9-11: May we always remember: [2]
Schwab, Donnaplane hanging out of the building. Palladium - Item; Richmond, Ind. [Richmond, Ind] 13 Sep 2002: A.8.
Here is my Witness List
Test results of eye witnesses are very accurate
Many first plane witnesses and counting who describe first plane was NOT flight 11. Two Pilots Witnesses.. All Say the same thing -- Not flight 11..No Video taped witnesses exist on 9/11 to support a 767 as the first plane.. That means, No Crisis actors either..
First Plane AFTER Witness #1
Carol Paukner NYPD
Version #2
Carol, NYC transit police officer
They edited out her "the plane was hanging out of building comment"..
Carol Paukner NYPD Text
came up out of the subway and saw the street covered with debris. A
woman pointed up and that was when they saw the back end of a plane
sticking out of the North Tower with the nose buried in the building."
http://www.womenyoushouldknow.net/were-not-leaving-nypd-police-officer-carol-paukner-september-11-2001/9/11 Paukner
Bounced off Witnesses
Witnesses to Flight 11 Bouncing Off Tower falling down Plane on the other side
Small Jet Bounced off
Witness #1
9/11 Witness Steve Silva Twin Engines Tail Section Not Flight 11
Witness #2
Home Video First Plane Small Jet Learjet Not Flight 11
Witness #3
Eric Shawn First Plane looked VERY WHITE Not Flight 11
Witness #4
Red and White Not Flight 11
Witness #5
David Blackford Not Flight 11
Witness #6
9/11 Robert Knight First Plane small commercial
Witness #7
9-11 Witness First Plane ATR and Second Plane 737
Witness #8
9/11 First Plane witness Smaller air bus
Witness #9
9/11 First Plane Witness Richard Thompson Small Business Jet Not Flight 11
Witness #10
We have the Lawyer who said three different planes crashed..
Doug Eisler First Plane Said 737, 757 or Airbus Engines 737 (on tail )
Second explosion was heat which means he also a no planer..
However he rules out Flight 11 with 737 engine configurations which all witness above have talked about..
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