The still photo above and video below is about "How the Jewish World Congress or whoever picked" the current Jewish homeland which happens to be in the heart of Jerusalem. My idea is to undo part of this process 1904 and select a better location. The two state solution is crazy train to no place and will means nothing with regard to addressing Israel main concern which safely i.e random attacks from within through false flags retaliation and outside which causes Israel to attack and claim victimization.. If fairness is a concern then the whole area should be left uninhabited. The uninhabited zone. Everyone should think about a new location. People build and move all the time - why can't that be done now for the greater good?
They moved in by choice, they can just as easily find a new location which should be deserted this time.
Exploring the Possibility of Israel being in British East Africa
5 hours ago

The hypocrisy is staggering and appalling. Israel must be held to account for it's war crimes against the people of Palestine. They dishonor the memory of their own dead. Have they learned nothing from the Nazis but how to act like them? This must stop NOW!
27 minutes ago
Down with Bibi
I was mixing in some 1984

there needs to be a two state solution, it has to stop being at the expense of everyone else who lives there.
My solution is they Jews should be moved to safe location unknown to public.
How the Jewish World Congress picked their homeland and current location
How the Jewish World Congress picked their homeland and current location

I don't think it needs to be like that, we just have to deal with their version of organized crime, that's all.

we can't assume all Jews or all of Israel is guilty. That's like saying all Americans are responsible for the Bush war crimes.
let me re phrase
My solution is they Jews living in Palestine or living in the current area around and in Jerusalem should be moved to a new safe location unknown to the public and forget about the two state solution.
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