Luciano Guerriero NYPD has a secret 9/11 thermite report..
Luciano Guerriero NYPD
I’m a rational person who worked in NYC law enforcement who happened to be outside the South Tower when it fell. What I witnessed, and more importantly what I have discovered as a result of my rigorous investigation since then, informs my views on the matter.
The following testimony is from Luciano Guerriero one of the few surviving 9-11 first responders who provided these comments today 9-11-16 on CIA whistelblower John Kiriakou's Facebook feed:
I'm a 9/11 first responder, John. And let me start by saying that I'm not here to argue with anybody, just to speak what I know. Each of us must do our homework like I have and draw your own conclusions.
I worked in NYC law enforcement for the better part of 2 decades. Part of my work involved training officers and supervisors. A large part of my activities involved working in a NYC municipal law enforcement oriented think tank and providing detailed analysis, program evaluation, etc, to the mayor and the various related commissioners. I was on the street when Flight 175 came over my head and to the left. The unnatural scream of the engines that close to the ground made me look up, and I got a clear view of it, left wing down, right wing up, just before it struck the South Tower. I didn't see the impact because a building right in front of me obscured my view, but I did see the fireball, and I of course heard it.
As per procedure, I rushed to headquarters where I worked, directly into a meeting with the commissioner, who then proceeded to either deploy the personnel present to emergency response duties, or as was the case with me to release some of us to make our way out of the area. There was no question in my mind, and not just because I had two cousins working in the towers, that I would join the first response and make myself useful. This was a choice made by virtually everybody there. So I ended up back outside the South Tower.
I won't belabor you with the details of the things I did. They're nothing much different than what most others did. But I will say that I didn't take more than a few glimpses up because I was busy at ground level, and so I'll always be grateful that I wasn't aware of the jumpers until later that day. So at least the visual memory of that doesn't haunt me today. I did realize afterward that I was an "earwitness" to the sounds of their bodies impacting the ground, and that's now part of my indelible memories.
Being an earwitness figures into my experience in another way that is more important than the jumpers, I think. Just like the sound of 175's engines commanded my attention, a series of POW-POW-POW-POW-POW... sounds FROM LOW IN THE SOUTH TOWER made my head swivel toward the building a split second before there was a rumble from above. The rumble took my eyes from the lobby and lower floors upward and I watched the tower fall.
I'm not ashamed to say that I didn't act during those seven seconds of collapse, like some of my colleagues and civilians who dove for cover. I was awestruck and simply stood in place, watching, sure that it would be my last moment. Why I wasn't struck by debris, hurt or killed outright, I'll never know. Some who dove for cover did perish.
There was nothing to breathe but that hot toxic white cloud for too long. I'll spare you the gruesome things I saw in the debris around me, ground down to pieces during the fall. And I'll spare you the details of the maladies that have forced me into early retirement, although I will say that I'm one of the lucky ones not only because I'm still alive but because I'm a lucky survivor who isn't battling cancer --knock wood.
But I must speak to another 9/11-related experience that reflects upon your post here. Because I'm a surviving first responder, especially one whose health has been permanently compromised, I've felt a deep interest in understanding what happened at the WTC and why. I've done tens of thousands of hours of research into all of the events of that day, not only in NYC. Because of my work overall in the field, and because of my work as a training instructor, I developed close and trusting relationships with a number of well-placed and responsible people in that community.
Some years after 9/11, I was approached by someone I knew to be credible and authoritative within that community. This person knew me, knew my experiences on that day, knew that I had attended many funerals (after which a number of empty caskets were buried), and knew that I'd been sick. What he described opened my eyes to certain things.
In the immediate aftermath of the collapses, the NYPD homicide investigators, crime scene investigators and forensic scientists put all other investigations aside and began to gather evidence at the WTC. Their work was hindered by rescue and firefighting efforts that were under way, but they were able to gather and begin to process quite a lot of evidence that was readily available. These were/are world class people in their field, incredible professionals, and as you might imagine they were so motivated to work tirelessly and well on that case. They accomplished an awful lot in a very short time.
This contact told me that word came down the chain of command from Giuliani in City Hall, after he'd heard from Washington DC, to halt all further investigation. The team was to write up preliminary reports based upon what had been done so far, then send all evidence and the reports to a certain office where it all would be transferred to "others". There should be no more efforts made by the NYPD to investigate.
