Summary of photo above : Clint Hill was pulled away at love field and another secret service Henry Rybka protests at love field, then they both ride with other secret service members until after ALL Shots are fired. Clint Hill returns to a STOPPED / PARKED limo seconds after assassination completion then the limo leaves for the hospital.
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Debunks numerous fraudulent notions that persist about the day in question, including that JFK ordered agents off the rear of his limousine! |
My newest photos of the week.
The first photo and highest definition top left the guy is holding on to limo and maybe sits on a seat but when the shooting starts the guy is long gone. Another interesting point is he returns only after the shooting stops and not during the shooting. timing is everything
Marin Kovcic There's no way on this earth that Clint Hill got on the back of GG-300 if it was moving at speed of 11 miles per hour, try it with a pick up truck with side broads & then try to run to get to a car that's at least 20ft away from you, impossible unless the GG-300 stopped for 2 seconds, which what i seen in the Original NIX/Z/ Muchmoore films & you can clearly see the Queen Mary Stop suddenly & a gap start's to appear & Clint Hill get's on the back of GG-300. It's only if the GG-300 had stopped like all the witness said it did, like remember that Officer Channy took off to tell the lead car re: chief of Police curry's statement as well verify's officer channys movement's & also the other bikes were suddenly had to stop, due to them being told that under no circumstance to pass the back of jfk's car. So when it suddenly stopped in the left lane of elm st or first lane that's when the 2 or 3 head shot's happened & why most of those frames were removed from the original Z film, which i believe was filmed in slow motion re: 24/48 frames per second by accidental depressing of the button on the side of the camera. also more importantly why you never see the bottom 1/2 of the car while the shot's are happening after the Stemmons sign & the chrome strip that runs alongside the top of the door frame is not shining at all during the shooting. I cant wait till they put the 6K or even 4K scans of the 35mm Negative print frames of the so called Zapruder Original #0186 that NARA had since 1975? Watch all the LN OSWALD did alone & the film was not altered at all, re: Robert Groden who has made a lot of $4 since jfk's death & also all the copies of film & photo's he's TOOK from the House Select Committee work he was asked to do, i like the ARRB disposition of robert groden & his answer's, I cant afford a lawyer even if i wanted too, what a load of crap cheers
- Ray Ubinger Yes Agent Hill rode the bumper for part of the parade route when the crowds were especially big.
Lee Harvey Oswald Bullet Proof Alibi Denied
- Rod Champers GHW Bush is strongly implicated in this crime and JF Kennedy Jr was supposedly going to use his magazine "George" to bring this information to light. Before he could, he was, of course, killed in a plane crash under mysterious circumstances. But, implicated in the possible murder of JFK Jr., were the Clintons and GW Bush.
- Rod Champers I just read an article that says the fatal head shot was from one of the secret service agent riding in the car directly behind the President's vehicle. "Mortal Error: The Shot That Killed JFK," He reached for his M16 when he heard the shots and as he brought it up the car suddenly accelerated and the gun went off. Personally, I find little evidence so far to confirm this story as it doesn't answer the question as to why the SS was ordered off the car in the first place. I can't buy the notion that the president ordered them off the car especially in light of the video evidence.
- Dan Plesse Jeremy Haydon What you have to do is take smoke patterns and match them up with photographs and show that the plane was NOT there.
What they do is 1. remove the photographs and close up videos . The only good evidence of a drone was a poor 24 mb photograph which the 99% truthers joined the criminals in covering up.
Basically everyone is hijacked one way or another. That includes you.
Blue Logo Drone 9/11
- Dan Plesse Matthew Moore Some people have said the blue logo was a NATO Symbol but I see something else. Did you try to look closer or did you just dismiss this idea out of hand without any effort?
Nòbody Impòrtant
The blue circle on the cabin side was a NATO logo
- Matthew Moore The idea that a logo apart for an airline type would be on a plane involved in a 9/11 conspiracy is just stupid and designed to mislead or divert from the real and provable details of the 9/11 conspiracy.
- Dan Plesse Matthew Moore "The idea that a logo apart for an airline type" Can you rewrite this a little better. I have no idea what you trying to say.
"mislead or divert" who and from what? Please be more detailed in your responses.Like · Reply · Just now · Edited
- Matthew Moore I'll say it slowly for you.
The Aeroplanes would only have United or American airlines logos, because having a NATO or Israeli logo might give the game away don't you think?
I think most of what I see from you Dan is designed to make 9/11 truthers seem irrational by association, because so much of your stuff is just fucking nuts.... - Dan Plesse Matthew Moore Did you forget what the police said on King Street?
Did you forget the 9-11 Mossad 'Mural Van' ??
Why didn't the Mural and trucks give the game away?
911 - Eye Witnesses to Mossad Mural Van Blown Up at King & 6th
"give the game away don't you think?"
I don't think you are thinking. So no - I DON"T think so and giving the game away, its NOT a problem at all i.e "dancing Israels, fight schools talking about "not landing" WTF, pull it" etc shit fuck you.
"9/11 truthers seem irrational by association" That's just fear and paranoia talking created by the controllers in the first place.
If you are unwilling to explore the photos fellow Truthers have found please ask yourself just what side are you really on.
How does cold collar of group think feel? Anyway you didn't answer other my questions.
If you any other things to say after this, I would interested in hearing it.
Just ONE of the Mossad 'Urban Moving
- Matthew Moore It even says in the video that the van mural is an "artists rendition".
There is precious little proof that there actually was a van with that type of mural painted on it.
Probably more disinfo designed to discredit the truth movement.... - Dan Plesse Christ Conquers video's creator said "The real truck was blown up. It must be a graphic representation based on the audio.
WTF kind of stupid logic is that?
it is the real truck. did you listen to the audio. someone describes the truck with a plane.
Also people were talking about it on the street. Did you watch ALL the videos - or just too busy dismissing?
Has any artists come forward? The photo could have taken at any time BEFORE. Fucking retards.
I.e looks for signs of editing faking etc..
foto forensics, photo forensics, error level
+Christ Conquers
The photo could have taken at any time BEFORE 9/11 and has any artists come forward?. Unless you have the original photo or an artists who confessed or used I.e photo forensics which looks for signs of editing faking etc.. You can't just dismiss the photo based on that logic.
- Matthew Moore You spread as much disinfo speculation as you want to, Dan.
I'm more interested in what can be proven.Like · Reply · 8 mins
- Dan Plesse Since you are NOT willing to deal with the retarded comments by Christ Conquers which should be the disinfo and speculation and my not information, what things have you proven by yourself? Matthew Moore. ??? My guess is its a big fat zero So when you ever do find anything interesting, make sure I know about first so I can start drinking lots of water so I can piss all over it like you just did to me..
Same Photo on Google Drive. Maybe better
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