Meanwhile in related 9/11 News which 9/11 Truthers are most likely not sharing
A retired US Army general says America should hold public hearings to investigate 9/11 and the wars it triggered.Gen. Daniel P. Bolger
"one or more governments" were behind the 9/11 attacks. The governments in question appear to have been Saudi Arabia and Israel"
"one or more governments" were behind the 9/11 attacks. The governments in question appear to have been Saudi Arabia and Israel"
"Can You Double Check" was the last thing I heard from the 9/11 Truth Movement, that's when I knew, when I ended the chat session after "don't print my private messages" it was going to be character assassination, cyberbullying using copyright law and public threats on the radio and public white washing of the facts! I had that bazaar sinking feeling that this person does not understand context. Most interviews are PRIVATE BUT they are responding to the interviewers questions which has to be double checked by other people or even debated for truth. Getting perspective through sharing is now characterized as the worst sin in the world.
The radio program was non-stop howling for my blood!
and the trolling started: Most likely a hijacked account. I get ton of people who say they were hijacked.
14 hours ago

Back to when it all started
On Tuesday 9:32pm after the show ONE of many more shows I passed on a correction i.e.
On Tuesday 9:32pm after the show ONE of many more shows I passed on a correction i.e.
9/11 Symposium WAYNE MADSEN Phillip
Marshall Drone
Tuesday 9:32pm
12 hours ago
6 hours ago
4 hours ago
Her next Reply was "I contacted her about the blog you sent me and her conversation, she was not happy to hear you posted her private message to a blog. Perhaps she blocked you for that reason. She and I had a nice phone chat about the airline business"
Fucking bitch I asked her to help me check for bullshit and these were
4 hours ago
Her last replies was "I don't care about 9/11 just read my book"
Source #1
unedited source #2
Wake Up To The Truth Radio Cyberbullying
I listened to the radio programming tonight and they are talking about me. I tried to share my findings from and I was totally shut down. The caller was getting close and she knew it because it was the same video I send her (ABOVE) She changed the topic and threat was over. What threat? The threat of information.
Wake Up To The Truth Radio Caller Almost Asks about my video I sent her
How did explain the sudden topic change? EDITING!!!
The video is not edited and I think its kind of fuck up statement to make unless they edited their broadcast somehow.
"Dan I am asking you to remove your video that is in violation of my material as copyright. I did not give you permission to use any material from my show, nor did I give you permission for me to (appear in your video) (What the dude sounds fucked up) (appear how) and this violates not only my privacy but my copyright material. I own the rights to my radio program and never gave you permission to use any of our material. You not only lied by stating the show was shut down, but you publicly humiliated not only myself but my guest. The show on blogtalk automatically stops streaming live after two hours and with only 30 seconds left we had to do our closing and you will hear that I told the caller to call back to tonight's show to ask any questions he has. This is misleading material on my show half. So as requested I am asking you kindly to remove my live material as you did not receive permission from me. If you do not comply you will be reported and action will be taken. Thank you I also do not give you permission to violate my privacy, so if this personal message ends up on your blogspot, facebook, or any other online resource I will also take action. Mike Serour Wake Up To The Truth Radio"
Wake Up To The Truth Radio Caller Almost Asks about the DRONE Photo
+"Wake Up To The Truth Radio" My video example of "Wake Up To The Truth Radio show" is an critical analysis of the show and is perfectly reasonable fair use of copyrighted content, it seems clear that this is merely an attempt to bully and silence a critic.
Example of Copyright law as it applies to critics
As long as no personal information was revealed in private messages I can publish them.
and I quote "Wake Up Radio or Wake Up To The Truth Radio? I'm in charge of both this page and the Wake Up To The Truth Radio group and I don't censor nor delete anything unless it's ignorant attacks on people. If there's a Wake Up Radio that's not us." He said on his radio program that he did all of these things.
The next shoe to drop is will she still deliver the book?
Example of the Evil!
Example of the Good!
Kim Blake I
always try my best to read everything you post. But sometimes it will
say this article has been removed. F.B. monitors everything, and if they
feel threatened, they remove it. Thank you for your hard work brother,
ill continue to read, and as well I normally share your articles. Hang
in there, and again, Thank you.
Kim Blake Lol, let me tell you something, Good will always beat Evil. Always. Im proud of you, and very happy
4 hrs · Like · 1
Final Chapter for Mike Serour!
Final Chapter for Mike Serour!
Serour, one of the most honorable, kind hearted people I have ever met,
has removed himself from the FOT - I have left the group as well. What
an honor it was, to be associated with so many wonderful souls here, who
have shared a vast wealth of knowledge with me. I truly thank all of
you from the bottom of my heart, for the courage to come forward and
share with all the world, what the TRUTH of 9/11 really is - a lie! We
were both heavily involved with this movement as administrators, always
looking out for the best interests of this cause. Call in to Wake Up To
The Truth Radio, to find out why we left...
Final Chapter? Hahaha I'm just getting started Dan. Stay tuned as all of the lies you have told and the character you hide behind will be exposed very soon.
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