After a few of these conversations, my contact told me that copies of those reports had been made and kept hidden. The contact asked me if I'd be interested in reading one of the copies, and of course I was interested. Some days later, as instructed, I showed up at a certain building where I met two of the people that I knew. After being searched thoroughly to make sure that I was not in possession of any recording or communication devices (which they'd told me not to bring along) they brought me to a basement room. One of them produced a small stack of folders from a valise and they sat fairly silently while I read the files over the next three hours.
I read about a lot of eye-popping things, but the detail most relevant to this post is the finding that both nanothermite residue and un-combusted nanothermite was found in abundance in every part of the debris pile/field. As you know, the only reason why those things would be present is because they came from demolition charges, which confirmed for me why I and so many others heard all those explosions from low in the South Tower that day immediately preceding the collapse.
Needless to say to you, John, the fact that those copies exist means that those who possess them or know of their whereabouts are at some grave risk. That's why they took precautions about me carrying recording devices and opted not to hand me copies of the copies -- for my own protection as well as theirs. I can't prove what I just said, and I wouldn't try. What I can say is what I learned means that the NIST report and the Special Report are false. The government's explanation for what happened at the WTC is a lie, which the posting above is perpetuating. And a lie about the murder of 3,000 souls is a massive injustice that cries out for correction. We owe it to ourselves, we owe it to the deceased and the living victims, we owe it to the American people, we owe it to posterity, and we owe it to our collective ideals and our hopes for a better life in a better world, to open a new and fearless investigation. Let the chips fall where they may. The truth might well disillusion us, but I'd rather live without the illusion and make the best of a grim reality.
Never forget, Facebook tells me. Never forget. I'd love to forget. But I can't. I'll never forget 9/11. On the worst days, my every compromised breath reminds me that I was outside the South Tower when it came down, breathing the toxic hot white cloud. Or the pain of every step does it. Or the way my body goes a bit haywire sometimes.
Sometimes, waking up from a bad dream, I relive in the dead of night seeing body parts in the rubble. A foot in a sock. A left hand wearing a wedding band. Never forget, they say. You don't forget something like that. Other times I hear the scream of Flight 175's engines and remember seeing it pass overhead just before it crashed into the South Tower. I'd love to forget. I'll never forget.
I worked in headquarters. Our commissioner told us that we didn't have to respond, that we should walk north and out of the area. But I had two cousins working in the towers, I felt I should go there. I didn't know what I would do there, but I had to head that way, not escape. Maybe I'd spot one of them. Maybe they'd need me. That's a feeling you don't forget. (They both made it out fine, and I never did see them.)
I was an earwitness too. I remain forever thankful that I was unaware of the jumpers on that morning. 1 was too busy searching faces at ground level, looking for cousins, to look up and see the jumpers dropping. But in retrospect I realized that I heard the sounds of their impacts on the ground. I'll never forget what that sounded like, Facebook, rest assured. I want to forget that. But I can't.
And the POW POW POW POW POW POW sounds of demolition charges going off inside the South Tower just before it collapsed, some of the secondary explosions quite low in the building, not distant, not the sounds of the top falling but much more near to me. Those sounds are indelibly in my memory too. I won't forget those, Facebook. Those are the last of my 9/11 memories that I want to let go. Those sounds show the government report on what happened to be a whitewash and a lie. We have not been told the truth. I'll remember that. I won't forget that. Ever.
And I'll never forget that they wrapped it all up in the flag and lied to us some more in order to send kids off to wars without justification or a good enough purpose. I'll never forget that war is a rich man's racket and the rest of us pay the price. I'll never forget that. I don't wish to forget that.
But I'd love to forget the rest, and I know I never will. So I guess all I can do is call a truce with that day and those memories, and be thankful for getting away from it damaged but with my life, thankful for having the better days and the strength to endure the worse days. So don't worry, Facebook. I won't forget. Not for a single day. Not for more than maybe a few moments at a time. And I'll never forget that I'm one of the lucky ones.
