence that would be allowed in a court, proves much more than we're being told happened on 911. Much, much more. Now, based on financial data, banking information, court cases and a wealth of additional data, all good data also, the case can be made for a myriad of financial players to have been intimately involved—from the fed and the Bank of New York to almost every other major banking institution. I'm not sure what more is needed. In fact, if one follows many of the "Israel Did It" leads, an incorrect final hypothesis in my opinion since NATO, Canada and intimate US players were also involved, still, those leads generally implicate close American players, security company's, etc. So there's no shortage of very good evidence and very good speculation for that evidence for a court case. I believe almost every aspect of the event has been established. - so Judy Wood appeals to those who haven't closely studied the event, for weeks, or months and even years, which is everyone.Did Susan McElwain Shanksville see this object?No no knows that. No one asked her to draw it either. It seems like someone sets up the possibilities and ask only a few questions and that's 9/11, just a big ball filled with unknowns ..remember the "rooftop rescue by helicopters" what happened to there video of the second plane?What happened to their video of the second plane?
Why didn't anyone bother to ask or demand NYPD Aviation for the original footage???
http://911truthout.blogspot.com/2014/08/911-nypd-police-helicopter-and-flight.html911truthout.blogspot.comChat Conversation End
16 hours agoLINKED COMMENTCan't understand this upload.
Did the buildings wtc1&2 come apart in huge chunks which made their way towards the ground trailing dust?
Is there a seismic recording of those huge chunks hitting the ground or not?Reply·
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No but the huge chucks i.e the world trade center perimeter wall was quickly removed by 18th
ground shaking sound was recorded here
perimeter wall gone by 18th
core still standing and perimeter wall gone
http://s1222.photobucket.com/user/danp5648/media/insidejobniggas.jpg.html?o=75Show lessReply·
+mikerevs34 The huge perimeter column where blown and photographed in complete sections 20-35 floors long side ways OVER WTC 3. That force to explode 10,000 tons of perimeter columns OVER WTC 3 are the shear waves. When the 20-35 floors of perimeter columns hit gradually both sideways and down. Did you see the photographs I provided and listen to earthquake?
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