- JP Shore The problem is that the F.B.I. did not examine the individual numbered components of the engine and landing gear in order to prove to the public that the parts came from the aircraft that are said to have hit the towers, namely American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175.

- JoJoe Haleyscomet where did you get the photo on the left? I don't think a random photo of an aircraft is any sort of conclusive proof. It's clear that the aircraft are different, the one on the right is a 757 or 767. Maxwell, the one on the right is the one which hit the south tower. The one on the left is a photo of an unknown aircraft with "public NYPD photo Lifetime views:553,112" which anyone could have printed on any picture.
- Dan Plesse JoJoe Haleyscomet JPEG Snoop and other programs disagree with your lazy flippant remarks.
Lets use all online tools already online.
1. http://fotoforensics.com/ asks for a URL. Correct and we have a URL for the above photo.
2. https://drive.google.com/.../0B0pxVbXyB9OLMkFaWE4.../edit...
3. download
- JoJoe Haleyscomet first off, your blurry photo doesn't prove anything, there's no chain of custody. Secondly, I do have a problem with you calling me lazy, third, "your lazy because you try and do anything" makes no sense whatsoever.
- Dan Plesse yes lazy people don't try to do any activity whatsoever and you have no idea what "Error Level Analysis" is or what it looks like and you are not trying one bit to figure out anything. The wheel aren't turning much upstairs are they?
Owns? Who "owns" ? who cares. Get off your ass and start figuring stuff out for once. Google something.
This is an Error Level Analysis (ELA)
Considering how easy and convenient Photoshop has become, even for the average c...See More
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