B.A. from State University of New York (SUNY) (Graduated 1996)
Stupid is what stupid does and you get answers like this:
“Fuel doesn’t burn hot enough to melt steel. However, combine the thousands of gallons of fuel and all the combustibles burning and you have enough heat to weaken the steel. Once it is weakened, that is when things start collapsing. “
This is the man on the street way of thinking. Notice every detail is removed and contradicts both the NIST report and the FEMA report and Larry Silverstein’s theory that explosives did the job
From Larry Silverstein Dear morons;
“we went through an enormous amount of effort to find out what happened
on 9/11 to cause the twin towers to collapse and at the same time decide
how to build a building safer and stronger and impenetrable . We scoured
the world for the best engineers. Where do you think we ended up? It is a
country that apparently has lots of problems in making its buildings
explosion proof it's called Israel.”
and tons of witness saying otherwise. 9/11 Museum said:
“Consequently, the museum conducted additional research, analyzing the heat levels that had created the fused material. Scientists determined that, at heat levels in excess of two thousand degrees Fahrenheit” and this was close to bedrock..
Evidence of molten steel is ignored and scientific reports about the 9/11 artifacts fused iron floating in the air in October also points too much heat and too much Tritium and too much cancer exists, too fast to be normal office fire, “whoops we forgot to add more columns”. BS
NIST said ALL the jet fuel, all burned up in seconds during impact, morons still believe jet fuel went down both towers shafts and just so happened to blow up the nerve centers of each tower, thousands of feet away from the impact zone in the lobby and basement areas and yet the towers didn’t “weaken” in the basement area which is a bit of a contradiction don’t you think? That is why all the details are removed. Con artists always leave out the details.
Does this prove explosives were used as
Larry Silverstein has said?
It is a human body part a good distance from the towers without a dust layer. You have know what happen on 9/11 first and then build up from that information. People said it was raining torsos on 9/11. So the two bloody areas is where the legs go.
Clearly the photos human body parts in Battery Park [3,000 feet away!] and the body part maps that were made after 9/11 clearly SHOW that the explosive force was so great and was so large it would be overkill at any location in the world and any building in the world would be vaporized like the 1,100 people that are still missing are today.
Its a strong possibility.. It could be what Larry Silverstein was looking at when he agreed with 9/11 Truth.
Context September 11th Battery Park Body Parts
9/11 isolated body part is indictive of explosives
9/11 isolated body part is indictive of explosives
Looks like more body parts could be found. A bag is seen wrapped around hand.
Lots of plane parts headed off to museums and museums don't seem to be covered much by the truth movement. It turns out the museum's signage I believe got it wrong and that is not the first time I found an issue with museum signage with Flight 175 and flight 11.. The debris from those flights were swapped back and forth weekly it seemed for a while. I cover that on my blog.
The hard questions still exist for the damage pattern on the tail section looks interesting enough for the FBI to explosive residue tests.
Where did this white stripe exist on a UAL. I think the tail section was the answer
A war game was planned before the attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center," Arias said.
“We were preparing for aviation terrorism already,” he said. “We just finished a simulation of a terrorist hijacking of a passenger airliner. Now we’re doing small aircraft.”
What was suppose to happen?
"Bush would spend a few minutes reading to schoolchildren and urging Congress to pass his education reform package." My guess is this was all to be done from the same reading room. a "scrub trip" however maybe not.Then, he and his entourage of aides, Secret Service agents, and reporters would make the 90-minute flight back to Andrews Air Force Base outside Washington.
1. Never give away your location during terrorism activities unless you are in control and have foreknowledge.
George Bush went back to the White House and gave away his location to the world at 8:00 p.m. George Bush also gave away his other locations. A total three times on 9/11. If he wasn’t in control of 9/11, why would do that?
2. Ask questions and look interested, unless you already know all the answers and have a better understanding of the terror events!
Comments 1. I would expect a president should have called the F.A.A headquarters.
I would expect a president who was informed of an attack on the the USA to get up and go out and find out what was going on. I would expect him to ask if the White House was being evacuated. I would expect him to ask if there was an air defense above D.C. Call the FAA!!!
Pres George Bush "What the hell is going on!!" FAA "Well sir we have XYZ happening and the military is refusing to respond because of chain of command issues, then after that they don't know what to do and placed fake radar returns on the screens and that is not all sir!" George "great we have a coup d'é·tat".
3. Never pre-announce a major event before it happens unless you already know what is going to happen, so you don't look like you can see into future or seem like you planned the attack yourself and can't wait to go to work and i.e don't jump the gun.
Mon 11:13 AM
Jerome sent January 25 at 11:13 AM
what is the george bush communication that indicates foreknowledge of 911?
I didn't know the answer.
