Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Twin Towers Building Collapse lucky Guess or Inside Job

Page 112 EMT Richard Zarrillo Oral History

"OEM says the buildings are going to collaspe"
"OEM Video Guy says "Get all your men out of the building"

Jules Naudet Did not detail the type of plane: color, a logo or seeing a Boeing or not Boeing but identified commercial details without having a reason or method of doing so, therefore so they edited out his comments because its foreknowledge: knowing too much BEFORE an investigation i.e black boxes, serial numbers debris collection or NTSB investigation which all points to a cover up of another plane... Smaller, white and according to a White House confession the planes had nano thermite an HTA arson fuel on board..   .

Here is the same problem again..

9/11 foreknowledge of the second Plane

Here Is the same problem again..

Fox announced WTC 7 collapse BEFORE IT FELL ON 9/11

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