10:12 PM
You sent Today at 10:12 PM
President George was asked about the first plane by a nearby reporter. He asked him "Do you know about what is happening in New York" George said "he will talk about that later" which he did but that was already after the second plane hit which signaled terrorism and also during the third plane count down to hit the pentagon. This was still early when the reporter asked him the question and during this time the plane could still be considered an accident and not requiring an update by the president. So George jumped the gun a little bit by saying he was going to talk about it later. Its a small hint that he knew more at that point then anyone else.
Part I
At no time during 9/11 did George reveal any information about the other missing planes flight 77 and flight 93, but he did reveal that a new press announcement that was to begin at some point and it was based on the events in New York, even before the second plane hits the South Tower.
So that means they had foreknowledge of 9/11 events. The only problem I have with this is it has been part of the literature from the very beginning. Even Micheal Moore got into this idea with Fahrenheit 9/11 and Loose Change and all the rest. The word hackneyed comes to mind.. By 8:00 pm George made his way back to the White House for his third speech and but time he was selling a the war footing tone filled with lies to make the New Pearl Harbor into the “catastrophic and catalyzing event” PNAC war pushers and Israel required to unlock the full potential of evil. The problems and thus solutions were 1. Scare some money out of congress and increase the war budget. 3. Allow the CIA greater freedoms to conduct human rights abuses and allow the creation of Black Sites CIA Extraordinary Rendition - Google My Maps.. 4. Blame the Palestinians and Muslims in order dehumanize and justify more crimes against them inside those Black Sites and drone strike them relentlessly and forever . 5. Build war palaces, military bases all over the middle east to do more of the above. 6. deduce resistance from others for all of this above. 7. Create the “it was for oil issue” as cover for all of the above CIA, military, budget and human rights abuses and crimes.
9/11 unlocked all of this evil in a few short years without any resistance from anyone. They would gotten away clean too if it wasn't for a few individuals pointing out a few things but somehow even now the public is still not onboard because they more or less are in agreement with bombing of women and children and the general warmongering .
The public somehow can't make the connection back to its source.
The Gulf of Tonkin Attack is the same playbook as 9/11 and so was the USS Liberty Attack.. It just keeps happening. It works so well even a caveman can do it . I think they retired that playbook now, The same 10% of population that resisted the British in 1776 has won again if that playbook is been put out to pasture. But you never know.
“Bush hinted it was about terror attacks at 8:53” By that time, all four aircraft are up in the air and likely missing, off there flight path or something has gone wrong i.e controllers' text message not taken seriously "lock doors" .
Each step on 9/11 was synchronized in stages according to a successful hijacking,
For example, another plane would launch after 8:13 takeover of flight 11, or flight 175 would launch at 8:14 and so on..
Part II
Was Bush connected to the FAA or was he in the dark?
Oh, Dan, Dan, Dan. How amazingly ignorant you are.
The President is surrounded by people whose job there is to gather the information and give it to the president. He doesn’t need to ask. He will get the information when it arrives.
Why are you claiming the “the people around the president” are trustworthy when clearly they were not.
Wiki Quote 9:29 “No one in the President's traveling party has any information during this time that other aircraft were hijacked or missing. [45]
However two people who were with the president were linked to the phone bridges JOC, PEOC and monitoring the Secret Service and staff radio channels which also means they are connected with the FAA.
Col. Mark Tillman
: Everything started coming alive. We were hooked into the PEOC [the White House bunker] and the JOC [Joint Operations Center], for the Secret Service. They’re all in the link now."
Master Sgt. Dana Lark
"We’re just monitoring the Secret Service and staff radio channels. It was chaos. What’s next? All of a sudden, other reports start coming in—explosion at the White House, car bomb at the State Department. We’re under attack."
The JOC and the PEOC where linked to the FAA on 9/11.
His omissions of the size and scale of 9/11 was in effect meant to maximize the damage caused to the United States and to harvest the effects believed to exist by PNAC's New Pearl Harbor's founders. The Pentagon attack was 8 minutes after The New York was Attacked speech at 9:29.
“Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor. “
Sonya Ross, reporter, Associated Press: This was a garden variety trip. It was low-ranking staff and a lot of the top journalists didn’t come. It was a scrub trip. Do "scrub trips" normally have the presidential podium set up with a room staged and filled with people?
At 9:29 eight minutes before Flight 77 impact, the president held his tongue about the on going crisis in D.C. in all his speeches.
The point was they brought all the equipment to make an major announcement, while Bush hinted it was about terror attacks before the terror attacks at 8:53 by mistake.
8:55: President George W. Bush arrives at Emma E. Booker Elementary School in Sarasota, Florida 9:03: President Bush enters a classroom as part of his school visit. 9:05: Chief of StaffAndrew Card interrupts to whisper to the president, "A second plane has hit the second tower. America is under attack." 9:14: President Bush returns to an adjacent classroom commandeered by the U.S. Secret Service. 9:37:* President Bush makes his first public statements about the attacks, in front of an audience of about 200 teachers and students at the elementary school. He states that he will be going back to Washington. "Today, we've had a national tragedy," he starts. "Two airplanes… have crashed… into the World Trade Center… in an apparent terrorist attack on our country," and leads a moment of silence. No one in the President's traveling party has any information during this time that other aircraft were hijacked or missing.[45]
CHERYL RYEFIELD 2002 testimony said she was listening to Bush terror attack speech on the radio while flight 77 hit the Pentagon.
President Bush makes his first public statements about the attacks at the same time flight 77 hit the Pentagon
1:04: 9/11 Remarks at Barksdale Air Force Base: no information revealed again. Nothing about hijackings yet. Basically you are left with your imagination and details don't matter because you are not to switch on your analytical part of your brain. Not until its too late away.
15 minutes of foot dragging 9:14 - 9:29.
The quote in question:
"He [the President] got out of his hotel suite this morning, was about to leave, reporters saw the White House chief of staff, Andy Card, whisper into his ear. The reporter said to the president, 'Do you know what's going on in New York?' He said he did, and he said he will have something about it [i.e. a statement] later."
After all he got the presidential podium with him, maybe that was reason to ask what was happening in New York.
Normally presidents never talk about current events, but George pre-announces a conference before 8:53. However later, with the presidential podium in tow he announces only two events and forgets or omits the word hijacking to this speech. Was "have something about it" linked to the large terrorism events of 9/11. Did Bush already link the first plane, flight 11 with the total 9/11 attack i.e foreknowledge! via his omissions. All four flights were impacting or missing at this point for two hours. Who was his speech writer.
Full Quote
in an ABC News ‘Special Report’ John Cochran reported; “Peter, as you know, the president’s down in Florida talking about education. He got out of his hotel this morning , was about to leave, reporters saw the White House chief of staff, Andy Card, whisper into his ear. The reporter said to the president, ‘Do you know what’s going on in New York?’ He said he did, and he said he will have something about it later. His first event is about half an hour at an elementary school in Sarasota, Florida.”
Back Back Story:
The phone bridges with the FAA were set up pretty fast and with the secret service, therefore it could be reasonable he was told that Flight 11 was a hijack at that moment BEFORE Andy Card whispered into his ear the first time and therefore reasonable that he would be announcing a press release afterward but he never said a word hijacked airliners.
Why would so many members of the press be interested in reading comprehension in a poor black school in Florida? Is that news? That alone seems fishy. Holding a sign "Not yet" more fishy! A cattle call to follow the president to a classroom. Fishy! The presidential podium Fishy!
The catch-22 is if everyone did their job the president would have known about the hijacking at around 8:20. Also if flight 11 turned right for a second and continued along its normal flight path, the impact would be too soon and all the 9/11 flights would have been grounded and thus spoiling the events of 9/11. The president definitely couldn't do his Emma E. Booker Elementary School scam. The whole ball of rubber would be a mess.
Other spoiling events would have been texting to all flights about the hijacks by the controllers. Lucky controllers dropped word hijack or HJK in the nick of time as to not alarm the pilots. However one controller said something like "bar the cockpit door" Flight 93 which they responded with a lame reply: Okay!. The reply should have been, Why? What would controllers have done then. Spilled the beans? No chance of that.
The flight paths for the 9/11 flight was never an issue of the 9/11 Commission Report and most people don't know about flight paths and that they are registered with the FAA. This tells me the 9/11 Commission Report used the public's ignorance of the general topics on every issue it could as to defend of the indefensible crime of 9/11. This stupid-is-as stupid-does-strategy of the commission worked like a charm and the John Q Public got the report its tiny brain could handle and they went back to the ballgame feeling just as ignorant as before and blissful as a new born baby.
Hi, Daniel --
cc to Jane Clark and Dave Meiswinkle
Yes, I've seen this extremely important videotaped testimony by Pentagon Army Public Affairs civilian employee Cheryl Reyfield You sent in the below and have cc'd Jane and Dave on this as They may not have yet. The two most important parts of her testimony -- 1) beginning at
c. 1:12 min. that a plane was destroyed in a fireball at the Pentagon while Bush was on the radio speaking at the press briefing at the Florida School, and 2) at c. 15:55 min. that the plane was marked with the Stars of the Air Force -- are both consistent with the findings of 'Behind The Smoke Curtain' which marshals the evidence that the plane approach, destruction and explosion stopped the outside Heliport clock at 9:32:30, much earlier than the official story alleged impact time of Flight 77 of 9:37:46 (April Gallop's watch was stopped in the outer E Ring at 9:30 from an even earlier inside explosion). She saw the plane approach and explosion while Bush was speaking at the Florida press briefing which began at c 9:30 and was suddenly cut short by the Secret Service which urgently removed him from the building precisely because they had just received word that the Pentagon had been attacked during the briefing. Because Cheryl assumed the official story is true, i.e. that Flight 77, a commercial airliner, was the Pentagon plane, after holding up the drawing She made of the plane She saw immediately afterwards She mused that maybe She'd seen 'two planes'. But from all the evidence in 'Smoke Curtain' We know that You don't need to hypothesize two planes as the relative timing proves that the plane She saw couldn't have been Flight 77. Also supporting that insead It was the plane whose destruction in a fireball near the Heliport stopped the Heliport clock at 9:32:30 is the fact that this was just a few seconds after a Marine Corps attack helicopter that had been buzzing near the West Wall and over to I 395 and back suddenly flew off from the Pentagon.
From her testimony the fact that emergency responders raced out of the building immediately after the fireball means that They almost certainly were already in place for the 'exercise' scheduled for there that morning on how personnel would respond to the threat of a plane on a flight path towards the building. High ranking Army General James Civarelli told two first responders I've interviewed that the Pentagon was holding a pre-scheduled 'exercise' on this scenario that morning. That Cheryl first saw the plane at/near the Navy Annex, also, is consistent with the testimony of two Sheraton Hotel maids I've interviewed who were in the ballroom on the top floor of the Hotel that morning when there was an extremely loud and growing screeching noise, the building shook and then the huge plate glass window they were looking out of facing the Pentagon's West side was filled by a plane as They watched It descend and explode in a fireball at/by the building, as both the Sheraton and Navy Annex were in the flight path. The FBI quickly arrived at the Sheraton, took the video the employees were watching that they had retrieved from one of the security cameras as well as all the others, and ordered the employees not to talk about what They saw. One of the maids who saw It from the Ballroom happened to be the one for my room when I stayed there for the Pentagon Conference on the 9/11 Anniversary a few years ago. She took Me to the Ballroom and showed Me exactly what She saw standing at the window where She and the other maid, her friend and co-worker, saw It. Finally, her perspective from I27, like so many others stuck on the highway and elsewhere, could not distinguish between a plane being destroyed by remote signal just before it would otherwise have hit the wall and actually hitting the wall. 'Smoke Curtain' marshals the evidence that the c. 9:32:30 approaching plane, which She saw, was actually the plane for the 'exercise' that was destroyed by a remote control signal just before it would otherwise have hit the wall and that the destruction in the wall and internally was by other means ...
Hi Dan,
My guess is that he got his instructions on a need to know basis - he is too dumb to be trusted with much more.
So he may have known only just before what was happening.
Thanks Ray I am still working on it. It turns out he did have a script to read from.
They most likely told him he was going to make an announcement and he slowly found out what that announcement was .
They brought in everything they needed.
Hi Dan,
Yeh, just happened to have the podium there to hand.
Does he appear to be reading from or referencing the script?
Hi Ray,
It looks like they wrote one thing on one page and he flipped through as to look like he had volumes of information. "I have spoken to the Vice President, to the Governor of New York, to the Director of the FBI, and have ordered that the full resources of the federal government go to help the victims and their families, and -- and to conduct a full-scale investigation to hunt down and to find those folks who committed this act."
At no time during 9/11 did George reveal any important information even when asked directly. He only revealed that a press announcement was to begin later in the day.
This behavior was in effect meant to maximize damage to the United States and to harvest the effects of the New Pearl Harbor.
Hi Ray,
That sounds about right.
What I found out was he didn't say any details at all. He never said the word hijack or hijacked for example.
His first announcement sounded like the attacks were over and clearly they were not.
The Pentagon was impacted 9:37. and his speech was around 9:29 .. That's 8 minutes before impact.
He could have given warnings about Flight 77. The whole area should have been evacuated by then. but no..